3.27% Game of Thrones: The Stark Shard / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Awakening [Edited 8/8/24]

章 2: Chapter 2: Awakening [Edited 8/8/24]

Robb Stark woke up slowly, a strange sense of connection lingering at the edge of his consciousness. He recalled the vision of the entities and the determination it had stirred within him: he had a power. With his eyes still closed, he concentrated, feeling the presence of beings at the back of his mind.

In response to his mental call, a few tiny insects began to move around the room, responding to his will. They were timid at first. Robb found it surprising that he could control them. But the lack of insects in the North limited what he could do.

As he pondered the implications of his new abilities, Maester Luwin entered cautiously, noting Robb's awakening.

"Robb, how are you feeling?" Luwin asked with a kind yet concerned tone, stepping closer to assess his condition.

Robb's eyelids lifted, and comfort washed over him at the maester's presence.

"I feel... confused," Robb admitted, his voice reflecting his bewilderment. "Maester, what happened?"

Luwin briefly recounted the accident and how Robb had been unconscious for a period of time. Robb nodded slowly, trying to piece together his thoughts amid the haze.

"I don't remember much," Robb frowned. He tried to recall his original self, but found only fragments and a mix of fanfictions and the original series.

Luwin gave him an understanding look. "That's to be expected, Robb. Head injuries can cause memory loss. I recall reading about such cases at the Citadel, though witnessing one is different. Don't worry; often, memories do return."

Robb tried to recall more, but only fleeting memories of Winterfell and his family came to mind. He remembered snippets of his childhood. But, much of what any Stark should know felt distant.

After a brief chat about his health, Luwin decided to send a messenger to inform Lord Stark of Robb's awakening. While they awaited Ned's arrival, Robb contemplated the implications of his newfound powers, aware that his incomplete knowledge could prove both an asset and a liability in the uncertain future unfolding in the cold North.


Lord Eddard Stark

A swift-footed messenger burst into Ned Stark's study with urgency. Bowing quickly, he handed the message to Ned, who eagerly read its contents.

Ned's heart surged with emotion as he set down the parchment and rose with determination. Catelyn, watching anxiously from the doorway, followed him as they rushed through Winterfell's corridors to Maester Luwin's chambers.

Upon entering, Ned halted abruptly at the sight of Robb sitting up, a tired but reassuring smile on his face. Relief flooded Ned as he approached his son.

"Robb," Ned said with a tremor in his voice, completely different from his stoic normal self, moving to his son's side.

Before Ned could say more, Maester Luwin intervened solemnly.

"Lord Stark, Lady Stark, allow me to explain first," Luwin requested. "There are important matters to discuss."

Ned nodded gravely, letting Luwin proceed as he sat beside Robb, gripping his son's hand firmly.

Luwin explained the nature of Robb's injury and the potential memory loss due to the head trauma. He said Robb might struggle to remember his childhood in Winterfell.

Catelyn listened attentively, concern etched on her face as she looked at her son with loving eyes.

"I understand, Luwin. Let's hope his memory returns. But even if it doesn't, Robb is young and resilient. He can learn anew," Ned said firmly, hopeful for a smooth recovery but mindful of the challenges ahead.

"How do you feel, Robb?" Ned asked finally, his voice a mix of relief and contained anxiety.

Robb looked at his new father with a faint but genuine smile.

"I feel... Confused, but, well, Father," Robb replied sincerely. Some emotions from the original Robb blended in at the time of their fusion. He felt grateful for his family's support during this crucial moment.

Ned nodded, a weight lifting from his shoulders as he saw Robb recovering. He knew there would be challenges ahead, but having his son back was all that mattered at the moment.

Lord and Lady Stark were in Maester Luwin's chambers. They were united, facing an uncertain future together. Luwin continued calmly explaining the nature of Robb's injury and how it might affect his memory, as well as the treatment required.

"Robb has suffered a significant head injury, resulting in memory loss. We don't yet know if it will be temporary or permanent. He may experience confusion and difficulty recalling recent events or specific details of his life," Luwin explained, his voice reflecting both medical authority and compassion for the Stark family.

Catelyn looked at Robb with concern. Her heart ached at the thought of the challenges he might face in the future.

"How long will he need to stay here, Luwin?" Ned asked, his gaze shifting between his son and the maester.

Luwin sighed before responding. "It would be wise to observe Robb here for a few more days to ensure his full recovery. However, for now, he may receive brief, if quiet visits."

Robb weakly nodded, understanding the need for rest and care as he processed the information of his injury that Luwin had shared.

Ned placed a reassuring hand on Robb's shoulder. "We'll be here with you, son. Together, we'll get through this."

With those words, Lord and Lady Stark decided to notify their other children to visit Robb, stressing the need for a stress-free visit.

