/ Book&Literature / The King's Wife Is The Devil Reincarnated

The King's Wife Is The Devil Reincarnated オリジナル

The King's Wife Is The Devil Reincarnated

Book&Literature 23 章 30.0K ビュー


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IT IS....

FANTASY ROMANCE.... Mistakenly set to the wrong genre and sadly can't be changed so once you see this... understand that it's not the author's fault it's not what you want..., it's just the way it is now so please restrain from the criticism as I already took time to explain***


Not everyday you get to see a girl behaving like the devil's reincarnation. Well meet one who acts like the devil

Ruby has no emotions whatsoever, she won't save a child she sees dieing inside the fire, she won't risk her life to save a stupid pregnant woman, she doesn't care about any one.

Ruby was born from the rarest of all bloodline. As a child, she was meek, humble and beautiful. Quite an eye catching princess that many old men wanted her betrothed to their sons even at such a tender age.

Unfortunately Ruby's mother, the queen, didn't agree to the request of her husband using their only daughter to grow power.

Ruby was loved by everyone and everyone who came across her, fell in love with her at first sight, she had that charm as a child but all that changed when Ruby's mother died.

Ruby was just twelve years old at the time and suddenly secrets that had been hidden began to unravel. Ruby's father had mistresses behind Ruby's mother's back all these while, he never actually loved her mother. It was normal for King's to have mistresses but he had taken an oat.

He married a princess and he was just the duke's son and become the King, instead of loving his wife like he had agreed with the then king, he had multiple affairs outside and lied to her.

The pain of loosing her most dearest family member pushed Ruby to the side, she became depressed and soon fell into a deep coma which lasted for one week. Everyone knew that Vampires who went into that depression, after one week, they Never remained the same.

All their emotions and humanity are locked away bringing only the part of them that doesn't care.

But When Ruby came out, she came out worse than any other night creature who existed. She was calm, too calm, but she had the heart of the devil.

And she woke up with a goal, to torture each and every member of her deceased mother's family and that was what she did.

She got married to a mysterious King afterwards with a deal to do nothing but bare his heir and live her life as freely as she wants but sadly it doesn't goes as planned as this mysterious King has more than she can chew. It also turns out the child she bares will be the one to finally end the immortal King, was that the reason he wanted an heir?

Follow Ruby as she figures out a way to save her diminishing soul and also finds something that she could forever cherish

She's not your typical nice female lead, she's your worst nightmare

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Spelloyal
    Spelloyal 貢献した 5
  2. Tessa_Osi_Udotor
    Tessa_Osi_Udotor 貢献した 1
  3. ApepTheDeath
    ApepTheDeath 貢献した 1


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット


