94.2% Resurgence - A New Beginning / Chapter 65: Bandit Attack

章 65: Bandit Attack

Several hours later, the carriage finally stopped at night for the people to rest and eat. Leon was still sleeping soundly with no signs of waking up.

Since he has chosen the last wagon out of all three they were sitting alone inside of it with no one to disturb them. As for why he did that? It is possibly because of Natsuki.

... Who knows how many people she would have killed till now if she was made to sit with the humans.

"Woof." Silver who was with guarding Leon stood up the moment carriage stopped and dashed out. As for where it goes, it's a mystery...

The driver scratched his chin awkwardly staring at Natsuki. "Miss you should also wake up your brother, it's the time for dinner." He shrugged.

Dealing with these high borns is hard, if he disturbs them then also they will lash out and even if he doesn't, then also they will give a nonsense excuse like - 'why didn't you wake me up previously.'

"Sigh, make sure to come out soon as possible or else those hungry for years will be finishing everything soon." He turned around and walked away.

Everyone has their patience.

Once he was gone, Natsuki lifted her head. She with her usual expression walked out leaving Leon alone. As for why the driver assumed them to be nobels, it is because of the gold coin Leon gave him before, he still does not have any change and not to forget the attire of both Natsuki and Leon are also different.

Outside it was not much noisy but everyone was devouring the food like there is no tomorrow especially the carriage guards. It was because the path they have to take tomorrow goes through the middle of the forest. They are the one who has to fight and fend off bandits and monsters, so they must be physically fit. Most of them were just at 3-4 levels of cultivation but that was enough to amaze the commoners.

"Bunch of creeps," Natsuki whispered in disgust and got back inside.

Inside she peeked at Leon and a daring thought came to her mind. She grinned making up her mind.

She carefully moved up to Leon trying to infiltrate his mind again. Though this time although she was easily able to touch Leon but nothing happened.

"!?" "Is the spell not working."

As she was lost in thought, a large hand came out of nowhere and caught her breast or precisely what remaining was in place of them.


Natsuki's pupils dilated. She froze, not because of being touched but because of another reason. For a few moments, she remained in the same posture.

Eventually, she breathed a sigh of relief and pulled herself away from him.

"Such a shameless person for a God." She whispered in her breath with a cold face. For a second she thought she got busted again and this time she was sure, that only death awaits her but fortunately, Leon didn't wake up.

For the rest of the Night, she did not try anything mischievous. She had already learnt her lesson, going against him alone is the last thing she would want.

After the driver, no one else came to annoy them. Nobody gives a damn if they are the ones who want to starve themselves.

Soon, The morning Sun shone illuminating the sky.

The driver also got back to the carriage and resumed the journey. As for where he was the whole night? They have set their tents outside along with guards.

"Still asleep?" He looked back once in Leon's direction and asked with concern. "Miss are you sure your brother is alright? He doesn't need any medical attention right?"

Natsuki, this time was a little more polite. She pointed at the badge hanging near Leon's chest.

"Oh! Adventurer got it." The driver turned around and continued. Previously he thought they are just normal people so he was slightly worried as if a Nobel died on their watch it will cause their reputation a huge toll. But now seeing it's an adventurer he is carefree.

Adventurers die every day, even the highest rank aren't spared. Recently an SS-rank adventurer died so it wouldn't matter even if a random child of a Nobel who was an adventurer died. After all, they should already know at the time of joining what exactly they signing up for.

Only if he was a little more alert he should be able to notice that Leon's badge was slightly different from normal ones. It has golden lustre with mysterious runes imprinted on it.

It was signifying Leon's status as a member of the Adventurer Council. Only SS-rank adventurers who are Demigod level beings can hold that position and that also the ones who are the strongest.

Even though Austin is Demigod but still did not receive the SS rank is also because of that. He is Demigod but for getting the SS-rank qualification it requires the approval of the council's existing members and being a Demigod is just a prerequisite for it. As for how Leon got elected, that was because of 4 extra votes other than Ellen, Arthur and Edger, which he mysteriously got.

Who are those 4 adventurers exactly and what do they want?...


"Hey wake up!!"

"Wake up!!"

"Uh-huh, ..." I opened my eyes lazily due to the loud voices outside.

"Who the hell is making so much sound, believe me, if it isn't a pretty lady I will burn you to ashes." I glimpsed outside, annoyed.

It was the afternoon of another day. Never thought I would be sleeping for more than one day.

As I shifted my vision I noticed Natsuki with Silver sitting beside me, nothing abnormal? So who is making that noise. I glanced upfront only to meet a big rough face in front of me.

"Fuck off!!"

