"I have a head and a tail that will never meet, having too much of me is always a treat. What am I?" Questioned the eagle.
Book&Literature · SHEOGORATH
The soul of the boy started floating to every option and looked at them carefully, before deciding what kind of character he wanted to make. He created an oni with crimson dark red hair that reached the middle of his back, he had long black horns sticking out of his forehead. His eyes were gold, with slit-like pupils, the oni on the screen was good-looking, tall, and muscular.
Anime & Comics · xRead
Coming back from his thoughts Damon turns his focus back to the woman in front of him " hey sorry about this but something came up and I have to deal with it now so I can't accompany you today I'll make it up to u some other time " without waiting for a response Damon walks away leaving a confused woman and feather worshipping pigeon.
Movies · DarknessAuthor
"Megan!" Aregfen yelled in terror as he was whisked up to the deck, all the sailors were lying dead as The Pale Lady started running toward the edge at an almost imperceptible speed.
Book&Literature · TheGodSage
While our protagonist was cursing a figure show up behind the poor soul and scream in a deep voice "SURPRISE MOTHREF***R!!"
Anime & Comics · Odyin
Big and bulky you say
"I'll take the princess' guard option." I mused, selecting it. And just as I did, the screen went dark, and the screen on the right lit up entirely, wile the character image screen on the left lit up as well.
A Blazing Fist (Gamer Insert - Starting in Avatar The Last Airbender)
Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0