16.66% Fairy Tail: 5th Master / Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Fairy Tail: 5th Master Fairy Tail: 5th Master original

Fairy Tail: 5th Master

作者: HikaruMC

© WebNovel

章 1: A New Beginning

A/N: Quick Disclaimer the Naruto here is different from the Naruto of the series, what he went through while similar he tackle a little bit differently infact Sasuke is less antagonistic here as after they fought again they didn't lose their arm, their ideologies while different didn't meant they couldn't be friends, Obito and Kakashi on the other hand after going to the different dimension that Kaguya sent Naruto and Sasuke rather than blocking the ash killing bone, Obito and Kakashi plucked out their eyes and gave it to Naruto being teleported away as Sasuke used his 6 Tomoe rinnegan being given in both eyes by the sage of six paths there would be more different things that happened but I think that's gonna be unnecessary information so let's leave it at that.


Naruto and Sasuke finally finished their final battle. As they both stood and clasped their hands together, the tree that encased their friends in a cocoon slowly descended. Feeling a sense of relief, Naruto pointed at Sasuke and said, "Finally, I beat you, and you admitted it."

Sasuke smirked, brushing off the dirt from his clothes. "You only beat me because you were given the Sharingan by Kakashi and Obito."

Naruto's eyes narrowed. "And you received the 6 Tomoe Sharingan in both of your eyes."

Their playful bickering continued until suddenly, a white Zetsu appeared from behind Sasuke, a sinister gleam in its eyes as it planned to stab him. Naruto's reflexes kicked in, and he activated his Mangekyō Sharingan, teleporting the white Zetsu. But it latched onto Naruto, dragging him to an unknown location.

Naruto crashed hard onto the ground, pain shooting through his body. He groaned, struggling to push himself up.

"Kurama, are you there?" Naruto reached out mentally, his voice tinged with desperation.

Kurama's deep voice rumbled in response. "Yes, Naruto. Wherever you tried to send that White Zetsu, you ended up here instead."

Naruto grimaced. "I don't even know where 'here' is."

As he lay there, his body slowly began to heal itself. "What the hell happened, Kurama?"

Kurama explained, "You traveled through dimensions in a unique way that's not Kamui. Your body was being ripped apart during the journey, and I had to use my chakra to heal it. But with every rip and tear, your body grew stronger and more durable as it healed."

Naruto inspected his body, flexing his fingers and feeling an unexpected surge of strength. "I feel... stronger."

"Your body adapted to the stress of dimensional travel," Kurama continued. "However, your mind experienced something far more intense. Your soul floated above your body, like an out-of-body experience, and it perceived itself as dead. This continuous experience of death somehow made your chakra reserves expand exponentially."

Naruto took a deep breath, trying to process Kurama's words. He felt a new, profound power within him, but also an unsettling awareness of the near-death experience he'd endured. He knew he had to get back to his friends, but first, he needed to fully understand this new power.

He focused inward, trying to communicate more deeply with Kurama.

Naruto chuckled to himself. "Then maybe I can just go back using the same method."

Kurama's voice came back, sounding tired. "It's impossible, Naruto. Right now, you're completely depleted of all your chakra."

Naruto turned serious for a moment before grinning like an idiot. "Then we'll start a new journey altogether."

Kurama's tone grew somber. "I think you're going to be on your own, Naruto. I've used up all my chakra, and my body is still in the Elemental Nations. I can only communicate with you for a few more minutes until I completely merge back with my body."

Naruto started to panic, feeling the weight of the situation. "What am I supposed to do without you, Kurama?"

"Calm down, Naruto!" Kurama roared, shaking Naruto from his panic. "You can do this. You're stronger than you know. I believe in you. Just be careful. Without me, you won't have your super strength and fast healing factor."

Naruto took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. Kurama reminded him, "Remember the scroll you kept?"

"Oh yeah," Naruto said, pulling out the scroll. "I did try to document a few jutsus from home, hoping to learn and master them someday."

