RazesWorlds - Profile



male LV 11

Loves tea and reading great novels that respected authors and translation teams out their heart and soul into for us

2017-10-11 入りました United States

バッジ 9

Moments 111

Replied to PaQ24k_

I prefer the war hammer myself


'I should try forging a blade after this. Probably consult the old man first...' He mused while descending into the Ratway.

A Swallow's Path

A Swallow's Path

Video Games · Pythia

Replied to GrymAbyss

Andre the giant, a WWE wrestler but also famous for his role in princess bride movie

Before I could saddle up on my pokemon and fly off into the sunset to go wake up some peacefully sleeping ancient and very much endangered pokemon, beat them up and capture them to keep as my pets to show off with.

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0



Which was then sent to Gary with a tagged message of, 'Get on my level, scrub.'

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0

Replied to Shockingly_Decent

Rip to such a great man we lost

Before I could saddle up on my pokemon and fly off into the sunset to go wake up some peacefully sleeping ancient and very much endangered pokemon, beat them up and capture them to keep as my pets to show off with.

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Pokemon: Jordinio Version

Anime & Comics · 0_Jordinio_0


Overlord: The Origin

Overlord: The Origin

Anime & Comics · Evrabonzz

Replied to RazesWorlds

Plus she’s a massively stacked Shorty that always helps too


Acting like a clingy wife to Bell all the damn time, even though they aren't in that kind of relationship.

Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever


Meant to put my above comment on this para graph

Not that Rasa could turn on the guy, because if he deposed the Daimyo every other Daimyo in the Elemental Nations would fund the other hidden villages to turn Sunagakure into a smoking ruin and a mass tomb. Daimyo can be deposed, but it better not ever come to light that ninja had anything to do with it. Checks and balances mutually assured destruction style.

Son of Jiraiya and Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Son of Jiraiya and Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Anime & Comics · JManM


I feel like this is exactly what we where talking about author an am glad to see we where thinking the same thing, and if by some miracle our convo inspired this I hope you know I am deeply honored to be a part of your incredible story. If not I think this is awsome anyway bc not a lot of people think this far into the villages and the consequences the politics would have on their villages bc of their hokages actions

People like to crack wise about the Kage being glorified pencil pushers, but Hiruzen did a majority of the decision making formerly reserved for the Daimyo - who in the modern era focus entirely on civil and economic development except for the Wind Daimyo who realized that he wasn't winning the economic game and decided to take back his military power while simultaneously defanging Sunagakure and providing them a target in Konoha who are just way too cost effective to not send missions too. Are your blinders on yet, Rasa? Konoha bad. Leaf Man Bad.

Son of Jiraiya and Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Son of Jiraiya and Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Anime & Comics · JManM


K-bars first real knife I would have my son train with


Currently, he is learning how to handle a Bowie knife, which has become his favored knife out of all he's practiced with.

I'm Batman (HP Xover)

I'm Batman (HP Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord

Replied to Eric8the4lost_

Batmetal is life


Having supernaturally powerful butt cheeks is actually a really good power, as your butt cheeks provide most of the go in your body. With powerful glutes you run faster, jump higher, and your flying knee turns into a ballistic missile.

Son of Jiraiya and Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Son of Jiraiya and Zabuza's Waifu Adventure

Anime & Comics · JManM
