97.27% No Otaku with Harem System (English Version) / Chapter 387: Chapter 361: Long chapters continue, yay

章 387: Chapter 361: Long chapters continue, yay

Punishing the silly ninja took me 10 minutes, but it was enough time for her to remember not to act stupidly and rashly.

After punishing Sagiri, I finished freeing and cleaning up the Taimanin women, then I asked Sagiri to go talk to the other people who joined the rescue mission to explain what happened to them and prevent them from worrying. I didn't go to say hello since my current priority is to resurrect a milf.

At the back of the sex dungeon there was a large room where Shinji used to play with women. It is a large place, so it will be used to perform a false resurrection ritual.

To tell the truth, I don't care what Shinji did, but I can't kill him since he is very useful in making Illya and her mother feel desperate, so it will be easier to make mother and daughter break down emotionally so that they see me as the only emotional pillar in their lives. In addition, there are other women who will also be affected as collateral damage.

Once in the room, I put my hands on the ground and used [Mythomania] to pretend that I am using alchemy, then I used [Schizophrenia] and [Mythomania] to create resurrection ritual that combined Auriel's blessing and high-level spiritual alchemy. 

With the circle ready, I asked the tanned skinned girl to give me her mother's head to place in the center of the alchemy circle, I also placed a piece of crushed meat that was actually the corpse of Asagi's son. The woman had to clench her fists and she bit her lip when she noticed that the disfigured body of her son had the print of my shoe.

With the two corpses on the circle, I took a linen cloth bag from my pocket. This thing is a high-level soul warehouse that is often used by heroes of Paradise to store souls.

This thing is indispensable for a Hero, since it is possible to take the soul of an ally to the Temple of Hope to revive him, or he can also capture the soul of a criminal to take him to the Temple of Judgment so that the soul can be cleansed of all records and thus will be taken to the Reincarnation Cycle without the possibility of the person being able to recover the memories and skills of their past life. It must be remembered that Heroes with the ability to destroy souls are very few and most of them depend on high-level weapons.

From the bag I took two souls and placed them next to the mutilated corpses. They were the souls of the milf and my stepson.

When the materials were in order, I knelt on the outside of the alchemy circle and a copper stake appeared in my hand.

"Holy Mother, you who bring hope to those who have fallen into despair, you who bring salvation to those who have lost everything…" – I tried my best not to vomit because I felt disgusted by acting like a stupid religious fanatic. – "Please allow me to bear the sins of your servants so that they may once again enjoy the blessing of life…"

With a look of devotion and bravery, I stabbed my heart as the alchemy circle lit up. Red blood began to flow from my chest, but I maintained an expressionless face.

I took out the bronze stake from my chest and at the tip of the stake there was a drop of golden blood that emitted a beautiful light that generated peace and tranquility when seen.

I placed the stake on the alchemy circle and the drop fell to the ground.

When the drop of golden blood touched the ground, the circle rippled as if a drop of rain had fallen into a calm lake.

The golden light filled the entire dungeon, but it was a beautiful light that did not hurt the eyes, but instead generated a pleasant feeling of warmth and security similar to a mother's sincere love.

It used to make me sick to feel this kind of warmth, but now it makes me feel comfortable. It's like being in Auriel's embrace...

The two corpses in the center of the circle began to shake as the golden light bound the two souls to their respective bodies.

From the head a skeleton began to form that was quickly covered by blood, nerves, muscles and skin. The same thing happened with the piece of trampled meat.

As the two bodies were being reconstructed, a disgusting-looking green liquid came out of both bodies and moved as if it were alive.

The liquid crawled away from the bodies and towards me. When the liquid was close to my body, it moved like a snake and entered the hole in my chest.

The liquid did not harm me as it was devoured by Ortro the moment it entered my body, but in the eyes of the public, the substance attached to my body and made me frown slightly.

"I see, that is the price for making a perfect resurrection…" – Merlin spoke with a mixture of curiosity, interest, amusement, expectation and concern.

Zelretch sighed lightly. – "Carrying the sins, pain, suffering and curses of another person… The boy is brave to do something like that"

The ritual I am doing is a high-level ritual that very few Heroes and Saints can do even in Paradise. This is not because the ritual is complex, but because the ritual involves absorbing all that is harmful about a person and thus allowing a perfect resurrection that does not harm the Cycle of Reincarnation.

