33.33% RWBY: The Tale of a Middle Child with Silver Eyes / Chapter 3: Ch. 3 Arrival & Introductions Begin

章 3: Ch. 3 Arrival & Introductions Begin

Multiple large airships fly through the clear and sunny sky above Vale as they make their way towards their destination, Beacon Academy.

They pass over the crowded city of Vale and then an expansive forest, as well as many sheer cliffs as they travel.

Aboard a specific Airship:

"Oh, I can't believe my baby brother AND baby sister are going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" Yang shouts while squeezing Ruby and Daemond in a suffocating bearhug.

"Pleeesh shtop" Ruby pleads to her sister.

Daemond isn't fairing much better as his neck is dragged down to Ruby's height for the bearhug of an overprotective sister.

"But I'm so proud of you two!" Yang exclaims as she releases her younger siblings.

"Freedom at last" Daemond mumbles when Yang let's go finally.

"Really Sis, it was nothing" Ruby tries downplaying what happened the previous night. "Right Daemy?"

Daemond fixes the cloak around his neck while nodding. "Yeah, it was nothing. We only stopped a robbery. Pursued one of Vale's most wanted criminals. And blew up a Bullhead over Vale…"

Ruby wryly smiles while poking her fingers together.

"Nothing? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you two are the bee's knees" Yang holds her arms out wide emphasizing all the other passengers.

"I don't want to be the "bee's knees", okay? I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees" Ruby says while looking down at her knees.

Daemond crosses his arms. "Same, I also want normal knees too"

He meant that he didn't want special treatment. He wanted to get on a team and just coast through his school life while preparing for the disasters to come. He could only do so much before, but now that he's at Beacon he has access to a lot more resources. As long as he passes the entrance ceremony and doesn't mess things up too bad…

"What's with you both? Aren't you excited?" Yang asks with a bright smile that hasn't left her face since she heard the news. She's confused as to why her siblings aren't jumping for joy, and Daemond just explained why they should feel that way. Hardly any other student, if any, can say they fought alongside Huntress Goodwitch or stopped a Dust robbery in Vale.

Ruby slumps her shoulders. "Of course I'm excited... I just... *Sigh* …I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything"

Yang walks between Daemond and Ruby as she puts her arm around their shoulders. "But you ARE special, you both are"

Suddenly the holographic tv loudly begins playing some of the most recent news, grabbing the trio's attention.

On the screen is a mugshot photo of none other than Roman Torchwick. "The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa"

The screen then changes to show a woman with light purple hair and a picture of a Faunus protest. "Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday's Faunus Civil Rights protest turned dark when members of the White Fang disrupted the ceremony. The once peaceful organization has now disrupted..."

Daemond clicks his tongue at the news. He still doesn't get why the Faunus are the ones being discriminated against. But then again he never fully understood discrimination in his other world. There's always people who will look down in others, and if you look different it's like having a massive target on your back.

The holographic screen suddenly changes to show Glynda Goodwitch. "Hello, and welcome to Beacon!"

"Who's that?" Yang curiously asks nobody in particular.

Daemond puts his hands on his hips, similar to how Yang is standing. "That's Glynda Goodwitch"

The hologram then says: "My name is Glynda Goodwitch"

"Oh" Yang says and smirks at Daemond who is standing the same way she does. She remembers him doing that a ton when they were kids.

"You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world" Glynda finishes her speech and the hologram disappears.

'And we might get kicked out because we don't form a team during the entrance ceremony. Or we might later get expelled for who knows what, but things would have to end pretty badly for that to happen' Daemond adds in his head.

The other people on the Bullhead cry out in surprise at the beautiful scenery below them.

"Oh, wow! Look, you can see Signal from up here!" Ruby points out.

Off in the distance, across some water, a giant building can be seen near the edge of an island. This is Signal Academy, near the town Patch. Patch is where Yang, Ruby, and Daemond grew up and trained to become Huntsmen.

"I guess home isn't too far now" Ruby finishes, she's some comfort given that her home and dad aren't all that far away.

