Author, I know for a fact that elite class warriors have the power level 5000 and beyond not 850.
so i immedietly ask him to bring my baby to me. "Quick check his power level!" i said to the doctor and he click his scouter "850 He is an elite-class warrior congratulation!" the doctor said. a sense of pride and joy filled my body. My son is an elite-class! It's amazing! i am only a middle-class warrior so it's a miracle! "What are you gonna name him?" "Toma. His name will be Toma" i said to the doctor and he register it.
Fantasy · Hadest_1304
That makes no sense, he created you. He is the reason you even had a family or friends. He outranks them in importance. He is lucky that it isn't me he was talking to, he would have a one-way ticket to eternal suffering
William couldn't do it though. This... thing!! Had arranged for everyone he cared about to be killed, yet showed zero fucking remorse whatsoever! He didn't care if this God created him!! They were his family! They had raised him, loved him, and in the end, bled for him.
TV · GrimsReaper
Morals are for the weak
This is impressive, although, I think that Saitama would have infinite durability it still was entertaining battle
That's what I meant when said the areas where he is weak in, like his mind, soul, or extremely deadly toxins.
his physical strength is infinite and you are right that a being who is omnipotent or near it can erase him from existence but anyone who isn't near that level of power can't hope to combat him in the areas he is not weak In.
I was enjoying this until I found out that his second favorite character was Touch Me and as a Ulbert and demiurge fan I cannot tolerate this sacrilege to the evilest minds of nazarick.
If you're trying to discover some hidden sarcasm, there is none.
This is proceeding considerably well, I can't wait for more
Fantastic chapter as always, but since it is you, it is a given. Hope to see more keep up the good work.
One Laugh Man
Anime & Comics · Sneekurp