“What is your name?” Alpha Vladimir asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl who stood in front of him. He looked down at her ripped dress but made no comment as he looked her in the eye. “I don’t have a name.” She said, making the man frown. “What do you mean ‘you don’t have a name’?” He asked, and she took a step back. “I don’t have a name…” ************************ Born of a rape, the little omega, the wolf, or as they call her, the runt of the pack, has always been mistreated by her mother, her brothers, and the pack Alpha. But when the Alpha of Alphas, Alpha Vladimir Ivanov claims her as his own, what happens when he chooses to give her a name…?
``` —¿Quién-quién eres tú? —balbuceaba Elia, retrocediendo, con las manos levantadas—. Él igualaba su paso a paso hasta que ella se estrelló contra el árbol detrás de ella—y no se detuvo hasta que se alzó sobre ella, tan ancho que sus hombros y pecho formaban un muro frente a ella. Podía sentir el calor que desprendía su piel en el fresco aire de la noche. —Yo soy el Rey Leonino —su voz era un oscuro grava ronca. Detrás de él, un coro de jadeos, aullidos y chirridos de acuerdo se elevaba de la gente que miraba—. ¿Y tú eres? —Elia —ella suspiraba. —Elia —gruñía él, inclinándose más cerca, trayendo consigo el aroma a pino y lluvia y el almizcle de algo distintivamente masculino—. Yo soy Reth —dijo el nombre con un extraño y gutural rodar en su garganta—. Yo soy el Rey de las Bestias. Yo soy el Líder del Clan, y yo soy el Alfa de WildWood —varios gruñidos se elevaron de la multitud detrás de él entonces, pero los ignoró. —Yo soy el Rey —dijo, y tú serás mi pareja. El bosque detrás de él estalló. ****** Elia es una estudiante universitaria pobre hasta la noche en que es llevada al mundo de los Anima—gobernado por humanos cuyos corazones antiguos palpitan con la sangre de animales. Ahí, se ve forzada a participar en una batalla a muerte. Pero cuando Elia sobrevive, y se niega a matar a su último oponente, el Rey debe o matar a Elia él mismo, o tomarla como su pareja. Reth, el brutal Rey de las Bestias con sangre de leones, sorprende a todos cuando elige a la débil humana Elia para convertirla en su Reina. Promete darle todas las comodidades de su riqueza y posición—pero es claro: Ella no calentará su cama. La eligió para derrotar a aquellos que intentaban acorralarlo para mezclar su línea Leonina con los Lobos. Elia necesita la ayuda de los Anima para hacerse más fuerte y gobernarlos bien. Pero los Lobos vengativos ven solo a una humana débil que les trajo vergüenza. Mientras Elia y Reth se aproximan más, los lobos están decididos a destruirla. ¿Admitirán Reth y Elia sus sentimientos el uno por el otro a tiempo para luchar por el Reino—y sus vidas—contra la villana tribu de lobos? O ¿matarán los lobos a Elia y robarán el trono? [Contenido maduro - sin violencia sexual] Arte de portada utilizado con permiso de derechos de autor pagado. Ilustrado por Aenaluck—vea más arte hermoso y apóyelos en www.patreon.com/aenaluck ```
“I'm on the hunt for someone special, someone who would howl at the full moon with me. And you, my dear, seem to check all the right boxes,” Thorin tried to seduce Riona with his mesmerizing gaze. “Not in this lifetime, not in any lifetime.” But Riona couldn’t stand the sight of that smug face. What did Thorin hope to gain from a fangless vampire who couldn’t even turn into a bat, anyway? There must be something seriously wrong with the brain of that infuriating Alpha werewolf. *** Since their parents died, Riona Kahler and her brother have been adopted by the King of Eira, who treats them more like overworked houseplants than a cherished family. As the only vampires in Eira without fangs, they're outcasts among their own kind, toothless and ridiculed. Riona's spirit remains unbroken until her brother falls ill due to the palace's cruelty. Determined to protect him, Riona vows