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2021-10-06 入りました Spain
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2 days ago
Replied to Hanni_Baal

You are welcome.

2 days ago
Replied to Hanni_Baal

Mmm. In a medieval society like this the noble family of a married lady may have to pay a lot, be it socially or economically. If the Lady commits adultery, kills her husband who is the Lord of the Land, or usurps power in some way. And if you add to that causing one of the biggest crises in Westeros, that only makes it worse. The noble Houses of the Vale would demand justice from Edmure Tully for his sister's actions. Which is something that Edmure may not be able to pay. Also, there are doubts about Robin Arryn's paternity, that only makes it worse. Because Lysa almost wiped out House Arryn, this is perhaps the greatest crime in ASOIAF. Since the High Houses are like Kings. And the fall of House Arryn without a clear heir could lead to civil war. Something that happened to the Arryns in the past when Rhaenyra's cousin Jeyne Arryn died. This is something that Yhon Royce and the rest of the nobles would not easily forgive. And although the main culprit is Lysa, the head of House Tully is now Edmure. So he would have to give something to the Houses of the Vale, to show that House Tully has nothing to do with Lysa's crimes, while at the same time being an apology from House Tully to the Nobility of the Vale. Harrold Hardyng is Jon Arryn's closest relative but although he has some allies his succession would be difficult. By marrying Sansa his position would be very strong since he would have the North and the Riverlands. And no one would easily challenge him.

2 days ago

Oh boy... poor Baelish... or not lol. Although if this is discovered now. The Vale will demand House Tully to pay for Lysa Tully's crimes. They would not ask House Stark for anything because they have also been a victim of Lysa's madness and Baelish's ambition. Although Robb could be a middleman between the Vale and the Riverlands. Since he did not want his uncle to pay for his aunt's crimes. One way to fix this is through marriage. Sansa with Harrold Hardyng, he is a pretty good young man. He looks like a young Jon Arryn. It would be a very good union for the Three Regions, this would make any resentment go away. And Sansa would be Lady of the Vale. She is not a Queen, but she is at a very high level. And he would maintain the triarchy that was formed in Robert's Rebellion. And without the Freys, Edmure's position is perhaps one of the strongest that a Lord Tully has ever had.

11 days ago

Honestly, I'd like the father to be a young Aberforth Dumbledore. It would be funny. Although I suspect that Dumbledore will punch Aberforth in the face for not knowing that he had a son in a bad situation. The truth is that I like the idea, Aberforth is a "man with a heart of gold", meaning he doesn't care if a woman is ugly or pretty. He would only fall in love with a kind woman. Although what happened between Merope and Aberforth could be the fault of Merope's father and brother. They removed her memories of him and confused her into thinking that she was in love with Tom Rydell. Although Albus could think that it was his brother's fault at first. I think that the couple of Merope (Morgana) and Aberforth is very cute. And I think that Morgana could get him out of his depression over the loss of his sister.

19 days ago

It makes a lot of sense to me to leave the Westerlands Faction alive. For several reasons. For one, the West is very rich, if it were destroyed there would be a huge economic crisis in the Kingdom, since that is usually where the coins come from. So a strong West is beneficial for the rest of the kingdoms. Robb and Edmure can pay war reparations to Tywin. And I think given the situation he will accept. He could even offer a marriage between Cerenna Lannister and Robb Stark to pacify the situation. Along with a rather large dowry. Practically when a divine being announces that your daughter is fucking her brother. She deceived the King and her children are not legitimate. Well... Tywin has just lost any claim to the throne. And more so when there are hundreds of witnesses, including nobles. Who could execute him, if they consider that he is going against a god. Another thing is that he has been told that his grandson is mad. So he is a King who must be brought down. Since once again a god has said so. He is like Aerys II. If anything I think Tywin probably backing out of this war benefits him. He no longer gains anything from this. The most he would do is take back Lancel his nephew, Tommen his grandson and Myrcella his granddaughter and go back to the Westerlands. Abandoning Cersei and her mad grandson. Stennis or Renly still have a civil war. And even if one of them comes out victorious with minimal casualties. He would have many Overlords displeased with them. So as long as Tywin locks himself in the Westerlands, known for its natural defense, he has nothing to fear. And well, then there's Jaime, the kid is screwed. His father is going to punch him when he sees him. This time he knows everything about his relationship with Cersei. All his life's work destroyed by the stupidity and lust of his children. Jaime could be sent to Robb to do with as he pleases, for crippling Ned and Brandon. The only enemy for Tywin would be Dorne, who still wanted revenge. But Tywin is old, so the only one Oberyn and Doran wanted revenge on is the Mountain and the manticore.

25 days ago

I wonder if that would change Renly's move though. He doesn't know why Tywin moved like that, but it still made Tywin get too close to his Reach allies in the North. Instead of going for Stennis, Renly and Mace would have to ride hard into the North. Unlike in the canon version Mace would demand Renly to go very fast. Maybe more with the powerful cavalry of the Reach. Or a strong army led by Lord Rowan. Given the crazy numbers of the Reach where Mace can muster 120,000 soldiers if he pushes himself. Rowan could come with at least 20,000. Maybe not to fight but to stop a possible advance by Tywin. It's a butterfly of Karl's appearance. I actually find it amusing. And I love that you have so much information from the books. House Rowan is a very interesting house, really, with its golden tree. By the way is it just me or will the Brackens think Karl is an old god but with Bracken blood from his horse. Hell he might even think he has something to do with Bittersteel (Aegor Rivers). Maybe people will gather around him seeing his resemblance. Even that he is the descendant of Calla Blackfyre and Aegor. Hahaha, I mean he can transform into a black dragon and has a horse that breathes fire. Bro the Blackfyre are back, at least that's what people will start to think. That's very funny. Robert and Tywin and the rest happy to think that they defeated the Targaryens. And when Robert dies, the crazy descendant of Bittersteel appears with Calla Blackfyre. Damn the trauma comes back with force and this time Tywin doesn't have legends, like Maekar, Baelor and Brynden Rivers to save them hahahahaha. You wanted to get rid of the Targaryens and take their throne congratulations!!! But in return you gain their most powerful ancient enemy. The Blackfyre!!!!! Or Varys and Illyrio really think..... wait Sarela's cousin is still alive!!! Aegon the son of Illyrio could really be crowned. Another union between a Daemon and Bittersteel again lol. Imagine the Golden Company thinking it's a great plan to follow the descendant of their commander lol. Invasion is coming!!