Basically this ritual treats death as if it were a disease. The ritual absorbs death to allow the person to return to life, but in the process, the one doing the ritual will absorb everything harmful in the body and soul of the deceased.

This ritual was taught to me by Sword Maiden and is the ritual she usually uses in the Temple of Hope to heal soldiers who come for help.

Needless to say, I got angry when I heard her and tried to convince her to stop doing this ritual anymore, but she refused since she feels that pain is the only way to atone for her sins…

Ah, damn, I'm in a bad mood now. That's what happens to me for falling in love with tragic women...

Anyway. The important thing is that absorbing other people's sins doesn't hurt me since Ortro can eat them, although she doesn't really like the taste of sins since she prefers to chew on kind and gentle souls.

Now the question is; Why am I making all this ridiculous spectacle?

Well, for one thing, the Taimanin women had been silently observing the entire ritual and their hearts were filled with various emotions. Due to the work they do, they know how the various rituals work, and although this ritual is exclusive to Paradise, they were able to better understand what was happening thanks to Merlin and Zelretch's explanations.

Both men had been talking loudly about the ritual, which helped the women understand that I am a violent murderer, but I am also a hero capable of enduring any kind of pain in order to protect what catches my attention.

The wizard and the vampire didn't do that to help me, they were just talking since they found my ritual interesting and are trying to study it to do something similar just for fun.

While I did all this to win the hearts of the Taimanin women, there is a much more important reason.

During the entire process, the demon leader was in the corner observing the situation. His mind is almost destroyed and he can no longer think properly, but it is important that someone else sees my actions.

The leader of the demons is an incubus and used to be one of the main villains of the Taimanin franchise, but now he was a pathetic puppet who was subdued by a troublesome entity.

The reason I let the idiot live was not just to keep hitting him, but inside his soul there is a sensory link that connects his senses with those of another entity. It's somewhat similar to the way Shiki watched me through Servant Emiya's eyes the first time we met.

Through the incubus I was able to find one of the biggest problems I will have in this city, but the problem is that that entity is not the true mastermind. It's just another puppet who thinks it's the final boss.

One of my biggest concerns was fulfilled. The woman who is leading the invasion is not only intelligent, manipulative, observant and patient, she is also very paranoid and has prepared multiple backup plans...

A confident genius is problematic, but a paranoid genius is dangerous.

The worst of all is that I still can't find traces of that woman's identity. I only know she is a woman because of my father's letter, but even that could be a disguise she wears or a lie my father told just to spite me.

In short, what I lack most is information while the enemy can monitor several of my movements.

This became an information war where I am at a disadvantage since the enemy knows my identity, but at the same time, I have the advantage that I can manipulate the information.

In this case, I made it clear that I can resurrect the dead without disturbing the Reincarnation Cycle, I also demonstrated that my blessing from Auriel will be a big obstacle to killing me, so the enemy will first need to sever my link with Auriel.

The enemy will likely use the tool that was used in China to lock me in, or they could even use stronger tools to prevent my allies from being able to rescue me.

The enemy does not yet know the full extent of my strength, so when the war begins it is likely that she will send powerful entities just to test my strength. When she knows my strength, then she will send the real assassins.

If I proves that I am a cockroach that can't die, then the woman will send special forces to kidnap Miyu, Illya and Chloe while the demons surround me to prevent me from rescuing them.

At that time I will have the opportunity to find the Dimensional Gate, so I will invade Hell to destroy the Gate, then I will pretend to use a high-level space artifact so that Abby can use her skills and thus I will return to Gaia without the demons being able to invade us.

For now that's the basic plan, but I'm constantly thinking about unpredictable variables and absurd countermeasures.

The most important thing is that the enemy knows that he will win by kidnapping the three brats, so that will be her real goal while killing me is just a side mission.

Anyway. I can't completely predict the actions of someone I don't even know their name, but I can influence logical decisions by showing my skills and weaknesses.

For now I already have a base plan, plus showing that I am willing to die to protect my loved ones will help me with Illya, Chloe and Irisviel.

For now, I was done acting like a Christian in the middle ages as the golden light began to fade.

When the ritual ended, the hole in my chest began to close as a subtle lasting light repaired it. Now only the two unconscious people in the center of the alchemy circle mattered.

"Mother!" – As expected, my future stepdaughter was the first to run to hug her mother.

"… Ugh… my head…" – Shiraniu began to wake up and she was very dazed since she did not understand what was happening.

