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2018-11-08 入りました India
バッジ 6

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10 months ago
Replied to PrinceOfNilfheim

He already had a spare - daemon. It was the fact that no one wanted daemon on the throne one day was what united the small council and many noble petitioners to push rhaenyra for the heirship and then for a new male heir. If baelon had lived it would have vindicated viserys' desire for a male heir. It was both the death of his heir and his wife, that was the true cause of his despair. If baelon lived, no one would petition the king to marry again and produce a male heir so relentlessly, his rule would have been secure for some time, he would sad sure but not broken, and otto and corlys would not have been jockeying for the next queen so hard, knowimg their grandsons would most probably not be kings

2 years ago

The story moves at a decent pace, it's got characters old and new, technically he does go into au territory but not much to have any major effect. My only gripe is with the author not being able to be consistent. He does got with a bit of asoiaf sprinkled within but he just couldn't go deep enough , there are too many differences for him to sort through. Plus while he does good work, I would've liked it better if he went over the lore more and chosen roads not travelled before

2 years ago

thanks for showing mc as a weak willed character who can't think for himself

2 years ago

Ceaser had two sisters Julia major and Julia minor

"In the end, I' m going to marry Kesha (Author: I can' t find the name of Caesar's sister). In other words, I' m also a new noble, and not the lowly civilians in your mouth. If your mouth is despicable again the next time, please seriously investigate the person's identity you offended at least!"

Ancient Rome: The Supreme Slaveholder

Ancient Rome: The Supreme Slaveholder

History · BadBoyForBad

2 years ago
Replied to DaoistXcwFkw

even then jorah would be in his early twenties right now. and the lord would still be jeor . my point still remains

"Lord Dovahkiin "The Dragon of The North." It's good to see another Northern Lord competing in a tourney. Jorah Mormont of Bear Island." Jorah said as he reached out to Ragnar.

Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

Game of Thrones: Dovahkiin

TV · Caio_Bernardo

2 years ago
Replied to Kagetanehiruko

since when was the player a gamer? no stats, no quests, no rewards, no interface, no game? also it's not about playing in easy or hard mode, if it's a challenging plot you really want to give to your readers, you could raise the level of your world or give some really or atleast decent reasons(even that'll do) for the plot progressing the way it is. it's like you just suddenly upped and wrote completely another parallel story and pasted it into this one for example the examples you gave, the master of coin being mace, what was the main reason he was considered for that position beyond putting a reachman there, his money his being the second wealthiest family in westeros. he could funnel some much needed funds though in small amounts to where it's needed most the master of whispers being doran, he has a good buisness and a personal relationship with mc but suddenly disappears off to dorne? why? lets even assume that he did for some good reason, why did mc not have it filled, ollena was a good choice, don't make her the official one but one of MC's or her stooge that will be willing to face the crowd, and the real player will be ollena. or use the little birds and have qyburn attend to them. use some acolytes trained by him for other operations. let him be a passive overseer for it all. mc is the master of laws, so unless hand of the king or the king gainsay him, he has the free run of the kingdoms' inter policies and especially kings landing. he could bring in more fresh guards from his or his allies(which he has many especially among the other kingdoms' high lords) guards to combat it, he is a very rich man himself, could easily fund or run a few necessary things himself. go the baelish way and buy off the brothels. lots of ways he could do many things. it took baelish many years to have that kind of political capital. mc could have had it in half the time. master of ships, well you just took the really easy way out by having stannis do it. there really was no need for him to be there. in canon it was because Robert needed more allies on the small council and the royal Navy traditionally operated more from dragonstone and the narrow sea. he could have given it to redwynes, manderlys, farmans, mallisters and many other seafaring houses do it. mc could have simply given up the position and lived in his lands as a pseudo high lord(his house is too young and a few other things prevent him from being that) if you really want to head the plot in similar direction of the canon (that being of a pressure cooker about to burst), I'm assuming you want a war of five kings too, I really did thought the story would do better than just making it up as you want without some decent thinking through

The biggest reason is that Every one of those lords are former Targaryen loyalist. And I share borders with each and every one of them except for blackwoods. The blackwoods are pissed because I burned the Gods Wood in Herrenhall and killed all the Greenmen that lived there and conquered the Isle of the Faces.

Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+

Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+

TV · Kagetanehiruko

2 years ago

okay but why? I mean seriously it's like you are deliberately trying to set up things to blowup in the most awful manner. you didn't really need the gods Isle. you could have easily caught or pressurized Janos slynt, you could have chosen to not actually force every criminal to take the black, you could have used your position to summon the worst lords to capital and make an example out of them, especially the lowly but wealthy enough lords and have that event deliberately known throughout the backtracking lords through bards, kind of like your own personal reins of castemere, you could have left alone the Isle of faces and maybe that would have lent you an ally in riverlands, cause blackwoods and brackens are almost always on the opposite side of things.

The biggest reason is that Every one of those lords are former Targaryen loyalist. And I share borders with each and every one of them except for blackwoods. The blackwoods are pissed because I burned the Gods Wood in Herrenhall and killed all the Greenmen that lived there and conquered the Isle of the Faces.

Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+

Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+

TV · Kagetanehiruko

2 years ago
Replied to Thomas_scarfo

have you even read the books or seen the show? a million gold dragons is said worth about an entire kingdom of westeros. and the winnings you mentioned were the reward for the hands tourney, that Robert organised (who was a famous spendthrift). none of the tourneys held before offered that kind of reward. even the tourney of harrenhall, said to be the largest tourney held in westeros never offered that amount nor did tywin when he held a tourney for viserys' nameday

I amassed one thousand gold dragons by the end of that day.



Others · Ailzonius

2 years ago

Monty python anyone?

"RHEAAAA!!", it made a creepy sound.

Mikaelson Family Across The Multiverse

Mikaelson Family Across The Multiverse

TV · _EMI_

2 years ago
Replied to Free_Treat

you watch legacies?

Kol exclaimed merrily in surprise, "Really? Me too! I know that all Gods exist, but I only put my faith in science.".

Mikaelson Family Across The Multiverse

Mikaelson Family Across The Multiverse

TV · _EMI_