Kurama smirked. "With those jutsus in there, you should be good for training. Use the shadow clone technique to speed up your progress. Whatever is out there won't be much of a threat to you."

Naruto nodded, determination filling his eyes. As the minutes passed, Kurama's presence began to fade. Naruto couldn't help but cry, feeling the impending loss of his friend.

Kurama's voice, now a whisper, reached out to him. "I truly believe you can be something great in this world, Naruto. Whatever is out there, they won't make much of a difference to the great Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto, tears streaming down his face, shouted, "Yeah!"

With that, Kurama's presence disappeared, leaving Naruto alone. Yet, he felt a renewed resolve. He would honor Kurama's faith in him and face whatever challenges this new world had in store.

After crying for a bit more, Naruto wiped the tears from his face and looked around, seeing nothing but trees. This gave him an idea. Using his kunai, he started cutting down trees one after another, reminiscing about the time he had to do something similar during training with Jiraiya. Left in a forest with nothing to eat or any shelter, he had learned to create a small hut.

He summoned shadow clones to hasten the progress, and soon he realized it was night time when he finally finished. Though he didn't have a bed to sleep on, at least he had shelter in case it rained or turned cold.

Naruto went inside and cried himself to sleep, the weight of his new reality crashing down on him. He thought about how he could never be Hokage, never see his friends again, and never talk to them. The loneliness and despair felt overwhelming as he drifted into an uneasy sleep, clutching the memories of his friends and his dream close to his heart.

Finally waking up, Naruto looked down at his clothes, now little more than tattered rags. He sighed heavily and stripped off the ruined garments, deciding to burn them in a small fire outside the hut. Watching the flames consume the remnants of his old life, he took a deep breath and pulled out two scrolls from his pack.

He unsealed the first scroll, revealing a set of black clothes similar to Kakashi's when he fought Kakuzu. The outfit was practical, durable, and familiar. The second scroll held a cloak that resembled his father's Hokage cloak, though it lacked the kanji for the 4th Hokage on the back.

Naruto carefully put on the new clothes, checking for any discomfort. The fit was perfect, and he felt a sense of renewed strength and purpose in these garments. It was as if he was carrying a piece of his past with him into this unknown future.

Stepping outside the hut, he looked around the forest, now bathed in the soft light of morning. The tranquility was broken only by the rustling of leaves in the breeze. Naruto knew he couldn't stay isolated for long. He needed to find people, to figure out where he was and what he was going to do next.

With a determined look, he performed the hand signs and summoned ten shadow clones. "Spread out and look for a village or any place with people," he instructed. The clones, mirroring his seriousness, nodded in unison before dispersing into the forest.

As he watched his clones disappear into the trees, Naruto felt a mix of anxiety and hope. He was alone in a strange new world, but he had faced insurmountable odds before. He thought back to his friends and mentors, drawing strength from their memories. He couldn't afford to give in to despair. He had to move forward, not just for himself, but for the sake of everyone who believed in him.

Naruto sat down near the hut, his eyes scanning the horizon. Waiting for news from his clones, he couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. Yet, he also felt a spark of excitement. This was a new journey, a new challenge. And if there was one thing Naruto Uzumaki was known for, it was never backing down from a challenge.

Naruto remembered Kurama's mention of the scroll he had, so he took it out. As he opened it, he scanned the list of ninjutsu he had documented. He cursed himself when he realized that he had only written down non-elemental ninjutsus—a serious oversight. Still, the few jutsus he had included were impressive:

Ninpou: Hari Jizou, Ranji Shigumi no Jutsu, Ninpou: Hari Jigoku, Meisai Gakure no Jutsu, Empty Cicada Shell Technique, Clone Great Explosion, Ninpō Sōzō Saisei — Byakugō no Jutsu and finally the Hiraishin

Despite the small number of jutsus, Naruto couldn't help but feel excited at the prospect of training again, this time more seriously. Each technique had the potential to be incredibly useful in his new environment. He knew he also needed to learn sealing techniques, but he was confident that he could handle it. He just needed to improve his writing skills.