Her last memory  was my sword cutting off her head, so when she saw her daughter she thought that she was experiencing some kind of happy dream before dying since her greatest wish was to hug her daughter again.

Shiranui was still dizzy when her daughter hugged her and she started crying like an abandoned brat. She's still a 15-year-old girl, but she's already committed several murders and gone through arduous training, so her lack of mental toughness is disappointing.

…Well, maybe I'm being too hard on her, but I can't help it. The brat dared to point a gun at me even though I will be her stepfather. I need to educate her.

Mother and daughter cried with happiness, although Shiranui still thinks it's all a dream, but sometimes it's healthy to embrace a beautiful lie just for a moment.

While the mother and daughter had a touching reunion, there was another family who was reunited in a beautiful moment that almost made me yawn from boredom.

"Kosuke!" – Aasagi and her daughter ran towards the boy who was slowly waking up and hugged him.

From what I see, Asagi was in love with the boy and did not see him as her son, although that is understandable since he is her adopted son, the age difference between the two is less than 10 years, they are both connected by the plot and by what I can theorize, the boy was deeply in love with Asagi to the point that he sold part of his soul to demons so he could stay with his adoptive mother.

Even though the boy was one of the main reasons Asagi was captured and sodomized, he doesn't feel guilty and an intense lust and love for Asagi continues to grow in his heart, so the idiot will go crazy when Asagi tells him that she will always be his mother, but only his mother since she belongs to me now.

On the other hand, Asagi still has romantic feelings for the boy, but she won't break her word and will be faithful to me unless I allow her to be with the boy. Needless to say, that's not going to happen.

If my new stepson behaves then I'll get him an irrelevant girlfriend, but if he can't forget Asagi... Well, in war there's always collateral damage.

Ah, it would be nice if he was like Kenichi. That guy doesn't care that I'm sleeping with his mother and he's started his own happy family, so I haven't seen him anymore. Unfortunately he had no daughters and has only had one son…

By the way, no one is naked in the dungeon anymore, so it wasn't necessary to gouge out the boy's eyes. I provided clothes to the Taimanin women and put clothes on the boy and the milf when I reconstructed their bodies, so any small chance of another man seeing my women's naked bodies is ruled out.

Anyway, I've seen too much drama today and I have better things to do.

"Yes, yes, very touching, now get up and let's go, there is a lot of work to do" – I spoke tiredly while my hand made a subtle gesture of scratching my chest.

To a normal person that gesture would be irrelevant since my body and even my clothes have already been repaired, but observant people noticed that I scratched the exact spot where the green liquid entered, so there is a small chance that the ritual caused me some kind of injury or discomfort.

"…" – Asagi sighed and nodded as she helped her son to stand up. – "Understood, give us directions and we will follow Ichijo-sama's will"

The Taimanin women nodded with serious expressions of resolution. The fact that I healed their wounds and resurrected one of their companions has given me the loyalty of these naive women.

Shiranui finally looked at me upon hearing Asagi's words and seemed to understand something. She began to theorize that perhaps I didn't murder her, but rather knocked her unconscious and then helped her out of the demonic corruption and also helped the other Taimanin.

Regardless of my reasons for helping her, she began to look at me with deep gratitude, although for now she will remain silent to investigate what happened and thus not jump to conclusions. An intelligent woman who learned from her mistakes.

I looked at Asagi and a sturdy looking steel briefcase appeared in my hands. I threw the briefcase into Asagi's hands, so she had to let go of her son to catch the briefcase.

Asagi's daughter was also helping the boy up so she stopped the boy from falling to the ground, but he felt hurt and angry because Asagi let him go even though they had just met again.

Asagi thought that the briefcase would be extremely heavy and that's why she let go of her son, but she was surprised to feel that the object was as light as a cell phone.

"There are high-level weapons and equipment here, each weapon comes with instructions, so distribute it among your companions according to their combat styles" – I spoke apathetically and took out a second briefcase to throw it back to Asagi. – "There are medicines, magic tools and some individual vehicles here, also distribute them"

Asagi caught the second briefcase and nodded. – "Yes, Ichijo-sama"

She wasn't surprised that there were so many artifacts in the briefcases. Spatial storage items are indispensable in supernatural battles and it wouldn't be strange if I have an armory in my pockets.

