Webnovel Author: Nechrom - Fanfic Collection



LV 4

Oh? You're approaching me? instead of running away you read my profile?

2020-05-11 入りました Global

バッジ 5

Moments 277


Yooo!! he did the Kakyoin challenge

Aldrich held his hands up to himself and saw that they were indeed a shade of ghostly pale white that belonged only to corpses. His skin felt cold and almost clammy. He touched his stomach and felt a fist-sized hole in it from Seth Solar's punch.

Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

Fantasy · John_Doever


The uchihas are overrated because most of them use Izanagi whenever they get a papercut

" No, it's the exact opposite. Sasuke is just trash compared to the other man. Remember Sakura, Uchihas are overrated."

Naruto: The teacher system

Naruto: The teacher system

Anime & Comics · Rysangel



" Relax, Sakura, follow my movement and don't resist," Sanada whispered.

Naruto: The teacher system

Naruto: The teacher system

Anime & Comics · Rysangel


The Ex-Babysitter also has a nice ring to it since they are doing a bad job at it.

"Scott, first of all, you are not babysitting anyone, the staff is." Charles sighed, "Second, Mr. Walker has things he has to deal with before feeling safe within our walls, things he can't share, things I won't force him to share, things I don't know, but I know are important, and third… the X-Babysitters, it has a nice ring to it… also, why is her non-mutant state a problem on this equation?"






The players who were roaming around the place were constantly being pursued by mobs, from zombies, skeletons and many more.

Multiverse Internet Cafe(Fanfiction)

Multiverse Internet Cafe(Fanfiction)

Others · LazyTanaka

Replied to VoidUzumaki

Sorry about that I was underestimating the ability I already change it thanks for telling me

Increase your resistance against any high level poison, but remember your not immune to it just resistant

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Anime & Comics · Nechrom

Replied to Sham_Pain

no originally he only has lighting affinity because that was the title of this novel, but it strayed from the title that's why I added affinity later

"Haa... that a long day," I said arriving at home. "I wonder what I could do to get stronger" suddenly I remembered about chakra affinity, "what is my chakra affinity?" I wondered. Hisato then started to create a chakra paper and channel his chakra, the paper wrinkled 'Lightning huh'.

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Anime & Comics · Nechrom

Replied to LouZhen

he can deactivate it, he just asking can he hide his sharingan when he use it

I channel chakra into my eye, my eyes started to change into a 3 tomoe sharingan "So this is the feeling of having a sharingan" I said amazed.

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Anime & Comics · Nechrom

Replied to Noveltiger

I only read that until chapter 70 so I don't know any much after that, but that still a good f


Ehh.. I was just going for a simple Mud release since Wood transformation is made out of earth and water. Earth and Water transformation can make 2 transformation: 1. Wood Style 2. Mud Style (From Naruto Novel)


Goku before: I will let you live this time, I hope you will stop your evil ways Goku after: Bitch I ain't Goku now DIE!! *Proceed to blast enemy to smithereens*


In the depths of the the universe, The supreme entity Moro laughed loudly "Hahahaha I did it. I replaced his soul with a different person. He won't be a threat anymore. Goku will be weak and useless now. Hahahaha I have changed my own future with the last of my power." Then he disintegrated into nothing and returned back to his time.

In Dragon Ball as Goku

In Dragon Ball as Goku

Anime & Comics · Crook_Shank

Replied to shivkira

no I didn't forget them I use them for later

We walked back to the headquarters looking a bit rough, our clothes are tattered and we have some cut wounds on our bodies while the onlooker was watching us, 'my wound stings a bit, I know some medical ninjutsu but I only learn the basic so it shouldn't be a problem, I also heal overnight. Sasuke, on the other hand, won't heal'.

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Anime & Comics · Nechrom

Replied to Raistlins_Ghost1

No it doesn't allow dark release this is just chakra but it power almost rivaled tailed beast and it doesn't need a handsign to do jutsu

As they got closer I recreate a small steel prison around them trapping them inside, "What the hell?" they can't get out of the prison"hey let us out" they started to yell.

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Anime & Comics · Nechrom

Replied to shivkira

shut up I'm not dealing with this anymore, someone saying It needs to have a water source to make it work even though it specially said the user knead his chakra into water. And I'm not getting into another argument

"Ah.. sorry didn't notice it" I created a hole in the cave and said, "Oi Yosuke fill it with your water jutsu". " Don't treat me like I'm a Tap water and there are no water source here!" He said angrily. "Use this" I opened my storage scroll and give him 20 water bottle "That should be enough right?"

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped}

Anime & Comics · Nechrom
