4.34% Perfect Instincts / Chapter 1: New
Perfect Instincts Perfect Instincts original

Perfect Instincts

作者: Basicbitz

© WebNovel

章 1: New

I look into the mirror and smile, today will be a great day! I should be nervous, first day at a new school, and its my senior year but I'm excited. I couldn't wait to make new friends and see what this small town has to offer. My name is Chloe Beale. I'm starting my first day of senior year and I couldn't be more ready.

"You ready Chloe?" I turn and smile at my cousin. "Always ready Bree." I wink at her and we walk outside to my old blue truck. Another perk is my cousin and best friend Aubrey Posen is a senior with me. I don't have to worry about who I will sit with at lunch or anything like that because I have my favorite cousin.

I've lived with Bree my whole life. Her parents were in an accident shortly after I was born and my parents were nice enough to raise her as their own. I put on the radio and start singing and Aubrey soon joins in.

We pull up to Barden High. It is pretty early so there aren't many cars yet. I park the truck and smile. "Seriously how are you so happy and not freaking out?" Bree asks shaking her head and I shrug. "Come on Bree new school! We get to meet new people!" I sing getting out of the car.  Aubrey chuckles and follows after me.

We find the main office and are greeted by an older woman. "Oh you must be the new students." She says with a smile and we nod. "Here are your schedules, we are having another student show you around so just sit for a second." We smile and take a seat and I read over my schedule.

"Sorry! I'm here do not panic!" A large blonde girl with an Australian accent yells running into the room. "You must be the fresh meat. I'm Fat Amy." She says extending her hand. "Hi! I'm Chloe Beale." I say back with a big smile and shake the girl's hand.

"You call yourself Fat Amy?" Aubrey asks and she smiles and nods her head. "Yeah so twig bitches like you don't do it behind my back." She says and I laugh. I like this girl. "Aubrey Posen." Bree says back after her initial shock and shakes the girl's hand.

We walk down the hall where she shows us where our classes will be. Its a small school so I'm not too worried about getting lost. Students start to file in and give us odd looks. They must not get a lot of new people. "So how do you two know each other? Amy asks and I smile. "We are cousins." I say back with a smile and the girl looks between us skeptically. Bree and I don't look much alike. She has blonde hair and light green eyes where I have red hair and blue eyes. She shrugs it off and walks to our last stop in the tour.

"And this will be your chemistry class!" She says opening the door. We all freeze seeing two students making out. They seem completely unfazed and don't stop their kissing. "Hey can you come back later?" A short brunette girl says not even stopping kissing the neck of girl who looks like she could be a Victoria Secret's Model. "Sure thing!" Amy calls out and pushes us out of the room.

"That was interesting." I mutter and Amy laughs. "She talked to me! Best day ever! And get use to that. Mitchell and Conrad are always going at it." She says as the bell rings. "And that ends our tour!" She bows with a smile. "I have your numbers down and you have mine, text me if you get lost." She says goodbye as Aubrey and I head to our first class.

We sit up front and seconds later three girls walk in, two of them I'm sure were the ones making out. I make eye contact with the short brunette and I swear I lose my breath. Her eyes are stunning navy blue and drill into mine and her head tilts slightly. I break my gaze to Aubrey who is looking at the model like she has never seen a girl before. She is clearly stunning. Tall with long legs, brunette hair, and bright green eyes.

The third girl looks at the other two then at me and Bree. She gives us a confused look before grabbing the other two and pulling them to a seat in the back. "Wow." I mutter and Aubrey is still looking towards the tallest girl.

"She is... beautiful." Is all Aubrey says. I turn my gaze back to the girl who is looking at me still with her head slightly tilted. The teacher comes in and I reluctantly break my gaze away, but I can still feel her staring at me.

Class passes rather fast and I can't bring myself to pay attention. I just want to know who that girl is. When the bell rings I sigh a breath of relief. I go to stand up as the trio hurriedly exits the class.

I can't help but to frown because I really wanted to introduce myself and take her into a class room and test out those kissing skills for myself. Bree is sporting her own frown watching where the girls exited.

