43.24% Star Wars: Senator / Chapter 32: The Battle in the Senate(2)

章 32: The Battle in the Senate(2)

Soon enough I was notified we had arrived at Coruscant by the Medical droid.


As he said that I stood up and put on my ceremonial gear. A robe, with a black t-shirt and golden markings. It also had a blue scarf-like cloth alongside the open area at the front of the robe, where my chest was.


As I left the medical center I saw Jon and Robb stand guard.


As I exited they both turned to me.


"Good to have you back, Count." Jon said.


Meanwhile, Robb just gave me a silent nod. And I returned the gesture.


"How did it go for both of you?" I asked.


"Your Grace, we didn't suffer any injuries due to your early assistance and later due to Qui Gon's skill with a lightsaber." Robb said and I nodded. Me and Santo really helped them early when they were getting used to fighting a lightsaber user.


Unfortunately for Maul, by the time his droids interfered, they had already gotten somewhat used to it. Same with Qui Gon but he got used to the specific style of Maul.


"That's good to hear. What about Santo?" I asked.


"Santo suffered a few shots to his body, his thick fur and body strength saved him from any permanent damage but he has to be in a Bacta tank for 12 more hours." He said and I nodded.


It made sense. Santo didn't have the boot rockets I had and therefore had to take a lot of shots before reaching the droid and engaging him in a hand-to-hand fight.


"Alright, well let's move on. How far away are we from the Senate Building?" I asked.


"About 15 minutes. Due to you informing Davis of our arrival, we got headed through the traffic but It'll still take some time. However, we're already inside the planet." Jon said.


So I had good with time, great.


"Any word from Sugi's crew?" I asked Robb. He had taken care of my bounty hunter guild friends and contacts.


"According to the guild they are yet to complete their mission, but they are on a planet a few clicks away." Robb said.


"Good, and the others?" I asked.


"Dengar completed the mission and bought the upper floor of the Florence Hotel. Bossk, Embo, and Aurra Sing have met up there and they are living in their own rooms, avoiding conflict." Robb said.


"Great, tell them we'll meet them tomorrow." I said and he nodded.


We then met up with Padme in a meeting room outside the cockpit.


"Greetings, Queen Amidala," I said shocking her. She hadn't noticed our arrival it seems. 


"Ah, eh, greetings, Count Thalron." She said, a bit embarrassed and with a tint of red on her cheeks.


She was outfitted in the usual Queen outfit. With pale-white skin and lavish clothes. I never quite understood why they had to paint her entire face pale white but I guess it was a part of the body doubles she used.


It's harder to recognize someone if they're pale white.


"I guess our ways will part when we land." I said and she simply nodded. I guess she didn't trust herself to speak.


"Well. When you see the truth of the Senate. I have no doubts that you will do your best to return. When you do that, please notify us." I said and she nodded again.


And with that, I sat on another sofa and began reviewing some of my medical reports. We had already created the basis of the Veridian MedTech Corp.


I also checked out some information Davis sent. Detailing everyone who wants to meet me when I arrive. Most were non-important or weak planets that wanted security by allying with us.


Soon enough 15 minutes passed and a voice came over the speakers on the ship.


"We are now landing, prepare for departure."


"We are now landing, prepare for departure."


"We are now landing, prepare for departure."


I stood up and walked towards the ramp, Padme also went the same way but I slowed down, meeting her speed perfectly making us stand horizontally to each other, signaling that I didn't deduce myself as above her or better.


As the ramp slowed down the view of about 15 Senate Guards greeted me. They stood in a double-column line facing towards each other. On both sides of the ramp leading down to Chancellor Valorum standing with Palpatine on his right and Davis on his left.


As we walked down the ramp, Senator Palpatine spoke first.


"It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesty." He said as he bowed slightly.


He then turned towards me and bowed even more.


"And I thank you, Count Thalron with all my heart for your valiant help during our time of crisis." He said, but without a doubt, he was probably angry at himself due to having to bow to a 16-year-old, anyone would.


"It Is my duty to help a fellow royal House and an allied planet at that." I said and he nodded with gratitude. Though if he really felt that I wouldn't know.


But truly he was a dangerous individual. Even if I had the lowest of force sense I couldn't detect any lis, uncomfortability, or hate. Even when bowing, which is truly magnificent. Such control over one's emotions is an extraordinary trait. And it allowed Palpatine to create his Empire.


He then turned back to Padme.


"We've been extremely concerned with your safety due to the communications breakdown. I'm anxious to hear your report on the situation." Palpatine said. "May I present, Supreme Chancellor Valorum. And Representative Davis, whom I assume you know of, Count Thalron." He said with a slight chuckle.


"Indeed I do. Greetings Supreme Chancellor Valorum. We meet again." I said and even in his stoic trance, he responded.


"It is always a pleasure to meet you, Count Veridian." He said with a smile. That's what I appreciated with Valorum. He didn't attempt to manipulate you into liking him by using his older age by calling you Young or something.


Valorum then turned to the Queen.


"Welcome, Your Highness. It's an honor to finally meet you in person." He said.


"Thank you, Supreme Chancellor." She responded, and we began walking.


"I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the current situation. I've called for a special session of the senate to hear your position." Valorum said as the Senate Guards followed behind us.


