19.23% Pokemon: The Adventure! / Chapter 8: Pokemon Egg Hatches

章 8: Pokemon Egg Hatches

A rainy weather arrived which continued to fall outside of the Viridian City Pokemon Center. It was now late in the night, and the dark clouds along with the absence of daylight made the area outside practically pitch black when the once modest rain turned into a downpour.

As it was meant for two people, the room Cinder initially rented for himself was added by a new occupant, Korrina. It did not create a problem though, since the room was quite spacious to begin with, with an additional bed for two parties to occupy a bed each for themselves. Cinder had picked the bed that was closer to the window, the lights of the city and the buildings around radiates with varying colors, which provided an illuminated view of the rain outside.

The pokemon egg was neatly placed on a table found near the television opposite to the side the beds were situated.

The two teenagers sharing the room were in an awkward silence, Cinder had already finished eating before the examination and recovery of his pokemon egg and Storm. Apparently, Korinna had also finished eating when he asked her, additionally, when they had already settled who was going to have which bed, Korrina's Riolu had been all healed up which she immediately fetched shortly after Nurse Joy had notified through the speaker within their room.

Once they are already settled on the fact they were sharing a room, they had each taken turns taking showers and changing into their pajamas.

The two were sitting on their respective beds, Korrina sitting on her's, while Cinder was on his side, looking off towards the window.

He knew it was within the obligatory of the Pokemon Center to have two trainers occupy the same room when all of the available room were no longer vacant. Furthermore, trainers within a city are abundant in numbers, especially Viridian which was such an advanced and big city, much bigger than Cinder's hometown, Pallet Town, that's for sure.

Storm was on the side of his bed, eating the pokemon food that Cinder had bought from the Poke Mart. He was digging on his food in gusto, stopping occasionally to take a sip of water which was placed right next to it's food. After it finished eating, it jumped on Cinder's bed and made itself comfortable on the edge, unperturbed by the addition of a human girl and her pokemon within the room.

That's right, Korrina's Riolu was outside of it's pokemon. The canine pokemon had just began eating because it had arrived late. After all, it was being treated by Nurse Joy.

Cinder stared in curiousity at the pokemon. He first assumed that the name which Korrina mentioned at the elevator, 'Riolu', was a nickname she had given for her starter. He never thought it was an actual species. No matter how hard he thought and recollected anything about this particular species in his mind, he was sure he had never heard of such a pokemon before.

"By the way, Korrina." So he decided to initiate a conversation, because of his curiousity. "Where did you got your starter pokemon from? I reckon I haven't heard of a Riolu, either from the Kanto and Johto's database in the Pokedex before."

"That's normal." She responded, then continued enthusiastically. "I got him from my grandfather, he gave Riolu to me when I was just a little girl. When I had just started as a trainer a few weeks ago I decided to have him as my starter. He's from Kalos, from the region where I lived in."

"You're not from Kanto?" Cinder asked in unmasked surprise. He never expected she was a foreigner from another region. Trainers from other region always had pokemons with them that couldn't be found in some other regions, because of the climate and environment they lived in. "So that explains it then. So, is Riolu one of the regional starters of Kalos?"

She chuckled when she heard his ignorant question. She did honestly answered him though, because while this was common knowledge to her and the people living in her region entirely, this wasn't the case for others who lived in such a place like Kanto. "Nope, Riolu is actually not. However, when we are generally talking about the rarity of it's species, it is as rare as the regional starters, if not as rare as your Kanto's Dratini species."

"As rare as those..." Cinder muttered with surprise. Well that was unbelievable, if her starter is as rare as she claimed to be, then she really lucked out. "Damn, your starter really is awesome."


The wool pokemon who was listening to their conversation on Cinder's foot of the bed cried out at its trainer in indignation, playfully displaying a look of dissatisfaction and hurt.

"You're of course more awesome than them, Storm." Cinder quickly reassured his starter, carassing his wool with his hands tenderly.

'As it should be.' Cinder knew this was the thought within his starter's mind, from what he knew of it's competitive character. Storm snorted half heartedly, not paying attention to its trainer any longer as he continued to lay down on the cozy bed.

Korrina suppressed herself from snickering at their interaction, which Cinder barely noticed as he flashed her a bitter smile.

Seeing this, she simply laughed at him. Strangely, Cinder found himself laughing along with her.

Storm, and the Riolu, who was taking it's time eating the food in front of him looked up at their respective trainer with a strange gaze. Both shook their heads at the same time at their weird trainer.

