34.28% New Valyria / Chapter 12: Chapter 11: Arc 2, Arrangements

章 12: Chapter 11: Arc 2, Arrangements


Eddard Stark


Eddard watched as Ash rolled to the side in her sleep. He has been married to her for five years, and she is still beautiful in her nude, even if she had the pale scars from giving birth to Lyarra, Cregan, and Clarisse.

Ned grabbed a lock of her dark black hair, he played with it, rolling it around his fingers. Ned saw Ash move again and saw that she was turning towards him, Ned also saw that her eyes were open, beautiful purple eyes staring, at his brown eyes.

Ash spoke, "What has been keeping you awake my love?"

Ned thought back to the reason why he was still awake, "Robert offered wants me to be the Hand of the King." He looked Ash and saw that she was growing angry, "Yes I know we talked about this but that is the thing that has been staying awake at this hour. The real reason is because he wants to join our great houses, with a marriage to his eldest 'trueborn' son and my daughter, Sansa."

Ash nodded, "I understand your concerns, Ned. But that shit of a crowned prince…"

Ash couldn't finish her sentence because a loud knocking at the door. Ned got from his bed, puts on his rode and walked to the door. He opened to see that Lady Tully was there with Maester Luwin, behind her.

Ned looked to his Maester, with a questioning look, he answered his question, "A raven from Lady Arryn, my Lord. It was sent to Lady Tully but she wanted to show you the scroll as well."

Ned nodded and looked to Lady Tully, "What is this raven, my Lady?"

Lady Catelyn gave him the scroll, "My sister believes that Jon Arryn didn't die from his old age, but by poison." Lady Tully whispered the next thing, "She believes he was poisoned by the Lannisters."

Ned's eyes widened, "Is your sister sure of this?" Lady Catelyn nodded, "Thank you My Lady for showing me the scroll." Lady Tully nodded, "Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to speak to my Maester and lady Wife."

Ned saw Lady Tully frown, and nodded, and turned to go back to her room but before she was a few steps away, Ned said again, "Thank you, Catelyn, for showing me this scroll, truly."

Lady Tully looked to him with wide eyes, but her mask slowly formed back, she smiles, "It wasn't much, My Lord." She quickly turned around, and went on her way.

Ned looked back to the Maester, and moved out of the way, allowing the Maester to enter. When the maester was in his room, he closed to door and locked it. He turned around and saw that Ash was still in the bed, looking at the Maester.

He walked to the fire and threw the scroll into the fire and watched as the fire burned the scroll into ashes. He heard that his wife and Maester were talking. He heard Ash gasp.

His maester then spoke to both of them, "I believe becoming the king's hand, is the best thing you can do my lord."

Ned didn't speak, he just continued looking into the fire. He heard Ash respond to what the maester just said, "Why would he do that? He's putting himself into danger."

"True my lady, but it's Ned's choice ." Ned felt the maester looking at him, "It's your choice, you can go be hand of the king, and rule the kingdom in his set, and rule over the Kingdom and make it stay stable, or stay here and watch as the south falls and crumbles."

Ned couldn't choose so he did the best thing he could think of, he stood and got dressed. When he was completely dress he looked to his wife and maester, "I'm going to the Godswood, I'm going to ask for the gods help."

Ned walked to the door and unlocked it and opened the door and walked to the Godswood. On his way there he heard clashing of steel, he followed the sound, and what he saw brought back some long dead memories.


Jon Snow


Jon was sweating heavily. Jon looked to his friend and saw that Gendry was as well. Jon smiled, it was always fun sparring with Gendry. With his bastard-sword and his warhammer, no-one knew who would win.

Jon stabbed Big Brother into the ground and spoke, "How about we call it a break Gendry?"

He saw Gendry nod, "That is a good idea."

Both Jon and Gendry walked to the bench, and sat down and grabbed their waterskins. When Jon was done with the water, he grabbed the cloth that he brought and wiped the sweat from his brow. He saw Gendry doing the same.

Jon then looked to the sky, and spoke, "How long do you think we were at it, Gendry?"

Gendry looked to the sky, he shrugged, "No idea. But I believe we started at dinner time."

