``` _ _ _ _ Relacionamento MXFXF. Por favor, leia a nota. Adicione isso à coleção e me apoie. Todos os comentários serão apreciados Ela não era a herdeira, a mais velha, nem a mais nova. Ela apenas existia na família, mantendo a cabeça baixa e se deixando desvanecer até que pudesse partir. "Eu tentei me destacar, ficar em silêncio e até expressar meus pensamentos. Mas não importa o que eu faça, nunca sou reconhecida. Minha existência tem importância? Afinal, não é como se alguém nesta família gostasse de mim." Rika Goodwill era a vergonha de sua família. Nascida a filha 'beta' do meio de um casal de Alfas e ômegas de destaque, era natural que ela fosse negligenciada em comparação com seu perfeito irmão Alfa e sua doce irmã ômega. Sua situação fora da família não era melhor. As pessoas a evitavam por causa de sua família da máfia e julgavam sua natureza sem uma segunda reflexão. Seus únicos amigos eram o 'casal queridinho do século'. Mas Rika de alguma forma se tornara uma terceira roda entre as brigas e rompimentos frequentes deles. Ao longo de seus 17 anos de vida, Rika aceitou seu destino e seguiu em frente. Afinal, nenhuma quantidade de queixas mudaria sua situação de ser uma terceira roda. A faculdade deveria ser sua grande chance. Era para ser a época em que Rika tinha para si mesma, onde ela poderia se sentir ela mesma, então ela se candidatou para um lugar onde ninguém a conhecesse. Esta deveria ser a sua oportunidade de ouro! Rika deveria se libertar de sua vida cada vez pior. Mas nem sua família nem seus 'amigos' estavam prontos para deixá-la ir, e não demorou muito para que sua vida pacífica se tornasse amarga. ____________ Esta história terá um par romântico hétero, bem como Yuri e também é um omegaverse. Alfas femininas são Futas. Se não é o que você gosta, saia antes de entrar. Deixe muitos comentários para mim ```
"Margaret, kamu kakaknya, kamu harus mengalah pada adikmu." Sepanjang hidupnya, kata-kata itu terasa seperti kutukan bagi Margaret. Entah itu boneka beruang kesayangannya, gaun-gaun cantik, permen Halloween, atau cinta orangtua, jika Elizabeth meminta, ia harus tanpa syarat menyerahkan semuanya padanya. Sejak kecil, Elizabeth telah menjadi beban berat bagi Margaret layaknya gunung yang menyesakkan nafas. Untungnya dia masih memiliki pacar yang telah mencintainya selama enam tahun—Amster, Alpha dari kelompok lycan. "Kamu akan menjadi istriku dan luna masa depan dari kelompok," janjinya. Hingga hari ketika dia dan saudara kembarnya berumur 18 tahun, dan pasangan serta kekasih yang ditakdirkan bagi Amster ternyata adalah saudara kembarnya Elizabeth! Margaret menyaksikan bagaimana Amster, yang telah berkata mencintainya, dengan penuh gairah mencium Elizabeth, dan mengumumkan Elizabeth sebagai luna tanpa berpikir dua kali. Satu-satunya sandaran emosional yang dimiliki Margaret hancur; sekali lagi, apa yang menjadi miliknya telah direnggut oleh Elizabeth. Apa yang lebih buruk, Amster bahkan meminta Margaret untuk menghibur para tamu. Semuanya karena Elizabeth tidak tahu apa-apa kecuali cara merayu dan mendandani dirinya. Tidak mampu menolak permintaan mantan kekasihnya itu, Margaret setuju melakukan ini...
