60% Scar | Teen Wolf / Chapter 27: Battlefield

章 27: Battlefield

Waking up the next morning was something Scarlett didn't quite understand. She thought she had died and didn't know what really happened since she was passed out or bleeding to death for most of the night. 
When her eyes fluttered open because sunlight was streaming through the crack in her curtains, her first instinct was to look around and figure out where she was. Once she realized she was in the safety of her bedroom and not a hospital bed like a normal person who was shoot would be, something in her mind clicked.
Scarlett immediately shoved the blankets off of her, realizing that she was in pajamas and not the same clothes as the day before. Though she decided to ignore that and instead pushed her shirt up to see the gunshot wound, only to see that there was nothing there. She turned to her night stand to look at her clock which read 10:00 am.
Scar subconsciously ran her tongue over her teeth as she stood up to go take a shower and prepare for the day. Once she finished she made her way downstairs and grabbed some food. On the counter was a note: Scarlett, please get some rest. Stiles said that Matt hit your head hard XOXO Mom
She crumples up the note and throws it away once she finishes eating. She then grabs her house keys and her phone, locking the front door behind her. About ten minutes later she makes it to the abandoned train station that she knows Derek and his pack are hiding in. "Derek!"
He comes out of the shadows, his blue eyes looking the brunette over. "You look better than last night."
Scarlett crosses her arms, teeth clenched, "You bit me." All Derek does is nod. "I told you to let me die. I didn't want this."
Derek briefly looks down before meeting her eyes once more, "You need to speak with Stiles. He's the one who convinced me to give you the bite."
"And I will. But just because he told you to bite me doesn't mean you had to listen. Why couldn't you respect my wishes?"
"Honestly? I almost did respect your wishes. But after hearing what Stiles said I knew I couldn't let you die. Hell I didn't want to let you die even before Stiles asked me to bite you. I knew that if I could possibly save your life I needed to give it a shot."
"It wasn't your call."
"No, but I still think I made the right decision. You'll thank me later."
Scarlett scoffed, her anger rising and eyes flashing white. Her hands squeeze into fists, "Yeah right. Maybe next time actually listen, you're supposed to be good at that, being a werewolf and all."
The moment her eyes flashed white Derek's mouth dropped open but Scarlett didn't let him say anything, turning around to walk away. "Scarlett." Derek says, grabbing her wrist.
Scarlett yanks her hand back, "Leave me the hell alone."
"Wait! Your eyes..." He trailed off.
Scar narrows her eyes in question, "What about them?"
"They flashed white."
She pauses thinking, "What does that mean? I thought Beta's have yellow eyes?"
Derek shakes his head, "I don't know. Just try to control your anger. I don't need you turning randomly."
Instead of making her way to her house after confronting Derek, Scarlett heads to the Stilinski residence and climbs in through Stiles' window to wait for him. She lazily lays across his bed waiting to hear his arrival. At the sound of his footsteps, Scarlett pushes herself up to a seated position, waiting for the door to swing open. "Holy crap, Scar. What are you doing here?" He gasps when his gaze falls on the brunette.
"We need to talk."
Placing his bag down he stops to really look at her. Her face has a look of betrayal mixed with anger, though he tries to pretend he doesn't know why she's here, "Yeah. What's up?" Stiles sits down next to her.
Scarlett starts to shake her head, "Why did you tell Derek to bite me even after I said I didn't want it?"
Stiles takes a breath, "I couldn't let you die. I knew it would break your mom and Scott. And maybe I was being slightly selfish cause I didn't want to live in a world without you. I mean you're basically everyone's rock, Scarlett."
"I didn't want this though." Scar whispers, tears glistening her eyes.
Stiles looks at her concerned and hesitantly grabs her hand, "I'm sorry. Are you mad at me?"
"I was. But now I'm just sad." she takes a breath and wipes a tear that slipped down her face, "I don't know what to do. Does Scott even know that I was bit? And what happened with Matt?"
"I told Scott at school that Derek had to bite you to save your life. Matt died, drowned. And your mom knows about Scott, I don't think she knows about you though."
"How?" Scarlett chokes out, referring to the fact that her mom is now aware that her son is a werewolf.
"She saw him change at the station last night." Scarlett nods, slightly dazed from all of the new information.
"I went to talk to Derek. He said my eyes were white. And he didn't know what that meant."
"They weren't yellow like Scott's?" Scarlett shakes her head, "So are you a werewolf or something else?"
"I don't know. I healed fast, there's not even a scar from a bite or the gunshot wound. Actually I don't even know where Derek bit me." Stiles points to her arm, where there is no mark present to show that she was bit by an Alpha werewolf.
Scarlett pauses, turning her arm to look at where she assumed the bite mark once was. Finally, she looks back up at the brunette boy beside her, "I was thinking about asking Deaton."
"Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll bring you."