Just like that they both noticed they hadn't eaten anything since lunch. Jon stood and grabbed his sword and sheathed it. He looked to see Gendry had his warhammer, Stagsfury, in hand. Jon looked to him and said, "If we're lucky the cooks noticed that we were gone and left some food out."

Gendry nodded, "That is a 'if'."

Jon nodded and walked towards the great hall, but on his way there he noticed that they weren't alone. He looked up to the railing to see that his Father was there looking at him. Jon waved to him, and noticed that his Father was in thought.

'Might as well ask tomorrow.' He thought and continued his walk. Jon looked back to see that Gendry was waiting for him. Jon walked beside him and they continued to the kitchen.

When they got there they were lucky and found that there was food left out. Jon grabbed a plate and filled it to the brim and went to the small table and ate. Gendry followed shortly behind, with a plate just as filled as his. They ate in silence, but when they finished, Gendry spoke, "We're finishing that spar tomorrow, got it."

Jon looked to Gendry with a smile, "We will." Jon turned to the door and went to leave.

Jon went to his room, feeling the adrenaline leaving his body, Jon was beyond tired. When Jon got to his room he saw that the door was slightly opened. Jon took a guess at who was in his room, and when he opened it, he was right. His little sister, Arya, was in his bed asleep.

Jon knew it was wrong but he knew Arya would never change. So he just got undressed and got into his sleeping wear, and got into bed, facing away from Arya.

But when he closed his eyes, and was about to fall asleep, he felt his little sister's arm going around him for a hug.


Jon woke to movement coming from beside him. He slowly opened his eyes, to see that both Ghost and Nymeria were climbing onto Arya. Jon looked to the window to see what time it was, he saw the sun was still hidden, "'Perfect moment to show Arya dragons.'

Jon threw the sheets from him and stood. He went to his wash bin and washed his face, he then went to his cupboard, and grabbed some clothes to put on. When he was finally dressed. He turned to look at Arya to see how she was doing, she was still asleep crushing Ghost in a hug.

Jon laughed, and walked forward to wake his sister, and to save Ghost from this. When Jon got to the bed, he leaned over, and shook Arya, saying lightly, "Arya it's time to wake up."

Arya moved around but didn't wake, "Come on, Little Sister. Wake up," he leaned down to her ear, "I promise to teach you a bit of swords play." Like that her eyes opened, but they were still half asleep, Jon laughed.

Arya stopped hugging Ghost, whom when he was out of the hug he jumped off the bed and pawed his was behind Jon, he was followed by Nymeria. Arya reached out her arms, and with a half mumble voice, "Carry me."

Jon shook his head, he could never say no to Arya, well he reached her, he spoke lightly, "Arya your fifteen name days. And you still want to be carried." Arya nodded onto his shoulder. Jon rolled his eyes, and on his way out he grabbed 'Big Brother', and walked to her room, Jon sat her onto her bed, "Get dressed, and we will go to the Wolf's Wood. I have something in there for you." She nodded, and stood, "I will be outside."

Jon walked to the door and opened it, and waited outside, he was followed by both direwolves. When he waited, he thought if he could tell Arya who he truly is. Jon knew that it could go either way) which is she doesn't see him as a brother anymore, Jon couldn't live with that, or way b) she just wouldn't care.

Jon didn't know how long he was in his thoughts for but when he heard the door open he looked up to see that Arya was there ready, and awake. Jon smiled, and turned around to walk down to the stables.

When they got there Jon turned to Arya, and with a serious voice spoke, "I'm going to need you to be blindfolded. What I'm about to show you is something that you have to never tell anyone." Jon saw Arya nod, "Good." He looked to the horses and found Shadow, "You can either ride with me on Shadow or on your own?"

Jon looked back to see Arya looking at Shadow, "I'll ride with you." She looked to him, "When was the last time we rode on the same horse?"

Jon thought back, "Five years ago." She nodded.

Jon looked to Shadow, and walked towards him. He quickly puts the saddle onto him. He led him to the gates and saw that there were a few guards out, "I would like to go for a ride, may open the gates."

