

LV 11
2019-11-07 入りました Global
バッジ 12

Moments 80
9 months ago
Replied to Gavin_Bryant

Thank you!

1 years ago

author hasn't posted anything, and just promotes patreon.

1 years ago
Replied to OneAuTumnLeaf

Thanks so much! I'm glad to hear what you have to say about the pacing, I'm trying to take this story a little slower and go over things in more detail, but I was worried some people may not enjoy the slow pace.

1 years ago
Replied to DiceXd

This world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, the mc just doesn't realise it yet.

I was by no means an expert on Pokemon, I couldn't battle competitively for the life of me and had fallen off of playing the games as much as I used to, only buying the latest one and then playing through it once before returning to other things. Still, that didn't mean I wasn't happy to be reborn in the pokemon world. In fact, I was ecstatic. A world of mystical creatures that you can command in battle and will also probably be the best friends you'll ever have? Sign me right up! It was probably one of the safest worlds you could be put into, only beat by shows for literal toddlers. Much better than some crazy shit like Worm or DC.

Pokemon Gacha System

Pokemon Gacha System

Video Games · Firehawk81

2 years ago
Replied to BlackIight

I agree but to be honest if I was really going to drop it I would have never made another post, as its been so long since the last chapter, I wouldn't want to get people's hopes up. Although it will be a long while before I come back to this story as I want it to be great. I want to get more experience with my new story, because although I will put plenty of time in effort into my new story, this story is my brainchild and something I really enjoyed writing, and wish to make as good as possible.

2 years ago

Havent read it but the description seems promising, mainly leaving this review to let you know that you should title your chapters, as its a real turnoff for readers when chapters aren't titled.

3 years ago
Replied to Gabriel_Cabral

Mou can't teleport others for the same reason the MC can't.

3 years ago
Replied to Narcox

Its would be the same reason mc can't teleport them. To teleport someone else you have to be able to access their psychic energy and "drag" it with yours which isn't possible due to their core completely blocking most peoples psychic energy's off. If the others were even just budding psychic's mc could teleport one other because he would also have to stop their momentum. Also Moy can't learn teleport. I have pokemon learn a lot of moves they normally can't, which you will be seeing soon with more battles coming up, but teleport is a very rare move in this universe that only a few pokemon can learn.

He would take the other passengers with him if he could, even if he didn't like them he wasn't heartless, but sadly just like how psychics couldn't mind read or control others if their core hadn't broken, neither could they teleport others.

Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection

Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection

Anime & Comics · Firehawk81

3 years ago
Replied to Ingram_Ironhide

It's mostly sent by boat, and then car to where it need to go. Sending Mail is very expensive. It can be sent by plane or pokemon if it neeeds to get there fast but thats usually for important documents. Theirs usually a few strong people who transport mail between nearby towns. Also I mentioned phones earlier and just thought I should clarify that they work only in the city you are currently in. Due to this they are actually pretty rare and usually used when info needs to be transfered fast between officals in the same city.

  • Pokemon Gacha System original

    Pokemon Gacha System


    A man is reborn into the pokemon world with a system. Common premise no? But, this world isn't the happy go world he has come to expect from pokemon and he is in more danger than he thinks. Inspired by "A random pokemon journey"by Ioskro hear on webnovel.

    7 Chs 288 お気に入り

  • Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection original

    Pokemon Journey Towards Perfection



    When someone is reborn into the pokemon world as a rich second generation, theres only one thing to do. Become the very best! Only problem is he's a perfectionist which means it's going to be a slower journey to the top than most. Luckily enough he's rich and won't have to squander for small resources like other protaginists would, starting off on their journey. (Heavy AU) Im writing this story because I keep getting pissed off when reading chinese pokemon fanfics where protaginists make stupid decisions and don't let pokemon reach what I view as their max potential. (Not my photo)

    23 Chs 1.7k お気に入り

