22.22% RWBY: The Tale of a Middle Child with Silver Eyes / Chapter 2: Ch. 2 Interrogation Room

章 2: Ch. 2 Interrogation Room

Daemond and Ruby are sitting beside each other at one side of a metal table. On the other side is a pacing Huntress, the same purple caped one from the battle only 20 minutes prior. This is Glynda Goodwitch.

Glynda is a Huntress, but she's also a professor at Beacon academy.

Beacon is one of the four Huntsman academies on Remnant. Beacon is in Vale while each other Kingdom has their own Academy that produces Huntsmen and Huntresses every year.

Huntsmen and Huntresses are licensed elite warriors dedicated to slaying the Creatures of Grimm and whose duty is to "uphold the peace" of the world. They do other stuff but that's basically the gist of it.

"Ahem!" Glynda clears her throat as she grabs Daemond's fleeting attention. It's not her fault she couldn't keep Daemond's attention, he was busy analyzing his fight in his mind.

Glynda lowers her Scroll that is the size of a tablet. "I hope that you two realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young man and young lady. You put not only yourselves in great danger but others as well"

Ruby shrinks down in her chair at the harsh words. Even Daemond winces, he was the one that technically made the Bullhead explode and send the parts crashing down onto the shipping yard and docks of Vale.

"They started it!" Ruby tries defending herself and her brother.

Daemond facepalms at Ruby's childish comeback. But he couldn't have said it better and that's why he can't stand hearing Ruby say it.

Seeing the sibling's reactions she stops pacing and faces them. "If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back..."

Ruby cheers up and smiles.

"…And a smack on the wrist" Glynda hits the table with her riding crop.

"Eek!" Ruby yelps as the weapon narrowly missed her and her brother's hand.

Daemond quickly takes his other hand off the table and straightens up. He wasn't paying much attention again and was fully pried away from his thoughts this time and looks at the Huntress under a proper light, even if the light is only on him and his sister.

Glynda's very light blond hair is tied back in a bun with a curl of hair hanging down on the right side of her face. Her white long sleeved top has a keyhole neckline, her purple cape is also still there. On her lower half she has black stockings that fade to brown covered by a high-waisted pencil skirt. Her stockings are partially ripped on her knees from tackling Ruby back on the roof, but her skins itself is fine due to her aura.

Daemond is still surprised how tall she is, standing at 6'5. She's a full half a foot taller than him and she's towering over him and his sister as they sit in their chairs. He's got conflicting feeling about the situation but can't help but be intimidated, which bothers him greatly.

"But... there is someone here who would like to meet you" Glynda steps aside as the door behind her opens.

Ruby slightly tilts her head as her mouth opens a tiny bit in surprise. Daemond raises an eyebrow as the door somehow opens to reveal a man with his hands full.

How did he open the door? Daemond loses track of his thoughts again.

The man entering the room looks to be an older middle aged. His silver hair is slightly messy and his thin brown eyes study the siblings sitting before him. His complexion is pale, however it has nothing on the overly pale cloak wearing siblings before him. And his sharp facial features can compete with Daemond and Taiyang. His outfit consists of an unzipped black suit jacket over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also wears long, dark-green pants and black dress shoes. This is none other than the Headmaster of Beacon Academy himself, Ozpin.

"Daemond and Ruby Rose…" In Ozpin's hands are a plate of cookies and a cane and mug in the other. He steps into the room and out from the dark hallway as he stands beside Glynda before leaning in towards the siblings to get a better look at their eyes. "You two... have silver eyes"

"Uh, um…" Ruby awkwardly mumbles and looks at her brother, unsure how to handle the situation with the new arrival. She knows who he is but doesn't understand why he's here or why he's asking about their eyes.

But before Daemond or Ruby can say anything he brings up a scroll with its tablet screen displaying the fight earlier, specifically Ruby twirling around her scythe. "So! Where did you learn to do THIS?"