Summoning 1000 shadow clones, he intended to start training immediately. However, he quickly realized that his chakra control was even worse than before. Frustrated but determined, he ordered the thousand clones to focus on chakra control exercises for now, knowing that mastering this would make his training easier down the line.

As the clones began their exercises, Naruto felt a sense of purpose. He knew this new world would present its own challenges, but he was ready to face them. His first step was regaining control over his chakra, and he would tackle everything else from there.

Watching his clones diligently practice, Naruto's thoughts wandered back to his friends and mentors. Their teachings and encouragement echoed in his mind, fueling his resolve. He couldn't let them down, even if they were worlds apart. This new journey was just beginning, and Naruto was ready to give it everything he had.

Days passed as Naruto immersed himself in learning about this new world. He discovered that this world was called Earth Land and that he had landed in a country named Fiore. Here, certain individuals known as mages protected the populace and took on jobs for pay. Unlike the shinobi world, mages in Earth Land did not maim or kill unless absolutely necessary. The currency was called jewels, and Naruto, driven by necessity, began to steal from what he deemed to be corrupt rich people—quite a few, despite the relative peace.

Despite the constant jobs for mages due to the world's infestation with monsters that ordinary people couldn't defeat, Naruto noticed that mages specialized in only one type of magic. This lack of versatility contrasted sharply with the flexibility of chakra, putting him at an advantage. However, it also placed him in a unique position where he couldn't easily explain his diverse fighting abilities. Drawing too much attention was the last thing he needed.

On a more positive note, Naruto was ecstatic about his progress in chakra control. He could finally walk on trees and water with ease while doing the leaf concentration exercise. He had advanced from using a leaf to using a rock and made significant strides in elemental manipulation of wind, fire, and earth, reaching an advanced state.

His training wasn't without challenges. One day, his shadow clones became less thrilled with the prospect of training while the original Naruto lazed around. They protested, forcing him to work out far harder than he had been for the past few days. In fact, Naruto realized he could now create 3000 clones without breaking a sweat. Knowing this, he understood just how much he had improved.

Naruto decided to utilize his clones strategically. He divided them into different tasks: some continued to steal jewels from corrupt individuals, others bought books about general knowledge and read them, and some purchased paper, paintbrushes, and ink to practice calligraphy—an essential skill for sealing techniques.

With each passing day, Naruto's understanding of this world deepened. He learned about its customs, its people, and its challenges. He adapted quickly, using his ninja skills to navigate this new environment. His clones reported back with valuable information, from the layout of Magnolia to the intricate details of mage society.

One evening, as he reviewed the day's findings, Naruto couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. He missed his friends and his dream of becoming Hokage. However, he also felt a renewed sense of purpose. He would carve out a new path here, one step at a time.

Naruto also found joy in the small victories. He had managed to perfect the chakra control exercises and even made progress in elemental jutsu. His clones diligently worked on mastering techniques like the Ninpou: Hari Jizou and the Byakugou Seal, while he himself focused on the Hiraishin, striving to achieve the same level of mastery his father had.

Despite the challenges, Naruto felt more alive than ever. Each day brought new opportunities and new trials. With determination in his heart and the memory of his friends spurring him on, he knew he could face whatever came next. This world might be different, but Naruto Uzumaki was ready to take it on with all his might.

Naruto never forgot about the Sharingan eyes he received. Whenever he looked in the mirror, a wave of sadness washed over him. He couldn't allow himself to mope for too long, knowing that Kurama would laugh at him for it. Determined, he focused on mastering the unique properties of the Sharingan. Months of relentless training allowed him to put anyone in an illusion simply by pointing at them, indicating his mastery had reached a level comparable to Itachi's. But for Naruto, this still wasn't enough.