Asagi's respect and obedience made the boy look at me with resentment, but he quickly tried to hide his emotions, which was useless as someone opened their mouth.

"It seems that your new son doesn't love you" – Merlin approached me and patted my shoulder. – "I recommend you solve your family problems or you will have a Calemot 2"

"Hey Listen! Only daughters matter! Men are only good for making cuck jokes!" – Navi spitting out facts.

The boy and several women did not fully understand this nonsense, but some of them began to think that the rumors that I like to seduce other men's women were true.

"Whatever, I'm not in the mood for stupidity" – I sighed in annoyance and headed towards the exit of the room, but my gaze stopped at the incubus who was drooling on the floor due to brain death. – "We have to prepare ourselves, this idiot couldn't cause so many problems without help, someone should have given him some support, besides, I haven't been able to contact the Ichijo family for a while now and that's starting to worry me"

Merlin and Zelretch understood that I am pretending not to know about the barrier that covers the city, and although they did not understand why I do it, they played along.

"The type of magic displayed by these demons is not something that should exist in this world, at least not under normal conditions" – Zelretch stroked his beard as if she was in deep thought.

"Perhaps an entity from another world appeared in this city" – Merlin frowned seriously. – "If so, things could be complicated…"

"Not all demons are evil, but the magic these idiots used had traces of a Concept related to depravity, evil and debauchery" –I nodded. – "The most annoying thing is that the inheritance left by the ancestor of the Ichijo family had a strange reaction to that power"

"Eh?" – Merlin honestly looked at me with confusion and curiosity. - "Really? And what does that mean?"

I frowned seriously. – "There is a system user hiding in the city"

Something shook deep in the incubus' soul, but the enemy's stealth skills are quite good and only I noticed it. The enemy was shocked that I discovered his identity.

This was what bothered me the most. The incubus was the puppet of a system user, at the same time, that system user is the puppet of the woman who planned the invasion.

Damn compulsive manipulators, always creating unnecessarily complex plans… This is fun.

Zelretch and Merlin frowned seriously. In this World, system users are not seen as impressive since Shiki usually manages to eliminate or control them before they become a problem, but beings with access to classified information know how troublesome idiots like me are.

Both men were not born when the war between Gaia and Alaya was, but they knew that Alaya won the war because of a single system user, so they see those beings as living calamities.

Both men looked at me seriously and with their eyes indicated that we need to talk to share the information I discovered. With a blink of my eyes I indicated that I will tell them what I discovered, but for now they must be patient.

The Taimanin women did not understand the magnitude of the problem, but they were totally obedient and followed me out of the dungeon. By the way, Merlin is still dragging Shinji and now he has to drag the incubus too.

All of the Taimanin were okay with Shiranui rejoining them despite the things she did when she was under the incubus' control. Years ago she had been kidnapped and corrupted by the incubus, so she betrayed her companions and participated in the ambush.

Well, Taimanin women value loyalty and companionship, so the power of friendship trumped common sense and intellect. Better for me.

By the way, BB and Nyaruko were not by my side during the resurrection ritual since they got bored and wanted to see who the women were who came to rescue the Taimanin. Now they were in front of the destroyed cabin with Sagiri, the other women from the inn and the reinforcements.

When we went up the stairs, I heard a sound that reminded me of a soccer game.

"SIUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" – I heard Nyaruko's excited scream and I knew something stupid was about to happen. – "Luis, come! There are waifus!"

I put my hand on my face and sighed. – "What's the point of having a second identity if the idiot calls me by my name?"

Actually, Nyaruko did it on purpose since that way people will think that she is a complete idiot who doesn't know how to keep secrets. In the future, she will be able to say false information by 'accident' and people will believe that it is something real.

Zelretch walked up to me and patted my shoulder. – "Boy, I don't envy your life"

"…" – I grunted in annoyance and walked towards Nyaruko.

In front of the cabin there were indeed the women from the hot springs inn, even the ghost girl was here, which was unnecessary since she doesn't know how to fight, but well, whatever, it's just adding another problem on my shoulders, nothing new...

The only woman missing was the little owner of the inn since she cannot leave her city.

"Hey Hello!" – Nonko waved her hand to greet me when she saw me.

(Author's Note: Nonko Arahabaki from Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san)

Normally she seems like a calm and lazy woman, but, although she was still smiling, her appearance had changed quite a bit. Her skin had turned a red tone, a long horn grew on her forehead, her hair was completely white, and her body was staggering slightly since she was completely drunk, although that made her attitude she seems more violent.