28 days ago
Replied to Thananos

Yes it was a mistake, but Web Novel does not give the option to edit, at least as far as I know.

1 months ago

I really like how you did it. But I hope other players don't have the same level of information. After all, King's Landing is the power center of the Seven Kingdoms and the Spymaster and the biggest powers on the continent are there, so it makes sense that they get the information first. And since there is a civil war, the royal family is not going to inform their enemies of what is happening in other regions. That's why I'd like to think that other regions will take much longer to get this information. While others would have it easier. Honestly, I like how you did it. The Lannisters, for example, have more possibilities, Lord Farman, like Lord Mallister, would have interests in keeping an eye on their old enemies. The Ironborn have been screwing Fair Isle for millennia. And since they are close to the Iron Islands, possibly the Farman fleet can see what is happening on the islands. Another thing is that Lord Farman informs Tywin, he is a man who wishes to betray the Lannisters. If the Lannisters lose too much, it could cause Lord Farman to join Robb Stark or Stennis, in exchange for being the new Lord Paramount of the West. Others who can inform Tywin would be the Westerlyng who have a stronghold at the Crag. But then again, Tywin could be much more informed. But for example Renly would not have as much information, since he does not have a spymaster as well informed. Perhaps they would find out what happened to the Twins, but it could take them a month to find out what happened in the Iron Islands. The same for Dorne and Stennis. They would not know what is happening in the West of the Kingdom. They are the furthest away and I do not think they are very aware of what is happening. Perhaps Lord Paxter Redwyne could get information for his aunt Olenna, but it would also take a while. So one challenge of this fanfic is to create real misinformation about such a large continent and the medieval age. At the moment, I think the one who would have the most information and confirmation is Tywin who is still in the west and will find out everything. Tywin could even consider peace with the North, in exchange for something. Maybe a marriage between Myrcella and Robb. And give many concessions to the North. The man is known for his pragmatism. He could even save Tommen, but leave Joffrey besieged by Stennis. As a way to make him pay for the death of Ned Stark.

1 months ago

I feel that it would be best if you put Faegon or Aegon Blackfyre. Well or maybe the pure son of Elia Martell. It depends a little on which one you like more. As much as it hurts people Robb can not be King of the seven Kingdoms. Nor King in the North. Unlike Robert, the center of power of his family is very far from the capital. Storm's End is closer to King's Landing than Winterfell is. Which gave Robert a stable position for his government. So he would have to give Winterfell to Rickon, if he decides to rule the seven kingdoms he will have to rule from King's Landing since no Lord of the south will obey the Stark Kings if they are so far away. And that could cause Rickon's descendants through his Stark blood to covet the iron throne. Which I doubt Robb wants. Something that happened with Robert who had Targaryen blood from his grandmother Rhaelle daughter of Aegon V. And then there is the fact that Robb's independence is actually nonsense, since the reforms of Jaehaerys I, Viserys II, Dareon I and Aerys I (not to be confused with the mad king). The North is united both economically and commercially with the southern regions. If Robb became independent from the South he would end up having one of the biggest economic crises in the world. Simply, we never saw it because of his death at the red wedding. So here we have the possibilities that benefit the Starks: - Stennis. - Aegon ? - Jon Snow Or any claim with Targaryen blood. Hightower, Tyrell, Martell, Dayne, Penrose and Velaryon. I like Aegon because, although he is a puppet given the current situation, Varys and Illyrio when they have more information would consider a marriage between Sansa and Aegon. And Karl could support him if it brings stability. And Aegon could count on Dorne, North, the Vale(?) Riverlands, Crownlands and possibly loyalists in the Reach. And the Golden Company with their elephants.

1 months ago
Replied to Bleap

Relax, it's not much help. I mean don't go overboard, if he listens to Jason and joins that war again, it would be very forced. He would seem more like a dog, he is a powerful being, I think he has the right to do what he wants. And more if he comes from a world where he could barely enjoy some freedom. Ha... it even seems like he wanted to sleep with someone at the beginning of the story, the poor guy is in need. It would be more interesting if he crossed the Riverlands without causing more madness. Although I don't deny that he could meet the Mountain that Rides, breaking his arms and legs would be fun, he could travel to Dorne and give him to Doran. Ha I can see Arianne or her cousins ​​wanting to meet the Big Man. Actually this wasn't a criticism. Just what I see. But it's still a great story. Although one thing to criticize is, I would like it to be slower, I doubt that with just one ship Jason would know the complete situation of the islands. And they are very large islands, I even see him shocked, because he cannot believe that such a large civilization disappeared in a single day. It would be the New Doom! Even if Robb tells him it would be difficult to explain, he would have to present several witnesses.