/ Book&Literature / Padfoot and his Godson

Padfoot and his Godson オリジナル

Padfoot and his Godson

Book&Literature 9 章 69.0K ビュー
作者: Zarosian


詳細 目次


What if Harry had His godfather? What if Harry grew up in a good household not restricted by damning blood magic? What if Harry is a charming devil that thinks and charms people instead of just believing whatever he is told? and what if he is a proper noble that likes muggle playboy books like his godfather? LETS FIND OUT!! :)
Oh and Harry might become overpowered... but it will make sense due to DumbyDork not being able to interfere and him having a good education from a decently early age.
Its an AU, just a reminder. Oh and maybe... there is more than just the Harry Potter World within? ;)
(Includes the Harry Potter Universe, Percy Jackson Universe, and a few other AUs)
I don't own hp, J.K. Rowling does. The artwork is by HitoFanart and if you don't want me to use it I will take it down (I just REAAALLY LOVE YOUR WORK!) and btw its just a fanfic, don't hate... too much rofl.

Parents Strongly Cautioned
  1. Ellyssa35
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット



  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Heyyyooo!!! plz give my story chance! , ive neveer been the best of making reviews, but if you think this is decent please review it and add it to your library! i love all of you! 😁😄

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Awesome Fic-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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I wish you would update more but the rest of the book is great and I hope it continues to have the same quality as it does now. I would recommend this to all of my friends who like Harry Potter and maybe even introduce web novel to them and maybe they will make some books. Back to the review tho this is/was one of the best Harry Potter books I’ve ever read and that has very few swear words and I really like that there is almost no swearing/ swear words in this book

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i love this story so far the writing is great the grammar is above average the world back round is awesome and the characters are portrayed properley hope author-san doesn't drop and am adding to my library also lil tip harrys grand mother is a black she is serius's grandfathers sister so related through harrys fathers mother the only reason draco was next in line after serius in the book is because the black family is a because his mothers a black so hes half not just a quarter like harry

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作者 Zarosian