most of the one piece fics i read are: haki this haki that.. cool powers but somekind of blant(?) because of the hakistuff. one piece as an anime/manga works for me because of luffy and the world is ok'ish. so if i have to choose i would prefer bleach, didnt read a good fic till now.. still not an easy one for a good story but you asked :P
shoppinglist of powers mc can solve everything by creating something other heroes act out of character painting them evil'ish or atleast bad poor grammar plain boring
nope its not, schönen gruss ;)
its like reading a shopping list linked with some story elements and name-droppings. too many skills, no 'need' to have them, just nice to have with no real reason why he got x legendary skill(s), or why the mc is so lucky
Normon... rly?
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