Hi, my name is Eden. Eden Grey. I was just an ordinary girl who lived in an everyday world until an incident made me become the unluckiest girl in the world. It started from that day when I met Alexander Lupo. A cruel, cold, and stiff man! He said that I was his mate. Mate?? He felt annoyed because his soul had bounded to me —who turned out to be just an ordinary human— even though he was the king of all beasts named…. Werewolves!! “Oh, dear Mr. Alexander Lupo, this is also not my wish; you were the one who came after me first!! Why are you blaming your unfortunate fate on me?” Eden snorted in annoyance. “Maybe the Moon Goddess was joking, so she gave me such a weak Luna!” Mocked Alexander while gripping Eden's chin. Unfortunately for Alexander, even though he hated his destiny with Eden, he couldn't deny that he wanted the girl's body and soul. Whenever they met, let alone refused, Alexander wanted to cuddle and make love to her more and more! “Satisfy me, Baby Girl!!” “Get off from me, you wet dog!!” **** Mature content English is not my first language Forgive for Error grammar the cover is mine; created by maple design Happy reading
Una carrera nocturna cambió la vida de Aila para siempre después de verse envuelta en una batalla entre lobos y cazadores. De repente es secuestrada por dichos cazadores y descubre secretos sobre su pasado y su futuro mientras se embarca en un viaje para descubrir quién o qué es realmente. Los problemas surgen uno tras otro cuando finalmente escapa del agarre de los cazadores, solo para ser acogida por el feroz Alfa de la Manada Luna Creciente de Plata. A diferencia de la mayoría que le temen, Aila desafía su autoridad en cada paso del camino mientras aprende más sobre ella misma y sobre el dominante y posesivo Alfa que intenta reclamarla. ¿Chocarán las cabezas en una batalla de voluntades, o podrán trabajar juntos y ayudar a mantener el mundo oculto de las criaturas a salvo de los cazadores? Únete a Aila en su viaje de redescubrimiento, ama, ríe y llora con ella en esta novela romántica intensa y llena de acción. ---- Ganador del Nivel Oro en el Concurso de Escritura de Prompts #161 - Cambiaformas. ------ *** ADELANTO *** [ CONTENIDO MADURO ] —Mírame aquí arriba, Aila —dijo él bruscamente; su voz dura hizo que ella lo mirara a los ojos, y de inmediato quedó atrapada bajo su mirada fría como piedra. No pudo apartar los ojos de los de él mientras él se acercaba más a ella, sus movimientos lentos como si estuviera listo para saltar sobre ella, su presa. Sin pensarlo, se levantó de su posición, preparada para huir, pero él la agarró y le sujetó las manos contra la cama. Él movió su rodilla hacia adelante, separando las piernas de ella que solo resistieron un segundo antes de permitir la entrada de su rodilla. La empujó lentamente en el lugar entre sus muslos, haciéndola jadear por el contacto repentino. —¿Te gusta desobedecerme, Aila? —gruñó él; Aila estaba confundida por un momento hasta que recordó cuán fácilmente desafió sus órdenes. ¿Todavía estaba realmente enojado por lo de antes? Pero cuando buscó una respuesta en su rostro, pronto la encontró. Definitivamente estaba enojado por lo de antes. —Para ser honesta, sí. Te pone en tu lugar —Aila sonrió con ironía cuando encontró sus ojos ardientes. Él bajó su rostro más cerca del de ella, la presión de su rodilla entre sus piernas aumentó, haciéndola morder su labio inferior. —Respuesta incorrecta —gruñó él antes de morderle el labio apartándolo de sus dientes. ----- *AVISO* CONTENIDO MADURO: Violencia Gráfica Lenguaje Fuerte Contenido Sexual Abuso -- 【 Volumen 1: Completo】 【 Volumen 2: Completo】 【 Volumen 3: PRÓXIMAMENTE- Agosto 2024. #EnemigosAmantes #QuímicaCaliente #TócalaYMuere 】 -- Si estás disfrutando de la historia, por favor vota con una piedra de poder, deja comentarios y una reseña! -- Imagen de Portada: Encargada por @if._art Mi Instagram: @kelly_starrz Mi nuevo servidor de discord: https://discord.gg/MHMdRRqUYa