"S-Signal Academy" Ruby stammers, referring to their Academy back in their hometown Patches, an island not too far away from Vale but not too close either.

"They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" Ozpin rhetorically asks.

"Well, one teacher in particular" Ruby admits.

Ozpin drags his index finger across the holographic screen and brings up a few videos of Daemond's fight, highlighting how his weapon changes and how it is utilized. He doesn't say anything for a few seconds until: "ah, here's my favorite part"

He enlarges a video of Daemond jumping onto the Bullhead and punching the mysterious woman. All the videos pause as Ozpin looks Daemond in the eyes. "Is it correct to assume you had the same teacher as Ms. Rose?"

Daemond squints before shrugging. "More or less, had a few other teachers too but only one other as skilled as the one she's talking about"

"I see" Ozpin puts the plate of cookies on the table and looks back to his scroll.

Ruby quickly swipes a single cookie and quickly crams it into her mouth. Seeing the two adults didn't rebuttal she begins scarfing down the entire plate one cookie at a time.

Daemond knows his sister and that she will forget to leave one for him so in between her swift movements he skillfully snags a single cookie and takes a tiny bite. It was good, and clearly not just store bought. But it wasn't the best he's had, he doubts anything could top the best.

Ozpin lowers the Scroll as he presses play and the video loops. The video of Ruby twirling her scythe and of Daemond connecting the right hook repeat over and over side-by-side. "It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before… and who has a tendency for this specific punch… A dusty, old crow..."

"Ohf, vfafts vour uncvfle" Ruby says through a mouthful of cookies as she finishes the plate, leaving barely a few crumbs. She wipes her mouth of the residue from the cookies. "Sorry. That's our Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like— Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa! Whaaaa!"

Daemond facepalms. His sister really is something else, she strikes karate poses while making many different sound effects.

"So I've noticed" Ozpin calmly says while placing his mug onto the table. He sits down opposite of the siblings, specifically Ruby. "And what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?"

"Well…" Ruby starts off hesitantly but finds her determination. "I want to be a Huntress"

"You want to slay monsters?" Ozpin confirms.

Ruby nods. "Yeah. I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon!"

Daemond knows where this is going so he props his chin on his palm as his sister begins talking faster and faster as her enthusiasm grows with no end in sight.

"You see, our sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career out of it! Hehehe~. I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, GOSH, you know!?" Ruby stares with bright eyes and a brighter smile at the two across the table from her.

Ozpin and Glynda study the over-eccentric girl for a moment. Ozpin is the first to turn his attention to Daemond. "And you?"

Glynda and Ruby then turn to Daemond as well, Ruby also wants to hear this. She gets the same old answer every time she asks, actually the answer gets shorter every time she asks.

Daemond sits up as he folds his arms over his chest and meets Ozpin's gaze. "Yes, I want to be a Huntsman. Yes, I want to slay monsters of all kinds. And while my older sister will be attending Beacon this year I only have to wait one more year, unlike Ruby here who has to wait two. Our parents and uncle raised us to have a high sense of justice which I like to uphold. I want to protect those who need to be protected and those who are already protecting others. If I can legally make a living doing that then that's all the better to me"

Near the end Daemond kinda forgot the initial question but it doesn't seem to matter.

Ozpin straightens up and looks between the Rose siblings. "Do either of you know who I am?"

"You're Professor Ozpin. You're the Headmaster at Beacon Academy" Ruby quickly and respectfully answers like it was a no brainer.

Ozpin gives a warm smile to the two across from him. "Hello"

"Nice to meet you" Ruby greets the man who she's been talking with for a little while now.

Daemond didn't intend to respond until Ozpin turned his way. He returns a greeting, rather lacklusterly. "Hello…"

Ozpin smiles at Daemond all the same. "Would you want to come to my school?"

Daemond raises an eyebrow. "I mean, yeah. As long as she gets to attend early as well"

Ruby feels her heart warm up at hearing her brother's words. She latches onto her brother, forgetting the two proffesors are still in the room. "Oh Daemy~!!"