Like Nonko, the rest of the women were here with serious attitudes and ready for battle, although they calmed down when they saw me. The short time I spent at the inn made the group of women see me as a solid, trustworthy figure.

"Luis-san!" – The ghost girl Yuuna screamed excitedly when she saw me and floated towards me, but she tripped on her own incompetence.

(Author's Note: Yuuna Yunohana from Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san)

[System Notification: The skill 'Lucky Pervet' has been activated]

Oh, whatever. I resigned myself to life and let Yuuna take me down while she sat on my face.

Yuuna's legs were on the sides of my face while her intimate area was directly attached to my lips, so technically her underwear prevented us from kissing on the lips... ..

All joking aside, the advantage of my body being able to interact with spiritual entities is that I was able to enjoy the softness of Yunna's thighs.

…Thinking about it, it's worrying how accustomed I am to this kind of nonsense…

"…KYAAAA!" – Yuuna screamed in panic and walked away from me, which ruined the touching hug she wanted to give me, although she didn't complain.

Yuuna has been training her skills according to a training regimen I designed for her. Now she no longer has too many self-control problems and doesn't use her psychic abilities when she feels embarrassed, which is progress.

The scene made the Taimanin and the women of the inn laugh at the fact that a weak and crying girl could easily take me down, even though I see it as a victory.

I smiled with slight irony and sat on the ground, but when I was about to stand up, a blonde woman covering herself from the sun with a pink umbrella appeared next to me.

"Oh, so the famous Hero of Harmony likes necrophilia? What a peculiar taste" – The woman smiled slightly as she studied me with her gaze. – "It is a pleasure to meet the only human hero who has shown genuine interest in cooperation between different races, although now that I know you, I feel that your interests are not in coexistence but in your personal tastes… Am I right?"

I looked blankly at the woman. – "Eh, yeah, whatever, look, I don't feel like philosophical talks and psychological battles, so please annoy someone else"

The woman let out a small laugh as she covered her mouth with her free hand in an elegant gesture. – "You are as moody as Momo-san said, how funny~"

In case anyone forgot, Nyaruko is pretending to be a system user with a name so stupid I don't want to repeat it, but her nickname is Momo.

I looked at Nyaruko who was busy taking pictures of the people who agreed to help the Taimanin.

I sighed and massaged my forehead. – "Did she say something stupid about me?"

"Mmmm" – The woman put her finger on her chin as if she was thinking and smiled friendly. – "Nope, she just mentioned that you are a certified lolicon and have a PhD in capturing married women, oh right, she also said that you love non-human women since your Japanese genes control you… So, Mr. Hero, what do you think of me? Am I attractive enough for you to try to seduce me?"


That explains why women I don't know are looking at me so strangely.

I sighed heavily in annoyance. – "Yes, you are… Do you want us to go on a date?"

"…" – The woman opened her eyes slightly at my response, but she quickly smiled as her eyes narrowed with a mixture of curiosity and desire to play with me. – "In that case I will be happy to go on a date with Hero-san, but I would like our date to be in another city, so Hero-san, let's travel~"

The woman's gaze was evaluating my reaction to verify what I know. It seems like she has a habit of manipulating and using people even when she just wants to have a normal conversation.

I frowned and lowered the volume of my voice. – "Did you notice it?"

The woman's smile deepened and she extended a finger in front of my face, then she drew a straight line in the air and something resembling a space crack appeared in front of me, only this space crack was riddled with red eyes that were staring at me. 

That wasn't a spatial skill, it was the manipulation of something different... Oh, I see, she can alter concepts related to physical and abstract distances between two points, or in simpler words, she can manipulate boundaries.

The woman tried to put her finger into the spatial crack, but there was a small electric shock sound. - "Normally I can move around the world without worries, I can travel to other countries where different entities rule, I can visit different timelines and I can spy on most pocket dimensions, but now I can't move freely, I even have difficulty move to other places within this city"

Nyaruko and Navi are doing stupid things while attracting the attention of the women, so I can chat with the woman more privately, although some women were taking advantage of their enhanced hearing to listen to our conversation secretly.

