57.81% Playing PokeMMO In Another World / Chapter 36: Ch. 34 - Catch Whatever You Can

章 36: Ch. 34 - Catch Whatever You Can

I took out my PokeDEX to look at my trainer card.

[DIPPER - Issued 20XX-02-02

PokeDEX - 14

Money - ₽21,136

Max Obedience - Lv. 37

<Gym Badges>

1 - [Boulder Badge]

2 - [Cascade Badge]

3 - [Thunder Badge]]

"I expected Rhyhorn to carry the team to victory but unexpectedly it was Weepinbell with its <Sleep Powder> that made it possible for me to defeat the gym leader."

"Sigh, I was underprepared for the battle but things turned out well. But I can't expect the same to happen again. I need to be fully prepared before I challenge a Gym next time."

"Good, Now that I am done with most of the tasks. I just need to quickly fill in 16 Pokemon data in my PokeDEX"

Putting away the PokeDEX, I quickly made my way to the Pokemon Center to get my Pokemon healed.

After getting my Pokemon healed up, I decided to exit the Pokemon World to grab something to eat.

"I am not going to repeat the same mistake twice" I said as I shifted from the Pokemon Center to my apartment.

Quickly getting something to eat, I re-entered the Pokemon World.

"Now that my belly is full, It is time to catch some Pokemon."

I chose to head to the east of 'Vermilion City' where 'Route 11' and 'Diglett's Cave' are located.

While walking, I came across a sign that read:


<Route 12 may be blocked off by a sleeping Pokemon.>

<Detour through Rock Tunnel to Lavender Town.>

<Vermilion Police>

'This notice is probably because of the sleeping Snorlax who is blocking the path.'

'I wonder if I will get a similar quest to wake up Snorlax as I did for cutting the Small Tree?' I thought as I moved forward.

[You have entered Route 11]

{Image Of Route 11}

Not far from where the Notice was, I came across the entrance to the Tunner, which had a sign that read:

<Diglett's Cave>

I could enter 'Diglett's Cave' to get to 'Route 2', but I still needed to get the 'Item Finder' and complete the new task, which was to check if I could get a quest to wake Snorlax up.

'I will go to 'Route 2' after getting 'Item Finder'.'

I continued heading East, and shortly after, I was in an open space where there were many sections of Tall Grass and NPC trainers waiting for anyone to battle with.

'While I am catching Pokemon, I can also battle the NPCs to earn some money since I spent a lot when I bought the Poke Balls.'

'I also need to level up my Hoothoot and Ponyta as they are lagging behind compared to other Pokemon on my team.'

"Shit, I should have brought Abra. Using Teleport, I can save so much time." I muttered to myself as I turned back and ran to the Pokemon Center.

'I would be an Idiot if I chose to waste my time going back and forth when leveling up my Pokemon.'

[You have entered Vermilion City]

Soon, I was back at the Pokemon Center. I moved to the PC to switch my Pokemon.

'I need to level up my Hoothoot and Ponyta, so they need to be on the team.'

After a quick thinking session, I chose to temporarily replace Gyarados with Abra, since Gyarados is the highest-level Pokemon I have.

After the changes in the team, I once again made my way to 'Route 11'.

[You have entered Route 11]

"*Pant* Now then, Let the Grind begin" I said while breathing heavily from running.

<Youngster Eddie>

Ekans Lv. 21 <Defeated>

[Rhyhorn gains 307 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽336 for winning]

[You found one Awakening]

Sandshrew Lv. 12 <Caught> x1 Poke Ball

[Sandshrew's data was added to the PokeDEX.]