"Ugh!!! " The man who was in front of me got kicked a few meters away.

"Sorry bro, no Homo here. Find someone else." I apologised as I jumped outside down the carriage. Though, I finally noticed that the man in front of me was no other but the driver of our carriage.

The man was unbothered by my behaviour he immediately stood up and bowed. "Hey, please help us. We are under attack by bandits most of our guards are already dead."

I looked up at the man in front of me with a funny face. Is he alright?

"Help? Dude, I am just a traveller how I am supposed to fight bandits?"

"!? Aren't you an adventurer? We can pay the price just help us." The man pointed at Leon's chest. Although the driver was polite outside, inwardly he was cursing. [Greedy bastard.]

I looked down only to find a badge attached to my clothes which was given by Yves.

"Huh?" I immediately took it and threw it away.

"See I told you I am a traveller."

The driver looked at Leon with a crazy face, if he has already not faced a kick from him, he would surely be attacking him right now instead of bandits.

"Coward!!" He screamed taking his sword out to fight the bandits by himself. If he survives today, he pledges that he will refund all money to this bastard adventurer and throw him out of the wagon. Unfortunately, that day never came as just after getting to the battlefield his head was blasted off by a mage.

The attackers have a fifth level of cultivator along with them and multiple third and fourth levels as well. Although the difference is only one level between the fifth and fourth but the power gap is huge. Enough for the bandits to give them an upper edge over the guards. If this continues everyone will be killed within a few minutes.

The first wagon had already been destroyed and only dead bodies were lying in its place. As for the second wagon, it consisted of four passengers 1 woman and 3 men.

They were starting at the scene in front of them just like Leon with no intention of helping them up.

*Boom* *Clank*

The guards were dying one by one.

"Aaaa... What a boring day." I stretched out my back and walked to those four other passengers.

"So where are you guys going?"

The men around the woman frowned seeing him behaving so casually but the woman in the middle spoke, not minding anything at all.

"We are going towards the light city. Where this little brother might be going?" She uncovered her face letting her bare face come to the light. She was a Charming girl. with long, wavy brown hair and green eyes. she looked like she was only 23 or 24 years.

She looks decent but compared to any other girl I saw till now she wouldn't stand a chance. Not like I am here to woo her out.

"Same place. Light city"

"Oh," Linda said pretending to be shocked, however, her eyes sparkled when she saw the space ring on his hand. It looks very expensive, if her guess is right he must belong to a Nobel house and that space ring is a rare artefact which must cost more than 500 gold coins. Not like she can't afford that but even if she wants to buy that it's impossible considering how rare it is. You can buy normal space rings for 500 gold coins but the one on his hand looks different, it is a custom made piece.

I noticed her gaze but didn't respond to it and instead I asked her something else. "Is the sister native of that place?"

"Haha... " The men's around Linda laughed hearing his words. Linda glared at them once, shutting up their mouths.

"Yes, I own a shop there. If this little brother is free, he can visit the sister's shop."

"Hmm... Will think about it." I declined her straight.

Linda grimaced at straight refusal but she still maintained big sister vibes. As she was ready to move into the next step, a loud noise interrupted them.

"Boss! See what we have here." A bandit shouted at the Mage who was possibly the leader of the group while pointing at the Natsuki sitting inside the carriage.

Linda got to the left of Leon, completely forgetting the distance between them. "Wasn't she with you?"

I nodded. "She is my cousin."

"Do you need any help?"

"Help? Haha, Na no need." I turned into a shadow and disappeared before they mess up with that little devil and she uses some kind of god-level spell to expose us.

"Eh??" Linda was left there with a stunned face.

"Humph!!" She pouted her lips and stomped her foot in anger. Her ass shook heavily as she made that action dazzling the man behind her. It is Leon's fault that his standards are too high or else a normal man would be unable to take his eyes off this city's beauty.

"Sister Linda... That man." Another man beside her spoke with a slightly embarrassed face. Don't go into this woman's actions, she can kill people like nothing. She is the daughter of the underworld ruler of Light city... The Snake Lord. But surprisingly she is more famous for her ruthlessness than the Snake Lord itself.

"He was hiding his strength. A sixth level cultivator same as me ...

She smiled wryly. "Let's leave him." Seems like she can't get her hands on that space ring.

... What a day where she can only look but not touch.

As Linda's plans crumbled down seeing Leon's strength, he was busy taking care of these pathetic bandits while trying to control his strength as much as possible. It's good he is only using the sixth level of strength, thanks to Yves's warning or else that girl Linda, who knows what her face might look like if he used a demigod level of power.

"You will not use your power till needed... get it, girl?" I poked my head inside and said to Natsuki who was sitting in an unconcerned manner.

