58.73% Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic) / Chapter 267: Chapter 267

章 267: Chapter 267

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Ravenclaw vs Slytherin-

"And Ravenclaw scores another goal!" Lee exclaimed excitedly into his microphone, his voice echoing across the pitch and making the blue and bronze crowd cheer and clap.

"Now the Slytherins are on the attack! Montague has the quaffle, he passes it to Flint who quickly throws it to Montague again!" Lee narrated, but then had to hold on to the table in front of him as he almost fell backwards when he was surprised by Cho and Malfoy, who flew past in front of the bleachers he was in.

"By Merlin!" he exclaimed, "Malfoy and Chang are in a tense pursuit, with Malfoy in the lead, but I don't see any snitch" he said after recovering, narrowing his eyes as he tried to look for the tiny flying golden ball.

I, who was flying directly towards Warrington who was in possession of the Quaffle, heard what Lee said, and quickly sweeping my gaze across the pitch I saw the golden snitch flying close to the grass, away from the two Seekers, and I realized that Malfoy was deceiving Cho.

But putting that aside since I knew she would realize she was being tricked at some point, I turned my attention back to the player in front of me, who was preparing to pass the Quaffle again.

I tilted the broom slightly upwards, making it slow down, and taking advantage of Warrington's moment of confusion, I turned quickly to the left, advancing on Flint who had his hands outstretched to catch the Quaffle that was thrown by Warrington .

Flint, who had just caught the Quaffle, noticed my movement, and without wasting time he shot towards our goal, but he didn't expect the sudden appearance of Jeremy, the substitute chaser who was in Isabell's place, because she can't play because of some "female issues".

Flint was so focused on avoiding me that he didn't even notice when Jeremy took the Quaffle out of his arms, and blinking confusedly he watched as Jeremy passed the ball to Roger, who was advancing towards the Slytherin goals.

Seeing that, Flint turned to order his Beaters to take down Roger, but he had to quickly dodge a bludger sent by Christi, who, even though he didn't look like it, had enormous strength in his arms.

"Damn" Flint cursed as he saw Roger score another goal.

"Great, our lead is now 130 points" Roger said as he flew to my side as Flint paused the match, "Now even if Slytherin takes the snitch we would still take first place on the sum total of points"

"Yes, but are you really going to accept it if we lose this game?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, and Roger took a moment to think before sighing and shaking his head.

"No, I really don't want to end our winning streak, especially when this is my second game as captain," he said with a grimace, and I snorted.

"Well, be happy to know that I neither want nor intend to lose this match, I have a reputation to uphold" I said, and Roger turned to me.

"Reputation?" he asked.

"Yeah, as the best player this school has ever seen, I can't have a loss on my perfect record, right?" I asked with a cocky face, and Roger couldn't tell if I was joking or not.

Deciding that refraining from talking was the best option, Roger just shook his head with a wry smile.

He then turned to Jeremy, who arrived beside him, a little out of breath.

Jeremy was an Australian boy with brown skin, he had short black hair and green eyes, he was short but agile, and that made him a fast flyer.

"Phew... Now I understand what you meant when you said that a real match and a friendly match were different" he said tiredly.

"You get used to it" I shrugged.

Jeremy was going to respond, but Cho arrived at that exact moment, and I could feel his frustration.

"How's the search going?" I asked her.

"I haven't seen any sign of the snitch yet, but on the bright side Malfoy hasn't either" she said, but then Cho sighed, "But it's getting hard to outmaneuver and outwit him, his Nimbus is way better than my broomstick"

"Don't worry about it, his broom is better, but you're a better Seeker" Roger reassured her.

I could agree that Cho was an excellent Seeker and that she was a very good flyer, but Malfoy was also a very good flyer, and that wasn't even because of his expensive broomsticks.

However, knowing Cho needed a little more confidence I nodded at Roger's words, and she looked at us with a smile, which only made her prettier.

However, her beauty didn't affect me or Roger, but the same could not be said about Jeremy who looked at her in amazement, almost drooling.

Deciding to ignore the horny hormonal teenager next to us, Roger started to speak.

"But we can't let you continue this game of cat and mouse" he said to Cho. He then turned to me.

"Ethan, can you locate the snitch?" he asked with a serious look, and I answered him almost immediately.

"It's behind the third stand in the east area, near the support beams" I said looking to the spot where I felt the snitch, and while Cho and Jeremy looked at me in surprise Roger just nodded.

"Fine," he said, then turned to Cho, "Now that you know where to look for the snitch, we'll try to give you an opening so you can go get it without Malfoy on your heels."

And after saying that, Roger started to quickly explain the strategy we would use, realizing that the break time was almost over.

When Roger's explanation ended, Madam Hooch whistled to let them know that the break was over, and with that the two teams returned to their positions.


As soon as Madam Hooch blew her whistle again, Jeremy and I immediately charged at Malfoy, with me quickly passing in front of him, preventing him from going to tag Cho.

Flint who had the Quaffle in hand looked at this scene confused, but then he noticed the gasp coming from the stands and looking down he saw Cho flying with his arm outstretched, and understanding what was happening his confusion turned to anger.