Yang goes next to Ruby by the window. "Beacon is our home now"

"Eugh-! Hugh!" A blond guy tries to keep his stomach from expelling his lunch. He walks past the siblings and tries to find a trash can.

Without saying a word to his sisters Daemond walks next to the blond guy and reaches into his pocket, pulling out some motion sickness medication. "Motion sickness?"

The blond guy looks up at Daemond and nods his head, then he quickly covers his mouth with both hands as his cheeks puff out.

"All yours dude" Daemond hands the guy the medication and returns to his sisters.

Normally motion sickness medication needs to be taken 30 minutes to an hour beforehand, however, Remnant has developed a much faster acting medicine.

"Tha- you" The blond guy tries saying but quickly covers his mouth again. He walks over to some empty seats as he struggles to keep his lunch down while opening the medicine. Anybody remotely near him quickly moves away.

Yang and Ruby have puzzled expressions on as Daemond returns.

"So, gonna explain why you randomly had that?" Yang asks, as far as she knew Daemond never had motion sickness. She grins and covers her mouth. "Were you hoping to save a beautiful damsel in distress?"

Ruby looks at the blond sitting down. "Maybe he DID save his damsel-"

*Smack* *Smack*

"Enough you two" Daemond slaps the back of his sisters heads. "I had it because I didn't want to be on an airship filled with puke"

He turns around to look out the window and can see a few other giant airships in the distance. Airships from many different places are coming in today to drop off new and returning students. Not everyone goes to Vale and then to Beacon, although that would help the city flourish a little more but Vale gets enough tourism as it is with Beacon so close.

"Owwie~" Ruby holds the back of her head as she winces.

"Tsss…. I swear Daemond, if you messed up my hair…" Yang hisses and threatens. She doesn't care if Daemond is her brother, she spent an hour getting her hair just right for today.

"Your hair is fine Yang" Daemond nonchalantly responds while putting his hands in his pockets.

Ruby glances over at the blond guy. She didn't see anything special, if anything he looked like an average guy about to throw up,. So why would her antisocial brother do this? Daemond always has a plan when he does something.

It doesn't take long until Yang and Ruby start talking various topics. Like about what their dad and Zwei, their family dog, might be doing right about now.

——— A few minutes later ———

The airship arrives at Beacon alongside several others. They all dock and most of the students exit and enter Beacon for the first time.

""Wow…"" Yang and Ruby say upon seeing the giant Academy.

Everyone gets off the airship, including the blond guy who still goes to the nearest trash just to be safe.

"The view from Vale's got nothing on this" Yang says while taking in the scenery.

"It's definitely something" Daemond admits. He was expecting something amazing, but this just blew what he expected out of the water.

Ruby practically floats in the air with excitement… as she inspects all the various weapons. "Ohmygosh, sis, bro! That kid's got a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword! That guy has a battle axe!"

Daemond walks up to Ruby. "Close, but that's actually a halberd-hunting rifle"

Ruby practically melts at all the new weapons she's seeing.

"Easy there, little guys. They're just weapons!" Yang tries to reign in her weapon loving siblings. Daemond isn't as crazy as Ruby about weapons but he knows more about them and can get swept up by Ruby's energy. They've spent hours discussing weapons and Yang doesn't want them to start now.

"'Just weapons'? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh, they're so cool!" Ruby defends her actions.

"Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?" Yang asks, knowing it's futile. Especially with Daemond's weapon in the picture.

Ruby reaches behind her back and grabs Crescent rose. She transforms it into a scythe and hugs it. "Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people, but better..."

"Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?" Yang pulls the red hood over Ruby's head and tries convincing her.

"But... why would I need friends if I have you and Daemond?" Ruby lowers the hood and innocently asks.

"Daemond needs to go make some friends of his own too Y'know" Yang rubs the back of her neck.

"But he has the both of us too" Ruby defends Daemond.

Before Daemond can respond he sees a group of girls and a few guys making their way over. He then sees some pink hair in the group and he takes a half step back but quickly composes himself a second later.