Ned Stark watched with concern as the messenger left with the message addressed to his other children. The message stressed the importance of maintaining a calm environment and avoiding stress for Robb during his recovery, though it welcomed them to visit him in Maester Luwin's chambers.

Moments later, Bran, Arya, and Sansa arrived at Maester Luwin's chambers, their faces filled with concern as they entered.

"Robb..." Sansa exclaimed with relief, rushing to her older brother and embracing him gently.

Robb smiled weakly, grateful to see his siblings. "I'm fine, Sansa. Just a bit confused."

Arya, less reserved, stepped forward with palpable curiosity. "How are you really feeling, Robb? What happened with that head injury?"

Robb's parents intervened immediately, concerned for their eldest son's emotional and physical well-being.

"Sansa, Arya," Maester Luwin began calmly, noting the tension in the room. "Robb has suffered partial memory loss due to the injury. It's important that we all support him and show patience as he recovers."

Ned nodded, looking at his children with affection. "Robb is still recovering, but he needs our support. Let's avoid dwelling on the accident for now. Let's wait for everyone to be here for Robb to talk about it and not have to repeat himself."

Catelyn placed a loving hand on Robb's shoulder, conveying her support silently. "We'll be here for you, Robb. Together, we'll get through this."

After the embrace and Maester Luwin's explanations, the mood in his chambers lightened somewhat. Ned watched his children with affection. Catelyn felt uneasy with Jon's presence. But, she kept her emotions in check for Robb's sake.

Jon and Theon had arrived during the hug. Jon regretted missing Robb's first awakening. Theon, always cheerful and carefree, tried to lighten the mood with a quip.

"Robb, my friend! Glad to see you up and about," Theon exclaimed with a wide grin.

Robb smiled back, less emotionally but following his role. He recalled what Theon had done in the original story. He also chose to be friendly. Maybe he could guide Theon to be better without betraying them. "Thank you, Theon. I'm still trying to catch up with everything that's happened."

Jon approached cautiously. Catelyn's gaze made him uneasy. But, Robb seemed pleased to see him.

"Sorry I'm late, Robb," Jon said sincerely. "Seems they forgot to give me the message."

Robb made a face at that, though it vanished so quickly Jon thought he had imagined it. "No worries, Jon. I'm fine, thanks to the gods and Maester Luwin."

Catelyn watched Jon with a mix of displeasure and concern. But, seeing Robb's joy at reuniting with his half-brother, she decided to keep her feelings to herself for now.

Ned, sensing the underlying tension, intervened to change the conversation's tone.

"Robb, do you want to tell your siblings what happened since you woke up?" Ned suggested, prompting Robb to share his experience with them.

Robb nodded gratefully, glad for the opportunity to divert his thoughts from the future and all the things that had occurred.

"There was... an accident. "I don't remember much. Wintertown people found me with a head injury," Robb began, looking at his siblings. "But I'm alive thanks to Luwin and the Old Gods. I don't remember everything clearly, but I'm sure we'll get through this together."

After some time of conversation and laughter among the Stark siblings in Maester Luwin's chambers, daylight began to slowly fade. Aware of the need for Robb to rest properly to facilitate his recovery, Maester Luwin intervened with gentleness.

"I think it's time for everyone to leave and let Robb rest," Luwin announced, looking at each Stark family member with understanding.

Ned nodded, recognizing the need to follow the maester's instructions for Robb's well-being. "You're right, Luwin. Robb needs rest to fully recover."

Catelyn stood up somewhat reluctantly, though she knew it was best for her son. "Robb, sweetheart, we'll be nearby if you need anything," she said softly and reassuringly.

Robb smiled wearily, grateful for his family's support but happy to be able to rest and then have some time alone to practice with his power. "Thank you all for coming. It means a lot to me."

The Stark siblings bid Robb farewell with hugs and words of encouragement before leaving the chambers, leaving Robb in Maester Luwin's care so he could rest properly.

As he closed the door behind them, Luwin looked at Robb hopefully. "Try to get some sleep, Robb. I'll be right here if you need anything."

Robb weakly nodded, letting fatigue envelop him as he closed his eyes and drifted into the restful sleep he so desperately needed.

Infinityreads Infinityreads

So, one part of Robb's powers is being unveiled—a power very similar to Taylor's. But that's not all; there's a twist that might be the key to winning the game. Hope you like this chapter. If you have ideas on how insect control (some of the things he can do will be stated in the next chapter, including the second and final part of his power) could be useful, please comment below so we can trade ideas. His limitations will be discussed in later chapters. Keep in mind, Westeros is BIG, so insect control isn't that OP, especially in the North due to its climate. Drop some power stones; maybe I'll post the next chapter later tonight.

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