15.89% The Vice Captain of the WhiteBeard Pirates / Chapter 22: The Works In The Light

章 22: The Works In The Light

Hearing screaming at the distance, I could slowly feel anger taking over my rationality. I knew I wasn't a saint, I had killed someone after all. However, that wouldn't mean I would sit down and ignore blood curtling screams coming from children. I always had a feeling that One Piece's plot was darker than the other animes that I used to watch, but seeing it in real life is a completely different experience in itself. The best I could have done was to steel my heart, and wait for Rocks to make his appearance. What were my plans during the incident? Initially, I did only want to sit and watch the battle that was soon to follow. However, now I wanted to pay some World Nobles a visit. 

This feeling rose quite high when I saw a fat World Noble...'ugh, that bastard's death won't be painless' My mood continued to deteriorate as I watched him satisfy himself...I could feel the storm picking up. For some reasons the World Nobles had refused to seek shelter and wait out the rain. It seems that they were determined to continue playing this death game that they had orcastrated themselves. Suddenly, I heard an all-too-familiar sinister laughter coming from the opposite side of where we were located. 

Roger's ship wasted no time sailing immediately towards the island. My guess was that Roger wanted to dock at the back of the Island so they could have a safe spot to escape after the incident was finished. One question that continued to pester the back of my head was why didn't the marines surround the entire island. It would've enforced security within the island and prevented slaves from running away incase some managed to escape. This would have made more sense considering the fact that Roger had purposefully implied that he might be visiting God Valley Island in the future. 

I couldn't come up with an answer, unfortunately; meanwhile, Pops stared at Roger's ship with a hint of anxiety flashing in his eyes. It appears he was conflicted on whether to help Roger or remain neutral from the situation. He still didn't seem to make a firm resolution as he leaped from the ship in the direction of the island. By now, the light of day could barely be seen as the storm had completely blotted out the sun and covered the sky with thunderclouds and the occasional flashes of lightning. Soon, his figure dissapeared within the forest's embrace; that is, to normal people. I could still see his huge figure leaping on trees and gaining momentum as he followed Roger's, who had arrived moment's before, trail. 

The crew members behind me looked nervous as they watched their captain go to the Island. I had a feeling that they just got the ghist of what was happening, and were just worried that their captain would come out heavily injured. I remained silent as I looked on to the island where surprisingly, the World Nobles still kept hunting those kids. There were barely any left alive, only a pair of kids running together. They seemed to be siblings judging from the way they held hands, they were exhausted; judging from the heavy breaths that they both took, it wouldn't be long till their fatigue won over their fear. Just then I saw a fat World Noble, the same one that happened to take child abuse to a whole new level, chase after the two children. 

I was slowly beginning to lose my composure, everytime I look at that island its always the same fat bastard preying after kids. I was definitely going to kill that bastard, I wouldn't care if I pissed off Whitebeard and broke my promise to stay on the ship just to do it. Soon, I heard roars and screams coming from the front of the Island. It seems Rocks had appeared and began his slaughter, near the shore, I could see a man instantly leap off from the bow of their ship and speed off to the direction of the island. Moreover, I could hear Linlin, Shiki, Kaido and other upper echelons of the Rocks pirates within the island causing mayhem. I was truly curious as to what Whitebeard would be doing within the island, but I left it all to fate. After all, my goal was to observe the fight; and kill one person. Just one person, It wouldn't hurt anyone to get rid of such scum, right?

Lightning roared in the distance as the Rocks, Roger and Garp clashed. 'Seems that the main event has begun, time to see what all the fuss was about' I took a deep breath and grew wings on my arms; and just as I was about to fly, I remembered something and looked for Marco within the ship. Marco was rushing too and fro the bottom of the ship, ordering several people to make sure that the sails were tightened to prevent the wind from tearing them up. I signalled him to come over when he turned to look at me.

When he got close enough to hear me, I told him, "You're.....in charge of the ship....I'm ....counting on you" And before Marco could respond, I instantly took to the sky and soared to the island. ' I'm only going there to get a closer look....and to clean up some scum' I convinced my self as I got closer and closer to the Island. I'm sure that Pops would have already detected my presence closing into the island. I'm not sure whether he would be upset or not, but I wasn't going to miss this fight for the world. However, just as I was getting into the island, I managed to spot the piece of scum I had wanted to clean up. This time the piece of shit was holding a young masked lady by her neck as he was copping a feel of her breasts. 

'This motherfucker here...' I cussed inwardly as I gunned right at him. I made a dynamic entry as I slammed into the ground, landing on my two feet. The World Noble looked shocked at the turn of events. He immediately dropped the woman woman and began yelling at her, it seemed that she was an agent of CP0. "Oh well...It won't change much.....you'll still die" I subconciously murmured as I slowly approached the pair. It's finally time to a tad bit of cleanup.

Leo_DiAngelo Leo_DiAngelo

Hi guys,

I know I promised 3 more chapters but I'm just pooped from all the things I had to do,

I'll drop some more tommorow morning when I'm nice and energized!

Love y'all!!!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C22
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


