
LV 1
2021-04-29 入りました Canada
バッジ 2

Moments 3
2 years ago
Replied to zedmoto123

Which novel is that ????

2 years ago

My guy, you're too extreme. But it's fun to read

(N/A Some of the gods will not be as nice as they are in the comics since the influence of authors and censorship is not here which is why Charles fell to the temptation of his power.)

In Marvel as Superman

In Marvel as Superman

Anime & Comics · DarkHelixDragoon24

2 years ago

She's not legal. don't try anything that makes me call the police author-san

After that day, the way they treat me has changed, and one time they even thought of turning me in, to the government even though they know what they do to mutants. That was the first time I had to threaten them. With time, the fear in their heart grew, and my heart turned cold to them. Now here we are on the road going on a trip to the park in the mountains outside the state to 'celebrate' my 16th birthday, and the day I choose to leave them behind.

The Shadow monarch in Marvel (Solo Leveling x Marvel)

The Shadow monarch in Marvel (Solo Leveling x Marvel)

Movies · AshburnDz