I sighed, not with worry but with resignation. – "As I thought, there is a barrier isolating the city…"

The woman sighed softly. – "I didn't notice anything strange when we entered the city, but I realized the problem when I tried to go around to explore the surroundings… I dislike that my abilities are being suppressed, so I will appreciate if Hero-san has any ideas"

"Unfortunately I can't think of something" – I frowned. – "I tried to contact my Holy Lady, but I can't even feel her presence… I am worried that at this rate I will run out of blessed power"

The woman was extremely intelligent. Although she doesn't seem to know Auriel's power, she managed to decipher that the power I gained from a strong Higher Entity is limited and if we don't remove the barrier, then I will only constantly weaken myself.

Although Merlin joined the group of noisy idiots and was far away from us, the incubus could also hear this, so the system user must be starting to plan a wave attack to weaken me and then kill me.

The woman sighed and we were silent for a moment as we watched Fou hit Merlin.

"By the way, my name is Yakumo Yukari, it's nice to meet you, Hero-san" – The woman smiled at me politely, although there was a subtle touch of flirtation in her voice and gaze. It wasn't that she had fallen in love with me, but that she has a habit of lying and manipulating eleven out of every ten words she says.

(Author's Note: Yukari Yakumo from Touhou Project)

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ichijo Seiji, although you can tell me Luis" – I sighed. – "At this point it no longer makes sense to maintain a secret identity"

"I see, nice to meet you Luis-san" – Yukari smiled with a slight mocking tone.

"…" – I looked blankly at the woman. – "Did she tell you?"

"What thing? The fact that you hate when someone adds honorifics to your real name since it sounds ridiculous?" - Yukari tilted her head in confusion without containing her playful smile. – "No, I didn't know, I'm sorry Luis-san, I hope Luis-san can forgive me for my rudeness~"

…Nyaruko… I'll have to spank that girl's butt.

"Well, I'm going to listen to what they're talking about" – Yukari seemed satisfied with my expression of tiredness and annoyance, so she smiled and headed to Nyaruko's group since Merlin and Zelretch had begun to explain the situation to the women, although they withheld information about the world invasion and only expressed their suspicions that the incubus was just a puppet of a foreign entity.

I did not approach the group, but instead walked to be next to BB since she seemed to be having problems with something she saw on her cell phone, which is unusual since she usually shows contempt and ridicule towards everything.

When I approached BB, she tilted her cell phone to let me see what was bothering her.

BB had been looking at the exclusive chat room for Outer Gods. Yesterday she added me to the group with the pseudonym 'Senpai', so now almost all the Outer Gods know about my existence, although BB didn't show my face and didn't talk about my identity, so I'm kind of like the mysterious member of the cluster.

The Outer Gods know that Daoloth, Nyarlathotep, and Yog-Sothoth made some kind of alliance, but they don't know what the alliance is about, so the chat has recently been filled with speculative conversations between the apocalyptic beings.

[Yibb-Tstll: I'm telling you the truth! The new one is a monster and if you don't swear allegiance then you will all die! Join me and I'll talk to that monster so you guys have a chance to survive! They just need to shout in YMD unison!

Abhoth: Yamada?

Yibb-Tstll: What?! No! It's: Yes My Dark!

Yidhra: Yamada Yamada Yamada Yamada Yamada Yamada…

Yibb-Tstll: Shut up old hag! It's not Yamada, it's Yes My Dark!

Nyog'Sothep: Yamada Yamada Yamada…

Nhimbaloth: Yamada Yamada Yamada…

Tru'Nembra: Yamada Yamada Yamada…

Tulzscha: Yamada Yamada Yamada…


Ubbo-Sathla: Yamada Yamada Yamada…]

Among the Outer Gods, Laplus is the biggest victim of bullying… I don't pity her.

"Does it bother you that someone else bullies your favorite victim?" – I smiled ironically.

"No, I just opened the conversation to laugh, but my mood doesn't improve… Tch, that fucking bitch" – BB snorted in disgust, giving me a rough idea of the problem. – "I wanted to brag about how cool senpai is, so I made an update in the chat room so that idiots can upload pictures and stories on their profiles, but the fucking bitch is posting shit about her fetishes and the fucking bitch dared to be a bitch's bitch even though she can only be senpai's tool…"

…I have a greater capacity for understanding than most deities and I did not understand what she said… Women.

BB showed me how the chat room update worked since I'm useless with this type of technology.

The chat room created by BB has a selfie function where it is possible to take photos without high-level entities noticing. That's really impressive and could become one of the best tools for gathering information in the entire multiverse, but the Outer Gods use this treasure to show what they're having for lunch...

