62.22% Scar | Teen Wolf / Chapter 28: Masterplan

章 28: Masterplan

As soon as they hear the scream their heads whip around to try and pinpoint where it came from. "Go! You need to help." Isaac says quickly.

This causes Scarlett to look back over to him in shock, "Not until you can come with me. I'm not leaving you by yourself. Gerard almost just killed you!"

After three agonizingly long minutes, Isaac could finally move again. He was still slightly shaky but Scarlett kept an arm around him as they started to move back to the field. They quickly spotted a growing crowd and pushed their way to the front, making it to Scott's side. When Scott see the duo he gesture's to the person on the ground, "Look."

They follow Scott's eyes to see Jackson bloody and not moving. His fingertips are covered in blood, matching the puncture wounds on his body, "He did it to himself?" Isaac asks, just as confused as the other.

"Gerard wanted this. I don't know why but he wouldn't have done it without Gerard telling him to." Scarlett says, looking on as sirens can be heard in the distance.

The twins mother is by Jackson's side trying to help, "Hold his head tilted up, okay?" She tells Lydia, who is in tears watching her ex-boyfriend.

Lydia nods and gently puts her hands underneath Jackson's head. Scarlett makes her way behind her best friend to put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Her focus is broken from the scene in front of her when she hears Sheriff Stilinski call out, "Where's Stiles? Where's my son?"

Isaac, Scott, and Scarlett all share a look of concern as they look back at the Sheriff, "Where's Stiles? Where the hell's my son?" As the ambulance arrives two EMTs put Jackson in a body bag and load him into the back of the ambulance. 

As all this is happening Scarlett holds Lydia tightly, letting her cry into her shoulder. "I got you Lydia, I got you." Scarlett whispers gently, reassuring her that she's here. Scarlett lightly combs her fingers through her hair and places a kiss on the crown of her head.


Sheriff Stilinski is talking with some deputies, Scott, and Isaac about his son disappearing. "Will you be okay by yourself while I go help look for Stiles?" Lydia nods but doesn't say anything, "Are you sure, Lyds?" Scar asks gently, laying a hand on her cheek.

"Yeah, don't worry about me." She tries to smile but it doesn't meet her eyes.

Scarlett lightly runs her thumb under her eye, wiping away a stray tear, "Call me if you need me, alright?" She nods once more, "Seriously, I will drop everything to be with you if you need me. Just say the word."

"I know Scar. But Stiles needs you more right now. I'm going to get cleaned up then see if there's anything I can do too." Scarlett hesitantly nods, finally walking away from her best friend and over to Isaac and Scott.

The two boys were waiting for Scarlett in the locker room. She walks in just in time to see Scott ripping open Stiles' locker. The metal door clatters to the floor as Scott digs through the inside, finally pulling out one of Stiles' shirts.

"You're going to find him by scent?" Isaac asks.

"We all are. Here, smell this..." Scott holds out one of Stiles' shoes for Isaac to take. Scar wrinkles up her nose in disgust.

"Why do you get his shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac asks.

Scott doesn't answer though, his brown eyes locked on something behind them. Turning around Scarlett quickly spots Derek, "We need to talk." He says, stepping forward.

Then stepping around the corner Peter Hale comes out, "All of us."

"Holy shit," Scott breathes out.

At the same time Scarlett's eyes widen and she says, "What the fuck."

Scott speaks once more, "What the hell is this?"

"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff's station." Derek replies.

"Okay, hold on. He threatened to kill my mom. And I needed to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?"

"I'm going to have to side with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mother? Gorgeous." Peter pipes in.

"Shut up." Derek, Scott, and Scarlett all say in unison.

Peter mumbles out, "Just an observation."

Isaac then leans over to the twins asking, "Who is he?"

Scott replies, still glaring at Peter, "Derek's uncle. A little while back, he tried to kill all of us so we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat."

"He's also the one who bit Scott." Scarlett adds.

Isaac nods, "Good to know."

"How is he alive?" Scar questions the Alpha, pointing to Peter.

"Long, complicated story. Wolfsbane, full moon, it's a whole thing." Peter answers.

"The short version is he knows how to stop Jackson. And maybe how to save him." Derek says.

"That should really help now. Since he's dead." Isaac deadpans.


"Jackson's dead. It happened on the field." Scott confirms.