Lemon is a beautiful teenager who works in a famous bar in the city center. He is a teenager who lives alone independently. His charming body and face make anyone want to be his lover. One time, Lemon got word that a rich man had come to the bar with the intention of looking for a sex partner whom he had a six-month contract with. Six months, for a fee of 520 million US dollars. Quite fantastic, but normal for the rich alpha. And according to lemon, the job is a very easy thing. Just being friends making out in bed for six months for that amount of money is quite interesting for Lemon. Compared to his daily challenging job at the bar, which is BullGert Bellaria Being a striptease dancer in a bar, in clothes that almost made him naked was witnessed by all the bar patrons there. This time Lemon was sure that he would be able to get not only the money, but with the owner of the money. Updates every Monday You can read my other books...... - Untouchable Blood : Werewolf Rich Man and Sexy Holy Blood Woman``` [COMPLETO - GANHADOR DO PRÊMIO SILVER $8,000USD: Competição de Lobisomens 2022] Zev avançou em direção a ela, toda uma brilhante e brutal beleza, o queixo baixo e aqueles olhos incríveis e penetrantes fixos nela. Ele não parou até que estivessem frente a frente e ele bloqueasse sua visão de qualquer outro macho no círculo. Seus olhos desceram para a boca dela enquanto ele se inclinava, seu sussurro brincando em sua pele. "Você. É. Minha." Sua voz profunda ressoou na barriga dela enquanto os uivos da matilha de lobos surgiam por trás dele, ecoando pelas montanhas de Tana, enquanto os outros Quimeras protestavam contra sua reivindicação. Segurando o impulso de acariciar o amplo peito nu dele com suas mãos trêmulas, Sasha forçou-se a inclinar a cabeça e erguer uma sobrancelha. "Tão ousado para um filhote que acabou de encontrar suas presas." Os outros machos rugiram de riso. Ignorando suas provocações, os olhos de Zev brilharam e ele se inclinou ainda mais, a barba por fazer em sua mandíbula fazendo cócegas na bochecha dela enquanto ele sorria. "Tão ousada para uma humana que já conhece o prazer de ofegar meu nome." Ela estremeceu quando os dentes dele roçaram sua orelha. ***** Apenas dias depois de Sasha se entregar ao amor de sua infância, ele desapareceu. Cinco anos depois, em uma escura rua da cidade, Zev voltou - com perigo seguindo seus passos. Zev é Quimera: Metade humano, metade lobo. Criado em um laboratório de pesquisa seguro, sua existência é um segredo. Mas quando os homens poderosos que o criaram tentam matar a única mulher que fez seu coração cantar, Zev rompe sua coleira e a sequestra para o mundo brutal e oculto dos clãs dos Quimeras. Dividida entre a atração magnética de seu primeiro amor e a dor da traição de seu desaparecimento, Sasha tenta manter Zev a uma distância segura. Mas quando chegam a esse mundo misterioso, Zev descobre que, em sua ausência, os humanos tomaram o controle e roubaram quase todas as fêmeas. Os Quimeras estão morrendo - e Zev não é mais o Alfa. Agora, Zev deve lutar contra seu próprio povo para ganhar o direito de acasalar com seu único amor. Será que ele consegue provar a ela que sua promessa de muito tempo atrás, de proteger seu coração, bem como seu corpo, era verdadeira? Ou os humanos atravessarão mundos para caçar o lobo e separar os amantes para sempre? [Conteúdo maduro, sem assalto sexual] Imagem de capa por Aenaluck e usada com permissão com direitos autorais pagos. Veja mais arte deslumbrante e apoie o artista em www.patreon.com/aenaluck ```
Amelia Crescent's life changes for the worse after her father, the alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, is brutally killed by rogue wolves. Struggling to reclaim her rightful place as alpha, she faces betrayal from the closest beta of her pack, and banishment, leaving her heartbroken and alone. But fate has more surprises in store for Amelia as she discovers her connection to the powerful lycan, Alexander. As love blossoms between them, Amelia finds herself entangled in a twist of love triangles, with Liam, her former mate, vying for her affection as well. But it's never going to be easy. The battle for her heart intensifies as secrets unravel and dark forces threaten their world. With danger lurking at every corner, Amelia's journey takes her through battles, heartaches, and the relentless pursuit of truth. She must prove to all that she's not worthless after all. And all who betrayed her must now pay!
