Patricia_Banegas - Profile



LV 4
2020-10-17 入りました Global

バッジ 3

Moments 78



"Whoa... you're so sweet, bunny." Dana kissed her on the forehead. "You can come with me when I bring these drinks to our customers and say hello to them. You can thank them for coming to our coffee shop and hope they enjoy the food and drinks, how's that, sweet bunny?" She softly pinched her chin.

Love Me One More Time

Love Me One More Time

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



"Let's go, baby," I took her hand and walked out the door hand in hand. We went directly to the counter where we saw Dana preparing orders for the customers.

Love Me One More Time

Love Me One More Time

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



~~~Sorry, but I've gotta be strong and leave you behind. I can't waste time so give it a moment, I realized nothing's broken. No need to worry about everything I've done like every second like it was my last one. Don't look back got a new direction. I loved you once, needed protection...~~~

Love Me One More Time

Love Me One More Time

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



I asked and straightened my seat, as I looked directly into his eyes. He didn't answer me, instead he pulled the chair across my seat and suit himself comfortably without leaving his eyes on me. It's kinda odd and creepy but I hold my breath and fight the urge not to look away.

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



''Hi, you must be Mrs. Roosevelt,'' A woman starts to make her way towards them as they stand in the middle. ''I'm Ms. Cooper. It's a pleasure to finally meet you,'' The woman continues to say as Kenna's mother shake hands with her, leaving Kenna stand with a slight smile.

The Best Friend's Contract

The Best Friend's Contract

Urban · Nur_Athirah_8411



The car comes to a stop, Jeffrey turning to look at them with a smile as soon as his eyes landed on her. Then, Kenna and her mother step out of the car as they walk towards the entrance of the kindergarten, hand-in-hand.

The Best Friend's Contract

The Best Friend's Contract

Urban · Nur_Athirah_8411



Al ver que no cedía, Chester la amenazó: —Si no acepta, solo puedo molestar a los guardias para que la echen. Estoy seguro de que la señorita Smith no querrá llevar las cosas a tal grado, ¿verdad?

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

General · Mr. Yan



Her mother grabs onto her hand, gripping it as a sign of support before smiling down at her. ''Kenna, honey, you are the most wonderful girl in the world. You are smart, beautiful, talented, funny . . . we have to work a little on the funny part but you are capable of everything,'' Both Kenna and her mother chuckle, happy that her mother is boosting her confident level for her to make new friends.

The Best Friend's Contract

The Best Friend's Contract

Urban · Nur_Athirah_8411



I heard Dino's voice coming from the front door and behind him was his Daddy Alex who always picks him up after school. He's now six years old while our daughter is coming two by next week, and of course we're going to celebrate it, together with our second wedding anniversary.

Contractually Married

Contractually Married

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



Como Justin no estaba, y Chester sentía mucha pena por ese pobre sobrinito suyo, arriesgó su vida y le dio el gusto de jugar toda la tarde. Pero... ¡¿Comer fuera?! Eso estaba poniendo a prueba los límites de la paciencia de Justin.

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

General · Mr. Yan



Sin embargo, la niña volvió a hablar rápidamente: —¿Puedes jugar conmigo?

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

General · Mr. Yan


El hombre era muy alto, y medía algo más de 190 cm. Vestía un traje negro a medida que resaltaba sus largas piernas. 

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

General · Mr. Yan



El padre de Nora se acercó con su actual esposa. Cuando vio a Nora, se sorprendió. Sorprendido, gritó: —¡¿Nora?!

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

Volviéndose hermosa luego de la ruptura

General · Mr. Yan



ch 34 Chapter thirty-four: Breakfast Together

Love Me One More Time

Love Me One More Time

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



ch 121 Chapter One hundred Twenty-one: Epilogue Part two

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



ch 118 Chapter One hundred eighteen: Marry a man who loves you more than you love him

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



ch 115 Chapter One hundred fifteen: Her secret admirer

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



ch 112 Chapter One hundred twelve: Mega-Mansion

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez



ch 106 Chapter One hundred six: He's been acting weird lately

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

Urban · JaycelleRodriguez