Derek and Peter share a nervous look, "Why's nobody taking this as good news?" Isaac asks.

Instead of Peter or Derek answering, Scarlett speaks, "Because like I said before, Gerard did it for a reason."

Peter smiles, "I always knew you were a smart one Scarlett."

Scar rolls her eyes at the werewolf as Derek speaks, "But why?"

"Exactly what we need to find out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly."


Now at the burnt Hale house, Peter makes his way over to the staircase as Scott takes his phone out at the sound of a message alert. "They found Stiles." He sighs in relief.

"Oh, thank God." Scarlett mumbles, taking out her phone to let Lydia know and to double check that she was okay.

Derek, watching his uncle, speaks, "I told you I looked everywhere."

"But you didn't look here." Peter says. He reaches carefully along the base of one of the steps. He snaps a panel, freeing it. The other three boys and Scarlett look on as Peter reaches inside and pulls out a large and dusty leather case.

"What is that? A book?" Derek asks.

"No, it's a laptop. What century are you living in?" Scarlett has to stop herself from laughing at Peter's reply. "In the few days after I came out of the coma I started transferring everything we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones who keep records."

As Peter is talking, Scott steps away answering his phone, "Mom, I can't talk right now." After the quick phone call Scott comes back over to us, "Mom says she needs to show me something important."

"I'll stay with them. She still doesn't know about me being a werewolf now. I want to wait to tell her after all this is done." Scott nods after Scar finishes talking.

"Just be careful, okay?" He looks at his sister in concern.

"What, you don't trust us with her?" Peter asks.

They both turn their glares on him, "Definitely not. And if you try anything-"

Scarlett interrupts her twin, "I will personally rip you apart limb from limb. It will be so painful you'd wish you stayed dead." Scott shakes his head at her statement, "I'll be fine. Go." She says, watching as Isaac and Scott leave together.


Once the boys get to the hospital Scott calls Scarlett. "They say he's in some kind of transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws."

Derek scrunches his face as Peter replies, "That sounds sufficiently terrifying." Peter clicks through the laptop, scrolling through text as fast as he can while Derek and Scarlett watch from behind him.

"They're also saying he's starting to move."

"Okay, I think I found something. Apparently what we've seen of Jackson so far is just the Kanima's Beta shape."

"Meaning what? It can turn into something bigger?" Derek asks.

"Bigger and badder." Derek and Scar look over Peter's shoulder's at a picture on the screen.

"He's turning into that?" Peter nods in confirmation. "That has wings." Derek states.

"I can see that."

"Scott, can you bring him to us?" Scarlett asks her brother.

"Not sure we have time for that." Her twin replies.

Derek waves Scarlett back over to the computer as Peter starts talking, "Look at this. Someone actually did an animation of it. Maybe it's a little less frightening than we-" Peter is interrupted by a screaming that comes from the laptop when he clicks on the animation, "Nope, not at all." He says as he slams the laptop shut. "We'll meet them halfway." Peter says looking at Scarlett.

Scar nods as she starts speaking to Scott once more, "You need to get him out of there. Like now."

Derek and Scarlett move to the front door but Peter stops them, "We need Lydia."

"What why?" Scarlett asks quickly.

Derek starts speaking before Peter can answer, "What do you think she's going to be able to do? Jackson could rip her in half just by looking at her."

"Physical strength isn't everything, Derek. You know why we call women the weaker sex? Because it annoys us that they're so much stronger emotionally." Peter replies.

"There's no time-" Derek tries to argue.

"Exactly the problem. We're rushing. Moving too fast. And while everyone knows a moving target is easier to hit, here we are racing right into Gerard's cross hairs."

"If I have the chance to kill Jackson, I'm taking it."

Scarlett watches as Derek leaves, "Do you really think Lydia can save him?"

"Yes, I do."

"I'll get her to meet us then." Scarlett nods. "But if she gets hurt I swear-"

"You'll rip me apart limb from limb?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.


As Derek, Peter, and Scarlett wait for Scott and Isaac to arrive with Jackson the teenager asks Peter, "With all that information you have on the computer, is there anything about Zeta werewolves?"

Peter turns to her, his lips tugging up to a smile, "You're a Zeta?"

She shrugs, "I talked to Deaton. That's what he thinks, but he's not 100% sure."

