Webnovel Author: CalyB - Novel Collection



LV 13

Hey everyone! I’m just someone who loves to read and write fantasy stories. I’ve been writing since I was young, and thankfully, I get better every year :) Thanks so much for reading my work :)

2024-03-23 入りました Global

バッジ 6

Moments 27

Replied to ChainedGhost

You are probably right XD

ch 91 Behind those hazel eyes

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

Replied to Vivian_Johnson_2029

Thanks so much for the well wishes!

ch 92 A step in the right direction

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

Replied to lovelybaer

He is :)

"It was going to be a very lucrative contract too. Lots of benefits and perks." Casper's blue eyes sparkled just like Gunther's. "You just had to go and get a 90% match with Captain Thatcher, didn't you?" He teased as he stood up. He stretched before moving towards his desk. He grabbed a set of keys before spinning towards Kellen and Gunther. "Remember that office space I showed you in the research department? They've finally cleaned it up so now you can go declare it as your own. These are the keys. They like to go old school since sometimes magic goes haywire there and messes up the locks. Plus, the team leader is there now and she wants to meet the newest member of her department, even if it's only in a peripheral sense." Casper seemed at ease, and Kellen got up slowly. Gunther too, stood and the three of them once more left the office behind, Casper in the lead. Kellen trailed behind the two Espers, a lot on his mind. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

Replied to FallenAngel09


ch 49 Honest in his desires (m)

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

Replied to Dragonlady_5991

Good guess, but they do have a bit of an age gap :)

"I think he had black hair, darker eyes. He was funny and kind and liked to hold my hand. During play times he'd make sure no one made fun of me and..." Kellen trailed off as the Captain's smug smile filled his eyes. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

Replied to Dragonlady_5991

Maybe ☺️

Replied to FallenAngel09


"I see he likes to gather information. We should have had him in charge of that instead." Hill's cheerful voice washed over them. "You must be Brent Jameson. Kellen spoke quite highly of you. Don't worry, he has dirt on me too." Kellen spun in his seat to watch Hill approach. Kellen watched as the two people he had always worried about meeting, met. Hill smiled at Brent, while he just stared at her. Brent then offered his hand to her while she joined them at their table. Instead of shaking it, Hill laughed and gave it a kiss. Brent flushed. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

Replied to FallenAngel09

Thanks for the feedback!

"Okay, so you never imagined it. But I did." His eyes slowly shifted from hazel to a deep gold and Kellen froze. "When you plan to imagine it, let me know. I want to be there to witness it." He licked his lips, and Kellen was a fool who couldn't help but follow the movement with his eyes. He felt his body begin to shake, and a small noise left his lips. Before Kellen knew what had happened, the Captain had reached around his neck, holding him close as he slammed the Guide into the wall behind him. The two of them on full display as the Captain devoured the Guide's lips. Kellen protested, pounding on the stubborn Esper's chest, fighting against the confusing feelings until the Captain ran his tongue along the younger man's lips. Kellen opened his mouth to protest only to find himself well and truly devoured. Kellen's legs gave out as the Captain kissed him with every fiber of his being. Kellen had never kissed like this before, and the way the Captain sucked and bit and twirled his tongue made his head foggy. That, and he'd unconsciously started guiding the Captain until he felt his head bob. He was the one to break the kiss this time, pulling in gulps of air into his lungs as the Captain's golden gaze remained on his face. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

Replied to REAVALE

I know, right?

So, the two eventually decided to go into an eclectic store. One that held lots of things. All ridiculously expensive, but the Captain refused to let Kellen get distracted by the numbers. He'd been living too long on a shitty C Class Guide salary, and that wasn't going to be his life anymore. He was going to have to get used to it. The two came up with a little game. They would each pick out something for each other, with about ten minutes on the clock, and then would come back after they purchased it and then they would exchange them. So, timer set, enthusiasm up, the pair set off. 10 minutes passed, the two met in front of the store and exchanged their parcels.

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB

Replied to Zachary_Patterson

Thanks! I’m glad to hear it!

ch 0 8 When the sword gives you visions

Sword in Stone

Sword in Stone

Fantasy · CalyB

Replied to Maggie_4906

Glad you enjoyed it!
