/ Anime & Comics / No Otaku with Harem System (English Version)

No Otaku with Harem System (English Version) オリジナル

No Otaku with Harem System (English Version)

Anime & Comics 404 章 5.8M ビュー
作者: Bukaro

4.54 (137 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


A young man with a troubled life runs into more trouble after meeting an annoying fairy.
"Hey Listen! It's time to start the adventure!"
"A fucking giant fly! I have to kill him!"
"Wait wait! I'm here to guide you!"
Watch the adventures of Luis and the fly Navi on their way to becoming a King of the Harem.
"King of the Harem sounds troublesome"
"Hey Listen! You can get a lot of money and power!"
"What are you waiting for ?! Let's go for that harem !!"


I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel.
I accept corrections in the comments paragraph

Warning: The first 45 chapters are a lot of internal monologues since it was my beginnings writing a novel, I'm sorry if it's annoying for some readers but I hope you can give my work a chance after that point.

I hope you enjoy my work

www. patreon.com / Bukaro

For advanced chapters.
https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro
If you like my work, support me with a small donation

Parental Guidance Suggested
  1. Bukaro
    Bukaro 貢献した 1690
  2. TyrantTron335
    TyrantTron335 貢献した 455
  3. jeanpierregerardo
    jeanpierregerardo 貢献した 437




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



The MC is exactly as the author describes and isn't a complete buffon. The harem actually has peraonality and there's actual plot and world building. (As chaotic as it is) Overall if your looking for a novel to excite your heart for more and harem with actual depth added. Then read the novel and aupport the author!

15 の返信を表示する

I take my shameless review to warn that the novel is about collecting waifus everywhere, making a massive harem, manipulating feelings, making plans for everything (even breathing), making netori to other anime protagonists (hehe, stealing waifus is fun), and things like that ~ I won't always follow the original plot as my memory sucks and I will forget a lot of things so sorry if I screw up some characters or plots. Lastly, I don't make R18 content since I don't know how to do it. I'm sorry!</3 Anyway, I hope you enjoy it<3

35 の返信を表示する

Now I remember why I dislike your first novel. You ask me what this novel about : Well... Something like this. 30 percent of mc thinking about how shit his personality is. 30 percent of mc thinking what girls personality is. 30 percent of thinking about his future plans. 10 percent of actual actions or dialogs between characters. You see a problem here? Maina characters thought is 90 % narrated what happens in retrospective or bitching about girls/his own problems /his future plans. That's not a novel. That's fucking diary. Of bipolar main character. Why I call him bipolar? He doesn't actually comes to conclusions. Develop over times. He switches opinion. If at first he was against long term relationships. He then just accept it. Without actually liking shigure in that moment. Harem? He likes only shigure but started to make plans. Why and how? I don't know. He doesn't actually receive any stimulus to think that way. System quest doesn't actually give him anything noteworthy. He doesn't come to like any others girls. He just wants to make harem now. Great. That's not a character development, mate. That's an illness. Changing you mindset without any reason - is literally bipolarity. Of course before you need to bitch about it. Half a chapter, minimum. Of course. His constant bitching is what get me mad. In first chapters we see someone who have obvious flaws but have a strong character - now he just a bitch who afraid of anything. And like to bash himself and talk how evil he is and how evil he's plans. Without actually showing it. Perfecto, comrade. I don't if his promised character development would actually make it more tolerated. But 10 chapters in, and all I see is nagging . It's like swimming in hot pot that every time keeps rising temperature. It's painful.

7 の返信を表示する

First! I wish you good luck author. The fanfiction is great, the development and interaction between characters is amazing. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

1 の返信を表示する

One thing I love about this fanfiction is the emotional development of every character. The main character development is great. I love how he changes as the fanfiction progress. Also yanderes are the best!

6 の返信を表示する
LV 1 Badge

From what I read, It's not really that bad as a fanfiction novel. Pretty funny at first but I dropped cause my patience ran out seeing MC acting like women are toys. I'm not some simp who's worshipping women but I just didn't like the way he's acting. Also, the guy keeps ignoring a girl who has a crush on him because it's INTERESTING. The author said MC is not evil but I don't see it. He could have just rejected her straight and done with it or take her in the harem but no. He's just acting like a stupid mother*cker who's annoyed of beautiful girls liking him. In conclusion, If any of you like a protagonist who acts like issei but in reality just a crazy jerk. This is your novel. Also warning, MC likes to get beaten by his women. He got that fetish from his parents who beat him up when he was young. Well, he's not that bad. The guy's supporting a sister who doesn't like him because he killed people who were trying to r*pe her.

11 の返信を表示する

the story is good only that the author exaggerates with the worlds by adding hundreds of characters and mixing completely different plots, the problem is that the author adds so many characters that even if we know them they only have secondary roles and are only there for few chapters and their addition to the story is useless, at the beginning the story is good but too much inner thoughts and then it has improved but now it is worsening especially the worlds that have now become completely animations instead of at the beginning they were real worlds, there are many skills with little sense, the power of the mc fluctuates at the beginning is weak it suddenly increases and then even more, mc created a universe but it barely destroys a continent (a few chapters before not even an island and it destroyed to the maximum a boat with spiraling energy when charging energy), the author mixes up too much random textures and abilities are created or enhanced suddenly when they are standing still for a long time, so if you want a story that has a minimum of logic this is not for you, there are also stupid moments like the world that resets itself because the plot ends but others not because they are of the mc, the characters have a deadline because they are destined for a certain kind of fate if they are not superior beings, it also seems that only mc and his companions are able to improve themselves, then some characters are stronger or weaker than the original plot without respecting the canon, mc continues to earn plot armor randomly and only him he can do it, it also seems that his abilities surpass all logic and definition and random things, it's okay that he is op but if you look for a balanced thing you don't find it, he is also stupid mc that he cannot develop other types of energy because he is limited and becomes garbage, in short, you find debuffs without logic only for the plot or for momentary fun, good story at the beginning but over time it got worse

