Webnovel Author: TurkishJesus - Novel&Fanfic Collection



male LV 4

Just some random dude writing fanfics

2019-07-19 入りました Turkey

バッジ 16

Moments 712



"I….see dead people…" *Lightning flash* The light in the wardroom flickers because of the storm.

Head-Patting in Marvel

Head-Patting in Marvel

Movies · Alittlepiggy33

Replied to Glendstorm

At this point, I have more fanon knowledge than Canon despite reading the novels.

No, all I could think about is that I didn't read the novels for this world and all I know about this world is second-hand knowledge from my little brother. I'm fucked if there's something terrible beyond I already know.

God Pulled A Gacha and I Got Reincarnated

God Pulled A Gacha and I Got Reincarnated

Anime & Comics · TurkishJesus



I yawned as I woke up again. I had been considering it for a few months but… I was getting bored. Perhaps I should move somewhere else soon. Find a nice mesa or something. I spent too much time just boredly killing grimm nowadays. I had time so why was I so dead set on gaining power? I could always go to greener pastures… going to mantle and learning about dust would be extreme but Mistral would be a nice change of pace. The desert is just… there's only so much sand you can take. I should move to find a nice mesa or something.

A Gamer in Remnant & Multiverse

A Gamer in Remnant & Multiverse

Anime & Comics · Nemo_2837

Replied to Chromacorn

After years of education some random kid comes and heals your patients with basic healing spell. x_x

Even Hospital Directors and doctors felt the crisis coming, as with this news becoming true their jobs were at risk considering how strong the Priests and Paladins' healing abilities were.



Movies · NunuXD


Replied to Aggron77877

Thankfully there are years between the two novels. Otherwise, there would be no way for me to compete with Nascent Kaleidoscope xD

"Thank you for going all the trouble, it's going to take a month if I want to make a proper vessel since my divinity is not really suited for it. After that we can travel. Ohh I want to go to Bleach! I am curious about Zanpaktous"

Aimless Travels In Multiverse

Aimless Travels In Multiverse

Anime & Comics · TurkishJesus

Replied to Gumpta

It is caused by his Device, like how Stella gets draconic traits due to her ability.

Also it's obvious that I don't have the blood or Sparda since my hair is still black, that's a pretty defining feature of Sparda's lineage, so I must have some random demon's blood which I think I can refine.

Living The Cliche Life

Living The Cliche Life

Anime & Comics · TurkishJesus

Replied to DonaldSenju

It would not matter since there is someone escaping from the Machine Gods from another world(FxF). The first batch came while chasing her, the main forces will come later. There is no escaping...


Another friend of mine who completely read the story or is reading it as it hasn't finished said there were going to be alien gods that appeared, and that one shot the strongest being in this world. What's worse is that my friend told me the very line that was being said after one shot him, that being it was only a warm-up, that is, some Dragon Ball-type power creep right there.

Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story

Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story

Anime & Comics · EzioAuditore_1

Replied to P_J_Sch

Daredevil I presume.

She bit her lip and had a sad look on her face. "I'm sorry, I just started at my agency, and they only give me access to the crummier listings! It's either this place or Wilson Fisk's old penthouse! And I don't think you'd want to live there! He was a major criminal after all." She explained.

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

The Fallen Gamer (MarvelxDXDxMulticross)

Movies · StarWaves


If you want to know what a man's like, take a look at how much he benches.

Nick got a whole assortment of fruit , bread , pastries and a small amount of bacon for his money which while lacking in proteins was fine by him. The entire bar watched in amazement as Nick rapidly devoured the spread down to the last crumb. "Where does a small thing like you even put that amount of food?" the barkeeper couldn't help but ask curiously. Nick merely rolled up his sleeve to show his lean defined arm muscles "I am no slouch." he stated with a smirk.

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro


"My future ringwraiths will always remember your contributions to my cause." Nick... Probably

"Looks like it's just you and me for right now Steve." Nick said to the niffler that was stuffing his hoard into his stomach pouch. Nick waited for Steve to finish up before tossing the niffler into his luggage and pulling the wheeled trunk out of the room. Olivander was already waiting to take Nick to the train station with a smile. "It has truly been a privilege to learn from you Mr. Olivander." Nick said honestly with his hand held out for a hand shake. Olivander's smile widened as he took the offered hand firmly "And it has been my honor to take part in guiding you towards whatever grand adventure surely awaits you." he said with no small amount of pride.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro



Daphne was taken aback when she saw this. The dissatisfaction in her eyes had just now disappeared, and what was left was full of admiration.

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard

Anime & Comics · Poka_Poka