"What is it?" I ask as we walk out, knowing something is bothering my cousin. "I don't know there was something about that tall girl with the green eyes." She shakes her head sighs. "Is the Aubrey Posen actually taking interest in someone?" I tease giving her shoulder a nudge and her frown deepens.

"No! I focus on school! No need for... distractions." She mutters. I chuckle and think of a good response until I crash into someone. I brace myself to be the laughing stock of the school by falling on my ass in front of everyone but I don't hit the ground. I open my eyes and see those navy blues looking into mine.

"Maybe watch where you are going." She says with a smirk that is by far the hottest thing I have ever seen. I have no idea how she is so easily holding my weight because we are in a perfect dip position. Her hands are sending vibrations through my whole body.

"Oh my bad." I mutter mainly to her lips and she helps me onto my own two feet. The tall brunette walks up to her and puts her hand over the other girl's shoulder. "Wow Mitchell, already knocking the poor girl off her feet." She says while giving me a wink before her gaze settles on Aubrey.

"Hi, I'm Stacie Conrad!" She extends her hand towards my stunned cousin. "Aubrey... Posen! Aubrey Posen." Aubrey eagerly takes the girls hand, Bree flinches slightly at the contact.

I turn back to the girl who is still staring at me. "I'm Chloe Beale." I smile and extend my hand. She stares for a second then takes my hand. "Beca Mitchell." She says and quickly drops my hand and puts it in her pockets, I felt the same buzz when our hands touched. "And I am Emily Junk!" The last girl says with a big smile. Was she here the whole time? She is really pretty too, she's tall with dark hair and warm brown eyes.

The warning bell rings and I look at Bree who is staring at me confused. I turn to look back at the other three only to see they are gone. How do they keep doing that?! "Do you believe in love at first sight?" I say to Aubrey who looks a bit dazed. "I do now." She shakes her head and pulls us to the classroom.

"Too bad they are taken." Aubrey sighs as we sit down. I process what she said, remembering how we interrupted the two of them basically about to have sex on the desk, that may be a problem...

Our next two classes pass really fast. I'm starving and can't wait until lunch. I really hope the food here isn't completely terrible.

I walk in and see Amy stand up and wave to us. We smile and join her group of friends after we grab our food. "Hey fresh meat! First day and everyone is already talking about you!" She says with a smile and shovels food into her mouth.

"What do you mean?" I ask taking a bite of my salad. "Oh how Conrad and Mitchell actually talked to you! You guys are legends!" One boy, Jesse, says with a big grin.

"Do they like, not talk to people?" Aubrey asks and they all nod. "They pretty much only talk to each other, like they are too good for everyone else. Emily is the only person they have talked to since they moved here." The girl, CR, says pointing towards a table in the back. Sure enough the three of them are sitting there with tons of food laughing and talking.

"Huh, I wonder why. They seemed nice." I say with a shrug. My gaze stays on Beca who suddenly looks towards me. She looks me up and down and winks. I blush and look at my salad.

"Damn, we spoke too soon. I'm surprised she is actually interested in someone other then Conrad." Jesse says with a big grin. "You are officially my hero." The boy whose name I finally remember is Benji says. I can see Beca glance our way out of the corner of her eye. "Are Stacie and Beca... like together?" I ask quietly and I swear I see them smirk at us.

"I guess you could say that, but maybe like an open relationship? They have been that way since they moved here freshman year but Emily said they are complicated." I nod and take another bite from my salad. Lunch ends way to quickly for my liking but I only have gym glass left which I don't mind because I love working out.

Aubrey and I walk together because we are both in this class. I change into shorts and a tank top and while Bree puts on shorts and a t-shirt. We follow the other students to the track where Beca, Stacie, and Emily are playing catch on the large football field. Beca is in gray sweats that stop at her calf and a navy blue tank top.

I can see multiple tattoos peaking out and that is a major turn on for me. Beca catches the ball Emily tossed her only to be tackled by Stacie. The two laugh before Stacie pulls her into a heated kiss. Emily rolls her eyes and says something along the lines of 'get a room.'