The guards nodded and opened them, he looked back to Arya, "Aren't you going to get onto Shadow." He grinned knowing that Shadow was to bid for her to reach. Arya looked determined and walked towards the horse and tried to get on but was failing.

Jon laughed and little, and picked Arya up, and set her onto the saddle, and followed shortly. Jon grabbed onto the reins and kicked his heels into the side of Shadow, telling him to move. They slowly moved towards the Wolf's Woods, and when they got there, they rode threw slowly, and when he finally came to the point were there was more falling trees then normal he stopped Shadow, and looked down to Arya.

"This is the point, I'm going to as you to blindfold yourself." Arya nodded, and grabbed his right hand and made him cover her eyes, to his surprise it actually worked. He bent down to whisper something into her ear, "No pecking."

She nodded and Jon kicked Shadow. He started to move towards where he felt Syndor was. He knew his other dragons would be there with him. When he got closer he started to see bones of animals, wolves, deer, boar, and he even saw a whale.

When Jon found the mountain and cave his dragons have been staying for the last few days, Jon bent down to whisper something into Arya's ear, "Were getting off Shadow now. So I need you to trust me." Arya nodded, "Close your eyes."

Jon grabbed the clothes he brought with him, and brought his right hand away from Arya's eyes to see that she was closing her eyes. With both hands Jon tied to cloth around their eyes.

He got off Shadow and reached around to get Arya off. When they were both off Jon looked to the sky, seeing that the sun wasn't up, 'I say, we only have about an hour to do this.'

Jon looked to the cave and closed his eyes, 'Syndor I need you.' And like that he opened his eyes and he heard thumping coming from behind the mountain. He looked to Arya, whom he knew was wide eyes under the blindfold, "Do you trust me Arya?"

She slowly nodded, "Yes."

Jon smiled and looked to see that Sydnor was looking at them, Jon took a step forward gently grabbing Arya, and leading her to the dragon. Syndor saw this and knew what Jon wanted to do.

The dragon brought his body to the ground and lowered his wing. Jon stepped onto the wing, and turned around to Arya. Jon gently grabbed her hands, and trusting his dragon walked backwards to the saddle. Jon looked back to the saddle and saw that they were almost there.

A few seconds later Jon was setting Arya onto the saddle. He walked to the front of the saddle, and grabbed the reins with one hand.

Jon looked back to Arya, "You may take off the blindfold, but I ask you not to open your eyes. Also don't open your mouth."

Arya nodded and reached to the blindfold and took it off, Jon grabbed her hand and brought it to his chest, "Hang on." She nodded and brought the other hand to his chest. He looked down to his dragon, "Fly." And like that Jon felt the dragon moving and flapping his wings.

He smiled and saw that they were into the air, he looked back to Arya and saw that she was shoving her body against his, her left side of her head was shoved into his back, she screamed, but it was muffled by the winds. Jon looked to his dragon and said, "Higher, and slower."

Syndor did as he commanded, and flow higher and when he got to the level that would make it hard for the people below them to see him. He also slowed down. Jon felt the weight on his chest losing, he looked back to see that Arya was wide eye looking down at the trees, snow and hills.

"Happy very much late name days Arya." He smiled back at her. She looked to him.

"How?" Arya asked. Jon looked to Arya, and his smile dropped, "I thought only Valyrians, can ride a dragon?"

Jon looked forward, "We were lied to by Father." He looked to Arya, "I'm not his bastard. I'm his nephew." Jon saw that her eyes widened, he looked forward, "I never was. My parents are Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen."

He didn't look back, not wanting to see Arya's reaction. Jon loved the feeling of air flying threw his hair, hearing the bells. He loved how much it made him feel free. Nothing was as good as flying a dragon. But when he knew his sister was behind him, he didn't feel those.

Jon looked to his hands waiting patiently for Arya's response. When Jon felt Arya shoving her body against his, she spoke quietly, "I don't care who you parents are. I don't care if your my cousin. I don't care if your half dragon and half wolf. You will always be my big brother. You grew up with us, you were taught with us, you helped me when I wanted gone from my mother. I will always love you, and I will always see you as my big brother."

Jon didn't notice when he started crying, "Thank you, Little Sister."

Arya nodded, "No Thank you, big brother."

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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