

male LV 1

Gosto de Harry Potter minha heroína favorita é luna lovegood,e gosto de fanfics em si que situam em mundos que eu possa pesquisar a aparência dos personagens é mais por preguiça

2018-11-15 入りました Brazil
バッジ 3

Moments 312
3 months ago

my head is bad, I have a lot of bad thoughts, I'm having psychological support, before writing the book I was practically in a vegetative state, doing nothing looking at the ceiling aimlessly or something else, this feeling of emptiness returned, so I gave a pause in writing, but I don't intend to abandon it, so I ask you to keep the book in the library because, as soon as my condition shows signs of improvement, I will return.

4 months ago
Replied to Zomvenom

no, andromeda is from the black family, she married a Muggle-born or half-blood, I don't remember correctly, and had the nymphadora as a daughter, then yes, your statement would be correct if she were the nymphadora

I look at them both and say "Okay, time to choose the names" while I was thinking about which name I would give, I look at a book that already came with the house with the name Harry Potter, and I have an idea, Andromeda Tonks and eduardo Tonks, but let's abbreviate it as the larger female will be Andromeda, and the male that is smaller will just be Tonks.

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

Movies · BlackNilton

4 months ago
Replied to kamiryuken

This is really interesting and in fact, MC's age is giving me headaches

4 months ago
Replied to Boolkas1

I had this idea, as I'm studying to join the police in my country, I wanted to include some of these aspects, one of these series would be Blookyng Nine Nine

4 months ago
Replied to Dark_Angel_27


4 months ago
Replied to TheDudeThatReads

I wanted to add more of the current technology, but for that I would need internet, and the first satellite launched was in 2001 if my memory serves me correctly, so for this project, it would take a long time, even though the presence of MC shortened this period

I have a problem, a very big creative block, I would like suggestions from you, my readers, on what to do next, because if I really have no idea what to do, I intend to put a Time Skip, and go straight to the main plot

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

Movies · BlackNilton

4 months ago
Replied to

interesting, it's a good proposal

I have a problem, a very big creative block, I would like suggestions from you, my readers, on what to do next, because if I really have no idea what to do, I intend to put a Time Skip, and go straight to the main plot

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)

Movies · BlackNilton

4 months ago
Replied to RegalObscure

no, I'm taking a break, fifty chapters in less than a month is not for everyone, all the chapters I intend to do involve a lot of research and future possibilities so I have to think a lot before writing

  • The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory) original

    The Big Bang Assassin (The Big Bang Theory)



    A police officer from the Military Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, is killed while setting up an ambush to capture drug traffickers, and when he wakes up he finds himself in a waiting room at a hospital. Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this novel, except my own original characters, do not belong to me, as does the book cover. If the original author would like me to remove it, please get in touch. English is not my native language so any mistakes please forgive me

    56 Chs 4.5k お気に入り

  • O Assassino do Big Bang original

    O Assassino do Big Bang


    Versão (Português Brasil) Um policial da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no Brasil, é morto enquanto armava uma emboscada para capturar traficantes de drogas e, ao acordar, se vê na sala de espera de um hospital. Isenção de responsabilidade: todos os personagens que aparecem neste romance, exceto meus personagens originais, não me pertencem, assim como a capa do livro. Se o autor original quiser que eu o remova, entre em contato. Inglês não é minha língua nativa, então qualquer erro, por favor, me perdoe

    54 Chs 95 お気に入り