"I'm grateful for your concern, Chancellor." She said as Padme walked ahead.


"There is a question of procedure, but I'm confident we can overcome it." Palpatine said as he walked ahead with the Queen but I stopped.


"Queen Amidala, I am afraid I must concern myself with my own duties. Please contact me if you need any help or advice." I said and she nodded. And with that, I turned away and turned to Robb, Jon, and Davis. Who had followed us.


"Alright, let's get on with the tedious stuff. I believe it's required to be done in the Senate Building?" I asked Davis and he nodded.


"Indeed, I have set up times for the multiple planets to meet you." He said and I nodded.


Davis then waved and a transport landed where the Queen's transport had just left.


"Well, let's get on with it." I said as I walked onto the transport and sat down.


It then sped ahead as we headed to the Senate Building. Padme had headed to the Senate District, mainly the Senate Rooms. It was a building separate from the Senate Building. You can't sleep in the Senate Building so everyone got their assigned high-quality rooms.


If you were a part of the core senate you got the best rooms. And if you were the leader of a core, mid, or expansion rim planet then you'd get the top rooms to exist. Padme got one such room or area that would be more appropriate.


We headed straight to the Senate Building, with Jon, Robb, and 5 Senate Guards. They were apparently our private guards.


According to my schedule, my first meeting was with Voe Atell, the senator of Kooriva and Leader of the Military Faction. Though I don't quite know if she and her planet changed to the Separatist, I know for a fact that she alongside the majority of the War Faction deserted to the Separatists.


According to the HoloInformation network then Kooriva is a democracy, where the Senator has the 2nd power, only under the Prime Minister. But there is no King.


My goal would be to make sure Kooriva doesn't desert, I cannot change Voe Atell but I could change the leader's opinion.


After all, Kooriva was a bit too close to Thyferra in my opinion. Though I doubt I will be attacked, especially in the start, or they will attack in the start then wait.


Maybe I would be attacked right after Geonosis so that the Republic couldn't perform a proper response. After all, we will have a threatening Navy at that time.


Maybe both the Republic and the CIS will develop true warships due to the threat of my ISD's overwhelming power. Maybe the Recusant and Tector-Class Star Destroyers will be created earlier, or the Victory-Class.


Soon enough we arrived, and she was called in.


I sat in the usual senator's office. Where Davis usually sat. It was an average senator's office. Not dark like the Umbarans, nor did it have 3 seats like the Neimodians. But it did have 2 seats for me and Davis.


And 1 seat in front of the desk.


Jon and Robb stood at either corner of the desk, between it and the window,


Meanwhile, 3 Senate Guards stood outside and 2 inside.


"Greetings, Senator Voe Atell." I said.


"Please, call me Senator Voe, Count Veridian." She said and I nodded.


"Then you must call be Count Thalron." I said and she too nodded.


"Now, what makes you grace me with your presence?" I asked.


She got straight to the point.


"I know you're not in any faction, but you're learning towards the peace faction. Therefore I came here to convince you to join the War Faction." She said.


"Oh, and what could you give me that would benefit me?" I asked.


"I know you are building one of the largest Navies to exist. Your 1 Valiant being built is already stronger than an entire Judicial Fleet, and with your support ships you can easily threaten 2 entire Judicial Fleets." She said as she smiled.


"You have balls to create such a monstrosity, due to the Reformation. If you use it in your attack against the Trade Federation they will surely point at it, during the political battle afterward." She said and holy fuck, to think I overlooked it.


I'm not smart enough or experienced enough to think I can predict everything.


She's correct. That battleship is 15 times larger than the maximum naval craft allowed to be built after the Ruusan Reformation. And with its large turbo lasers and potential threat, it's breaking tens of laws set in place.


I looked beside me to see Davis too understood the problems with this. We both are green in terms of political plays.


But what about Palpatine. Surely he knows of my naval crafts due to Padme. But he didn't warn me. Which means he wants me to suffer setbacks. Fuck. So I can't depend on the peace faction to support me.


"I see you haven't thought about that. For all your genius in leading you're still both green on Coruscant. You also realized that the Peace faction won't support you, as they heavily support the reformation." She said. While correct she was a bit off with the peace faction but the end result was the same.


"So you propose to support us in the aftermath?" Davis asked and she nodded.


"That, but I will also allow you to create a sub-faction within the War Faction. A Military Alliance. I know that the War Faction is not a proper alliance, but no planet has the military power to bring people to join an alliance." She said and I understood the underlying meaning.


You get to create your own power and use my members. She knew it would be a boost for her as well if she got a Military Alliance in her faction. Additionally, she too had recognized that multiple weaker planets are scared due to the Trade Federations movement.


And now was the perfect time to recruit and create alliances.


"Hmm, we shall think of it." I said and she took the cue. Excusing herself.


And like that 7 hours passed as we created multiple potential alliances, and gathered new allies, especially in the Mid-Rim.


And with that, I took an armed transport piloted by the Senate Guards back to the Senate Quarters. Tomorrow I would meet by Bounty Hunter team…..


i = e on (patrion)

8 advance chapters at Patrion. 


It really helps me stay motivated by getting a few donation. And maybe if we all are lucky i get grammarly premium and we get some better grammar :) 

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