2 の返信を表示する

this is not a novel this is fckg diary,,this book only 1person pov monologue all the way

3 の返信を表示する

I'm just here for the "Yandere" tag........ ...............and for harem tag also... lol 😆

1 の返信を表示する

Are you an under age boy that idolizes people like that bald cockroach-looking dude that got arrested for human trafficking? Are you someone that thinks that a man showing any emotions that may be considered “soft” automatically makes that man a f*g? (Author’s words). Do you like reading about an MC that is completely psychotic with absolutely no redeeming qualities? Do you want to read chapters that are 95 percent monologue? Even later, after the author says he “learned and changed the format so you just have to get through the first 45 chapters” probably around 70 to 80 percent of the chapters are still the MC’s vomit inducing thoughts. Wanna read a harem where the only purpose of it is to have as many members as possible so a lot of the girls only get a summary from the MC “I like her body so I made her go through some horrendous events so that she gets traumatized and ends up depending on me ;) now she loves me, yipee”! Then this story is your braindead mind’s ultimate dream. Some words to the author. Hermanó perdón por ser tan brusco, yo asumo que creciste alrededor de una cultura similar como en la que yo crecí. En donde los hombres tienen metido en la cabeza ciertas ideas de machismo, y lo que significa ser un hombre. Si tu creaste el protagonista usando tu propia mentalidad, busca ayuda o trata de cultivar una mente mas aceptante porque este protagonista es absolutamente horroroso.

1 の返信を表示する

Currently a very good Fanfic that I would recommend to any person that believes themselves to be a man/woman of Culture. There is a very good develop going on with the relationships of the MC's. They don't immediately become head over heels for him because he's handsome. All that I hope for is possible Lemons in the Future even if it just describes what they are doing. My degenerate side is showing and who do I card! Please don't drop the Fanfic, it has soo much talent to be great!

8 の返信を表示する

I honestly think this is interesting, but there are some flaws that bugs me. One, Mc whines about his evil plans and how he is going to get a harem but not like all the girls, like he takes favoritism and I think it was mentioned in the sypnosis or thr Auxiliar chapter but I can't remember. Second, the chapters are long, that's a plus but not when 95% of the chapters are pure monologue. I understand he is an angst guy to talk to other people but the fic progresses but there are barely any conversation between charactes only hinself talking about the progress he's made with the characters, we don't actually see the progress so that is fustrating and since the chapters are long like this, it becomes, sorry to say this but it becomes boring, I rather have a 700 words chapter with 70% conversations and 30% monologues than a long chapter with 95% monologue and 5% conversations. I am not saying the fanfic is bad, I'm just stating what I think are the flaws of this fanfic. Sorry, Author. As an author myself, I felt intertained to such an extent the first two chapter were awsome than his whining began and well, we don't like to hear about whining MCs now do we, so as a reader I have to tell you what I think about this book. I like the idea but not how it was presented, I'm not even angry about the gender mixups, that doesn't bother me because I understand as a nonenglish speaker you won't know the rules of Grammar but what I did not like most was the no conversations, I am in Chapter 11 and I think it has become a bit boring with just inner talks, tell me author, does this continues? and for how long? until what chapter does conversations start getting better? I want to start reading from there. Anyways, I hope you don't take this the wrong way like I said, I like the fanfic it's just the MC isn't what I call an MC😅

0 の返信を表示する

I like it ..... I have patience .... ......too much internal monologue( about 2/3 of novel is self biography of mc) .... .....but I've patience ......... ........the best harem novel with great personality I've ever read on webnovel ....... .......some problems on remembering names but thanks for your para pic it doesn't bother ......👍👍

0 の返信を表示する

Amazing story like how mc deals with things and more importantly how he gets all the wifus. [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

0 の返信を表示する

10 chapters in the mcs pov is bad and there's no dynamics between characters really it's just his opinion on their personalities. his headspace is annoying in that he talks about causing problems that make no sense and I just don't look forward to anything he'd do in the future. I think the character is set up to be cool but it was lost in execution

0 の返信を表示する

Well can any one tell me if this whole fanfic is " Monologue" cause I am getting irritated/ I am current on Ch 20 still all "monologue" I mean MC is making plan,thinking what will happen if he fail or success, and like I don't want that women but later I am want that women because of other reason( 😴 Although I loved the plot style and everything..... But It is annoying to read monologue if there is later no monologue and better story line I could like to continue it if not gonna quiet/ But still loved the plot upto now and storyline ( I guess I am not type of guy who loves to read to much inner monologue)😟😟😟

1 の返信を表示する

nothing much really happens, its practically a diary not a novel and is 80 percent inner monologue. its like I'm reading someone talking about themselfs constantly and the never shut up or have anything important to say that involves the story.

5 の返信を表示する

can someone tell me who the red head and the girl with the butcher knife on the cover are i know every other character but them.

2 の返信を表示する

best fanfic I read in my whole life if you can endure until chapter 40 or less, you won't regret it at first the 10 chap can become boring because of monologue,but if you have a DAO of man of culture,DAO of patience and DAO of yandere you can tell how amazing fanfic in this.

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LV 13 Badge

Warning : AUTHOR WAS LOLICON, SO EXPECT SOME LOLIS IN HAREM (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯ CHUMMY.........................................................

6 の返信を表示する

作者 Bukaro