The laughter died down. As Korrina pointed out. "I never knew we could get along pretty well, considering we got off to a rocky start when we first encountered earlier, I thought that you wouldn't be able to forgive me from what I did."

"Don't mention that any longer, there wasn't really anything worth getting angry about. With all things considered, nothing really substantial happened. Besides I don't mind colliding with a pot of plant when you bumped on to me." Cinder expressed the last part with a deadpanned expression, which he received a chortle from Korrina. He continued with a genuine smile. "Let's just say... It is part of a process to come to an understanding."

"Mhm." Korrina nodded in agreement. "Then... Friends?"

"Yup, friends." Cinder replied warmly. Deciding to change the subject, he turned his head towards the window. "So, are you happy with your stay here in the Kanto Region?"

"Yep! Certainly! There's actually nothing to hate here in Kanto. The climate here is generally mild, and the four seasons are sharply delineated. Even though I I haven't been staying here for a long time yet, I did read a few articles. Riolu and I enjoyed the scenery in Viridian Forest too." She said with delight.

Cinder could see that her reaction was genuine, he couldn't help but be drawn towards her beautiful smile. He coughed as he diverted his gaze and asked, hiding the blush that was appearing on his face. "Y-you already visited Viridian Forest?"

"Uh-huh we did, I actually passed through it with Riolu from Pewter City. It's a pretty decent place to train and gain experience in regards to battling with all the different pokemon roaming the forest, while honing the moves we are focusing on." She didn't noticed the unusual behavior Cinder had shown, as she was too preoccupied on sharing her experience. "It was thrilling seeing so many new pokemon that I never seen or heard of from our region."

"I could imagine. Someday, when I'm done here with the Indigo Plateau Conference and have no more agenda left to take care of, I would love to go visit Kalos. I'm curious what the place you came from looks like." He then added. "Not to mention the pokemon native there."

"That would be great!" Korrina commented happily. "When the time comes I'll certainly be your guide."

Cinder laughed, as he was getting affected by her show of enthusiasm. He asked. "Anyway, when are you going back to Kalos?"

He asked this because he certainly found himself missing Pallet Town, he haven't called his mother yet, because he was too preoccupied with training Storm. He would do that first thing in the morning tomorrow, he noted. He honestly felt curious because Korinna's homeland was so far away from Kanto, since there are literally a few regions in-between that further distanced the two from each other.

To his surprise, however, Korinna was wearing a conflicted expression. "Ehm... It's no big deal actually. Personally, I wouldn't mind if it took a little bit longer."

Cinder raised a brow. "But... Aren't you missing the people you know there, like your family?"

Korinna laughed a bit. "Of course I'm feeling homesick. However, that kind of stuff can wait, I'm a pokemon trainer and I can handle myself, besides I came here in this region particularly for a mission my grandfather and Professor Sycamore gave me, it is a part of my journey as a pokemon trainer. Can't tell you much about what mission it is though, it's confidential information that the League made me keep it tight-lipped. Maybe after that, I will go back and continue on my journey."

Now that, that made Cinder stared at Korinna with awe and wonder in his eyes. Her conviction as a trainer really is commendable. Cinder really couldn't fathom what mission Korrina was undergoing, but he didn't asked any further, he really didn't want to pry in her personal matter anyways. He also feelt a 'tiny' bit of sympathy towards her, she left her family and friends to journey towards a faraway place that certainly would have been pretty foreign for her, one could imagine how lonesome she was.

"You know." She perked up at his voice. "A couple of my friends might like to see you. They're both pretty big fans of foreign pokemons, and one of them particularly is a fan of fierce looking pokemon like your Riolu. Meeting your pokemon would practically guarantee a good day for them."

Korinna turned to face the same direction as Cinder so she could look at her more easily during their conversation.

A small smile made its way to her face as she looked over at him. "Hmmm, I dunno." She purposely trailed off, but then she continued as she got not much reaction from him. "Heh, I guess I could do that. Are they also pokemon trainers?"

"Yes. Their specifically my childhood friends." Cinder responded. "When I get the opportunity, I'll certainly introduce you towards them, they're good people. "

Korinna giggled a bit. "I'm surprised you are actually looking forward towards that day, do you perhaps-" She paused upon noticing her Riolu staring at something, there was a lot of intent within them that she couldn't help but gave attention. Curious, she followed her pokemon's gaze . Her eyes widened as they landed upon the egg. Which was glowing a faint, whitish blue. If she did not pay much attention, she could have missed it even with all the darkness surrounding the room.

"Hey, why did you suddenly stop..." Cinder paused as he raised an eyebrow at her behavior when he saw her looking at something with sharp focus. Like her, he followed their line of sight, but then gasped as he saw the egg.