"Gah, Ruby! Get off and answer him yourself!" Daemond tries to pry his sister off but her ability to latch on is rivaled only by Yang's bearhug.

Ruby sobers up a little, but doesn't let go since she knocked her chair away when she pounced on Daemond. "I want to attend Beacon more than anything"

Ozpin smiles as he exchanges a glance with Glynda. The Huntress professor shows her disapproval with a roll of her eyes and a: "Hmmph"

Ruby's jaw drops as she listens to Ozpin very carefully.

Ozpin looks back at the siblings and smiles at them while raising his arms out to his sides, his cane in his left hand. "Then allow me to be the one to deliver your invitations to Beacon Academy. Daemond Rose. Ruby Rose. I expect great things from you two. The Bullhead departing from Vale to the Academy leaves tomorrow evening. I don't recommend missing it"

Ruby is practically going to explode with emotions. Daemond however, is relieved. Not only did he make sure Ruby got into Beacon, but he also managed to get in himself.

"Congratulations you two. Now if you don't mind, would we be able to speak to Daemond alone?" Ozpin says to Ruby, not really giving her a choice in the matter.

She releases her brother instantly and stands up, her right hand saluting. "I don't mind at all, Headmaster Professor Ozpin Sir"

Ozpin waves his hand. "Please, just Professor Ozpin is fine. And it'll only be for a moment. There's another plate of cookies down the hall and to the left-"


Ruby burst into a flurry of red petals as she races to the promised cookies. She hadn't eaten anything in a while and needs to recharge the energy she expended, and they were cookies.

Glynda glares towards the door as she removes a petal from her hair.

Ozpin smiles at the antics and picks up the petals that landed on him. "Don't worry Young Daemond, you aren't in trouble… although the mess you made will be rather hard to sweep under the rug. I doubt nobody saw the Bullhead explode over the city"

Daemond taps his left foot on the polished floor as he closes his eyes. Here's the repercussions he was waiting for. "Right…"

"But aside from that I'd say you did a splendid job. There were a few hiccups, but what fight doesn't have those?" Ozpin keeps the petals in his hand while he lifts up his Scroll showing the various videos of Daemond. "Do you mind if we start with your weapon? It certainly catches my eyes"

"Haaah…" Daemond sighs, slightly in relief. He's glad that Ozpin changed his tune. And he knew this was gonna happen sooner or later. "What about it?"

Ozpin raises his eyebrow at the reaction. "Why don't we start with its name?"

"I call it Blooming Rose" Daemond flatly answers.

"Beautiful name" Ozpin comments before opening the hand with rose petals. "Does it correlate to the various weapons it shifts into?"

Daemond nods. "Hit the nail on the head, that's exactly what I was going for. Well, that and to mimic Ruby's Crescent Rose"

Ozpin sets the petals on the table. "Does that imply that you made your weapon after Ruby did? But you should have been the one to make your weapon before her…. Unless you just named your weapon late"

Daemond shrugs. "I had to spend a long time researching weapons before I built mine"

"I could imagine" Ozpin agrees as he pulls up images of the different forms of Blooming Rose. "Most weapons have 2, maybe 3 similar forms they can switch between. However yours seems to have at least 4 drastically different forms. Usually two weapons, one long range and one close range, get combined into one. Like your sister's Crescent Rose, a scythe and sniper wrapped all into one. But you seem to have managed to make a weapon reminiscent to that of a multitool. I'll get to the point Mr. Rose, how did you do it?"

