He was falling. He didn't know how he ended up in this situation. But he stopped screaming his head off, five minutes in. It wouldn't help anything and knowing that it would take about 2.5 years to reach the earth so he had time. There was no point in knowing that you would die and keep worrying about it, it would be better to make peace with it and pray for the gods to take you in their embrace.
It was funny really. He always thought of himself as a god. He believed that he and the gods were equal. So why would he worship an equal? Ever since the day he was born he knew that he was made for greatness. All of his life people ridiculed him. Always calling him a madman saying that he was insane and dumb to call himself the equal of God. They called him names, bullied him, tormented him all his life. Making him vengeful.
It started at the age of 17 when he was kicked in an alley and got his ass handed to him. After they left he swore in his name that they would pay for what they did to him. He was tired of being a peaceful deity always making people step all over him. So when he limped toward his house. He opened the door and walked past his uncaring parents who didn't even ask him who did this to him. Not that he cared for them. They had the honor to bring a god into this world they should have been thankful. No, they just laughed in his face when he told them to kneel. From that, he didn't talk to them and that was seven years now.
Reaching his room. He instantly went on his computer and researched how to make bombs. It took him four months but he finally gathered the materials for the bombs. With his monthly allowances, he paid for all of the equipment on the dark web that he managed to come across on his seventeenth birthday. It took him three weeks to make and distribute all over the city that the people who mocked him resided.
He knew that innocents like children were going to die since the bombs were located at schools, parks, homes, daycares but he didn't care about mortal lives. Why should a god care about the lives of ants? Humans don't care about ants when they step on them. They wouldn't even notice. He was a god and thereby that law of the strong and the weak made him superior.
After one more week of planning. He brought down divine punishment on the city. At noon he took out his detonator and then all hell broke loose on the city as tens of thousands of people died. And many more injured. That day, was the only time that he truly was happy and overjoyed as the people below him died by the thousands. Seeing this destruction made him have an erection at the pure ecstasy that he was feeling.
It was three years until he got caught and sentenced to the death penalty. Two days before his execution. He found himself in orbit falling towards a blue and green planet below. After ten minutes he started to think that a god transported him here saving him from the hands of despicable mortals. If he could confirm this he would have thanked the god that saved his life. He knew that his brother or sisters had to make sure that their little brother was alright.
After 20 minutes he started feeling around his body for any ability that his mortal body didn't possess.
After a couple of seconds of feeling around, he finally found it pure raw chaotic power. his body started to turn into pure electricity.
zooming in the sky at the speed of light moving turnout the sky all the while laughing like a madman. creating thunderclaps with every movement.
those were the noises as he traveled around at least four times before he landed on the ground in less than a second.
Laughing uncontrollably he sat up and rose to his feet. Instantly he noticed his height difference. He uses the ground to his head as an estimate. He estimate that he was about 3 meters tall(10 feet).
"What in heavens name"
This came as a surprise to him. Not only could he turn into lightning. He was ten fucking feet tall. He was only six in the past but now he was a giant. and not only that. He was wearing a pure dress like what the Romans used to wear. With the rope around it and everything. If he could see himself then he would have known that he truly looked like a god with the clothing and height.
"Where am I". He asked this question to no one as he reached out his hands and a blasted of electricity burst forward and blasted a tree. When the top part separated from the bottom, he walked over and sat on it.
He knew that he was in a brand new world. While passing over the world four times he saw countless people and things. They were all medieval and some were prehistoric. And seeing that he couldn't find any modern buildings. Either this was a new world or the past which could work out in his favor.
He knew for a fact that the middle ages didn't have anything that could stop his newfound powers. They didn't know how to deal with a being that was made out of pure electricity and even the modern world didn't know. So he was sure that he handed anything that they threw at him. People of this period so any that had more power than them to either be gods, demons, or witches making his current prowess beneficial to him.
He felt on an instinctive level that this body had the power to cause devastating calamities to this planet. He could make this world anything that he wanted it to be. Whether that meant that he would destroy and create it a new or conquer it and make all its people, slaves. Whether or not he had so much power didn't matter to him. All he wanted was a place to exercise his dreams and inner desires. So he had to have enough power to do that.
"I guess that I have to figure it out myself." He said to himself.
After stretching he began a game of eeny meeny miny moe with the tracks he found while in the sky. He traversed the path floating above the ground as half lightning, half-man. After two hours of traveling, the only reason why he didn't give up was that he was likely to run into people if he traversed this path, and the thought of enslaving them to build a pyramid like the gods of old excited him greatly.
He also wanted to find out more about this world. Everything was so new and unpredictable. What could happen if he attended to enslave the people. Would they fight back? And if they did would they bow before his unending might if they were defeated. Or would they rather face total annihilation? The thought excited him even more.
Hours passed with him grinning ear to ear like a maniac. The sky was getting darker and darker as night approached. He didn't need to sleep as he didn't feel tired. But he stopped anyway. People were likely to travel in the day than night anyway so he wouldn't miss anything. Although if he traveled he could come across a campsite and people were likely to be there. But that wouldn't get the impact of utter despair that he was going for. He wanted them to be awake and trying their hardest so when he subjugated them they would feel more despair. Most likely if he took them out when they were sleeping they would blame it on that.
Climbing or more like flying above a tree branch as he didn't know if it would be able to support his weight. He floated and watched the stars as they flew in the night sky. He had memories of wanting to go to space when he was younger. He knew that his mortal body couldn't handle the harsh vacuum of space. But he always had hoped that he would go there one day. And now seeing that he was now in a truly divine body he could explore its secrets like never before.
He fell asleep watching the stars and wondering how he was going to find people. It was the sounds of horses and men that woke him up from his dreamless sleep. The men on horseback were directly underneath him. Finally, he had people around to subjugate. He looked down on them with a smile.
He was happy that he almost missed what was being said. Then it dawned on him, that he could understand what was being said. It was logical since this was a new world of course none of the languages that he had learned would help him in this situation. Closing his eyes he tried to see if this power came with a translator. After a full minute. He started to understand them or more like their intentions. Not fully but at least he heard something.
"Finne tikh kisha lajat sille Khal zhowo," one of the riders said to the one in front who must have been the chief or leader of these barbarians. He saw sure as the man's hair was longer than the rest. But at this time it was only a guest. He could be sure for certain but for the man's aura and presence and a strong commanding air around him. Derek would place his bets on him being the commander.
He wanted to go down there but the language barrier was going to be a problem. He needed to understand these people if he was going to conquer them. It would be embarrassing if he had to rely on pictures and drawings to communicate.
Bells singled in their hair whenever they moved. The clothes of both the man and the women looked to be made out of leather and their belts seemed to be bronze medallions.
They looked muscular but he knew without a doubt that he could decimate them with a thought if it came to a fight. Which it would since he was going to conquer them and make them his attack slaves. Who would be in charge of capturing slaves to add to his workforce?.
The people behind them had fear in their eyes as the men celebrated. He could feel the fear in their bodies and mind. If he could understand the language he was sure that he could read everyone's mind. Things he noticed though was that the riders and the people walking spoke different languages. So he surmised that the language of the barbarians wasn't spoken by the people that captured.
That meant that the slaves were taken from one of the cities or villages that he had seen or the people were from another tribe with their own languages. Which would mean that he had to learn more than one language. Probably there were a million languages or more spoken in this world. This would also mean that his conquest was going to have so many issues. He was going to have to either learn other languages or make everyone speak one language like the Romans did with their captured slaves.
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