Racing over it with Korrina in tow, he was quickly joined by Storm and Riolu. He picked the egg and placed it on the floor so both pokemon could observe more closely.

All eyes were on the egg.

What felt like a trillion of thoughts going through his mind at once for a moment. It hadn't been not too long ago that his mother had given him the egg, to be exact it had just been a day or so, but it almost felt like an eternity. He had been so excited to find out what it would be hatching in to, and finally.

The glow brightened as Cinder and Korrina squinted, covering their eyes with their hands as the first few signs of cracks began to form on the outer shell. The glow continued to grow brighter until it eventually started to fade, more and more cracks outlining the egg's surface.

Finally, a big crack opened up from the side.

The egg shell fell on to the carpet, as everybody looked on in simultaneous suspense and excitement.

First, from what they saw as something like a mouth found its way out of the egg. Then the eyes and what seemed like a football ear tried to squeeze itself out, seeing it couldn't force itself to go out, it began to gnawing away with it, causing the top shell of the egg to fall over as the creature stumbled it's way out, quickly caught and held upright by Storm who was paying laser focused attention at the creature.

Now on full view, although still covered with egg shards, the whimpering infant raised it's head as it first took in the sights of Cinder and then Korinna.

It wasn't a creature that Cinder ever recognized...

That did not apply to Korinna though, her expression was a sight to behold currently as she gazes at the creature.

Bipedal and dragon-like, the pokemon is primarily blue. It has a big mouth filled with sharp teeth, no neck, and arms that start at the outer edges of its jaws. A red underbelly stretches from its abdomen to the bottom of its jaw. It has two horns that resemble jet or plane engines or even a football, each with a light blue stripe in the middle. It has a single light blue stripe wrapping around its back. On top of its head is a dorsal fin, which has a notch on it. In particular, it's mouth filled with razor sharp teeth was a stand out. Even at a newborn stage, it's biting prowess looked to be quite powerful in Cinder's eyes, not to mention it was already bulky lookin'. It left Cinder in his imagination and wonder just how dangerous this pokemon is once it fully matured and developed. It's teeth were quite shiny, likely due to it's age.

Although the pokemon whimpered and cooed, it took in it's surroundings with curiousity. It stopped, however, as Cinder leaned down to get at eye level with it.

"Hello there fella..." The boy said gently. "Are you feeling alright?"

Still holding the creature by the side, Storm gave the mysterious unidentified pokemon a warm and welcoming smile.

"Woah!" Exclaimed Korrina after her initial stupefaction, which startled the just hatched pokemon. Cinder glared at her which made her smiled sheepishly. This time, she was more mindful as she murmured, loud enough for Cinder to hear. "How the hell did you get yourself a Gible pokemon egg, Cinder?"

"A Gible?" Cinder caught that word from her mouth, and found it really familiar as he repeatedly thought it again and again in his mind, but couldn't recall anything. So he fetched his Pokedex to find out what it was.

Seeing this, Korinna interjected. "Don't bother. Your Regional Pokedex won't be able to find any information about it. Try mine instead." Whilst speaking, she handed her Pokedex which had the same design as Cinder, except it had a white coloration.

She tapped Comer's shoulder. "See what it is, you'll faint from shock."

With a nod, he received her Pokedex and allowed it to scan.

"Gible, the Land Shark Pokemon. Gible once lived in the tropics, and to avoid cold, it lives in caves warmed by geothermal heat. Gible attacks anything that moves, and it drags whatever it catches into the crevice that is its lair. Despite the big mouth, Gible's stomach is small."

"This Gible is Male and has the ability 'Sand Veil', additionally it also had the hidden ability 'Rough Skin'. This Gible knows the moves: Sand Tomb, and Tackle. It's egg moves are Outrage and Double Edge which hasn't been unlocked."

With widened eyes, a speechless Cinder lowered the device, taking on the sight of the pokemon that had just hatched from his pokemon egg, while Korinna enjoyed seeing him being godsmacked, she also was as speechless.

The newborn infant continued to allow Storm to continue holding him upright, trying to focus and maintain balance on his feet as he waddled forward a bit, rasing his head a bit more towards Cinder and letting out a content moan, eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room as his 'new trainer' looked up in awe.


He screamed internally, as his face flushed with myriad of emotions.

*Alright! So how do you guys liked that one, huh!? That's a hella good pokemon, so stop complaining about my dear Magby and Mareep, alright? They're innocent ;_;. Anyways, have fun reading!*

AiLund AiLund

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C8
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