to escape, but there's only one way to do that. Thorin Klein is one of the most famous Alpha werewolves, renowned not only for his charming looks but also for claiming the Alpha title at the tender age of thirteen. Despite his howling success, his mother’s powerful werewolf clan, the Klein, never acknowledged him because his father went rogue. Determined to prove his worth to the Klein clan, Thorin believes he has finally found a potential solution. Though Riona couldn’t stand being around Thorin for more than one second, Riona realizes that marriage is their only path to achieving their goals. It's a love story that bites and barks in all the right places. #werewolf #Alpha #vampire #fromslavetoqueen #enemiestolovers #strongFL #contractmarriageEin wolfsloser halb-menschlicher Hybrid. Das war alles, was Harper Gray ausmachte. Um dem unerbittlichen Missbrauch durch ihre Familie zu entkommen, ergriff Harper die erste Gelegenheit zur Flucht, als ihr Rudel angegriffen wurde. Doch in den Trümmern von Chaos und Ruin fand sie ihren Gefährten. Leider hatte sie nicht damit gerechnet, dass die Mondgöttin sie mit dem berüchtigtsten Killer des Landes zusammenbringen würde - Damon Valentine, dem Alpha desselben Rudels, das ihr eigenes dezimiert hatte. Die Geschichten über seine grausamen Missetaten hatten sich weit und breit verbreitet. Jeder Werwolf kannte den Namen; sogar einige Menschen fürchteten ihn, und Harper war da keine Ausnahme. Sie hatte nicht vor, sich mit jemandem zu paaren, der so furchterregend war wie Damon Valentine, und sie würde alles tun, um das Band zu brechen. Doch Damon Valentine hatte nicht vor, seine kleine Gefährtin gehen zu lassen. Harper wurde gefangen genommen und zurück in Damons Rudel gebracht - nicht als seine zukünftige Luna, sondern als die neueste Sklavin seines Rudels. Um die Sache noch komplizierter zu machen, war Damon nicht der einzige Mann, mit dem die Mondgöttin Harper zusammengebracht hatte. Blaise Valentine - Damons Zwillingsbruder - hatte ebenfalls ein Interesse an ihrer neuen Sklavin. Die Valentine-Brüder hatten ihre eigenen Konflikte, waren sich aber in einem Punkt einig: Sie würden Harper niemals gehen lassen. - Warnung: - Dubcon - R18 Themen - Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU
"Nicht hier, Schwächling! Wir treffen uns in einer Stunde am Bach nahe der Rudelgrenze, dann kannst du mir zeigen, was du kannst." informierte er sie. "Gut, Herausforderung angenommen! Aber wenn ich dich besiege, hörst du auf, mich zu schikanieren und lässt mich in Ruhe!" Aurora knirschte. "Klar." Erwiderte er ihr. "Der Hass, den ich für dich empfinde, wird aufhören, wenn du nicht mehr da bist. Dort drüben wird dir niemand zu Hilfe kommen und ich kann dich endlich in Stücke reißen. Niemand beleidigt Dante und kommt ungeschoren davon!" dachte Dante innerlich, während er wegging. Auroras Leben sollte eigentlich perfekt sein, da sie von adliger Geburt war, aber leider war es alles andere als perfekt. Ihr Vater war der Beta, der Stellvertreter des Alphas in ihrem Rudel, und ihre Mutter war eine der starken Kriegerinnen des Rudels. Da sie die erste Tochter war, wurde sie wie eine Blume behandelt, geschützt vor Schaden, Traurigkeit, Unruhe und Ärger, und war nur der reinen Freude, der reinen Liebe, dem Glück und allem Schönen ausgesetzt, während sie aufwuchs, aber ihr Leben war nicht auf Rosen gebettet, als sie älter wurde! Als sie aufwuchs, hatte sie geglaubt, sie würde normal sein wie jeder andere Werwolf in ihrem Rudel und die gesamte Werwolfgemeinschaft, aber leider war sie seltsam anders. Sie war der einzige Werwolf in ihrem Rudel, der keinen Wolf, ein inneres Tier, hatte, und wurde deshalb wie eine Ausgestoßene behandelt. Während andere Werwölfe ihre Wölfe an ihrem sechzehnten Geburtstag bekamen, weigerte sich ihrer, aufzutauchen. Nicht einmal, als sie achtzehn Jahre alt wurde. Nicht einmal, als sie ihren Gefährten traf!!!