—Tú eres mi compañera... —dijo Leland con voz ronca—. ¿No sabes lo que estoy haciendo? Él la miró con un brillo en sus ojos, y justo en ese momento, Sophie pensó que podría entenderlo. Podía sentir sus emociones desbordantes. ¿Era esto a lo que se referían con el vínculo de compañeros? Ella podía sentir tanto deseo envolviendo a Leland y simplemente sabía lo que él quería. Él la quería. Quería devorar su cuerpo y marcarla con sus mordiscos de amor, quería que ella gritara su nombre una y otra y otra vez. Quería poseerla y hacerle el amor como si no hubiera un mañana. El hombre se subió a la cama y la besó de nuevo. Le llenó de besos desde las mejillas, hasta los labios, luego se movió a su clavícula. Pronto, ella estaba gimiendo suavemente por la estimulación. Los sonidos que escapaban de sus labios sonaban tan sexys en sus oídos y lo excitaban terriblemente. Si no tuviera mejor autocontrol, Leland ya habría rasgado sus ropas y entrado en ella de inmediato. Sin embargo, se contuvo e intentó permanecer gentil. Esta era solo su primera noche juntos como verdaderos esposos. Esta noche, finalmente podría darle tanto placer que ella querría tenerlo en su cama todas las noches. El sexo que tuvieron la última vez fue una obligación. Fue seco y él hizo lo mínimo indispensable. Esta vez, sin embargo... él devoraría su cuerpo y le haría el amor de maneras que solo su luna merecía. Su resistencia era de primera y podría satisfacerla toda la noche. ___________________ SINOPSIS: ¿El Rey, o el Alfa? Cuando salta sobre los muros de la academia para escapar de sus acosadores, Sophie cae directamente en los brazos de Nicolás, el príncipe heredero del reino con un carácter dulce y alegre. Saltan chispas y el amor florece entre la pobre huérfana y el príncipe. Pero... de repente, Leland, el nuevo alfa peligroso de la manada de hombres lobo más poderosa del reino, la reclamó como su compañera. Sophie está dividida entre dos hombres. Uno la llama su esposa, el otro la reclama como su compañera. El príncipe es cálido y dulce, su amor arde como el sol. El alfa es frío y dominante, su amor es tan pesado como la montaña y frío como el invierno. ¿Con cuál terminará Sophie cuando ambos bandos libren una guerra de sangre, odio y venganza? Leland quemará todo el reino solo para conseguir a Sophie y vengar a su raza. Por otro lado, el recién coronado rey, Nicolás, se esfuerza por expulsar a los hombres lobo que el reino considera monstruos... mientras guarda un oscuro secreto dentro de sí mismo Él también es un hombre lobo. __________________ Nota: Este libro es un harén invertido, lo que significa que la protagonista femenina terminará con varios protagonistas masculinos. La portada es mía, de Arkans ¿LEER MIS OTROS LIBROS? * Los Alquimistas - COMPLETADO * El Príncipe Que No Puede Enamorarse - COMPLETADO * Hasta Que La Muerte Nos Separe - COMPLETADO * El Príncipe Maldito - COMPLETADO * El Rey Maldito - COMPLETADO * Buscando el Polvo de Estrellas - COMPLETADO
A werewolf leader can't stand the curse that he will be alone forever without a partner. He attracted a wife by blood ties. Aresha gets into a car accident. No one came to help, and she shed tears plead for reincarnation into a better life. She knew the cause of her death. She opened her eyes and was surprised by the figure of a man reaching out to her, is this heaven?Warning : MATURE CONTENT "Do you suppose there is anywhere in this world and beyond that you can run to, anything you would ever do...that would free me from this torture you've instilled inside me," Alastair Hawthorne growled, eyes blazing like an erupted Volcano. He took her hand and placed it over his chest, over his strong and beating heart. "Listen, Little Siren," He bellowed her name softly, and she trembled upon his call and upon his touch, "You'll bear the burden of what you've done to me. Do I make myself clear?!" She shook her head at him, whispering with the heaviest of hearts, "I'm sorry...," . . . Aaliyah Manchester grew up in a dreadful Orphanage, away from the burning eyes of the world. She is maltreated and made a slave, but all that changes when the mystery lurking in the night opens its arms to her. A mystery in form of a man...with the pair of strangest eyes she's ever seen. Now, Aaliyah is given only Fourteen days to cure the growing hatred of the owner of those eyes...Alastair Hawthorne, the enigmatic man who lives alone in an old mansion far away from town. A walking terror during the day...and a lost soul at night. As Aaliyah tries to navigate her way through the mysteries surrounding this beautiful devil while fighting to hide deeper secrets of her own, a World of Allure begins to unfold itself! If she had known the whole thing was planned to lead to her demise, would she still had gone through with everything? And it all started...with a wedding. A wedding deep in the Night. ###################### Hello Dear Readers, I wrote every chapter of this book with my fingers trembling at how everything was slowly unfolding, and it got even worse when the characters took over the book and made it even more compelling to write. Everything unfolds carefully...and the secrets this book holds could kick you off your horse so hold on to your reigns And of course, I created it to be a lot more interesting than my other book ' His Majesty's Bride ' , so how about you give it a try? NB: Book cover does not belong to me and I would take it down immediately if requested! Encourage this Novel by supporting it with Powerstones, Golden Tickets and Gifts!!