"Look, this bitch is shit" – BB continued to growl angrily as she opened Shub-Niggurath's profile to show me what made her angry.

Shub-Niggurath published several photographs where she is being beaten, stabbed, torn to pieces, burned, suffocated, chained and subjected to various methods of abuse. What's worse is that at all times you can see that she enjoys it...

Unlike the cases of Nyaruko and Abby where they were almost captured by the cultivators and Paradise, it is obvious that Shub-Niggurath allowed herself to be captured…

From what I see, the person who captured Shub-Niggurath is trying to break the black goat's willpower to turn it into an obedient tool. There are also photographs of high-level rituals where Shub-Niggurath is moaning while her captor tries to remove her intestines...

From what I hear, Shub-Niggurath has the ability to turn pleasure into power and she is one of the greatest masochists in the multiverse.

That doesn't mean that Shub-Niggurath is impossible to beat or that she's tougher than Auriel, but fighting her is a complete pain in the ass since attacking her will make her excited, but ignoring her will make her get bored and decide to bring out her sadistic side. By the way, she is also one of the biggest sadists in the multiverse.

Attacking or ignoring are not options, so it is best to escape from her upon seeing her or lock her in a place where she cannot receive any stimulation, which is difficult since it also excites her to be confined in lonely and forgotten places.

While it is a mistake to hurt her as it will only make her stronger, Shub-Niggurath posted a message to say that she made a deal with her captor. Shub-Niggurath will be subjected to constant torture and in exchange she will lend her skills.

"Only senpai is allowed to make fraudulent deals with the Outer Gods… Only senpai can do it…" – BB began to mutter and I had to put my hand on her head while using [Anti-Rasen] to prevent her from having an attack of dementia. – "…Senpai <3…"

BB was happy as a kitten to feel my hand on her head, although I feel uncomfortable because she currently has my appearance... Well, everything in my life is weird so it doesn't matter.

On the other hand, it is certainly problematic that someone managed to recruit an Outer God, especially since Shub-Niggurath knows that three of the four strongest Outer Gods made an alliance after falling in love with the same man…

I need to eliminate the person who recruited Shub-Niggurath… In the worst case I will also have to silence Shub-Niggurath…

Oh, wait a minute.

"Show me the previous photo" – I spoke seriously and BB nodded.

I started looking at the photos that Shub-Niggurath uploaded and found something interesting.

When I saw that the incubus had traces of a system user, I had Paranoia track the system user to look for clues to the real mastermind, but I didn't find the identity of the woman my father mentioned. Despite that, I found that the system user's soul frequency seemed to have been influenced by a trace of external energy.

I haven't seen the system user, but I have a theory that the mastermind is controlling the system user the same way Beast VII tried to control me. Basically it is manipulating the system to give missions and making the system user move like a trained dog.

For now I could only find an insignificant trace of energy without a signature or soul frequency, but that is already an important clue since that energy comes from a Conceptual skill.

In normal humans, fingerprints are unrepeatable. The same goes for Conceptual skills.

Even if someone has an skill to copy skills, the energy in Conceptual skills will always have a subtle trace that will allow others to differentiate the imitation from the authentic. Even [Mythomania] cannot perfectly replicate Auriel's blessing and that is why the golden light has become so important to my identity.

Another thing to mention is that the functioning of the Concepts goes beyond normal sensory perception. Not everyone can differentiate those types of skills since it is something beyond the cognition of mortals.

To put it one way, seeing a Conceptual skill would be like hearing colors, tasting sounds, and touching ideas. Mortals could only identify the superficial effect of the skill, but their minds would ignore the true effect. On the other hand, Higher Entities with analysis capabilities can interpret the information to generate an understanding of the Concept we observe.

The energy I felt in the system user was recorded by my mind and converted into an image that represents a Concept. The mental image I formed was the link in an endless chain that clings to people's necks like a dog's leash would.

In the photographs that Shub-Niggurath uploaded there were several rituals where millions of chains tried to bind the will of the black goat to turn her into a loyal dog. The chains entered through her orifices and clung to her organs, but failed to bind her soul, so Shub-Niggurath could not be enslaved.

Shub-Niggurath is a masochist who enjoys bondage, but she is not willing to give up her free will, so her captor had to surrender.

The important thing is that I was able to recognize the links in the chain. It is very similar to the chain that bound the system user...