Lily ist die Tochter eines Betas. Und ihr Gefährte? Er ist der erstgeborene Sohn des Alphas. Als sie entdecken, was sie füreinander sind, ist es schon ein bisschen zu spät. Denn ihr geliebter Gefährte ist mit seiner Schande im Schlepptau nach Hause gekommen. Eine Wölfin, die er geschwängert hat, als er den Sommer über im Norden trainierte. Er hat ihren Mond zerschmettert. Aber die Wölfin hat ein Geheimnis. Und Lily wird nicht zulassen, dass sie ihr so einfach das stiehlt, was ihr gehört. ** Diese Geschichte ist voller Wendungen, die dich zum Weinen, Lachen, Wütendwerden, Telefonieren usw. bringen werden. Es ist eine Reise, die du lieben wirst und nicht von Lily, Eve und Zain loslassen kannst. Ich hoffe, auch Sie werden die Geschichte lieben und die Einladung annehmen, sich auf eine Reise zu begeben, die Sie erfüllt und mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht zurücklässt.
All her life Hazel thought that she was at mistake when her mother treated her badly, when her father ignored her or when her sister was given all love and care. But the truth was told when she was dying. She was never related to blood with them, they hated her all their life. But it was too late now, right? “If I ever get another chance, I will take revenge from everyone who is behind my demise!” That was what she thought and when she opened her eyes she returned to the past when everything started, but this time she was not the weak innocent girl anymore. She promised to take revenge by any means possible. And for that she agreed to marry the prince of mysterious land, Aleinore, would she be able to survive in the land about which no one knows! But why is it that the prince Richard was ready to kill the whole empire only to get a smile on her face. Why was he so determined to help her in destroying the empire which could wage a war! She would still have understood it, but even her brother-in -law , the man whom she hardly knew, was treating her so preciously. Would she be able to find the secrets both men are hiding from her and seek her long awaited revenge.Conteúdo Maduro - Classificação 18+ (Sem estupro) "Você parece solitária e, bem..." "Bem?" O Alfa deu a ela um sorriso condescendente. "Quebrada. Como alguém que lutou muitas batalhas. Alguém que foi ferido." Ela disse. "É verdade. E assim, estou pronto para lutar ainda mais batalhas se isso prometer o que eu quero," disse Alfa Maverick. "E o que você quer?" Ela perguntou com um doce sorriso. "Morte. Morte de todos os renegados pelo que eles fizeram comigo," disse Alfa Maverick, olhando para a garota que se tornou tensa ao lado dele. "Você não é um renegado, é?" Alfa Maverick olhou em seus olhos encantadores, sua mão acariciando suas bochechas, fazendo-a sorrir constrangida. Ela era de fato uma renegada, e não apenas uma renegada normal, mas uma procurada pelo mundo inteiro. ~~~~~~ "Eu, Valência Brooklyn, rejeito Tyler Anderson como meu companheiro destinado. Prefiro aceitar a morte a um companheiro desleal." Essas foram as exatas palavras que mudaram sua vida. Uma vez que este mundo dos lobisomens não podia aceitá-la por ser uma ômega sem ter um lobo, ela decidiu fazer exatamente a mesma coisa. Ela se tornou uma renegada que todos começaram a temer e procurar. Uma renegada que matava outros renegados, roubava pessoas, rejeitava um alfa, enganava o conselho e, mais importante, vivia entre os humanos enquanto quebrava todas as leis e normas. O que acontecerá quando alguém do conselho passar o seu caso anônimo para o alfa mais forte do mundo? Um alfa ainda mais forte que o filho do Rei Alfa? Como ela se salvará de um alfa que jurou matar todos os renegados para vingar o que fizeram com ele? Como Maverick Aurelius pegará essa renegada misteriosa que não tem cheiro? Quando eles se encontrarem pela primeira vez, ele deveria tê-la matado, mas como ele deveria reconhecê-la quando ela era apenas uma gata? Valência nunca se transformou em seu lobo porque estava amaldiçoada a ser uma metamorfa. Como o alfa reconhecerá a renegada na gata que desenvolveu o estranho hábito de entrar em seu quarto e brincar com suas coisas? ~~~~~ P.S. Esta é a minha segunda inscrição no WSA 2024. Por favor, apoie com votos, presentes, ingressos e comentários.
