WhiteDeath113 - Profile



male LV 4

2020-09-05 入りました Global

バッジ 7

Moments 1753

Replied to NovelReadingSlime

Pink lantern

Green Lantern nodded, his ring pulsating with energy. "I'm not picking up any hostile intentions," he reported.

Toneri in DC

Toneri in DC

Anime & Comics · Fredozy



Then he appeared beside Darkseid with his fist clenched, pulled backward and sent forth a blow that didn't mince back on power.

I Am Energy In Dc

I Am Energy In Dc

Anime & Comics · Thirty_six_Hours

Replied to aQuietLittleWeeb

And green and thats just the hulk

The earth trembled as a massive figure emerged from the forest, shaking off snow and debris with each step. Juggernaut, towering over them all, exuded raw power and rage, as he casually threw the RV away to the side as if it was just a toy.

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet

Replied to GustPigey

? All curses are human made or are sorcerer that were killd

The weight of Kai's internal struggle pressed down on him like a leaden blanket, the memories of his brother's wisdom and compassion serving as both a comfort and a torment. He could almost hear Leo's voice echoing in the silence, urging him to find the strength to carry on, to honor their bond by living each day with purpose and resilience.

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Marvel: I am Sukuna

Anime & Comics · Andrew_Basnet

Replied to MuIrFa

That is another fanfic, but not this one

"No they are not out yet, they still haven't shown their best yet." To everyone's surprise, this was Bakugo who said this. Everyone looks at him like he grew another head out of nowhere.

MHA : Hero Time

MHA : Hero Time

Anime & Comics · kamidemond


So now he won’t die? Since now he has goten used to maul fighting style

Unfortunately for Maul, by the time his droids interfered, they had already gotten somewhat used to it. Same with Qui Gon but he got used to the specific style of Maul.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278


Just give her like 100 of the cards then

"It is not that I make the rules. So, you can either wait for me here or make a random contract if you can't handle it," He took her fair hand into his and kissed the delicate fingers. The dim golden light which covered them sunk deep into her hand. Like that, a soothing feeling overtook the pain.

Unheard Wishes: A Tale of Desires

Unheard Wishes: A Tale of Desires

Anime & Comics · Over_The_Moon69

Replied to Drunken_Sleeper

Imagin if all it did was upgrade the quality of the paper and ink

"I wondered how a mere Fourth Grade Alchemist could possess Black Rank High level Qi Methods, Black Rank High level Dou Techniques, and even Fifth Grade Pills. His wealth is massive; turns out he looted others!"

BTTH I can strengthen all things

BTTH I can strengthen all things

Anime & Comics · sakuraii

Replied to Shuayeb_Ahmed

All but few flames are amazing for purification of pills, only few are bad for it like the poison one

In the original work, when Xiao Yan confronted Yun Shan, after merging the Green Lotus Core Flame and the Fallen Heart Flame, the Flame Mantra Qi Method reached the Earth Rank Low Level. Surprisingly, asa peak Dou King he faced Yun Shan, who is a three stars Dou Ancestor, they fought evenly, which is quite impressive!

BTTH I can strengthen all things

BTTH I can strengthen all things

Anime & Comics · sakuraii

Replied to XXDarkKingXX

Yes, an certan items or thing require him to be get certan level of cultivation that why he don’t spam upgrade on him self and become god

[Black Rank High-level Qi Method: Divine Wood Mantra, upgraded to Earth Rank Low Level Qi Method: Nourishing Divine Wood!]

BTTH I can strengthen all things

BTTH I can strengthen all things

Anime & Comics · sakuraii

Replied to HOLY_BOB

Wow caring about your family makes you a simp!

The underworld can wait, Atlas can wait, the mortals can wait, Hestia cannot.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found

Replied to Cosmic_Wolf_4728

From were is this ?

Hades flesh melts from his bones, his broken toga repairing and becoming ever more dreadful, his size growing comparable to mountains, his body rejected by gravity as it floats gently. His face erupts in Hell Fire, it's black and purple hue predicting the dark future for his foe, a beautiful golden crown appears, expressing his deathly kingship taking it's place hovering inches above his bleached skull. His poleaxe bursts into reality in a show of fire, finding it's place snugly in his hand. His death aura amplified by his weapon and his God form crashing down onto the very world itself, his wrath ever ascending, his sanity long since fled. Perhaps in fear of his anger, or perhaps Hades has no need for sanity anymore... I suppose he would not.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found



Treants taller than the tallest tree wielding clubs made from redwood, Spriggans wielding spears gallop forth from the treeline, riding their earth boars, surrounding the army of Gigantes(using giant interchangeably), being humanoid in shape with deer like antlers acting as a face shield. The most impressive of her arsenal however is not the treants, nor the Spriggans, it's the Forest Dragon.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found

Replied to Kyran_Ambrosius

Zeus was given the sky, Hades the underworld/hell, and posidon was given everything in between. There is a legend wich claims posidon had domain on land and water. But thast only one of the dozens versions that exist.

Using a Gigantes large body to soften my landing I instantly start mowing them down with lightning speed karate chops while making my way toward Cronus. My siblings having similar thoughts as we pave out a path through the army of giants. Unlike when we fought Hyperion, my brothers and sisters are much more experienced after fighting lesser Titans. Zeus now uses his weather control to summon lightning clouds that rain lightning from the sky's, stunning those it doesn't disintegrate, Poseidon uses his earth and water manipulation to flood the field, turning it into a mire of mud slowing the enemy's movements greatly, then summoning spikes of earth or blades of water and impaling or dismembering the giants around him.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found

Replied to Gurnoor_Singh_4533

He is the god of Wealth. And is canonically the richest god

I first turned all the sliders up or down due to instinct but I ended up with a cronenberg monster. Resetting the sliders, I began to think long term...ah yes, why didn't I realize this earlier, what's really important in life isn't power or money... what's REALLY important... is maidens.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found