Peter nods, "I've never met one myself but it doesn't surprise me. I told you that I thought you would make a powerful werewolf. Though I didn't realize just how powerful at the time."

Before she could respond they heard a car pull up. They can hear the voice of Mr. Argent call, "Where's Derek?"

Derek runs, feet pounding over the pavement, he leaps and does a perfect flip. He lands in front of the hunter and two teenagers, eyes glowing red. Scarlett shakes her head as Peter rolls his eyes and says, "Somebody certainly enjoys making an entrance."

A few words are exchanged before Derek makes his way over to the body bag, "Okay, hold on a second. You said you knew how to save him." Scott says.

"We're past that." Derek replies.

"What about Lydia-"

Derek interrupts, "Think about it, Scott. Gerard controls him now. He's made Jackson his personal guard dog. And he put all this in motion so that Jackson could become even bigger and more powerful."

"No..." Mr. Argent chokes out. They all turn to him as he continues talking, "He wouldn't do that. If Jackson's a dog, then he's turning rabid. And my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live."

"No offense Mr. Argent, but your father is evil." Scarlett bluntly says.

Gerard then steps out of the shadows, "I'm not evil Scarlett," Scar scoffs as he continues, "Something that dangerous, that out-of-control... is better off dead." A clawed hand then springs up from the body bag, digging into Derek's chest. Scarlett gasps in shock as the Alpha spits blood and roars in agony. A partially transformed Jackson stands, lifting Derek over his head and tossing him across the room.

Scarlett stands in shock as Scott slowly retreats from Gerard. The hunter begins to speak, "Well done to the last, Scott. Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realize you were also bringing Derek to me."

Arrows soar past Gerard and land in Isaac's leg then his stomach. "Isaac!" Scar yells, rushing over to his side. Mr. Argent takes out his gun and starts shooting at the Kanima. He only manages to hit him once, though it doesn't do much damage. Derek, now recovered, is back on his feet in full werewolf form.

Scott and Isaac are also transformed, ready to attack. Not knowing how to control her transformation, Scarlett keeps her eyes peeled for Allison who is clearly out for blood. She spots the young hunter just as she steps out from behind her hiding place, cutting Isaac with a knife.

Isaac falls to his knees in pain. Allison moves to end Derek's life. But before she gets the chance Jackson stops her. "Not yet, sweetheart." Gerard says.

Allison, shocked, asks her grandfather, "What are you doing?"

"He's doing what he came here to do." Scott answers.

"Then you know?" Gerard asks Scott, though he already knows the answer.

"What's he talking about?" Allison asks.

Gerard ignores her as he continues to talk to Scott, "It was that night outside the hospital, wasn't it? When I threatened your mother? I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could smell it, couldn't you?"

Isaac and Scar quickly realize what is happening as they both say together, "He's dying."

"I am. I have been for a while now. Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet." His cold eyes move to Derek, "But the supernatural does."

Mr. Argent pushes himself off the floor as the Kanima wraps his hand around Allison's neck, "You monster." He spits out.

"Not yet." Gerard then turns back to Scott.

Allison asks, "What are you doing?"

"You'd kill her too?" Mr. Argent asks his father.

"When it comes to survival? I'd kill my own son. Scott?"

Weary, Scott slowly approaches Derek. Derek eyes Scott as he says, "Don't. You know he's going to kill me right after. He'll become an Alpha."

"It's true." Gerard speaks up, "But I think he knows that already. Don't you, Scott?" Scott hauls the Alpha up, "He knows the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me and they can be together. You're the part that doesn't fit, Derek. And if you haven't learned yet, there's just no competing with young love."

"Scott, stop." Derek pants, "Don't-- Scott!"

"I'm sorry. But I have to." Scott replies. He digs his claws into Derek's neck, making the Alpha open his mouth. Gerard rolls up his sleeve, holding his arm out in front of the werewolves. Scott shoves Derek's head forward, his teeth sinking into the man's skin.

As Gerard tears his arm free, Derek collapses back onto the ground. Gerard laughs, holding up his bloody arm. Black blood starts dripping down the wound on the hunters arm. "What..." He mumbles out. "What is this? What did you do?"

"Everyone kept telling me Gerard always has a plan. Well, I had a plan too." Scott says. Gerard reaches into his pocket, pulling out his pill box and pouring some into his hand.

He crushes the pills in his hand, gray ash bursts from the capsules, "Mountain ash." He says through clenched teeth.