[Paranoia: It has been confirmed that the conceptual chain in the photograph is 100% identical to the link found in the system user's energy]

I found you.....

"Talk to her and try to find out the identity of the person who captured her" – I did not contain my smile.

The uncertainty of not knowing the identity of my enemy was as if a long sharp thorn had been stabbing the space under the nail of the middle toe of my right foot. Now I feel like I finally managed to remove the thorn that was piercing my flesh.

"Uhm? Well, but senpai has to reward me, talking to that bitch will be shit, but I'll do it for my cute senpai" – BB pouted, but nodded reluctantly.

"…" – I sighed. – "Please stop making those gestures when you look like me"

BB smiled tenderly. – "No~"


My mood is better now that I finally found an important clue.

Knowing the name of the enemy does not ensure that I predict her actions since a Higher Entity does not obey its plot, but seeing with one eye is better than being completely blind.

My mood improved a lot and I felt like pampering Miyu since she has been quite well behaved. Maybe I'll make a cake for Miyu and her new friends...

"Onii-chan…" – A telepathic message from Umaru made my mood sink faster than Argentina's currency. – "Come a minute… I… found something… ah, you have to come, we have to talk"

Umaru's voice let me know that she was not in danger, but her mood was very complicated, her heart seemed in chaos and there was even some kind of resentment towards me...

Fuck. I have four possible ideas of what happened and each option is worse than the last…

I massaged my forehead and approached Merlin as Zelretch continued explaining the situation to the women. – "Something important came up, take everyone to the girls' house, I'll go later"

Merlin looked at me with confusion. – "Is there anything more important than literally avoiding the end of the world?"

I used [Anti-Rasen] to prevent the incubus from hearing me and nodded. – "My sister is depressed"

"...Sorry, I don't think I heard correctly… Is your sister more important than the future of humanity?" – Merlin blinked several times. – "Look, I know I'm always joking, but even I know this is serious…"

"Merlin…" – I looked into the magician's eyes and I think he noticed something because he unconsciously took two steps back. – "For your own good, don't ask any more questions"

"…" – Merlin made a gesture as if his mouth had a zipper and he had closed it.

"Good, because I'm not in the mood" – I sighed and gestured for Nyaruko to come closer to me.

"What happen? Did someone make your little sister cry again?" – Nyaruko made fun of me, but she stopped smiling when she saw my look. – "… Ah, I hate being right"

"Make sure you protect everyone, I'll see you in a few hours" – I sighed.

Nyaruko nodded with a proud look and patted her chest. – "Don't worry, as long as I live no one will turn you into a cuck!"

"Thank you" – I'm not in the mood to be annoying and patted Nyaruko's head, then asked Abby to take me to Umaru's location.

I appeared in front of a simple house and at the entrance I saw Medaka who was waiting for me. She had her arms crossed and had a worried look on her face, but that worry turned into a frown when she saw me.

I approached the door and Medaka opened it to let me in. – "You arrived quickly, surely you knew that something would happen, after all, you always know everything…"

I see, it's scenario number 3... Shit.

I sighed. – "If you have something to tell me, just say it"

"…" – Medaka stared at me, but she took a deep breath and calmed down. – "No, I won't tell you anything, this is a problem between you brothers"

I nodded. - "Thank you"

Medaka sighed. – "They are at the first door when you go up the stairs"

I nodded again and walked into the house, but Medaka grabbed my arm. – "Luis… I want you to tell me the truth, did you know that you and little Umaru have more sisters?"

I knew it when we got to town. I could smell her from several kilometers away, but all my attention was on the world invasion and I didn't have time to think about my father's stupidities...

I knew this would happen sooner or later and this is the worst moment… Ah, my life is a shitty drama.

I nodded and Medaka let go of me. – "I know you have your reasons and I think I understand why you hid it from little Umaru, but it still doesn't justify what you did"

"I know" – I sighed and headed towards the stairs.

Fucking shit author. Stop adding drama to my life just because you can't deal with your fucking depression...

Ah, having a dysfunctional family is problematic.




Author's Note:

I had to take a break due to various circumstances. I still haven't managed to fix all the problems in my life, but I'm still alive and that's the important thing.

A hug <3

Bukaro Bukaro

ww w. patr eon . com / Bukaro

For advanced chapters, stories, drawings, and more ~


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For donations from your heart &lt;3

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  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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