“El deber antes que el corazón”, respondió Ashleigh firmemente. “¿Qué se supone que significa eso?” “Significa que haré mi trabajo. Pero Caleb es solo mi deber, tú eres mi corazón.” *** Dos hombres, dos distintos sentimientos de atracción y confianza. Ashleigh lucha por entender los sentimientos en su corazón. Dividida entre el hombre al que ha amado durante los últimos dos años y el frío Alfa de una manada enemiga, ¿puede Ashleigh descubrir a cuál de estos hombres realmente quiere estar unida? ¿Realmente tiene una elección? Ella es la hija de Alpha Wyatt de Winter, la más grande de las cuatro manadas de hombres lobo. Durante dos años ha esperado con ansias su decimoctavo cumpleaños para poder finalmente casarse y unirse a su amor, Granger. Pero justo antes de ese mágico día se encuentra con un problema significativo: se encuentra unida a otro lobo. Su unión destinada resulta ser con Alpha Caleb de Summer, el hombre cuyo padre supuestamente fue asesinado por uno de los suyos. Como si eso no fuera suficiente, todas las manadas informan repentinamente ataques de lobos solitarios. Ahora Ashleigh no solo enfrenta una guerra en su corazón, sino también en la vida real. ¿Podrán trabajar juntos, dejando de lado todo su dolor y pena para mantener a salvo a sus manadas del enemigo que los amenaza a todos? ¿O este amor se convertirá eventualmente en su perdición?
{Mature content 18+ } Siren—— mystifying, beautiful, enchantingly dangerous. A single melody and you are a goner. But despite the dangers humans still looked for them, tears of siren were like magical pearls with powers beyond the understanding of mere mortals, their blood was like a mine of rubies, hair as fine as the softest Pima could be sold for thousands of dollars but beyond everything else that was sought was their melodies that could heal any wound and bring peace to even the wildest beast. Ginevra Harlow, Ginny for short, was an extremely beautiful lady with a personality that was too cold but even then her scent alone was enough to drive the males around her crazy, but there was something exceptionally wrong about her, she never spoke a word to the males of the village,she wouldn’t look them in the eye and always kept her secluded from the villagers. Some say that she was driven mad by her father’s curse that wouldn’t heal no matter what she did, some say that it was because of her mother who mysteriously disappeared. Ginny however never let the rumours get to her because she had a secret to keep. But things go terribly wrong when her father’s curse relapses for the worst and the landlord threatens to drive her away with her sick father. She had no choice left but to enter the house of Duke Terranova, an archmage born from the affairs of the Emperor and a Holy Saintess as she strikes a deal with him. Unfortunately, for her things didn’t go as planned because despite all the cautions that she took against the Duke, he wasn’t willing to let her go. “ I fulfilled my end of the deal, now you have to give me what you promised, Duke.”said Ginny as she glared at him, trying to calm herself as Akris pushed her against the bed. “You cannot order me around and nor can you stop me from meeting other men!” Twirling a strand of her hair, Akris kissed her blonde locks. “ You promised me your life, Ginevra. There are no take backs you see.” Kissing her fully on the lips, Akris pulled back before rubbing the pad of his thumb on her lower lip. “ But if you want to leave then you can, but remember this—— every time you try to leave me there will be one innocent one losing his life.”
