74.46% Flowery Bastard Winning at Life / Chapter 34: Chapter 34

章 34: Chapter 34

In the basement of a certain Wizard, there exists a tank, inside of the tank is filled with a green liquid substance. It is a nutritional liquid also breathable. There's a squirrel-like white being floating inside, sleeping, awaiting his birth. Suddenly the liquid starts vaporizing waking the little guy up.

He awakens completely after feeling someone cupping his head, and opens his eyes to see a teen with long white hair and purple eyes. He looks handsome and gorgeous at the same time, any female would fall for such a face but he only feels annoyed at his grin.

He disturbed his sleep, he must pay!


"Girls meet my soul bound familiar, Cath Palug also known as Fou-kun!" I dramatically gesture towards my head where he stands.

"Merlin he is pulling your hair." Vali says.

"He doesn't seem to share your enthusiasm." Tiamat adds.

"Well, he looks cute..." Gabriel tries to save it.

"Ahh, don't worry he is just grumpy because he just woke up. Stop biting my glorious locks Cath Palug."

"Fou!" He pulls them harder.

Why did I do this to myself again? I reach for him and hold him with my hands. We share a look before I pass him to Gabriel, she could use some fluff.

Tsukkomi aside Fou and I have perfect understanding of each other from the start, so he isn't really trying to harm me. It's all in the name of comedy...

"Well, why don't we take a picture of the moment to remember in the future?" Ravel brings a camera.

She is yet to adjust to the lifestyle of our home, I mean a loli dragon is guarding a cognizant egg and everyone is living in the basement instead of using the living room.

The only thing she didn't find weird was our treatment of Kanna. Ravel straight up hugged her at sight.

"Well, why not. Fou-kun come on pose with me." First I make a background with some illusions. Then I make double peace signs and grin at the camera.



The addition of Fou was also meant that the dungeon is ready for testing, since I have yet to talk with Izanami and get her approval I needed some other people to test it.

"So you had friends after all Vali. How cruel of you to not introduce them to your boyfriend." I fake cry making Vali embarrassed.

"They are not my friends, they're people I found powerful and can get even stronger." Vali explained.

I look over to future Team Vali and nod. "Sure."

The most of the team is here minus Fenrir and Gormaggog since they got those two during canon. I can see that Arthur found 'Excalibur' Ruler, Le Fay has a new broom.

Bikou is arguing with Vali about what counts as friends and Kuroka is staring at me. I honestly don't have any intentions for her.

I realize that even five girls hard to upkeep even with Time Manipulation. I simply don't have the emotional capacity. While I am ripping off Fate Merlin, I am not that Merlin, I do have a heart despite my actions so far...

Shaking my head I clear the depressing thoughts and grin at my test subjects.

"Vali here!" Seeing that Vali and Bikou still arguing I throw the katana I ordered for her.

"Ehh, What is this? It feels familiar..."

"I had Muramasa forge that from your Balance Breaker armor pieces. It should be good enough that you can finally pull off that move." I grin at her.

She doesn't speak but materializes Divine Dividing and pulls the katana out of its sheathe before making a straight slash.

{Divide!} Albion announces as space splits into two.

{Ahaha I told you my Divide can pull it off.} Of course he has to boast.

"It took me to get a badass blacksmith to forge this sword. It's not your power that helped."

{Please don't ruin this for me, Vali does that enough already.} Two heavenly dragons, poor guys. One of them has to deal with a freshly minted futa and the other has a host that constantly abuses his emotions.

Seeing that everyone is once again paying attention I move on. "Well, I am assuming Vali has told you what this is about but I'll repeat just in case. You're here to join me in testing the prototype dungeon." I explain getting nods in understanding. "In return, you will be getting stronger by clearing the generated dungeons alongside me." I keep explaining.

"Question. How strong are the monsters in this dungeon?"

"Well, so far we only have monsters up to Low God class, Tiamat is working on designs for the stronger ones, so chose your poison." I will be limiting myself to get experience anyway.

"Fou-kun, cue the drum roll!" I call out to him, he has a tiny drum set.

*Drum roll* *Portal to Dungeon Opens*


"The last floor was horrifying!" Arthur of all people throws himself into the bean bags.

We're on the resting floor of the dungeon. Yes, instead of putting monster free zones, I put resting rooms in the dungeon.

"Well, I didn't know Tiamat added monster slimes." I mean, there are slimes in this world but they're harmless. "But it wasn't that bad." I calm them down.

The ones in the dungeon are horrible and most of them are immune to physical attacks.

"Have you seen their eyes? They have no souls!"

"Yes Le Fay, that's kinda the point..." Vali pats the horrified girl on the head.

The only ones that didn't comment on the slimes were Bikou and Kuroka. Considering how weird Yokai could get I am not surprised.

"Ano Merlin-sama?" Kuroka approaches with a blush on her face. I am not sure if it's because of exhaustion or arousal.

"Yes, Kuroka?" I am surprised that she hasn't made a perverted remark. She doesn't even do that 'Nya' thing. Then again she was mostly respectful towards powerful people.

She didn't even try to seduce me. Maybe she got scared after seeing Tiamat and Gabriel.

"I doubt that you'll accept it but I have to ask. Can you give me children?" Pin drop silence...

"Why do you want my children?"

"Well, I might have accidentally caused my race to get killed. I want to have strong children to make sure Nekoshou survives."

"Hmm, I am pretty experienced with creating life at this point. How about this, once I go to visit Izanami I'll ask for some Nekoshou souls and we can put them in volunteering Nekomata mothers." I don't need Izanami's help on this but using a God's name is a good way to make people trust you.

"You can do that really!?" Kuroka grabs my robes and looks up. Her yellow eyes filled with hope.

"Well, it doesn't pose any difficulty for me, it's up to Shinto Gods' decision." I slowly free her hands off my robe.

She nods in a subdued manner and goes back to the group with a slight skip in her steps.


"Where are we going this time Merlin?"

"Well, unfortunately, I don't have another world trip planned. I was hoping we could roam the Garden of Eden and have a picnic."

"Well, it would have been lovely but it's been a while since I went down to lower Heavens."

"Huh, why? Did something happen?" Gabriel gives me a blank look.

"The other Angels are smoking and drinking non-stop. I am honestly surprised that we can still do our jobs."

"Well, I did automate the system. So technically they're not working as much as they used to."

"Anyway, we can't really visit the garden. Also, I might start eating all the apples again." She pouts. Her apple craving is worsening.

"Hungry for apples?" I raise a basket full of apples.

"I shouldn't but I can't stop myself..."

"Well, if we can't roam the Garden then we might as well make our picnic somewhere else." I say while pulling out a world map.

"Well, I do know a nice place. I found it about five years ago when I snuck out to travel the world." Gabriel points out a small island as she bites an apple.

Ahh, my angel wife(even though we are not married yet) is cute.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