His shadow clones had made significant progress, mastering the Ninpō Sōzō Saisei — Byakugō no Jutsu, a technique only Tsunade and Sakura had used during the war. This was a huge achievement, albeit one that occurred accidentally. With the sheer number of shadow clones he typically employed, it was no surprise that they managed to master the jutsus on his list.

Naruto also focused on his signature techniques. He aimed to perfect the Rasengan and Rasenshuriken. His goal was to perform the Rasengan in a split second with only one hand, and to control the trajectory of the Rasenshuriken while creating it single-handedly. His clones diligently worked on improving the Ninpō Sōzō Saisei — Byakugō no Jutsu, aiming to enhance its effectiveness and versatility.

To further push his limits, Naruto put himself under a gravity seal, currently set at three times the gravity of Earth Land. He also wore weight seals on each of his limbs, each weighing 100kg. This intense physical conditioning continuously strengthened his body, making him more resilient and powerful.

Naruto's training regime was grueling but methodical. His days were filled with chakra control exercises, elemental manipulation, and physical conditioning. He meticulously balanced his time between mastering the Sharingan, perfecting his jutsus, and enhancing his physical capabilities.

In addition to his training, Naruto's clones scouted the area, gathered information, and procured supplies. They kept him updated on the happenings in Magnolia and the broader world of Earth Land. This continuous flow of information helped Naruto adapt and plan his next steps.

Every night, before he allowed himself to rest, Naruto would reflect on his progress. He remembered his friends, his mentors, and his dream of becoming Hokage. Those memories fueled his determination. He knew he couldn't give up, even in this strange new world. With each day, he grew stronger and more skilled, inching closer to his goals.

The shadow clones' creativity and Naruto's relentless drive were a powerful combination. Together, they refined techniques, discovered new possibilities, and pushed the boundaries of what Naruto could achieve. The intense training and discipline transformed Naruto into an even more formidable ninja, ready to face any challenge that Earth Land might throw at him.

A year passed, and Naruto's progress was astonishing. He finally mastered the Rasengan, though he was a bit disappointed that he could only reduce the formation time to two seconds. However, he was more than satisfied with the Rasenshuriken, having achieved his goal of controlling its trajectory while creating it single-handedly.

The Sharingan, on the other hand, was pushed to its utmost limits. Naruto knew he couldn't use the Mangekyō Sharingan due to the risk of blindness, but he was satisfied with mastering the base level to the point where he could put anyone in an illusion with a snap of his fingers. His elemental manipulation had been perfected after extensive training, making his jutsus incredibly potent.

This year of intense training and the constant use of shadow clones brought about a significant shift in Naruto's personality. Despite what people said about there being no backlash from using shadow clones, Naruto found that the accumulation of their experiences accelerated his maturity. The clones' relentless efforts paid off as they managed to upgrade the **Ninpō Sōzō Saisei — Byakugō no Jutsu**, increasing his healing speed by 40% and his strength from 100× to 200×.

Naruto felt more than ready for the world. In fact, he felt like the world wasn't ready for him. His strength, knowledge, and wisdom had reached levels that few could contend with. His gravity seal was now set at 10× Earth Land's gravity, and the weight seals on his limbs were increased to 150kg each. The gravity could go up to 50×, but for now, he was more than satisfied with the fruits of his labor.

His body had grown immensely stronger, his chakra control was impeccable, and his knowledge of jutsus and combat strategies had expanded significantly. Naruto felt a profound sense of accomplishment. He had turned adversity into an opportunity for growth, emerging stronger and more capable than ever before. Now, as he prepared to step into the world, he carried with him not just the skills of a ninja but the wisdom and maturity of a seasoned warrior.

Now, Naruto shifted his focus to mastering sealing techniques and performing all the listed jutsus without hand signs. He knew this would require immense precision and control, but he was determined to achieve it. He also wanted to explore secondary elements, believing they held greater potential than primary elements. Despite the risk of failure, Naruto felt he had to try. He created multiple clones to focus on these tasks while he ventured to a nearby small city.