Walking through the front door of the vet clinic, the duo hear the chime go off and at the same time Isaac's laugh sounds from the back room. Not even a minute later, Isaac, Scott, and Deaton come out to the front. "Stiles, Scarlett. Come on back." Dr. Deaton says with a smile on his face.
Scarlett's eyes immediately land on the dog on the exam table, her nose wrinkling at the smell, "He's dying." She bluntly states. 
Scott's eyebrows knit, "How did you figure that out so fast?"
Scar pauses, blinking, "I-I don't know. I just sensed it or something." Her attention quickly turns to the vet, "That's actually kind of what I wanted to talk to you about."
Deaton nods, "Something concerning you about the bite." Though he's asking, he says it more like a statement.
"Yeah." She takes a breath, "I went to talk to Derek. He said my eyes flashed white not yellow like a normal Beta." She carefully watches the vet's face to see if she can notice any change, "Am I a werewolf or something else?"
"You're all healed?" Deaton questions.
She nods, "Even when I woke up at 10 this morning, I didn't have any marks on me. From either the bite or the gunshot wound."
He narrows his eyes, gazing at the young girl with curiosity, "I don't know for sure, because these are quite rare, but once you turn on a full moon you will know for sure. It's possible that you're a Zeta werewolf."
"A Zeta werewolf?" Scott asks, just as confused as his twin.
"Yes, they're a rare type of Beta. Their eyes are usually the same color as their pelt."
"Pelt? You mean that she can turn into an actual wolf?" Stiles questions the vet.
Deaton nods, "This can be controlled and you wouldn't necessarily turn into a full wolf every time but until you learn control, every full moon you will probably turn into a wolf."
"Cool." Stiles breaks out into a smile as he looks between Scarlett and the vet.
"Is there anything else different about a Zeta?" Scar asks, curious to learn more about the type of werewolf that she may be.
"They are usually the Alpha's left hand. They're considered the most intelligent among the pack. Your strength won't be as enhanced compared to a Beta or Alpha but your speed will be just as good as an Alpha. Even in human form you can possibly move like a blur. Your agility will also be just as good as an Alpha, even sometimes surpassing an Alpha's agility."
"Well that explains how easily I climbed up to your window." She says looking at Stiles.
"Zeta's also have superhuman intelligence. Which is probably why you quickly realized that the dog was dying. And despite the bit being from an Alpha, it healed so quickly because the healing process in Zeta's matches that of the Alpha. Zeta's are especially special in the fact that they have a partial immunity to wolfsbane."
"Wolfsbane won't kill me?"
The vet shakes his head, "It will make you slightly weaker and you will need to rest but it will not kill you. Of course, like any other werewolf you will have heightened senses. But Zeta's have another sense known as the danger sense."
"That sounds important." Isaac mumbles.
Deaton nods in agreement, "That's because it is. A Zeta werewolf is able to detect dangers to themselves or the pack before anyone else. It's one of the many reasons why Zeta's are the left hand of the Alpha."
"This seems like a lot of responsibility." Scarlett sighs.
Deaton gently smiles, "There is one more thing. When shifted into their wolf form Zeta's have a strong mental link, even stronger than the Alpha werewolf, which connects to both born and bitten werewolves."
"Mental link? Like be able to communicate?" Scott asks.
"Not exactly communicate. But be able to sense how the others in the pack are feeling. If you practice enough you may be able to do this in your human state too."
Scarlett nods, "So pretty much I'm a badass werewolf with a lot of responsibilities? Cool."
"Look at it this way. A Zeta werewolf is so rare because most people cannot handle the position. If your body reacted to the bite this way, it's because it knew that you were the right fit." Deaton reassures the teenager.
"Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are." Stiles states looking at Scarlett.
The next night was the championship lacrosse game, Scott originally wasn't planning on going but after Isaac told him that Jackson would be there, he knew he had to go. Scott also caught his twin up with what was going on. Mom doesn't know that her daughter was bit and for right now the siblings wanted to keep it that way considering they were pretty sure the Argent's didn't know either.
Speaking of the Argent's, Gerard now had control of the Kanima, which makes Jackson even more dangerous than before. After finding this out Scarlett instantly had a sense that something bad was going to happen. She guessed that was a warning from her danger sense that Deaton told her about.
She also found out (from Stiles not Scott) that Matt was in fact a creep and stalker. He had a lot of picture of her saved on his camera and computer. Though it wasn't just pictures, there were edits of the two of them together. It was like he created a whole relationship between them. This obsession apparently started even when she was still dating Nate.
Scarlett didn't feel sorry that Matt was dead. The only reason she was slightly concerned about his death was because without him alive, Gerard had control of Jackson which was slightly more terrifying than Matt stalking her. 
To put it simply, Scarlett had a lot running through her mind throughout the day. She was growing more and more weary about the sense of doom that was hanging over her head and she was upset that she didn't have a plan to stop whatever was about to happen. The only thing she knew she could do was warn Scott and Derek that something was going to happen. And it was going to happen tonight at the game.
