thanks for the chapter!
true but tbh i couldn't be fucked to go and kill his ass just for a scouting mission
"Try again, Aro, and I'll kill you…Adam."
Movies · Beans_on_a_tree
devils are a literal race designed to be fighters Lucifer in dxd created them to be his army so they have battle instincts and chemical cocktails (like adrenaline or a stronger magicy version) like that ready to go at all times id assume
"I'm quite surprised myself, I guess the adrenaline haven't passed" I commented. Plus, this isn't home, where I can let my guard down completely.
Anime & Comics · Sawfly_Varte
not what I read so either it was changed in the moment or your using your future knowledge lol, I know now that your correct after they teased him about it more obviously a few chapters later but the first time it was brought up that I commented on here he didn't seem interested (which was intentional btw he's trying to seem uninterested on purpose so I don't see why you think he wasn't)
man your gonna confuse the hell out of people lol it's supposed to be Gamabunta and your out here reinforcing the wrong name xD
it's kinda necessary unless you want the fic to end in 2 more chapters, mc is practically untouchable at this point so it's Ninja slice of life or nothin my man
nah they brought up the bento but Minato seemed pretty uninterested from how it was written, even the mc commented on how Minato didn't really seem into her and speculated that Minato likes more crazy girls like kushina or tsunade
yes after Naruto saved the entire world becoming Ninja Jesus and having the biggest stick besides Sasuke, all that AND Hinata was stalker level obsessed with him for years. seems like a high bar now huh?
man you've got a really low opinion on a normal guy huh?
The process had been agonizing, every cell in his eye screaming as it was rewritten, forcing Leo to limit the modification to one eye for now.
Highschool DxD : Actually Satan
Anime & Comics · Vidhan_Bhardwaj