[Sandshrew was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]

[Rhyhorn gains 149 EXP. Points]

<Youngster Dillon>

Sandshrew Lv. 19 <Defeated>

Zubat Lv. 19 <Defeated>

[Rhyhorn gains 337 EXP. Points]

[Hoothoot gains 111 EXP. Points]

[Charmeleon gains 111 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽304 for winning]

<Engineer Bernie>

Magneton Lv. 18 <Defeated>

Magnemite Lv. 18 <Defeated>

Magnemite Lv. 18 <Defeated>

{Image Of Magneton}

[Abra gains 210 EXP. Points]

[Ponyta gains 210+314 EXP. Points]

[Charmeleon gains 210 EXP. Points]

[Charmeleon grew to Lv. 25]

[Weepinbell gains 314 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽864 for winning]

<Youngster Dave>

Nidorino Lv. 18 <Defeated>

Nidoran ♂ Lv. 18 <Defeated>

{Image Of Nidorino}

[Charmeleon gains 248+107 EXP. Points]

[Ponyta gains 107 EXP. Points]

[Hoothoot gains 248 EXP. Points]

[Hoothoot grew to Lv. 15]

[Hoothoot wants to learn the move <Defog>]

[But Hoothoot already knows four moves.]

[Should a move be deleted and replaced with <Defog>?]

"<Defog>, huh? I am not familiar with this move" I said while looking at the notification.

I chose to view its information.

[Defog : A strong wind blows away the target's obstacles such as Reflect or Light Screen. It also lowers the target's evasiveness.

Type - Flying, Status

Power : --

Accuracy : --

PP : 15

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be reflected by Magic Coat

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]

"So, this move can reduce evasion and remove any protection that the opponent has. Nothing too special about this move."

I chose not to learn the move, as I do not see any immediate use for this type of move.

[Give up on learning the move <Defog>?]

[<Yes> <No>]

I pressed <Yes>.

[Hoothoot did not learn <Defog>]

Another series of notifications appeared after this.

[Hoothoot wants to learn the move <Psycho Shift>]

[But Hoothoot already knows four moves.]

[Should a move be deleted and replaced with <Psycho Shift>?]

Another unfamiliar move.

[Psycho Shift : Using its Psychic power of suggestion, the user transfers its status problem to the target.

Type - Psychic, Status

Power : --

Accuracy : 100

PP : 10

Priority : Normal

Target : Selected Adjacent Pokemon

> Can be prevented with Protect/Detect

> Can be copied by Mirror Move]

"Interesting move" I said as I looked at the move, which can transfer status problems like <Poison>, <Asleep>, <Paralyzed> to the opponent.

I chose to learn this move by replacing <Reflect>.

[Hoothoot forgot how to use <Reflect>]

[Hoothoot has learned <Psycho Shift>]

[You got ₽288 for winning]

Mr. Mime Lv. 12 <Caught> x5 Poke Ball

{Image Of Mr. Mime}

[Mr. Mime's data was added to the PokeDEX.]

[Mr. Mime was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]

[Hoothoot gains 276 EXP. Points]

Ekans Lv. 14 <Caught> x1 Poke Ball

[Ekans's data was added to the PokeDEX.]

[Ekans was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]

[Ponyta gains 124 EXP. Points]

Spearow Lv. 14 <Defeated> x2 Poke Ball

[Abra gains 58 EXP. Points]

[Weepinbell gains 58 EXP. Points]

<Gamer Hugo>

Horsea Lv. 18 <Defeated>

Poliwag Lv. 18 <Defeated>

{Image Of Poliwag}

[Hoothoot gains 144 EXP. Points]

[Weepinbell gains 144+146 EXP. Points]

[Ponyta gains 146 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽1008 for winning]

[You found one Great Ball]

Ekans Lv. 13 <Defeated>

[Hoothoot gains 116 EXP. Points]

[Hoothoot grew to Lv. 16]

[Hoothoot wants to learn the move <Zen Headbutt>]

[But Hoothoot already knows four moves.]

[Should a move be deleted and replaced with <Zen Headbutt>?]

Looking at the notification, I chose to forget the <Peck> move and learn <Zen Headbutt> in its place.

[Hoothoot forgot how to use <Peck>]

[Hoothoot has learned <Zen Headbutt>]

Rattata Lv. 16 <Caught> x1 Poke Ball

[Rattata's data was added to the PokeDEX.]

[Rattata was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]

[Hoothoot gains 131 EXP. Points]

Drowzee Lv. 14 <Caught> x1 Poke Ball

[Drowzee's data was added to the PokeDEX.]

