92.68% Naruto: The Outsider {Dropped} / Chapter 34: Akatsuki Special Request

章 34: Akatsuki Special Request

It's been two weeks since we joined Akatsuki, we were given the Akatsuki cloak but without the red clouds. Every day we got a request to help people or defend a village, I can't kill since I have to follow their policies. Though I have to admit it's been fun hanging around with them and we are friends with each other, but not like best friends or something.

I'm on the balcony watching the rain"*Sigh* It will take a while to get used to this weather" I heard a footstep behind me then I looked back and saw Sasuke walking to me he said, "Hisato spar with me it's been a while since we last fight, Don't want to be rusty right?".

"I guess your right, let's go It's getting a bit dull here" We walked out of the headquarters and I gestured him to follow me, I lead him to a deserted spot at the clearing of the forest.

I warm up my body and asked him, "What are the rules?". He unsheathed his sword and point it at me "Kenjutsu only, I want to try something" he said while smiling. My right arm turned into a shadow arm and it changed shape into a sword "Get ready!".

I dash towards him and we clashed our sword in the middle creating sparks, he switched his sword style to power and start overpowering me.

I back off and he chased me with blue lightning coated his body, I also coated my body in purple lightning.

We disappear and reappear all over the place clashing swords creating a sword mark on the surrounding area. I manage to slash him creating a sword wound on his body, he throws a smoke bomb and I activate my Sharingan.

Suddenly countless swords are flying toward me 'What the?' I was shocked momentarily and one of them manage to hit me, the sword turned into a cloud of smoke and revealing a Chidori senbon.

'He use henge on his Chidori senbon creating an illusion of hundreds of sword' I smiled while dodging the swords 'If he does this then that means he will teleport to one of this sword'.

With my sharingan I easily predicted where he would appear, I slashed my sword behind me and it collided with his kunai "If you use this on any ninja they would be dead, but I know that swords trick".

He suddenly smirks at me and disappeared

he tries to slash me from behind, I barely deflect it, but it manages to make a gash on my rib and I flinched for a bit.

He smugly said, "What do you think of it?", I got irritated and said, "I think it's bad you only manage to injure me once". He chuckled "No need to be a sore loser," I looked at him and sighed

"Fine, you won" He offers his hand and I grabbed it.

"How did you manage to do it anyway?" I asked him, "I know that you would probably predict where I appear, since you are so used to a massive scale jutsu I figured out you would forget Shunshin so I shunshin to you and teleport to my sword that was on the ground" he explained.

"You cheeky bastard" he still smiling arrogantly, I channel chakra to my leg then kick his leg making him fall to the mud and I'm laughing at him after that we start fighting again.

We walked back to the headquarters looking a bit rough, our clothes are tattered and we have some cut wounds on our bodies while the onlooker was watching us, 'my wound stings a bit, I know some medical ninjutsu but I only learn the basic so it shouldn't be a problem, I also heal overnight. Sasuke, on the other hand, won't heal'.

I created a senzu bean and throw it to him, he catches it and said, "What about you?". I shrugged "I heal overnight," I said to him, 'after all I don't want to waste my creation bar in case something happens'.

Yahiko and his friend are walking to us, "What happen to you guys?" Yahiko asked. "We are just sparring nothing serious," I said, he then starts to examine my whole body "Judging by your condition, you probably lose badly against Sasuke" he joked.

'Tch I can't blame him technically I still lost but doesn't mean it's one-sided battle' I thought bitterly. "I was going to ask you guys to come to the meeting room, but I guess I just ask Sasuke!" Yahiko said.

"I can go too, even in this condition I can badly beat you up," I said with confidence, they were convinced and let me go with them.

We headed to the meeting room there are other members there and Yahiko said, "We suspected Hanzo still alive" and all of us are shocked "But didn't Hisato and Sasuke jutsu destroyed them?" Konan asks worriedly.

"We scouted the area and found Hanzo Salamander corpse though it's a different one. Most of its body got blown up and there's a trail of blood heading towards the forest" he said seriously.

'That's worrisome if he survives this, there no doubt that he will train hard and not laze around like in the canon' I thought.

Yahiko summarized the mission "We received a request from a village near Konoha border that Hanzo men's are harassing them and using them as a slave, the person who requested this quest manage to escape from it, but we don't know if they're telling the truth or this is all a trap so we need a scout to gather Intel around the village".

Kyusuke raised his hand " I do it," he said confidently, I raised my hand too "How about I do it!" I volunteered. Kyusuke wanted to complain but the other member agreed "Hisato can teleport back, so he can do it without risking his life" the others agreed.