In the city, Naruto bought books and groceries. His pastimes had shifted to reading, which his younger self would have found laughable. He delved into subjects ranging from strategy to culinary arts, finding solace in the knowledge he gained. The loneliness of the forest still lingered, but Naruto knew that would only change if he left the forest behind. He was determined to do so, ready to embrace whatever lay ahead.

After a few days of rigorous training, Naruto's clones achieved a breakthrough. They managed to fuse water and earth to create mud. While it wasn't the wood release he was aiming for, mud release was still a significant accomplishment. It demonstrated that combining elements was possible with enough effort. Encouraged by this success, Naruto sent a few hundred clones to start developing original mud-based jutsus.

The clones worked tirelessly, experimenting with different techniques and applications of mud release. Naruto could feel his understanding of elemental fusion deepening. He realized that even if he couldn't achieve wood release, mastering mud release could provide unique advantages. The potential for innovative jutsus was immense.

Back at his makeshift home, Naruto practiced sealing techniques with an intensity that matched his earlier training. He meticulously studied the books he had bought, learning the intricacies of seals and their applications. His goal was to incorporate seals into his fighting style seamlessly, enhancing his versatility and effectiveness in battle.

Days turned into weeks as Naruto balanced his training with the everyday tasks of survival. His clones reported progress regularly, and each achievement brought him closer to his goals. The constant effort and determination paid off as Naruto's skills grew exponentially.

One evening, after a particularly grueling training session, Naruto sat by a fire, reflecting on his journey. The forest around him was quiet, a stark contrast to the bustling city he had visited. He felt a sense of accomplishment and pride in what he had achieved so far. The loneliness still lingered, but it was tempered by the knowledge that he was growing stronger every day.

Naruto knew that his journey was far from over. There were still many challenges to face and mysteries to unravel. But for the first time in a long while, he felt a sense of purpose and direction. With his newfound skills and the unwavering support of his clones, Naruto was ready to step out of the shadows and embrace whatever the future held.

As he gazed into the fire, Naruto made a silent promise to himself. He would continue to push his limits, explore new possibilities, and never give up. No matter where this journey took him, he would face it with the strength and determination that defined him. Naruto Uzumaki was ready to take on the world.

Another year passed, and Naruto achieved breakthroughs he never thought possible. He unlocked both Scorch Release and Dust Release, expanding his elemental mastery. His mud manipulation reached near mastery, and he developed a few new jutsus.

While his clones worked on making Scorch Release and Dust Release usable, Naruto was able to create new jutsus for each element.

Naruto's sealing abilities became near perfect, especially in the writing aspect. The jutsus he started on became redundant as he had mastered them long ago. He even began creating variants of the Rasengan such as Katon: Rasengan, Doton: Rasengan, Rasendan, and what he considers his master piece a perfected rasengan in his mind Rasengan Uzuhiko.

He also perfected his Taijutsu, mastering the Toad Kata while adding his own spin to it. Additionally, he upgraded the Ninpō Sōzō Saisei — Byakugō no Jutsu by incorporating an automatic system that continuously absorbed nature chakra, maintaining perfect harmony without manual intervention.

Naruto felt more than ever that he was ready, there were may be magics that can kill, dragons of myths, magic that can snipe him, magic that can slay gods, magic that can stop time, and so on and so forth but right now Naruto despite all this knowledge felt like he has grown enough to be confident in his abilities to leave the forest and finally explore and if possible join a guild that he can make connections with.


A/N: Despite being a long chapter I still feel like it's a bit rushed, apologies for that, I used to use the author's note but I kept forgetting to save it and had to redo it multiple times as my thoughts changes based on how I change the structure of the chapter, I was growing slightly tired of the first book; I have plans for it, but I think I'll write a less serious story.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