Natsuki giggled. "Are you commanding me?"

My face twitched, this girl!! Handling her is tough.

As I struggled to properly communicate with this devil, I felt a cold child on my back.

"Hahaha... What a rookie for a sixth level of cultivator." It was that fifth level mage who was currently casting a spell. If it was any other cultivator instead of me, he would be worried but for me does it even matter?


As I was ready to unleash the 7th layer of strength a large wood appeared from the middle of the neck of the bandit leader. He puked blood and his body fell to the ground making a distinct noise.

"Are you alright?" It was one of the men who was with Linda, she commanded him to help them. All three guards with her have the fifth level of cultivation.

I smiled wryly and shook my head. "What a day it is... " I shifted my sight to that woman instead of the man in front of me.

"Thanks, Sister for saving me. I will surely repay you the next time we meet." Immediately I hugged Natsuki from behind and left.

"Leave me or I will chop your hands," Natsuki whispered annoyed.

I knitted my brows in surprise. "You dare that I won't get you naked right now!?" This girl, did she think she is controlling me?

Haha... Did she forget what happened yesterday.

Only Silver was left there, he looked left and then right and eventually dashed in the direction in which his master left.

Linda blinked her eyes unable to understand what happened right now? Did he run away?... But why?

She chuckled. "What an amusing person..."

As she was standing there another bandit who knows when escaped earlier tried to attack her from behind. Yet the moment he arrived in front of her he froze.

In front of him, there was no more the cheerful big sister but an evil spirit starting at him with bloodlust.

Linda completely changed from her earlier attire to the gang lady as she unleashed her strength and glared at the whimpering bandit in front of her.


The men's who were with Linda hissed a cold air as they saw her removing the bandit organs one by one.

When she was done, the man from earlier who saved Leon arrived in front of her. "Miss both remaining carriages have been destroyed we would have to walk till Light City."

"Destroyed... How??"

The man apologised. "We don't know, sister Linda."

"Uhm, such a pity." She yawned lazily. "Who is one making trouble for us... First those idiots of our gang who escaped to Capital. Father sent to me capital to take care of them but they were already killed by an unknown person and now this.... Let's just hope they did not alert the forces in the capital, compared to the powerhouse living in Imperial Capital we are still lagging far behind."

"Okay, let's go." She waved at them and disappeared. The men's also tuned into a shadow and followed her but they were much slower than her.

Once they were gone, a shadow appeared on the spot where Leon threw his badge.

"Sigh, do this human even understand how this small thing can be misused. How can he throw this so carelessly?" It was the peeping Goddess Anima. She took the badge in her hands. It slowly got engulfed inside disappearing who knows where...

"Hermes why did you destroy those two wagons?"

Another shadow appeared from the opposite side. "Hahaha, just for fun. But I think you should be worrying about something else."

Hermes put on an amused expression as he pondered something. "That human is attracting trouble everywhere he goes, ... I wonder what he did to even get involved with the Lidas 2nd child. She is chasing him down wherever he goes..."

Anima smiled helplessly. "My guess is most likely he took her virginity away. She isn't a virgin anymore."

Hermes' expression turned into a terrified one. "This... "

Soon, he laughed wildly. "Hahhaha.... That woman would be spitting fire when she comes to know of that... Hahhaha.....hahaha.... Looks like The Devil Natsuki and that Crazy woman Lidas is going to turn this world into a battlefield again...hahhaha."

"Don't worry about it, she can only bless Human and can't choose how they choose to spend their life," Anima said calmly.

Hermes' eyes shone with a silverish tint. "I know... Normally she won't but do you think she would allow her to live with the human who is close with the Devil Natsuki?"

Anima narrowed her eyes in the direction Leon left. "That's the most confusing part... How can she allow a human to touch her, let alone hold her... She wasn't even putting up a resistance."

"Can't you see till now? That human is protected by Natsuki. As for why she is doing that you have to go and question that devil yourself... Or do you know that she won't answer you?." Hermes grinned but shortly his face distorted in pain.

He was surrounded by green lust vines binding him up to his place. Only two large eyes of the colour same as the water was staring deep down into his soul.

Hermes despite being in that position laughed in ridicule. "Haha, Anima if you are that powerful why didn't you stop the great war? Oh, you fear to face that Devil directly?"

Anima wrinkled her brows and loosened him up.

Hermes calmly floated to the ground. "You spoiled my suit." He grumbled and disappeared before she can do something else.

Only Anima was left there standing alone. In her eyes, the image of Natsuki getting held by Leon was reflecting.

"Why does something always seem off...."


Is the pace of Story ok? or I need fasten it up more.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C65
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