Yahiko smiled "Alright you will be the scout but be careful even if you can teleport and strong you must take precautions, also Konan show him to the village" Konan nodded.

'He right I don't know where is the village is but going with Konan? this will be great' They continued to strategize and I listened briefly. After that he told us to prepare, I went back to my room and heal myself for a bit then I saw Sasuke entering the room.

"Sasuke what mission do you have?" I asked him, "Shinobi from Kumogakure is getting too close to Ame so my team has to fend them off from this place" I nodded at him "Well good luck on your mission," I said to him. Sasuke smiled and left the room before saying "You too".

I left my room then go outside of the headquarter, I saw her standing there waiting then I arrived and we start jumping through the trees "So Konan why did Yahiko choose you? I mean I'm not complaining or anything just curious".

She replied, "The others are on a mission while Yahiko commands them all and Nagato is still awkward talking to you, let alone going with you". I nodded my head "So what's your jutsu then?" she explained her jutsu and technique to me even though I already know it all.

We have a pleasant conversation on our way there without me making it awkward. In the distance, we see a village "Hey Konan wear this" I gave him a gas mask. She looks at it "Is this a gas mask?" she asked, I nodded "Yeah just in case something happen".

We sneak into the village searching for anything suspicious we see some people getting forced to work. "You found anything out of the ordinary?" I whispered to her, she shakes her head 'No but I have sensed people gathering at that house' she said.

'Oh yeah I forgot she a sensor type shinobi' I looked at the house and it's heavily guarded "Leave it to me" I turned invisible and she looked around "don't worry I'm just invisible" I entered the house and found two people conversing.

I sit down on the corner and listen to their conversation. "Did you send the request yet?" he said with a somber expression.

The other guy nodded and said, "I did, now we just have to wait for them to come, I'm sure they will come and once they arrive we will ignite all of the paper bombs to blow up this whole place to smithereens after that we will release all of the poison killing all of the Akatsuki and the villager." he smiled evilly.

"We have to kill them for injuring Lord Hanzo, he is critically wounded right now and that guy from Konoha with a bandage covering his left eye is visiting him recently, I have a bad feeling about him also he a coward as soon those 2 guys arrived he left immediately with some of his subordinates".

I heard enough and go back to Konan. I spotted her standing behind a tree in the distance and I went over there then I appeared in front of him, she looks unfazed 'Oh yeah sensor type'. She looks at me and asks "How did it go?".

I explain what I have heard to her and she has a worried face "This is bad I spotted a couple of leaf ninja fighting against Iwa ninja not far from here, if they used a paper bomb it might trigger the paper bomb in this place we have to report back" she said urgently "Hold on" I touched her shoulder and we teleport out of here.

We arrived at the headquarter and walked to the meeting room there we see Yahiko talking to other Akatsuki members then he sees us and greeted us "So did you gather any Intel?". We explained the whole thing to him and his expression turned serious.

"You guys gather the other members with you but not too many we will escort the villager secretly and hope they don't found us," Yahiko said. I went back to my room and lay down for a bit 'If they detonate the paper bomb my Susanoo will handle it easily'.

Soon I hear someone knocking on my door, I get out of my bed and walk hurriedly to the door, there I see some Akatsuki member "Hisato-San we are ready!" they exclaimed.

I followed them outside then I see the three of them waiting, Yahiko said, "Alright, everybody is here we can start the mission now". I counted all of them and they're only twenty of us including me.

I proceeded to teleport them all near the village where my Hiraishin seal is located.

He summarizes the plan to us and we start to Infiltrate the village, they knock out the guards and escort them out of here while Konan keeps the lookout since she a sensor type.

I grabbed some of the villagers and escort them out of here, though they were reluctant at first after a while I'm done with my side 'Now I just have to wait' I thought, then a paper flies toward me and headed back, I followed it and saw her there "Miss me already?" I asked her.

"There no time to play around, the Konoha are fighting against Iwa they are using mostly fire jutsu, and It's too close to us, you have to get them out of here," she said seriously. "Fine, where is it?", she pointed his arm towards the direction and I see some ninja battling.

I squinted my eye and spotted someone using Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation 'That's a Hyuuga, I can get their byakugan here, when I'm living in the wilderness I never found a Hyuuga so that's unfortunate now I can take them'.

"Konan you just continue with your job, while I drag them away from here" I placed a Hiraishin seal on the ground then I sprinted there and noticed there are two Hyuuga 'I just need to lure them out of here'.

I created a [Doppleganger] that attacks the Iwa shinobi and take their leader out of here, so they were forced to retreat and rescue their leader.

