I hope they appoint a reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next year!
Book&Literature · HornyFBI
1- Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner join the harem.
Anime & Comics · Bronz_Deck
"Are you challenging me to a duel?" Luke responded thoughtfully.
Book&Literature · Midnight_Wonder
get better son
nice chapter, sad but nice one
thanks for the return, i liked a lote the chapter abd that It was longer
AN: Chapters were slower than usual this week, sorry about that. For one, it's my birthday today and while I never really celebrate it, I'll still be out of the house by the time this chapter is posted most likely. But the true reason for me being out of the house and not having released many chapters is that I came home from work to a flooded apartment this week.
A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)
Book&Literature · Nuclide