Cecily était une fille maigre sans amis. Pourtant, comme toutes les autres filles, elle aspirait au véritable amour. Elle avait toujours eu le béguin pour Robert, le fils de l'Alpha de leur Meute. Cependant, pour son dix-huitième anniversaire, elle découvrit que Robert était son Âme Soeur ! Avant qu'elle ne puisse l'enlacer d'excitation, Robert avait déjà repoussé sa main comme un détritus. « Tu ne deviendras pas mon Âme Soeur. Fais comme si rien ne s'était passé aujourd'hui. Pars et garde ta langue. Ne dis rien que tu ne devrais pas dire ! » Robert reluquait publiquement la sexy et belle blonde Alison lors de leur remise des diplômes au lycée. Le voyage de fin d'études transforma Cecily, la rendant plus forte, plus confiante, plus éclatante, et plus belle et sexy. De plus, Robert, qui l'a retrouvée sur le campus de son collège plus tard, commença à la poursuivre. « Tu devrais être ma Luna. Désormais, nous vivrons ensemble. Nous aurons beaucoup d'enfants. Ils seront en bonne santé et intelligents. » Les yeux de Robert étaient remplis de luxure. Les assiduités de Robert rendaient Cecily dégoûtée et nauséeuse ! Comme Cecily ne pouvait se protéger de Robert en raison de la différence de force, Michael apparut. « Tes actions te rendent indigne en tant qu'Alpha. » Michael regardait Robert avec dédain. Lors de l'intronisation de Robert en tant qu'Alpha, Cecily ne pouvait plus tolérer ses assiduités. « Moi, Cecily Levin, je rejette Robert Paslo en tant qu'âme soeur. » Quand Robert était furieux et souffrant, voulant blesser Cecily, Michael réapparut ! « Cecily était l'Âme Soeur arrangée par la Déesse de la Lune pour moi. » Michael regardait Cecily doucement. « Quiconque ose la toucher manque de respect à la famille royale. »
La vie d'Anne prend un tournant inattendu lorsqu'elle rencontre son âme sœur, le prince loup Alpha Damien. Son monde vole en éclats lorsqu'il la rejette, la bannissant de la meute et la condamnant à l'exil. Pour échapper à une mort certaine, Anne s'enfuit vers le monde des humains, cachant sa véritable nature et le secret qu'elle porte. Cinq ans plus tard, Anne a construit une nouvelle vie parmi les humains, élevant son fils en paix. Lorsque Damien tombe inopinément sur Anne et découvre leur enfant, l'héritier de sa meute, d'anciennes blessures se rouvrent, et des liens oubliés sont ravivés. Damien est déterminé à reconquérir ce qu'il a perdu, mais Anne n'est plus la louve brisée qui l'aimait autrefois. Elle est plus forte, farouchement protectrice, et refuse de souffrir à nouveau. Alors que Damien lutte pour regagner sa confiance et intégrer leur fils dans son héritage, ils doivent naviguer sur un chemin de trahison, de rédemption et d'ennemis inconnus. Anne peut-elle pardonner le passé et accepter un avenir avec l'homme qui a autrefois brisé son cœur ? Et Damien peut-il prouver qu'il est digne de l'âme sœur et de l'enfant qu'il a abandonnés ?
Fuir pour votre sécurité et s'inscrire dans une école remplie de psychopathes... pour être revendiqué par un prince alpha dérangé ? Ouais, vous seriez mieux mort. • . • La vie de Jules était parfaite jusqu'à ce que toute sa famille soit assassinée soudainement, lui étant le seul survivant. Un sauveur est intervenu parce qu'il était toujours en grand danger, ce qui a conduit Jules à adopter une nouvelle identité et à devenir une personne complètement différente du jour au lendemain— et à s'inscrire à Carnivals, une école prestigieuse pour garçons, réservée aux êtres surnaturels. À Carnivals, des monstres rôdent dans les couloirs sombres et les forts prédaient les faibles. Vous devenez soit un prédateur, soit une proie... et à en juger par l'allure de Jules— un garçon trop beau pour son bien, avec une carrure mince et petite, il était évident qu'il allait être dévoré vivant par les prédateurs. Voici Blaze, un loup qui fait frissonner l'échine de chaque prédateur de l'école, un Alpha incroyablement séduisant qui était aussi dangereux et dérangé que les rumeurs le prétendaient. Il jeta un coup d'œil à Jules et décida là, à ce moment-là, que Jules lui appartenait. *** Je reculais lentement, les yeux écarquillés alors que mon regard se fixait sur le sourire naissant au coin de ses lèvres. Blaze ne souriait jamais, et quand il le faisait, cela ne présageait rien de bon. Mon cœur s'accélérait alors que je reculais encore, le souffle coupé alors qu'il commençait à réduire la distance entre nous. En un rien de temps, mon dos était plaqué contre le mur froid et c'est alors que ça m'a frappé en plein cœur que j'étais acculé et piégé, comme une véritable proie... par nul autre que Blaze, alors que je pensais que ma vie ne pouvait pas être pire. Il me dominait sans effort, dégageant tant de dominance et je devais incliner la tête en arrière pour pouvoir rencontrer ses yeux sombres, et mon souffle s'est coupé lorsque nos regards se sont croisés. Il se pencha et mes yeux se fermèrent immédiatement alors que je retenais mon souffle, attendant qu'il frappe. J'avais entendu toutes les rumeurs horrifiantes et interminables à son sujet. C'était un Prince Alpha en présence duquel quelqu'un comme moi ne devrait jamais se trouver. Quand j'ai senti la pointe de son nez froid glisser sur la longueur de ma gorge, ma bouche s'est ouverte pour lâcher un gazouillis de surprise. Il aspira un long souffle audible et un frisson me parcourut l'échine alors que je devenais encore plus raide, la confusion obscurcissant mon esprit. Qu'est-ce qui se passait ? Pourquoi faisait-il cela soudainement ? Oh mon dieu... il était vraiment un alpha dérangé comme tout le monde le dit ! *** CE LIVRE EST CLASSÉ 18+ ! Il contient du contenu mature tel que : - Harcèlement. - Consommation de drogues. - Scènes explicites [beaucoup de ça.] - Violence. - Harem [pas entre les personnages principaux.] Alors... procédez avec prudence, vous êtes prévenu ! *Je ne possède pas les droits sur la couverture !
In a pack that sees her as nothing more than an outcast, Leslie has spent her life concealing her true self. Her rare white wolf form, a secret passed down by her late mother, has kept her in the shadows, living a life of silence and solitude. But when fate binds her to Jaden, the Alpha's son, her world is thrust into chaos. Once her closest friend, Jaden’s betrayal leaves Leslie falsely accused of a crime she didn't commit, leading to brutal punishments. The Luna's decree of execution seems to seal her fate, but as the darkness threatens to consume her, Leslie's wolf, Elsie, awakens with a fierce determination to protect them both. In a desperate bid for survival, Elsie reveals her true form—a majestic white wolf—breaking the promise Leslie had sworn to keep. Hunted and rejected by the mate she once trusted, Leslie is forced to flee. As she navigates a world of danger and betrayal, she must confront her deepest fears and decide if she can ever trust again. Will the Moon Goddess grant her a second chance at love, or will Leslie remain a prey to those who wish to see her fall? This is a tale of resilience, survival, and the search for a love that transcends the darkest of betrayals.
``` CONCLUÍDO | AVISO - Este NÃO é um livro de Romance com Lobisomens! É um erótico e inclui diversas cenas de sexo. Alfa Vishous e sua namorada Ava são lobisomens vivendo em uma matilha. Após completarem os rituais, Ava tornou-se a Luna da matilha, Entretanto não é o fim de todos os rituais. Leia a jornada de mais Rituais desconhecidos pelos quais Ava talvez tenha que passar. Sozinha. --- Agora você pode comprar diretamente toda a série deste livro comigo acessando: reamstories.com/krystalwatt Lá também estão disponíveis outros livros e mais eróticos para você ler e desfrutar. Grupo no FB: fb.com/groups/krystalwatt / Pack da Krystal Watt: Um Clube para Leitores Página: fb.com/ktish7 Instagram: @authorkrystalwatt ```
AVERTISSEMENT : CONTENU MATURE ! ~Qui aurait jamais pensé que le jeune fils de l'Alpha tomberait amoureux de sa nounou ?!~ Elle était comme la mère qu'il n'avait jamais eue, la grande sœur qu'il a toujours voulu, son UNIQUE meilleure amie. Après un incident dans la meute des Dark Risers, l'Alpha envoie son fils dans une autre meute pour être formé et élevé pour devenir une meilleure personne ; le futur Alpha. Douze ans plus tard, Daniel revient, adolescent devenu homme avec une forte libido et un désir pour les belles femmes. À un si jeune âge, il gère la meute seul et subit également la pression de trouver une compagne de la part des anciens et de ses proches. Mais Daniel ne veut pas de compagne. Jamais il n'en voudra. Pourquoi se contenter d'une femme qui lui causerait des problèmes alors qu'il pourrait passer chaque nuit avec les femmes de son choix ? Vivra-t-il seul dans ses plaisirs charnels ou se mordra-t-il les mots ?