Konoha teams seem to relax for a bit and one of them deactivate their Byakugan, Lightning spread through my body and I sprinted towards the Hyuugas

The other one still has his Byakugan active and he immediately warns the others "Enemy Incoming" he yelled. All of the ninjas tried to block me or attack me, but I dodge them all and heads towards the Hyuuga.

Both of them say "Eight Trigrams Palm Rotation" a sphere created around them serving as a shield. I create a small Rasenringu on my hand then slam it to the sphere "Arggg" they screamed.

I grabbed him by his head then smash it to the ground making him unconscious, I slowed my speed allowing them to chase me. Once we are far enough I gouged both of his eyes then place them in my Inventory, Shadow arms came out of my body and start to absorb their chakra.

I drained his chakra as much as I can without killing him then I used my Hiraishin seal to go back to the village.

The shinobi caught the sight of the eyeless Hyuuga and panicked, the other Hyuuga is from the branch families so he might get punished harshly.

I arrived there only to see them battling against Hanzo's men they are using poison gas, So our team is resorted to using a long range weapon or jutsu.

I appear beside them "Doto what happened here?" I asked him while throwing some of my shurikens. "Hisato-San someone got caught in the east side and they trapped him in a cage, we just can't let him die so we are fighting against their leader while the other save him" he explained

Konan is battling them since he has a gas mask and Nagato has his almighty push to disperse the poison. The enemy leader yelled "Is that all of you? I expected more from you guys" he said with a bitter tone.

'Looks like he doesn't want to waste that many paper bombs to destroy us, better not use my Jutsu don't want to accidentally set them off'. Both of my hands turn into multiple shadow arms and grabbing all of them, a few of them manage to dodge it.

I kept doing this and absorbed their chakra until the leader got mad "That's it I don't care how many of you here I will blow up this whole place" He activates the seal and it starts glowing then the ground that surrounds the village starting to glow.

I extended my shadow arms and tried to grab all of my teammates, but I could only save nine of them because the other is on the other side of the village.

I activate my Susanoo before this whole place blew up creating a massive explosion and a giant smokes appeared from the aftermath, it mixed with the poison so I immediately get out of here.

My Susanoo came out from the smokes and it sprinted to the distance then deactivate my sharingan making my Susanoo dissapear, they were shocked since they are still alive "We are still alive?" Yahiko asked, I sit down for a bit "Yeah I manage to save you guys last second".

"Thank you Hisato back there I thought that we might be toast," Yahiko said, relieved by the fact that they still live. The others thanked me too and some of them bowed down while thanking me.

I smiled sadly "Yeah, but I only managed to save you all while the rest I couldn't save them," I said while looking at the ground. The mood becomes gloomy and they look around then they ran to the village.

I chase aftermath and see them standing and looking at the village, I looked at the aftermath there's a large crater, the ground is charred and the whole village got demolished.

'Guess he wasn't exaggerating the village did blow into smithereens'.

The Akatsuki member tried to enter the village, but I hold them back with my shadow arm they were telling me to let go."Do you want to die? that place is filled with poison you will die if you enter it!" I yelled at them.

They stopped resisting and I drop them. Yahiko look at them with a sad expression

"I know there might be no chance for us to find their corpse, but we have to at least try to search for them," he said with a sorrowful expression.

I volunteered to search for them since I have a gas mask, I searched the village for any corpse and found nothing. I listen to the sound of paper behind me "Konan what are you doing here?". She looks at me and said " I will help you search for them since I have a gas mask too" she said calmly

'it's been two weeks since I'm here and It's nice to have them around, most of them that died are the people that I often hang out with.

I feel bad for them because I couldn't help them, come to think of it since when the last time I feel guilty?' I contemplated on my word.

Konan talks to me "Let's go back to the group since we haven't found anything" then she leaves "Uh.. yeah" after that I followed her back to the group.

We get back to the group and explained that we haven't found a single corpse. The moods started to darkens "Let's go back, once we get back we will hold a funeral" Yahiko said bitterly, then I teleported them back.

After we went back to the Headquarters we held a funeral there we pay respect for our fallen comrade. I go back to my room and lay down "I'm mentally exhausted right now, I'm just going to sleep'.

[A/N: I have to redo all of this since webnovel doesn't save my previous one, and the previous one is better than this one so I apologize if the grammar is bad because I was forced to do this all over again]

[Quick reminder the explosion happened in 3 second so he can only save the one that's around him.

[This is if you thought MC out of character]

Mc has been alone for 8 years and friends with 3 people, his sensei died and he was forced to left the village making him all alone again for 4 more years. This is the reason that he attached to people that he befriended with

because he is unaware that he is lonely and he enjoys someone company( the friendly one)

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


