3. Finn dies at the table, killed by Murphy. Wells dies at Charlotte's hands. The MC saves Charlotte, becomes her daddy, and takes charge of the group of 100 as the first leading figure alongside the others. Murphy dies.
TV · Bobainox
I love the story so far please keep this up and keep updating
A quick question author is rise of the North. Are you still going to write some more in it or are you done with it
yes it is it's called
"I swear to God… They're a bunch of fucking roaches… You can never truly be rid of this insidious ideology as there will always be idealistic idiots who think it can work… And unfortunately there is no cure for stupidity in this world…"
War · Zentmeister
(A/N: For Shen and his group, Xu Qianghua is an unknown man, but we know who he is, so I just put his name; it does not mean the six people know who he is.)
Fantasy · Anime_timez24
The design mirrored the MG34, a machine gun that would become a cornerstone of German infantry tactics in future conflicts. Oscar knew that if Deutsche Arms could manufacture such a weapon, it would quickly replace the obsolete MG08 across the army, bringing in a massive order.
Book&Literature · Hypnos
Let's have a minute's silence for the men of Mississippi.
Game Of Thrones: The God-Emperor of Planetos
TV · TheGreatPrince