"You idiots! Take her down!" he yelled at his two Beaters, who nodded before flying towards the Bludgers.

However Roger didn't stand still watching this,, and flying towards Flint he tried to remove the Quaffle from his arms, but Flint managed to dodge him.

Flying to keep his distance from Roger, Flint soared high into the sky, nearly getting hit by a bludger.

"Damn it! What are you guys doing? Didn't I tell you to take that girl down?" he yelled angrily after narrowly dodging the bludger, turning towards his Beaters, only to find them in a dispute with the Ravenclaw Beaters.

Realizing the dire situation his team was in, Flint began to grind his teeth.

He then snarled and held tight to Quaffle, looking at the Ravenclaw goals with a frown, deciding that if he was going to lose, he would at least lose by scoring more goals.

Only he hadn't counted on me charging at him faster than he could react, stealing the quaffle that was in his arms.

Startled by this development, Flint blinked before looking up, realizing that Roger was now helping Jeremy mark Malfoy in my place.

And looking back he could only watch helplessly as I dodged his chasers and scored another goal for Ravenclaw.

And just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, the situation did, because just as Malfoy finally managed to escape Jeremy and Roger's marking Madam Hooch blew her whistle, and looking down we saw Cho with her arm raised and a small golden ball in your hands.

"AND CHANG CATCHES THE SNITCH!" Lee exclaimed, almost as excited as the Ravenclaw crowd itself, and I didn't know if it was because he was happy to see Slytherin being defeated or because he was still enchanted by Cho's appearance.

"And Ravenclaw wins! With a score of 330 to 60 for the ravens, increasing even more the distance between them and the other houses in this Quidditch Cup" and here Lee's joy was fading, realizing how worrying this was result for the lions.

But ignoring the growing concern coming from the Gryffindors, my team and I had just landed on the field and quickly rushed into a group hug, with all of us congratulating Cho on his great catch, who blushed under our praise.

And after lots of cheers, hugs and whoops of joy, we left the pitch, prepared for yet another big celebration in the Ravenclaw Common Room.


-Great Hall – Next Day, Breakfast-

I had just come down to the great hall a little late due to the fact that I had slept a little too much, even missing my morning training, thanks to going to bed very late because of yesterday's celebration.

I had just sat down, reaching for some bacon, when I noticed that the Great Hall was eerily silent.

I was tired, but I noticed this tense silence, and using my empathy I could feel many emotions coming from everyone, such as confusion, sadness, worry, and anger.

And confused by these feelings I raised my head, noticing that all the students and even the teachers, without exception, were holding a copy of the Daily Prophet and looking at it with various looks of disbelief.

'Huh? What is happening?' I asked myself with a strange face, and turning around I saw Sue beside me reading the newspaper, and curiously I looked at the article she was reading over her shoulder.

Reading the beginning of the article I blinked in surprise, until at the end I was staring at the paper with my eyes wide open, shocked just like the others but for a different reason.

The article was talking about the Sirius trial, or rather, about the fact that the trial never happened.

But that alone would not have been enough to shock everyone. What was actually written in the article that was causing all this fuss was a large section describing exactly what happened on Halloween night in 1981.

The article talked about choosing a guardian for the secret of the Fidelius Charm that hid the Potters' house, and how the one who kept the secret was Pettigrew, not Sirius.

It also talked about how Sirius flew his magic motorcycle to the Potters' house when he realized something was wrong, only to find them dead and their son crying with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

Furthermore, the article talked about how Sirius had handed Harry over to a faithful friend of Dumbledore's, and that if he had really been evil he would have killed the boy then and there, and not given him to someone he certainly knew would protect Harry.

And the article ended by saying how he sought out Pettigrew for revenge, because he knew that he was the one who really betrayed the Potters, but that in the end, in a moment of confusion and blindness, the ministry ended up arresting him, throwing him in Azkaban without a trial that would have revealed the truth about all history.

Some of the things said in the article were obviously made up, such as the fact that witnesses saw Pettigrew leaving the Potters' house before Sirius arrived.

That night Pettigrew had actually been to the Potters' house before Sirius arrived, and he even took his master's wand before running away, but only two people knew about it, me and Pettigrew himself.

And so I came to the conclusion that Andromeda made up that part to add more doubt to people's minds that maybe it wasn't Sirius who betrayed the Potters, but I had to say, she was pretty much right about what happened, and she got the reactions she wanted.

'Okay, I have no doubt that Andy is very pleased with this article' I thought, feeling a touch of vengeful Black in this article.

I knew it was Andy who got this article published, as that was part of her plan.

I then looked around again, analyzing everyone's reaction, and seeing how everyone was more than shocked I realized that Andy had achieved her goal with this article, and that's just talking about the people who were at Hogwarts.

The reaction was probably being much more 'vocal' in the rest of the British wizarding community.

'Yes, Andy really screwed up the ministry this time' I thought with a mental snort, but then I shuddered, 'And now I know it would be wise never to tease her'



(End AN: I got all the Sherlock Holmes books as a gift, and I'm very happy.

I'm someone who loves mystery, and Sherlock Holmes is one of the biggest names when it comes to detectives and investigation)

next chapter
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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