{WARNING: R18, MATURE SCENES AHEAD ^^} [please this book is under construction](check out my other book, REBORN IN RUINS: Survival in an apocalypse) In a world where supernatural creatures are out from the shadows, humans are forced to live at the bottom of the food chain. The supernatural race, led by the powerful and ancient Vampire King who rules with an iron fist. Every continent is governed by a supernatural lord, either a vampire, werewolf, or demon, but all answer to the Vampire King. Nikolas, a young man with a traumatic past, is thrown into this dangerous world when he discovers he is the fated mate of the deranged Vampire King. The King, who has lived for centuries, is becoming more deranged, due to his failure to find his fated mate. As Nikolas is drawn into the Vampire King's dark world, he must confront his own demons and become who he is destined to be With the help of unexpected allies and people from his past Nikolas must escape the King's clutches and shatter the chains of fate that bind them together or will Nikolas fall for the deranged vampire king. A little slice from the story !! (Luca leans in, his voice taking on a low tone. "I heard rumors about the Vampire King. They say he's getting more and more deranged by the day." I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What kind of rumors?" "That he's locked himself away in his castle, surrounded by his loyal guards," Luca said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Some say he's lost his mind, while others claim he's plotting something big." I snorted. "I wouldn't put it past him. He's always been a heartless monster) *** please vote and send gifts******He rejected me, and then he realized I was the center of his world. Instead, I got someone even better. Raula I keep my head down. In this backward pack, females rank low, and my family's bloodline puts me among the lowest pack members. It doesn’t help that I’ve never shifted. I don’t mind the late twenties single life, though. No one’s paying any attention as I live my life the way I want. My roomies and I are doing it for ourselves, and if life under Ulfred Kessler is stifling, at least it’s predictable. We can deal. But when nature finally clicks in, I lose my mind. I claim our alpha as my mate. And he rejects me in front of the whole pack. It’s all good. It only hurts when I breathe. I’ll survive. That’s what I do. Who wants an arrogant jerk for a mate, anyway? But the heavens have prepared someone else for me. Damien Kessler is Ulfred's oldest brother who broke away from the Starry Banes pack years ago. He has never liked Ulfred. Damien I left Ulfred to deal with the Starry Banes pack. I gave him all the freedom to live his life the way he wished, but I will make him regret his biggest mistake of rejecting Raula Lockwood. He threw away the best thing that could have possibly ever happened to him. And now Raula is my second chance mate. Even if it means getting back everything that was rightfully mine, I won't let go of my mate when the heavens have given me a second chance.
After the destruction of his Dragon pearl. Seo Jun has been forced to live as an immortal human. Having only a small piece of his pearl to retain limited dragon powers. He has had to live in the shadow of his ruthless fathers rule. His only hope to regain his powers is to find his soulmate and the broken shards of his pearl. When a shard of his pearl is found Seo Jun begins to dream of the beautiful woman who holds it. Is she the one he has been looking for? Jasmine journeys across the world from her home in hopes of finding adventure and love. While diving with some friends she is drawn to a strange object. When she touches it strange visions begin to dominate her dreams. Can this be the adventure and love she seeks?4.42
"You're my mate.." Dylan whispered walking close to the stunned young man. "I have waited... waited for thousand years. You're finally here," he gently caressed his chin. Nicolai swatted his hand away, "Keep your hands to yourself wolf. You are not my beloved," Dylan hurriedly reached out and grabbed his hand. "Feel it, our connection." A small electric shock like feeling passed through their bodies. Nicolai shuddered. "No... it cant be... I'm a vampire. You, you're a werewolf. How," "Destiny my dear,"After pregnant Elena gets accused of infidelity and gets rejected by Alpha Darius, she rejects and disappears from the Pack. Years later, Alpha Darius is invited to a party by the most feared Alpha, Alpha Killian. He sights Elena from afar, so different and more beautiful. Beside her is a young boy, agile, handsome and a photocopy of him. He walks up to Elena. "Long time no see, Elena." "Good day Darius. It's good to see you after so many years," she says with a smile. Alpha Darius looks at the boy beside her and smirks. "Is he my son?" Elena