[Drowzee was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]

[Hoothoot gains 166 EXP. Points]

Spearow Lv. 16 <Caught> x1 Poke Ball

[Spearow's data was added to the PokeDEX.]

[Spearow was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]

[Ponyta gains 133 EXP. Points]

<Engineer Braxton>

Magnemite Lv. 21 <Defeated>

[Weepinbell gains 365 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽1008 for winning]

Meowth Lv. 15 <Caught> x1 Poke Ball

{Image Of Meowth}

[Meowth's data was added to the PokeDEX.]

[Meowth was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]

[Ponyta gains 148 EXP. Points]

<Gamer Jasper>

Bellsprout Lv. 18 <Defeated>

Oddish Lv. 18 <Defeated>

[Hoothoot gains 290+302 EXP. Points]

[Hoothoot grew to Lv. 17]

[You got ₽1008 for winning]

Drowzee Lv. 15 <Defeated>

[Abra gains 89 EXP. Points]

[Abra grew to Lv. 13]

[Charmeleon gains 89 EXP. Points]

<Youngster Yasu>

Rattata Lv. 17 <Defeated>

Raticate Lv. 17 <Defeated>

Rattata Lv. 17 <Defeated>

[Abra gains 105 EXP. Points]

[Charmeleon gains 105+530+209 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽272 for winning]

Meowth Lv. 16 <Defeated>

[Abra gains 79 EXP. Points]

[Charmeleon gains 79 EXP. Points]

Drowzee Lv. 16 <Defeated>

[Hoothoot gains 95 EXP. Points]

[Charmeleon gains 95 EXP. Points]

<Gamer Darian>

Growlithe Lv. 18 <Defeated>

Vulpix Lv. 18 <Defeated>

{Image Of Vulpix}

[Hoothoot gains 171 EXP. Points]

[Rhyhorn gains 189+257 EXP. Points]

[Rhyhorn grew to Lv. 26]

[You got ₽1008 for winning]

<Gamer Dirk>

Voltorb Lv. 18 <Defeated>

Magnemite Lv. 18 <Defeated>

[Hoothoot gains 161 EXP. Points]

[Rhyhorn gains 178 EXP. Points]

[Weepinbell gains 314 EXP. Points]

[Weepinbell grew to Lv. 24]

[You got ₽1008 for winning]

And just like that, I have defeated every NPC on 'Route 11'.

After defeating the last NPC, I chose to rest for a while.

I used Teleport to return back to the Pokemon Center and get my Pokemon healed.

[You have entered Vermilion City]

Sitting in the Pokemon Center's lounge area, I pulled out my PokeDEX to check how many more Pokemon I needed to catch.

[DIPPER - Issued 20XX-02-02

PokeDEX - 21

Money - ₽28,240

Max Obedience - Lv. 37

<Gym Badges>

1 - [Boulder Badge]

2 - [Cascade Badge]

3 - [Thunder Badge]]

"So, I just need to catch 9 more Pokemon, and then I can get the 'Item Finder'."


<Total Gain>

[+ ₽7,104

x1 Awakening

x1 Great Ball]


<Total Loss>

[- x13 Poke Balls]



[Hoothoot Lv. 14 > Lv. 17]

[Abra Lv. 12 > Lv. 13]

[Weepinbell Lv. 23 > Lv. 24]

[Ponyta Lv. 16 > Lv. 17]

[Charmeleon Lv. 24 > Lv. 25]

[Rhyhorn Lv. 25 > Lv. 26]


<Caught Pokemon>

[x1 Sandshrew Lv. 12

x1 Mr. Mime Lv. 12

x1 Ekans Lv. 14

x1 Rattata Lv. 16

x1 Drowzee Lv. 14

x1 Spearow Lv. 16

x1 Meowth Lv. 15]


<Team's Current Status>

[1 - Hoothoot Lv. 17 - 50/50]

[2 - Abra Lv. 13 - 30/30]

[3 - Weepinbell Lv. 24 - 67/67]

[4 - Ponyta Lv. 17 - 47/47]

[5 - Charmeleon Lv. 25 - 68/68]

[6 - Rhyhorn Lv. 26 - 79/79]


next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C36
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


