

LV 1
2021-07-06 入りました Chile
バッジ 4

Moments 2072
1 days ago
Replied to Aditya_Rai_5059

The only leech here is Rhaenyra. And the whole point of the MC plan is not fight on the dance... so why should he marry rhaenyra?

4 days ago

He is so dumb. He literally wargs with a dragon. Of course he will have one.

5 days ago

Why gods would make him save Rhaenyra? I can get it if his mission is stop the dance and save the dragons, but Rhaenyra is kinda irrelevant to the ecuation.

9 days ago

This is the best one yet (compared to Jon Snow and Ronnet Connington). Just dont start spamming armies for Aemon, or making his men comparable to Arthur Dayne.

9 days ago

I like that, even if he is a good guy, he has problems with alcohol and women, as his father had.

10 days ago

Nah this guy is too pathetic, the dog of the Starks. He will do nothing against the lords that wanted his head. But i can understand, he is not a transmigrator. He has the medieval mindset.

10 days ago

1-This guy stole the novel from other author. 2-The MC is a cuck. He marry a single mom (Margaery) and then Margaery have a lover than is Quentyn cousin.

11 days ago
Replied to Traps_Are_Gay

The North is too big. It has like 40k soldiers but you need years to recruit them. Thats why Robb only had 20k. Still, they would be like 100k

House Martell might support the king's brothers out of revenge: fifteen years ago, Lannister men killed Elia Martell, Rhaegar Targaryen's wife, and their children. True, their army is the smallest of all the Seven Kingdoms. A more serious threat is posed by the three houses that supported Baratheon's rebellion: the Starks, the Arryns, and the Tullys. The Tullys are related to the Arryns and Starks by marriage, and Lord Eddard Stark was raised by Lord Jon Arryn. So all three houses will stand as a united bloc - but on whose side? That depends on Lord Arryn, the King's Hand. Who will he trust: the Queen or the Baratheon brothers? If the brothers, sixty thousand swords will be added to the enemy's forces, and the only thing that can help the Lannisters in this situation is an alliance with House Tyrell, which has an army of almost eighty thousand. This must be taken care of before Robert's death. If Lyght brings up the idea of betrothing the heir to the throne to Lady Margaery, and if the king listens, the alliance of the lion and the rose will crush any forces the king's brothers can field.

Yagami Light in Game of Thrones

Yagami Light in Game of Thrones

Book&Literature · FanFictionPremium

11 days ago
Replied to Thoriq_Dhiyaul

Look at the names. Ruse instead of Roose, Brinden and not Bryden, or Teon and not Theon.

11 days ago

That was only because Theon "killed" Bran and Rickon. Rickon is still alive here.

-"I want Jon to be my heir. - Robb told Greyjoy one day as they played another game of Westerosi kaiwassa.

I'm Theon Greyjoy

I'm Theon Greyjoy

Book&Literature · FanFictionPremium

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    Game of Thrones: Fifth Reich



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    Reborn as a Bolton



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