

male LV 4

Im so much better than you

2021-07-12 入りました Global
バッジ 6

Moments 144
4 days ago

ok that is just not how emotions work, doing a horrible thing and then doing a really good thing doesnt make you a person of nuetral morality, you pay for crimes by being a better person, not doing good stuff. imagine if a billionaire slaughtered an orphanage and then donated a billion to charites all over the world, you would probably still hate them right?

They hate Sukuna for forcing himself onto them, but that is all he has done to them, so they can't really hate him as much as they want to, he did save Cocoyasi after all.

One Piece: Sukuna Template

One Piece: Sukuna Template

Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1

1 months ago

"I have been reading this fic for a very long time, but I only realized just now that I hadn't left a review. This fic is vastly underrated, partly because neither the title nor the description lists or mentions any of the franchises visited in the story, which at the time of writing are 'Harry Potter' and 'Avatar: The Last Airbender.' This has the effect of royally ruining any chance of stumbling upon this fic by accident due to how the webnovel search function works. But onto my actual thoughts on the book. There are many characters in the story that are well showcased, which, even though most aren't original characters, takes at least a basic level of writing skill that most writers on this app lack. The story is at least partly thought out beforehand, which leads to fewer continuity errors. The main character is decently relatable on many occasions while still having enough character to not be dismissed as a simple, no-emotion MC that any reader can self-insert into. As this story is a fanfic and doesn't just take place with characters, settings, and objects contained in the source material, taking some level of creative liberty is taken and often results in completely new elements that are hard to distinguish from the baseline continuity of the source material. This is my favorite fic on the platform and well deserving of all your power stones. (Not sponsored)

2 months ago


Gojo sighed. "Mendokusai," he muttered. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind the robber, giving him a sharp chop to the back of the head and rendering him unconscious. The hostage gasped in relief, tears streaming down her face.

Marvel: gojo of the seven sets

Marvel: gojo of the seven sets

Anime & Comics · Fredozy

2 months ago

telekinesis is "move matter with your mind" how is he slashing at stuff with telekinesis it doesnt say he makes air into a blade and slashes with that nor does it say he is just tearing things and calling it slashing so what is he doing that is a "telekinetic slash"

In the depths of the canyon, Gojo had trained tirelessly, attempting to replicate Sukuna's Cleave and Dismantle. He focused on mimicking the precision and destructive power of the telekinetic slashes. Initially, his attempts were wild and unfocused, resulting in minimal damage. But with persistence, he honed his control, slicing through rock formations with ease. Over time, his telekinetic slashes grew sharper and more lethal, capable of cleaving through solid stone and dismantling obstacles with a mere thought.

Marvel: gojo of the seven sets

Marvel: gojo of the seven sets

Anime & Comics · Fredozy

2 months ago

The "right way" being with the promise of money, drugs, or violence.

Who runs with whom? Where's the best real estate? Who got killed yesterday and why? Who's the hottest chick around and why is it Cat Woman? These were all questions they could answer, if you bother asking the right way.

Vampire in DC

Vampire in DC

Anime & Comics · Hamtaro_

2 months ago

Vought when they only make 999 billion dollars a day instead of a trillion


With one word, billions of dollars were lost to Vaught that day.

The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!

The Boys - Let Me Show You A True Hero!

Anime & Comics · Writing_Shirou

2 months ago

brother pulled out the calc (calc is short for calculator btw)

With a plan in mind, Ethan focused and launched himself forward at 175 mph, striking John with the force of 70,000 Newtons. The impact was enough to kill an ordinary man instantly, but John was only flung back, although the impact made him release his grip on Jacqueline.

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Anime & Comics · Berserk_Asura

2 months ago

brother has used fortify once... just ever

Taking into account the power of the energy gun, the metallic crates around them, and the ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Ethan quickly decided on his next move. 

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Anime & Comics · Berserk_Asura

2 months ago

why wouldnt he increase the stats close to 20 he has two that are at 19 if i remember right str and int

He allocated all his newly acquired points to agility, making it reach 30. The surge of power coursed through him, making him elated at his progress.

In Marvel as a Skeleton

In Marvel as a Skeleton

Anime & Comics · Berserk_Asura

4 months ago

Pretty decent novel, includes bunch of interesting items and abilites from many works of fiction and its just fun to see the MC interact with them all. What it was'nt fun to see the mc interact with was his sisters lips... yeah Properly tag any controversial/just weird things that happen in your novel, especially incest.
