

LV 15
2019-07-24 入りました Global
バッジ 13

Moments 12562
3 days ago
Replied to BeyondBorders

if it takes 200 chapters of which I'd have to pay for like 170 of them then it isn't a good novel

3 days ago
Replied to Someone_Or_Other

don't recall this novel could have been an alternate reality

This was one of the most classic action films of the 1990s in Hollywood. Duke's main concern was that the film's budget was by no means small, even though it was the least expensive among the action films he was familiar with.

Made In Hollywood

Made In Hollywood

Prominente · Anobody

3 days ago
Replied to Tyler_Henline_7485

different but I'd also reccomend super detective in fictional world 48 hours a day police in america counter- terrorism in America billionaire in kingsman

In Lancaster, LA, Ethan Jones, the son of teacher Emily Jones and auditor Adam Jones, led a pretty normal life. A loving family, supportive friends, and a kid surrounded by joy and happiness, Ethan was born in 1998. At 22, just after his birthday on January 5th, he was living his best life, sorting out his future after dropping out of college—a decision that greatly disappointed his father, who had hoped Ethan would become a lawyer. Ironically, Adam wanted him to become a lawyer because he had always admired the wealth his law friends enjoyed. Despite this, he still supported his son in finding his own path.



Prominente · David_Adetola

3 days ago
Replied to

I'd recommend superstars of tomorrow

In Lancaster, LA, Ethan Jones, the son of teacher Emily Jones and auditor Adam Jones, led a pretty normal life. A loving family, supportive friends, and a kid surrounded by joy and happiness, Ethan was born in 1998. At 22, just after his birthday on January 5th, he was living his best life, sorting out his future after dropping out of college—a decision that greatly disappointed his father, who had hoped Ethan would become a lawyer. Ironically, Adam wanted him to become a lawyer because he had always admired the wealth his law friends enjoyed. Despite this, he still supported his son in finding his own path.



Prominente · David_Adetola

9 days ago

that has been prepared not ive prepared

Joseph lifted the glass bottle as a sign, "With the medicine I've prepared, the fever will break within an hour."

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Geschichte · Mount Tianhai

9 days ago

his father is a blacksmith and king mc draws them and gifts them to his father to make

He rubbed his aching forehead and thought to himself, I need to quickly come up with spring suspension, and preferably tires too. There will be many more days of carriage rides ahead, and I don't want to be jostled into any mishaps by this contraption.

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Geschichte · Mount Tianhai

9 days ago

around £600 000 to 700 000 today

Joseph was somewhat surprised by this bequest, while Eman added softly at his side, "Your Highness, it is said that Miss Estelle leaves behind a fortune of 4000 livres..."

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Geschichte · Mount Tianhai

9 days ago
Replied to Getcelwalt

back them yes easily for royalty they would neglect certain aspects for proffitterring due to honor duty etc others jump on it and amass fortune overtime

The Orleans family once served as Regent during the reign of Louis XV, wielding immense power and, after more than a hundred years of accumulation, possessed wealth comparable to the Royal Family.

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Geschichte · Mount Tianhai

9 days ago


The surrounding dozen or so city hall officials upon hearing this could not help but look towards Joseph with surprise and admiration in their eyes. At the noon banquet, the Crown Prince had deduced the situation of the murderer based solely on some overheard clues.

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Geschichte · Mount Tianhai

9 days ago
Replied to BrianG9677

many not knackered don't know what is with my autocorrect

With a dramatic sweep of his arm, the cloak settled on his shoulders, and Ned's outfit transformed into the robes of a Kamar-Taj sorcerer (reminiscent of Doctor Strange in Infinity War when Hulk crashed into the Sanctum Sanctorum).

Marvel: Ned the Master of Mystic Arts

Marvel: Ned the Master of Mystic Arts

Filme · PokePals