Daemond narrows his eyes at the cunning Headmaster. There were clearly other more pressing questions Ozpin wanted to ask, like the half Fall Maiden. But here he is, asking about a weapon. Although, to be fair it is very unique and ahead of its time by quite a bit. "Like I said, I spent a lot of time researching. It took so long I lost count of the hours. Just designing the thing drove me crazy, now imagine my frustration when none of the blueprints I made actually worked in reality. I literally had to develop special gears, and other things to be able to get it just to fit together. That's not including making sure it transforms smoothly between any 'form' as you put it"

*clap* *clap* *clap*

Ozpin applauds Daemond. "It seems you've achieved something no other person has been able to on Remnant… that we are aware of yet. But still, this is beyond impressive for a 16 year old"

Daemond crosses his arms over his chest. "Thank you, but I'm not willing to give my secrets away"

Ozpin shakes his head. "As disappointing as that is, that's not why I'm asking. I'm asking simply to satisfy my own curiosity"

"And was that enough to satisfy you for now?" Daemond asks.

Ozpin nods as he smiles. "Yes, yes. That's plenty for now. I'm sure you'll show more of your hand sooner or later"

"You will be waiting a long while, I don't plan on showing off anytime soon" Daemond states. But it ultimately depends on how things go down. If things hit the fan he might have to pull out all the stops sooner than he would like.

"You'll find that I am more patient than most" Ozpin smirks, then looks at the scroll. "And this isn't you showing off?"

Daemond watches the various clips. Him defending the Dust shop and it's owner by tanking an explosion. How he launched his spear down the street. How he blew up a Dust crystal with a sniper shot. His various weapon transformations. Him leaping into the Bullhead and his fight with Cinder. And the fireworks he set off with Ruby.

"Do you think you can send me those?" Daemond asks while leaning forward and watching the videos. It's not that he likes how cool he looks, it's just that it would make correcting the mistakes he made easier. He would be able to see where he can improve.

"Absolutely not" Glynda states as she steps forward. "Need I tell you of the consequences of tonight had Professor Ozpin and myself not stepped in? This stunt could have ended very differently for your sister had I not arrived when I did"

"Professor Goodwitch" Ozpin interrupts Glynda. "I believe that's enough for now, I'm sure he can think of a few ideas of how tonight may have gone. Besides, you'll have plenty of time to reprimand him in class should he make it through the entrance ceremony the day after tomorrow"

Glynda quite literally bites her tongue while glaring at the Headmaster. "Then perhaps we should get to more pressing matters"

Ozpin turns back to Daemond and sets his scroll down on the table. He interlocks his fingers and rests them over his mouth while he studies the boy in front of him. "Do you by chance know who Roman's accomplice was tonight? If not could you give us your description of her?"

Feeling the shift in Ozpin's tone Daemond also gets a bit serious. "We didn't exactly introduce ourselves, so I don't know what her name is and I didn't get to have a good look at her. It was dark, obviously, but I usually have good vision in the dark but inside the Bullhead… it was like it was magically dark inside. I did get close enough to punch her but even then I couldn't see much. Her hair was definitely black and was straight for the most part, maybe a few curls. But I couldn't see her face at all, not even her eyes. But I remember the glow she emitted from her arms and chest. And I remember how she emitted fire multiple times, likely without any Dust. And I know it wasn't her Semblance. Semblances might be superpowers in a basic definition but nobody can just create an element from nothing. Utilizing and manipulating an element is possible, but there needs to be a source of said element already existing. And this woman generated fire and weird glass like structures from thin air. Even if her clothes were weaved with Dust thread and material it wouldn't have generated that type of firepower"

Ozpin closes his eyes. "That was a very detailed explanation for not being able to see much"

Daemond shrugs. "Well, it was hard not to see the fire part of the fight. But that's also what bugs me most…. Even with all that fire I still couldn't see her face. And hold on…"

He looks over at Glynda. "Isn't your Semblance some form of telekinesis via purple glyphs? How did you conjure that storm cloud and giant hail spikes?"

Ozpin lowers his hands. "You'll get to ask your questions after we ask ours. Now, did she speak to you at all?"

Daemond doesn't look away from Glynda. "Can't say she di-… wait. Nope, she definitely muttered something. It was right before I was thrown from the Bullhead. She called me an insolent little brat, that was it"

Ozpin pulls up a video in his scroll. It shows a fiery explosion inside the airship and Daemond being launched out. "Are you sure that is all she said?"