Derek looks on in surprise, "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks Scott.

"Because you may be an Alpha. But you're not mine." He states.

Gerard looks up at the Kanima, seething in anger, "Kill them. Kill them all!" Jackson tosses Allison away from him and whirls around to attack Scott. Before he has the chance to, a vehicle's engine fills the warehouse. Stiles' blue jeep comes barreling in, hitting Jackson.

"Did I get him?" Stiles asks from the driver's seat. Scarlett almost wants to laugh.

The Kanima leaps onto the hood of the jeep as Lydia from the passenger seat screams, "Jackson!" She opens the door, stepping out of the car as the Kanima blinks in confusion. "Jackson?" She says once more. Lydia holds up her hand, something tightly gripped in her palm. Jackson raises his hand as if to strike her but pauses when Lydia opens her hand, showing him his house key.

The group watches on as Jackson's eyes turn human once more. He looks over to Derek and let's his hands fall to his sides. Derek takes this moment to dig his claws into the teenagers rib cage. Peter, finally making his appearance, rushes out to let his claws go through Jackson's back. Both werewolves pull away from Jackson. As Jackson staggers forward, ready to fall, Lydia takes him in her arms. She eases him down gently, Jackson mumbling out, "Do you... still...."

He doesn't have to make out all of the words, Lydia knows what he's asking, "I do. I still love you." She answers as tears stream down her face. Scarlett stands back watching, tears also falling freely down her face at the site of one of her best friends taking his last breath.

Lydia gently places the key on his chest. Scarlett makes her way over to her and lightly pulls her up, giving her a comforting hug. Too focused on Lydia, Scarlett almost doesn't notice the sound of claws scratching cement. Lydia and Scarlett both pull away from the hug, turning to look at Jackson. His hands are moving and his wounds start to heal.

He lifts his head and sucks in a deep breath, closing his eyes. When he opens them they begin to glow blue. His mouth opens to reveal fangs growing. As he pushes up to his knees, strands of hair start to appear on his cheeks, growing towards his ears which now have points.

Jackson is finally a werewolf.

Once he stands at his full height, he slowly starts to turn back into his human self. Finally, Lydia runs into his arms. The two exes sharing an emotional hug.


The next day Scarlett decides to talk to her mom about her being a werewolf. "Hey mom, you got a minute?"

"Of course," She brightly smiles.

"So you obviously know how Scott is a werewolf..." She trails off waiting for her to respond.

"I do. I didn't realize that you knew though." She pauses, "Though I shouldn't be surprised, he could never hide anything from you."

Scarlett giggles, "You're telling me. Anyways, that night at the sheriff station, with Matt." Melissa nods to encourage her daughter to continue. "Matt shot me, just before you got there. I almost died. Derek had to give me the bite for me to survive."

She looks slightly shocked, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"At the time Gerard didn't know that I was turned. We though it would be safer if less people knew. Plus we didn't want to throw that at you while you were still in shock about Scott."

Scarlett's mom nods, "So you and Scott are both werewolves?"

"Yeah, but we're different kinds. Well kinda. I'm still learning too."

"What do you mean different kinds?"

"Well, at first we were just aware of three different kinds. Alpha - which is what Derek is. He's the leader of the pack. Beta - which is what Scott is. Beta's are the other pack members. Omega is the last one. Those are the wolves that don't have a pack."

"So what are you?"

"I'm a Zeta. Or at least that's what we're thinking. It's a type of Beta but with different abilities." For the rest of the afternoon Scarlett took her time explaining to her mom what a Zeta werewolf was. At least she explained what she could. She also spent the time answering any other questions about werewolves that her mother had.

The day after, Scarlett spent time with Lydia. She explained to her what she didn't understand about what happened the last few weeks. And of course apologizing nonstop for lying to her. Though Lydia understood that Scarlett thought it was in her best interest. I guess you could say that now with their Kanima problem solved and the important people in Scarlett's life finally understanding what was going on, life was taking a turn for the better.

StephieLynn1226 StephieLynn1226

Hello all! I decided to put the last chapter up a few days early. I hope you enjoyed book 1 in the Sister McCall series! I'm not sure when book 2 will be posted but I have already started writing it (and it's on my Wattpad, just unedited) so hopefully it will be up soon! Constructive critisicm is always appreciated!

next chapter
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