"Well..." Yang spots the group as well. "Actually, my friends are here. Gotta go catch up. 'Kay, see ya, bye!"

"Wait, Yang!" Ruby calls out but in the end it's futile.

Just like that Yang disappears into the crowd of people as they all walk away, all except one.

A girl stays behind and looks at Daemond and Ruby with a lazy small smile. Her long pink hair fades into a lemon blond near the end. Her light pink eyes are half closed like they usually are, like she is always tired or really relaxed. Her skin has a healthy flushed blush tone to it. And she's wearing her usual long sleeved keyhole blouse and impossibly short skirt. She wears her high heels like they're just regular old shoes.

Daemond's eye twitches as the girl waves before turning around and catches up to the group. "Great…"

Ruby slumps her shoulders. "I guess Sakura made it into Beacon too…"

"Do they let anyone into Beacon…" Daemond rubs his face with his right hand.

"Well now what do we do? I don't know-" Ruby took a step back and tripped over a cart of luggage, sending cases flying into the air.

"What are you doing?!" A white haired girl shrieks.

"Damn" Daemond covers his ears.

"Uh, sorry" Ruby apologizes while getting up.

"Sorry?!" The white haired girl exclaims. "Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?"

"Uuhhh..." Ruby can't respond.

Daemond steps in and picks up two cases, putting them back in the cart. "She already apologized, it's not like she wanted to knock all your stuff onto the ground"

"I would hope she wouldn't- Give me that!" The girl takes the case that Ruby picked up and opened it to reveal it was full of Dust. "This is Dust, mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!"

"Uuuhhhh..." Ruby looks at her brother for help.

Daemond shrugs. "Good for you? If all these cases are full of that stuff you must be rich"

"They aren't all Dust, and I am?" The bratty girl says to Daemond before turning to Ruby. "And are you brain dead? Do you need this guy to speak up for you?"

Ruby takes a step back and watches Daemond's eye twitch.

Daemond puts another case on the cart and mutters. "The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch…"

"Excuse you?!" The brat exclaims at being called a bitch.

"Daemond…" Ruby tries to stop her brother but is to late.

"Okay, maybe that was a little uncalled for" Daemond walks up to her. "But you are acting like a bitch even after Ruby apologized, you're escalating the situation and trying to make a scene. Wherever you came from, it doesn't matter here. Everyone has to follow the same rules no matter the background, so I suggest you properly store and transport your Dust next time"

The girl looks at Daemond in frustration. He was trying to turn the situation on her. "Do you even know who I am? Obviously you don't, if you did you wouldn't talk to me that way"

"Why should I care who you are when you don't care who I am? Like I said, we're all on an equal standing at Beacon. Equality for all right? Race and social standing included" Daemond takes another step forward and stands his ground.

His silver eyes locked with her light blue eyes. Daemond takes notice of the light vertical scar over her left eyes. The girl doesn't give ground and lifts her chin to try and prove her superiority, but all it accomplishes is knocking some more dust into the air from the vial she is holding.

Ruby catches a whiff of the lingering Dust in the air. "ah-"

"Why should I care about some guy begging for attention wearing a cape and mini corset" The girl tries provoking this nobody, she isn't sure why but just looking at him grinds her gears.

Daemond furrows his brow. "It's a cloak and waist cincher, which is a fashion statement that only a select few can appreciate"

"I know it's a waist cincher! A mini corset and a waist cincher are practically the same thing!" The girl continues arguing. The more she argues the more Dust floats through the air from the open case she's holding.

"AH-" Ruby can feel the sneeze happening.

Daemond quickly turns around and puts his finger under Ruby's nose to stop her from sneezing. Keeping his finger there he turns back to the light blue dress wearing girl. "Why is that case still open? It's like your asking for- Ah-"

He removes his finger from under Ruby's nose to try and stop himself from sneezing and the thing he was trying to avoid happens.