smiles and points to a very tall handsome man. "That's his father over there. He has organized this party because he wants to introduce our son to everyone as the Pack's heir." Follow the journey of Elena, a kind-hearted Luna initially chosen by Alpha Darius, who faces rejection and false accusations of infidelity. As she disappears from her pack and rises as Luna of the Silver Howl Pack, she transforms from a timid soul into a resilient force. *chapter 101 sneak peek "So, Elena," Sarah drawled, her voice dripping with venom. "Ready to cooperate yet? Ready to accept my son is the heir not yours?" I squared my shoulders, refusing to show any sign of weakness. "I and my son don't need a position in this Pack, Sarah. Justin doesn't want to be the heir of this Pack but it turns out everyone wants him to be the heir because he doesn't have an evil blood running through him," I declared defiantly. "And you'll never lay a hand on my son." Sarah's lips curled into a cruel smirk. "Oh, Elena, you're so naïve. And yes, what if my son has an evil blood, he'll never be unlucky as your son was and is," she taunted. "Do you really think you have any say in this? Your son is in my custody now, and you may never see him again." My heart sank at her words, but I refused to let despair consume me. "You'll regret this, Sarah," I warned, my voice trembling with rage. "If you lay a finger on my son, I'll make sure you pay for it. I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth if I have to." Sarah's laughter filled the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You think you can threaten me, Elena? I'm so so scared. Please don't hurt my son, Elena," she sneered. "You're nothing but a pawn in my game. And soon, you'll be nothing at all, just like your son." But I refused to back down, my determination unyielding. "Mark my words, Sarah," I spat, meeting her gaze with resolve. "You may think you hold all the cards now, but justice will catch up to you eventually. And when it does, you'll regret every moment you spent tormenting my son and me. I just warn you now, play stupid games with me but not with my son. Don't forget you have a son too. An eye for an eye." With that, Sarah's smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. For a fleeting moment, I glimpsed a hint of fear in her eyes – a crack in her façade of invincibility. But just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, replaced by a cold, steely resolve. "We'll see about that, Elena," she hissed, before slamming the door shut behind her, leaving me once again in the suffocating darkness of my captivity. As the minutes turned into hours, I clung to the flicker of hope burning within me, praying for the day when justice would prevail and my son would be safe in my arms once more. A man came into the room with a chain. "Hello missy, I have just got an order to torture you and also rape you," the man said heartlessly as he gave me a cold stare. "If I was you, I wouldn't do it. Only stupid people would," I sneered. "Trust me I'm the most stupid," and with that, he flung the chain and it collided with my arm. I screamed in pain. He began to unzip his trouser. "You look so beautiful. Can't wait to taste you." I wouldn't let him do this to me. No. Never. Just as the man advanced towards me, his intentions clear and my fear reaching a crescendo, the door suddenly burst open with a resounding crash.
—Tú. Eres. Mía —sus ojos se desviaron a la boca de ella mientras se inclinaba, su susurro jugando en su piel. Su voz profunda vibró en su vientre mientras los aullidos de la manada de lobos se elevaban tras él para hacer eco a través de las montañas de Thana, mientras los otros Quimeras protestaban por su reclamo. Luchando contra el impulso de acariciar su amplio y desnudo pecho con sus manos temblorosas, Sasha se obligó a inclinar la cabeza y levantar una ceja —Qué atrevido para un cachorro que acaba de encontrar sus colmillos —los otros machos rugieron de risa. Ignorando sus burlas, los ojos de Zev brillaron y se inclinó aún más, la barba incipiente en su mandíbula le hacía cosquillas en la mejilla mientras sonreía —Qué atrevida para una humana que ya conoce el placer de respirar con dificultad al pronunciar mi nombre. Ella tembló cuando sus dientes rozaron su oreja. ***** Solo días después de que Sasha se entregara a su amor de la infancia, él desapareció. Cinco años más tarde, en una oscura calle de la ciudad, Zev regresó, con el peligro pisándole los talones. Zev es Quimera: Mitad humano, mitad lobo. Creado en un laboratorio de investigación seguro, su existencia es un secreto. Pero cuando los hombres poderosos que lo crearon intentan matar a la única mujer que hizo cantar a su corazón, Zev rompe su correa y se la lleva al brutal y oculto mundo de los clanes Quimeras. Dividida entre la atracción magnética de