So she sat on the bleachers next to Sheriff Stilinski and her mom waiting for the game to begin. Of course, she kept her main focus on Jackson and Gerard, knowing that the elder hunter had some sort of game plan set in motion. Her attention drifts from Jackson as the Sheriff asks, "Why's my son running onto the field?"
Scarlett knits her eyebrows together and quickly scans the field finding number 24. "Because he's on the team?" Melissa says though it sounds more like a question.
"He is. He's on the team. He's on the field." Sheriff Stilinski gets more excited as he exclaims, "My son's on the field!" The whole crowd is giving the sheriff weird questioning looks but Scarlett can't help but to smile, also excited for Stiles. 
Just before the game begins, Lydia takes a seat beside her best friend. She smiles as she sits down and reaches to give her a brief hug. Scarlett's eyes dance around the field, looking out for any signs of danger. Being so focused on the people below her, she flinches slightly at the sound of the whistle, still not used to having heightened senses.
Soon after the game starts Stiles glances in shock as the ball lands right in the pocket of his lacrosse stick. Scarlett hears him whisper, "Oh God." Before he even gets the chance to turn around, an opposing player rams into him.
Scarlett cringes as her mom says, "He's probably just getting warmed up."
As the whistle blows, Stiles races forward slapping helplessly as players start to surround him. Another vicious hit has the crowd flinching. "He's just a little nervous. Plenty of time to turn it around." Lydia states.
"Yeah of course. It's his first game. He'll be fine." Scarlett nods, agreeing. Though part of her is doubtful. At the next whistle, they watch as Stiles tries to catch a pass but the ball bounces off his helmet instead. Melissa, Lydia, and Scarlett all exchange looks, unsure of what to say. When they glance at the Sheriff they notice that rather than watching the field or looking at the woman beside him, he has his head buried in his hands.
A motion on the team bleachers catches Scarlett's eye. She notices Isaac, in his lacrosse uniform, sitting beside Scott. She quickly starts listening in on their conversation. "You came to help." Scott says.
"I came to win." Isaac replied. Both boys turn their heads to Gerard, who does not look happy with the surprise player. "You got a plan yet?" Isaac asks Scott.
"Right now it's pretty much just keep Jackson from killing someone."
"That might be easier if you're in the game. We have to make it so Coach has no choice but to play you."
"How do we do that? He's got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field."
Scarlett slightly shakes her head as she watches both teenagers turn their attention to their teammates. This is not going to be good. "Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?" Scott asks.
"I can try."
The next time the ref blows the whistle Isaac races past to take his position on the field. The ball drops and in the crash of players rushing to get the ball, Isaac knocks shoulders with a teammate sending him crashing to the ground. "Ramirez! You're in." Coach calls.
The injured teammate is helped past Scott as Cody Ramirez races to the field. Another whistle and another brutal crash of a Beacon Hills teammate. "Murphy. You're in." Coach then turns his attention to Isaac, "Lahey, what the hell's your problem?" Isaac glances at Coach and acting innocent, holds his hands up in apology. Scarlett bites her lip to hide the smile that is threatening to slip onto her face.
Bodies crash into each other on the field. There are several downed players, Isaac being one of them. Scarlett quickly stands up in concern, trying to get a better look. She hears Isaac whisper to Scott, "It's not broken. But I can't move it. I think Jackson nicked me. I can feel it spreading."
She can then hear Gerard speak to Scott, "You want to play chess, Scott? Then you better be willing to sacrifice your own pawns."
Scarlett sees Isaac be pulled onto a stretcher as she hears Coach call, "McCall! Either you're in or we forfeit."
"I'll be right back." Scarlett mumbles to her mom and Lydia. As soon as she makes it away from the bleachers she whispers to Scott, "I'll check on Isaac. Focus on Jackson and the game."
Scarlett rushes inside to where Isaac has been taken on a stretcher. Straining her ears to pinpoint his exact location, she hears the stretcher clatter to the ground. Then she hears Gerard's voice, "It was a good effort, Isaac. It was. This would be so much more poetic of it were halftime."
Finally understanding what Deaton meant by moving like a blur even in human form, Scarlett speeds into the boys locker room seeing Gerard and two other hunters surrounding a half paralyzed Isaac.
Eyes glowing white, Scarlett quickly shoves the first hunter flying into the wall of the showers, effectively knocking him out. She send the next one slamming down on the benches, splitting the wood in half. She glances around seeing Isaac but not Gerard, "Where is he?" she asks the hunter still in her grip.
When he doesn't answer, she punches him hard across the face, knocking him out too and rushing to Isaac's side. "How did you control it?" He asks her.
Scarlett shakes her head, "I don't know. I think I was focusing on protecting you." She pauses looking down, "I remember Scott saying he didn't lose control when he was focused on protecting Allison. Maybe protection has something to do with remaining in control." Before either of them can say anything else, an ear piercing scream is heard from the field outside.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C27
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