""ACHOO!!"" *KABOOM!!!!!*

The Rose siblings sneeze simultaneously and ignite the Dust that was in the air. The explosion has various effects from the different Dust. Some lightning here, a little fire there, a dash of snow, and some other effects take place.

A vial of Dust from the case the white haired girl was holding is sent flying through the air and lands at the feet of a black bow wearing girl.

The explosion was quick, and the smoke clears out just as fast leaving the three caught in the explosion covered in layer of soot in Beacon's courtyard next to the landing platforms. Luckily the soot gets brushed away quickly.

The white haired girl, whose hair is back to its pristine state, stomps her foot on the ground. "Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!"

"I'm really, really sorry!" Ruby lowers her head a bit as she genuinely apologizes.

Daemond rubs his nose with a slight blush on his face. "Yeah, damn. I'm very sorry about that"

The girl notices Daemond's blush and considers dropping this. But the fact that she was caught in the explosion, and a case of her Dust was just wasted, her frustration and annoyance prevails. She points specifically at Ruby. "Ugh, you two are complete dolts! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon?"

"Well, I-I wa-" Ruby stammers but gets cut off.

The girl interrupts Ruby and puts the case she's holding on the cart. "This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!"

Daemond was about to speak up but Ruby beats him to it.

"Hey, we said we were sorry, Princess!" Ruby gets fed up with the girl's attitude.

"It's heiress, actually" The girl wearing a bow on her head says while walking up to the scene holding a book and an empty vial with the Schnee Dust Company logo on it. "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world"

The white haired girl, Weiss Schnee, smiles smugly. "Finally, some recognition!"

"The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners" The bow girl adds.

"Wha- How dare- The nerve of... Ugh!" Weiss angrily walks up to the bow girl. Swipes the vial from her hand. And storms off, her helpers in suits appear from nowhere and pick up the rest of the cases.

"I promise I'll make this up to you!" Ruby shouts after Weiss.

"See ya around, Princess" Daemond shouts after Weiss and only gets satisfaction as Weiss walks away faster and mutters something under her breath. It was like messing with his sisters, but better because they aren't related by blood and he saw Weiss give him a once over earlier.

Ruby nudges Daemond with her elbow. "Don't antagonize her, we just blew her up with her Dust. We don't need to make her angrier…"

Daemond shrugs. "Just the Dust she was waving around and carelessly releasing into the air. If it was all the Dust she was carrying I don't think we would be here right now"

Ruby notices he didn't deny trying to antagonize Weiss, but she ignores that and turns to the girl wearing a black bow on her head. "So, what's..."

The girl is already walking away reading her book, leaving the siblings alone.

Ruby flops to the ground and lays on her back. "Welcome to Beacon…"

Daemond looks up at a giant tower with a clock on it. "It's certainly been an… explosive experience… so far"

"Ughhhh" Ruby groans as she covers her face.

"H-Hello…" A blond guy nervously greets the siblings, appearing from seemingly nowhere. He holds his hand out to Ruby. "I'm Jaune"

Ruby lifts her arms from her head and gives a small smile as she recognizes the guy and takes his hand. "Ruby, and aren't you the guy who threw up on the airship?"

"ALMOST threw up" Jaune corrects as he helps Ruby to her feet.

"A few people would say otherwise" Ruby teases as she dusts herself off.

"Okay… well it took a little while for the medicine to kick in" Jaune defends himself sadly, he turns towards Daemond. "Thanks for that by the way"

Daemond shrugs. "No problem"

Jaune awkwardly puts his hands in his pockets. "Soooo, you two wanna head to the auditorium together?"

Daemond looks at Ruby who has no objections. "Got nothing better to do, Vomit Boy"

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

3,307 words

I revised my story a little bit, previously had Daemond’s character be a little meaner but I think him being more playful and teasing would be better. Obviously he knows when to be serious but it would make him feel more related to Ruby, Yang, and Taiyang this way

Also, what does everyone think Daemond’s Semblance is? It’s not like Ruby’s

If I like somebody’s idea more than mine I’ll probably use it before it’s introduced

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