su primer amor y la dolorosa traición de su desaparición, Sasha intenta mantener a Zev a distancia. Pero cuando llegan a este mundo misterioso, Zev descubre que en su ausencia los humanos tomaron el control y robaron casi todas las hembras. Los Quimeras están muriendo, y Zev ya no es Alfa. Ahora, Zev debe luchar contra su propia gente para ganar el derecho a aparearse con su único amor —¿Puede demostrarle que su promesa de hace mucho tiempo de proteger su corazón, así como su cuerpo, era verdadera? ¿O cruzarán los humanos mundos para cazar al hombre lobo y separar a los amantes para siempre? [Contenido para adultos, sin asalto sexual] Imagen de portada por Aenaluck y utilizada con permiso y derechos de autor pagados. Vea más arte impresionante y apoye al artista en www.patreon.com/aenaluck
Madeline knew he was the alpha of the werewolves, but… __ In Alaric, soulmates are bonded by a red string. Some people chose to go against their preordained fates, some chose to embrace it. However, when Madeline discovers she’s bonded to no, not a human, but the alpha of the pack she happened to stumble upon… Does she unintentionally fall for the devilish Alpha Xavier or does she decide her own path? __ EXCERPT: "Step forward," he ordered, his steely gaze landing on her. Madeline swallowed as a chill went down her spine. "You don't belong here," he snarled, making Madeline want to run despite her intuition which told her not to. Making a face, he narrowed his eyes and spat, "You're a human." Wide-eyed, Madeline stared back at him, her eyes meeting him before she felt something tighten around her pinky. Her heart tightened and began pounding faster than it did before. It flickered, but it was clear what it was. Everyone stared between them, back and forth in confusion. Whatever it was, it could only be seen by Madeline and Xavier. 'With a stranger? Are you kidding me?' He growled. Her heart raced, she was thinking the same thing. __ This book's cover is made by @vatarison.art (check him out on IG)!Ember Darkthorn, exiled from the only home she's ever known in the Mystral Pack, finds herself lost and alone. In her darkest moment, she crosses paths with Nate, a stranger who becomes an unexpected and indispensable friend. Together, they embark on a journey to Moonsand City, the prestigious domain of the Alpha Prime, leader of all werewolves. Before they can reach the safety of the city, they are ambushed by rogue vampires, the Alpha Prime arrives to their rescue. Ember is stunned to discover that he is not only the powerful leader of their kind but also her true mate? [Side couple is M/M. Yaoi] [Two chapters everyday.] [Please comment or review.]
Xerxes is the last of his kind, living to try and complete a promise. The last one before he can just fade off like the rest of his kind. There is nothing left here, no mate is coming. Xerxes is the last living dragon. So why when he comes across one headstrong female. It feels like there is a chance? Kendra herself feels used, lost and trapped. A prisoner of those she works with. Those that hunt down mythical creatures in the world. Kendra however is about to find out that the world is far more vast than anyone could imagine. Especially when she comes face to face with the last living dragon. A deadly creature that has set his sights on her. Volume1: Mates of Dragons Volume2: Souls of Dragons Volume3: Atlantean's Mate Volume4: Atlantean's Dragon Volume5: Atlantean Souls Volume 6: Hearts of Dragons(Reifer Inhalt, keine Vergewaltigung!) "Es war ein Deal mit dem Mafiaboss, einem obersten Alphatier im Verborgenen." Eine Abmachung mit der Mafia, der Familie Petrov, war der Zeitpunkt, an dem ihr Leben eine verdrehte Wendung nahm. Nachdem sie ihre Eltern und ihre Freiheit verloren hatte, wollte Adeline sich rächen. Ihr erster Schritt bestand darin, sich mit dem nächsten Don einer rivalisierenden Mafiagruppe einzulassen, und was könnte die Familie Petrov mehr erzürnen, als herauszufinden, dass sie einen Deal mit dem Kuznetsov-Erben gemacht hatte? Cäsar Romanowitsch Kusnezow, die russische Mafia, die von den Menschen oft "Zar" genannt wird, war der einzige Mann, der ihre Feinde zu Fall bringen konnte. Doch Adeline war sich der bizarren Verbindung zwischen den beiden nicht bewusst. Caesar wünschte sich nichts sehnlicher als Macht - er wollte Angst einflößen und seine Feinde beherrschen. Aber das war, bis er die erzwungene Frau seines Feindes traf. Faszination, Nervenkitzel und das Bedürfnis, sie zu vernichten... Stellen Sie sich seine Überraschung vor. Er würde nicht davor zurückschrecken, die ganze Welt zu verbrennen, wenn es das wäre, was Adeline wünschte. Aber als Gegenleistung wollte Caesar nichts weiter als einen Kuss von seiner Gefährtin! --- Wie du mich kontaktieren kannst: >>>Instagram: peachbunbun999 >>>Discord: peachbunbun999 auf Instagram folgen ^^