It's hard to win when your competition is small, cute, and calls your (future) wife their mommy. Lara spent six years doing odd jobs to sustain her five-year-old kids. She fled from her birth town after noticing some of her children's weird habits. They growl when they fight, and their teeth can cut the skin like it's nothing. They prefer meat when it's cooked raw. They howl at the moon when they don't want to sleep. However, they're her children. She's been on the run ever since to protect them. She knows nothing about the stranger she met that day and whom she spent the night with. Even the details are blurry in her mind, except for that weird, compelling attraction that brought them together. When she scores an interview at the most prestigious company in Norwich City, she thinks her life will turn for the better. Until she meets him again. Nathaniel Woods, Alpha Nate, is the CEO of LY Corp. A fated night of six years ago, he found his true mate. Unfortunately, that woman fled after their passionate night, leaving no traces for him to follow. A twist of fate makes them meet again, and he's settled on not letting her escape. But this time, she's not alone. There are two pups with her, growling and fighting, firmly set on not letting him get to their mommy. WARNINGS: Possessive male lead and even more possessive little buns. Slight misunderstandings, not too annoying (hopefully). The male lead is doting, but life is difficult with two jealous pups preventing him from wooing his (future) wife. The story follows other characters along with the leads. Smut content (signaled at the beginning with a warning). Werewolves are a little different from usual, so please bear with my version of the trope ;) If you can't stand too much cuteness, do not open this book. If you're allergic to dog fur, stay further away. Characters here are wolves, but some of them grow ears and tail when they're excited (or claws when they feel threatened). This book is dedicated to all the parents single-handedly raising their cubs *** Cover made by Vatarison.Art *** Join discord: bit.ly/xiaohaiO maior erro da vida de Alícia, foi tentar cometer suicídio. Ela se viu no corpo de uma princesa de 19 anos em exílio, na idade média. E mais? Ela foi forçada a casar-se com o Príncipe Harold; o infame Príncipe de cabelos brancos e temperamento explosivo que não se importaria em matar alguém pelo motivo mais irrelevante. Agora, seu casamento é daqui a apenas algumas horas e a 'princesa', que por acaso é Alícia, deve mostrar algumas habilidades 'principescas' aos convidados. Pergunta rápida: É permitido fazer twerk na idade média? Uma coisa ela sabia com certeza, o casamento seria um desastre e o Príncipe de temperamento explosivo a mataria antes que ela encontrasse um jeito de voltar para casa. Deus a Ajude! ThatAmazingGirl em colaboração com Miss_Behaviour (As escritoras de Apaixonada(o) Por Um(a) Cleptomaníaco(a)) estão trazendo-lhe outro livro. "A ESTRANHA NOIVA DO PRÍNCIPE AMALDIÇOADO" O que você faria se de repente se encontrasse no corpo de uma princesa na época antiga? E mais, ele não é apenas um lobisomem, ele também é amaldiçoado pela deusa da lua. TRECHO: O que ela deveria fazer? Estava confusa e não tinha ideia do que estava acontecendo. Casamentos na idade média eram estranhos! O que diabos é 'Recitação das Virtudes'? Deveria fingir desmaiar? Esse foi o único pensamento que fez sentido. Então foi o que ela fez. Ela lentamente desabou no chão e ouviu todos começarem a arfar e exclamar. Alícia queria que a tirassem dali e então encontraria uma maneira de fugir. Mas talvez ela tivesse mesmo azar, porque quando ela espiou por debaixo dos cílios, se perguntando por que ninguém estava vindo para carregá-la para fora, viu uma