EveRoarke - Profile


female LV 5

an avid reader with zero judgement

2019-01-24 入りました India

バッジ 9

Moments 100


No matter what she’s done, she doesn’t deserve this. 😔

The ground was so cold. Her children were so cold. She needs to bring them home…

The Miracle Doctor's Two-Faced Toddler

The Miracle Doctor's Two-Faced Toddler

History · Pian Fangfang


I actually love this idea!

"How about you use that fool you call 'Brother' for this?" Howard suggested while rubbing his chin.

Thrown Into A New World: 
Let The Punishment Begin!

Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Fantasy · ObsidianOrbs


lol Millie sure has a way with words😂

Millie walked out from the background and glanced at Dante, "Dante. Shouldn't you go punch that man? He is clearly moving in on our property."

The Side Character Turned Villainess

The Side Character Turned Villainess

Fantasy · Nekoru


so how many destinies was Neoma born with?

"In the future, the seed in your womb would become the pitiful human tree in front of you right now," the majestic voice coming from the sky said. She wasn't certain if it has a gender, but its voice sounded like it belong to a woman. "Your daughter is destined to be the next Aether, dear."

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Fantasy · sola_cola


well if it’s Neoma we are talking about then there’s a high chance that she did something in her anger n someone cursed her to be like that but it could also just be a metaphor of her future life..

"No," Mona whispered to herself in disbelief. Then, her trembling arms unconsciously hugged her stomach. Her eyes that were now blurry from tears focused on the young lady that was slowly turning into a tree. "How and why would my precious daughter end up that way?"

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Fantasy · sola_cola


he dreamt about their life in modern world ?

"I apologize for saying something weird, Lady Roseheart," Gavin Quinzel said while giving her an apologetic smile. Then, she scratched his cheek as if he was embarrassed. "I just had a weird dream. It seems realistic so…"

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Fantasy · sola_cola


excuse me? so was he in love with the ‘twin’?

Gavin Quinzel looked hesitant at first. But in the end, he nodded his head firmly before asking. "Lady Roseheart, do you have a twin sister?"

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Fantasy · sola_cola


lol she got it in spades😂

[I hope our daughter doesn't inherit our rudeness.]

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Fantasy · sola_cola


lol that’s Ruto for ya

A day later, a strange block of ice the shape of a ship was found in the middle of the sea.

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Fantasy · sola_cola


in your dreams gavin

Gavin Quinzel glared at him. "You're dead, Ruston Stroganoff."

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Fantasy · sola_cola


i feel sorry for Nero.

His mother closed her eyes as tears began to roll down her cheeks. "Because you needed to become the emperor, Nero."

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Fantasy · sola_cola


yay! hannah’s back!

"NEOMA hasn't woken up yet?" Hanna asked her father worriedly. "How many days has it been since she fainted, Father?"

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Royal Secret: I'm a Princess!

Fantasy · sola_cola


I wonder why she didn’t kill Cosette?

Infused with pain and abuse Lumielle had only seen the world through a lens of betrayal. The sun felt cold as her fingers toyed with one of the marble chess pieces that a young aristocrat had gifted her after she had covered up his scandal with young prostitutes. All she had to do was buy off the media. After killing a single reporter, Lumielle had become monstrous. No one dared to try and act against her. The press became her fiddle as she swept the bow against the strings eliciting such a sonorous melody.

Kingmaker's Revenge

Kingmaker's Revenge

Fantasy · saemi