"Yes. Unlike my older sister I like fighting with a clear head. If she said anything else I would have caught it" Daemond confirms.

"You said that she attacked you with fire, and glass?" Ozpin inquires.

Daemond closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Yeah? I think so, if it wasn't glass I don't know what it could have been. They shattered pretty easily when I punched them"

Ozpin studies his scroll. This whole thing is a mess. But there are some bright sides. Now he knows that Roman isn't just a lowly criminal but he's somehow involved in something much bigger. And Beacon may have two brilliant students joining its roster sooner rather than later, which helps push his agenda forward slightly. "And what do you think of this woman? What is her relation to Roman and his recent robberies around Vale? You've given a little insight but I'd like to see this whole situation from your point of view a bit better"

Daemond shakes his head briefly. "Okay. In general I don't think she's the brawn while Roman is the brains. To me, it almost seemed like she was the leader while Roman was a pawn. Why else would Roman personally be robbing the stores? Maybe this woman wants Roman to take the credit of robbing the stores of Vale, and he was already a criminal before teaming up with this woman so this only boosts his reputation while allowing her to remain in the shadows. But then the question is why does she need this much Dust? I haven't heard of any other Kingdom being robbed like Vale, beyond the White Fang attacking the Schnee Dust Company shipments. But maybe this also has something to do with that? But that might be way too much of a stretch. I couldn't tell you if the woman was hiding a Faunus trait or not so I wouldn't rule the White Fang out. But they don't like working with Humans from what I hear so…."

Daemond cuts himself off. He got lost in thought and started rambling on and on. He was getting to a point where he was about to talk about some information he shouldn't know, and he was way off topic anyway. "Sorry, that's the gist of where my mind was going about this whole thing"

The room goes silent as Ozpin and Glynda digest what Daemond just divulged to them. Obviously some of it they already knew, but hearing Daemond piece together as much as he did was surprising, even if he went off the rails at the end. Clearly he was reading into things a bit, but for a 16 year old these were some impressive deductions. Needless to say if he graduates from Beacon and becomes a Huntsman he would become a valuable asset potentially on the level of Qrow.

Ozpin breaks the silence in a few seconds. "Thank you, I think for now that should be satisfactory enough. And as for your previous question about Professor Glynda, she can manipulate the atmosphere via her Semblance. It took her quite some time to get that level of master with her Semblance"

'Well shit' Daemond says inside his head. He wasn't sure whether that was the truth or whether that was a lie to hide Glynda from being revealed as a Maiden. If Glynda used her telekinesis to condense the moisture in the surrounding air could she actually make a storm cloud? And the hail spikes might be other material she snagged from the surroundings too. Would she really be able to telekinetically be able to control molecules? Ozpin definitely is good at manipulating and misdirecting.

Ozpin stands up. "It's getting late, Mr. Rose. I hope to see you and your sister tomorrow at Beacon for the entrance ceremony. We have a lot to prepare for, so if you'll excuse us. Good night"

Glynda exits the room with Ozpin following behind her after picking up his scroll, mug, and cane.

Just before he leaves Ozpin looks over his shoulder. "Oh, if you ever wish to talk or remember anything else you should feel free contact me"


Daemond's scroll chimes and Ozpin winks before fully exiting the room.

Pulling out his scroll Daemond finds that Ozpin had sent him the surveillance videos of himself. It's also probably best that nobody else sees them so it's not like he plans on sharing them. What are Ozpin's intentions for doing this? Daemond will be pondering that for many nights.

Ruby comes running into the room, cookie crumbs still on her face. She's holding her scroll as it rings. "Daemond! It's dad, what do I say?!"

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

4,110 words

Another long chapter

Hope everyone enjoys

Please point things out, I love interacting with everyone.

And an important question has been brought to my attention.

Will this be a harem or not?

I believe I can handle writing a decent story involving a harem that develops over time

I would like to know the input from my readers, what are your thoughts?

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