túnica dourada, antes de a pessoa se agachar diante dela. Ela fechou seus olhos fortemente e prendeu a respiração. Afinal de contas, ela era uma atriz. Ela poderia encenar isso impecavelmente. "Foi uma má atuação, minha senhora." A voz profunda falou, causando arrepios em sua pele. Assustador. "Eu só vou te dar três segundos para se levantar." Sua voz não era realmente ameaçadora, mas de algum modo ele comandava medo, especialmente com a maneira lenta e cuidadosa com que ele falava. Ela ouviu que ele era mal-humorado. O que ele faria após os três segundos passarem? Ele a mataria? Então ela morreria aqui? Como ele sabia que ela estava fingindo? As pessoas na idade média geralmente eram inteligentes? Ela abriu um olho para espiar e o viu olhando diretamente para ela com um sorriso sarcástico. NÃO HAVIA COMO O CASAMENTO NÃO ACONTECER. ELA ESTAVA MORTA! ******* Lobisomem (Check) Príncipe amaldiçoado (Check) Transmigração (Check) Comédia (Check) Romance (Duplo Check) ADICIONE À SUA BIBLIOTECA!
[ATENÇÃO: CONTEÚDO EXTREMAMENTE ADULTO] “Se você chegar perto da minha mulher novamente, eu te encontrarei, te torturarei brutalmente e desencadearei a fúria do inferno sobre você pelo resto da eternidade.” A história dela com ele nunca deveria ter sido dita. O mundo deles era tão cruel quanto astuto. Lobisomens semeavam terror sobre os humanos como guerreiros da nação. Vampiros governavam a alta sociedade com punho de ferro. A vida toda, Ophelia se perguntou por que os vampiros e lobisomens no reino nunca a atacavam — apenas para perceber que ela foi declarada intocável dez anos atrás. No entanto, todo o reino lutava pelos direitos sobre o corpo dela — ou sua vida. Mas por quê? E para quê?
_ _ _ _ MXFXF relationship. Please read the note. Please add it to the collection then and support me. All feedback will be appreciated Perhaps everyone was right, but Lisa Grace was cursed. How else would you explain what happened to her life and her dream of living an Ordinary Life? ——— ‘This will not work out, so we should break up now. It’s not you, it’s me! I recently found my soul mate and want to be with them.” Lisa was not shocked when her boyfriend told her this. She did not even have enough energy to be angry or demand answers. Perhaps she would have said something if this was the first time this happened. However, after being broken up for the 24th time, Lisa had no hope of ever having a meaningful relationship again. After all, Lisa was an ordinary girl with an extraordinary rumor - if you dated her, you would find your soul mate. So, when a stranger approached Lisa with red eyes, a charming smile, and a beautiful face, she expected it to be a quick relationship for her. But little did she know she was stepping into a world she could never escape. Would the flash of gold she saved become her salvation? Or would that beautiful temptation make her forget her world? …… “All I ever wanted was an ordinary life with someone who cared! It would have made my mother’s neglect and my father’s absence much easier for me to bear!” Lisa wanted this in her life—to be ordinary and never worry about her place in the world. However, just because ‘SHE’ wanted to be left alone did not mean that the ‘World’ would let her be alone. She had made these two fall for her, and now she would be stuck with a vampire’s obsession and a werewolf’s possessiveness. ______ This story will have a straight pairing as well as Yuri and will have abo themes as well as fantasy themes. Female Alphas are Futas. If it's not your cup of tea, leave before you enter. MXFXF relationship, age gap, and unbalanced relationships. Please read the note, add it to the collection, and support me. All feedback will be appreciated. Leave a lot of feedback for me.