Webnovel Author: Infinityreads - Fanfic Collection



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2024-06-26 入りました Global

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Moments 22

Replied to Solvado4566

When I go back and edit the chapters I’ll make a distinction, in this fic there will be normal ice spiders (this ones) and giant ones (the ones from the white walkers army), at the moment he only has access to the normal ones.

- 3 ice spiders, 2 females and 1 male. They were also natural insects I found while practicing my powers outside Winterfell. Thanks to my control over them, I didn't have to worry about the females killing and eating the males. I instructed them to mate whenever possible, in addition to feeding and resting.

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

TV · Infinityreads

Replied to TrueFamine

Oh, I know, but I was just starting and since I didn’t get that many comments (most of them were against it since “telling about your powers is the dumbest decision ever”) so I kept him in the dark. He’ll know later don’t worry.

I'm leaning towards yes since we know he is loyal to the starks, (including dying for Brann) and he could add a lot of things to the table, he gave his life for knowledge. Also, he could "comment" about the dangers that Ned and Cat don't know (The Citadel) since he would know about the hateboner they have for magic.

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

TV · Infinityreads

Replied to 41_Claws

Ha, that would be awesome for another fic; but not possible in this one since I’m trying to do only “realistic” uses, most of the viruses/medicine/modifications are some thing that exists in nature, Robb is just adding those things to the insects

Despite his excitement, Robb remained calm enough to reflect on the requirements and limitations of his power. He needed energy to fuel his insects, but how would he obtain it? The answer was simple: his insects needed to consume biomass, which would be converted into energy through some space whale mumbo jumbo. With this energy, he could create more insects, strengthen them, make them more resilient, and even imbue them with specific functions that could be decisive in battle. However, to give them specialized characteristics, he would need catalysts. For instance, if his insects consumed biomass from a venomous snake, they could acquire the ability to infect others with that same venom upon biting, faithfully reproducing its original attributes.

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

TV · Infinityreads

Replied to Daoofholes6969

Any characteristic that the original biomass has would be available for future creations, so yeah, dragon bones would be on his mental checklist.

He was very satisfied with his power, as this distance would be very useful. In the meantime, he decided to return to Winterfell for lunch with his family, thinking about how to reveal to his father that he had a special power and how to convince his mother that it wasn't something evil according to her religion, or something stupid like she might think.

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard

TV · Infinityreads
