SUGARBOI - Profile



male LV 5


2018-08-20 入りました Denmark

バッジ 7

Moments 447

Replied to Ragnarok_144

Bro i posted that 2 years ago xd

Opening the bag of cookies at a lightning speed, I ate every single cookie in under 5 seconds.

Roses Multiverse Power Unlocking System

Roses Multiverse Power Unlocking System

Anime & Comics · GaZe_Zero


Its been years since i watched naruto but wasnt there somthing about naruto just useing an insane amount of chakra for normal stuff because he sucked at it?

On a more positive note, Naruto was ecstatic about his progress in chakra control. He could finally walk on trees and water with ease while doing the leaf concentration exercise. He had advanced from using a leaf to using a rock and made significant strides in elemental manipulation of wind, fire, and earth, reaching an advanced state.

Fairy Tail: 5th Master

Fairy Tail: 5th Master

Anime & Comics · HikaruMC

Replied to Tobi_One_Kenobi

From my understanding a child is born male or female. This means “it” should have only 1 gender

Kai's eyes shone, but her expression was one of frustration when she saw the lightning that was being held by her father. With no other choice, he extended both arms in opposite directions and began a circular movement that slowly brought his hands together.

Avatar: Third Son of The Fire Lord

Avatar: Third Son of The Fire Lord

Anime & Comics · PRIME_PRIMUS


Istg china makes the most wonkey lore to their novles

This was why the Human Federation heavily supported its citizens in entering the game.

Zerg Dominion: The Rise in the World of Gods

Zerg Dominion: The Rise in the World of Gods

Games · AbyssalDevourer

Replied to _Tea_Lover_

Systems are always cheap like that

Reward 3: Resurrection Card × 3 (As we all know, ten lives are not enough to work in the Foundation.)

SCP in Marvel

SCP in Marvel

Movies · Adam001


Bro got the shot

Shots began echoing in the room but Frank was like an acrobat as he dodged the bullets coming at him. Some of the maneuvers he pulled off didn't look possible.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


Where was this silo again? I fogor.

"Dude! You have your own secret lab down here!" Ned exclaimed as he started running around the room, cautiously glancing at everything.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


I wanna see that

Those words instantly caught Coulson's attention as he stood up, grabbing his already fading hairline.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


Didnt he already say that but with the sword

Feeling the pain clearly, Arthur no longer had the idea that he was dreaming. He looked at his health, which had already dropped near the caution line. If he were to be attacked again, he would definitely die!

Journey Starts from SAO

Journey Starts from SAO

Anime & Comics · LORD_INDRA_


Or just a fancy dancer, but duty calls

Sasuke caught the words, but his expression remained unchanged. Irelia? She must be a general or something like that. Regardless, it wasn't his fight. He turned on his heels, Ahri by his side, her forehead creased with worry.

Sasuke in Runeterra (League Of Legends)

Sasuke in Runeterra (League Of Legends)

Anime & Comics · Bananuts



"Nah, there might be a gas leak. Heaven knows this city is falling apart but where does our tax money go? Definitely not in the maintenance"

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All



I began getting dressed for my meeting with the mayor as I took out a completely black suit that I had customized to fit my frame. Taking inspiration from John Wick I added ballistic weave making it bulletproof and to some degree energy proof.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All



"Thanks, Gwen I'm starving" Without hesitation I quickly swallowed the food down barely even chewing.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


How does he know its a kid

"Well Jarvis what is it about this kid that you feel is so interesting"

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All


Yes its used in league but its also used in every other game

While I am busy shooting down one bullet, multiple others will immediately fly at my blind spots if they had a chance, just like a predator hunting for its prey. I had to stay proactive, hitting and running or in other word: "kiting" (A/n:League of Legends thing if you know). Due to 2 years of intense reflexes and muscle training, experience from previous life as well as my honed augmentation techniques on my entire body, this is but a warm-up for me. Bullets after bullets have been shot down by me for over 10 minutes straight. Sometimes Terrion had to pause the training because I ran out of arrows and had to pick up a bunch of arrows pinned on the ground that I shot earlier.

TBATE: The Emissary

TBATE: The Emissary

Anime & Comics · DaoistvZHdIQ


Oh yeahhh great place to be chill xd



"Seriously, you have the largest supernatural arsenal in the world and use only in emergencies, foolishness!". I sighed as I thought of the powerful weapons and spells forgotten by the series.

Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

Movies · MRCAT66