I can feel a bit of jealousy watching the two who break apart a second later. Beca looks over at me with a slightly guilty look. She comes over with the other two as the gym teacher instructs us to run a mile. I laugh watching Amy's eyes widen as she makes her way under the bleachers. I chuckle seeing her giving me a wink and a shush gesture.

Aubrey and I start a steady pace. We take morning jogs so we are in decent shape to run. I'm shocked to see Beca and Stacie start a fast pace. Emily is fast but no where near the two of them. That is normally not the best idea because you tire out quicker, however the two manage to keep the pace and lap all of us. I swear they aren't even breaking a sweat.

I'm glad when we are done and grab some water. Bree is panting and shakes her head. "What are they track stars? They had to have done a mile run in under six minutes." She comments handing me some water which I happily take.

"I have no idea." I mutter. We decide to not get changed and walk to my truck. I try to start it but of course Old Blue let's me down and won't start. I sigh and hit my head on the wheel. "Why do you do this to me Blue?" Aubrey shakes her head. "Probably because this car is ready for retirement." My jaw drops and I smack her arm. "Don't say that! He still has some good miles left!" I coo rubbing my car.

A knock on the window causes me to squeal. Beca, Emily, and Stacie are standing there with concerned looks. I crank down the window and look at the girls. "You guys having car trouble?" Beca asks and I nod.

"We can take a look if you want. I worked in a garage a few years ago." Beca starts to say. I nod before she can even finish. I mean I want Blue running again but more time to spend with this girl is another perk. She smiles and opens the hood. Aubrey and I get out and watch as she checks a few things.

"Well you are going to need a new battery. We can jump it for now but it will only get worse." She says as she turns and nods to Emily. Emily smiles and runs to a blacked out Shelby Ford Mustang with a chrome racing stripe. That may be the sexiest car I have ever seen. She parks the car in front of us and pops the hood. Walking to the back she grabs jumper cables.

I look to Aubrey who is in an intense conversation with Stacie. Beca instructs me to get inside as she sets up the cables. Soon enough my truck finally roars to life and I smile.

"Thank you Beca!" I yell and wrap my arms around her. She tenses up then gently wraps her arms around me. I notice how warm she feels in my arms. I pull away and she is looking at the ground. Stacie and Emily look at her with worried looks.

"We appreciate the help. Maybe be can hang out sometime?" Aubrey asks, Stacie nods and puts her arm around Beca who relaxes under her touch. "Yeah, we will talk soon. We really have to go though." Stacie says pulling Beca into the car. Emily gets in the driver's seat while the other two get into the back.

"Bye! It was nice meeting you!" Emily says before speeding out the parking lot. I frown and look at Aubrey. She is still watching where the car drove off. "That was strange." She mutters as we get into my truck. "What an interesting first day..." I say back as my phone buzzes at the same time as here. "Looks like it will be getting even more interesting." Aubrey comments as we read the identical texts.

Fat Amy: Sup Twig Bitches! Bonfire at the field tonight! I will text you the address! You have no choice but to come....

Beca's POV

"Em! Go to the clearing! And go fast!" I hear Stacie yell. My whole body is trembling as she tries to calm me. Emily is speeding down the road and pulls into the clearing in record time.

Stacie pulls me out of the car and I fall to the ground. I barely have enough time to take off my jacket before I start the shift. I groan in pain and I can feel Stacie attempting to take my shoes off so I don't shred them. My whole body heats up and soon enough a growl is heard. I stand up and shake out my newly grown black fur.

"We will be back in two hours." Stacie tells Emily while removing her own clothes. Emily nods and walks up to me. She gives me a quick scratch behind the ear before getting our clothes and puts them in the car before driving off.

I turn back to Stacie to see her starting to shift. After a loud whimper a white wolf is standing in front of me. She nuzzles her neck into mine to relax me.

I should probably explain things a little. My name is Beca Mitchell. I am a lycan or as most people call us a werewolf. I am also the last Alpha known to exist...

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


