37.14% New Valyria / Chapter 13: Chapter 12: Arc 2, News

章 13: Chapter 12: Arc 2, News


Arya Stark


Arya looked back to the dragon. She was still getting over that dragons have returned. The dragon was beautiful, with pure black scales, with golden/amber eyes. Arya then saw the other two dragons, walking from behind the mountain.

Arya looked forward to see that the trees in the area were laying on the ground, "How no one noticed, is my number one question?" Arya spoke out loud.

She saw Jon was in thought, and elbowed him in the chest, "Aww." He looked down to her, "What was that?" Arya repeated the question. Jon nodded and looked back to the three, "Their to far from any castle, or house."

Arya nodded and grabbed Jon's hands, he has been the same since she confessed to him, saying he would always be her big brother, she blushed at what else she said, 'Why did I say that?' Arya knew what kind of feelings she had for her brother, she loved him a bit to much for a sibling. She actually loved him.


When they got to Winterfell the sun was out and was shining. Jon took them to the stables, when they got there they noticed that Hodor was there. The stupid friendly giant smiled at them saying, "Hodor!" Jon got off Shadow, and then helped Arya down from him. When she was on her feet he looked to Jon and smiled.

"Thank you for showing me." She hugged him and left to the main hall. When she got there he noticed the royals were there, with her family. But she also saw Jon's friend, Gendry was talking to Lyarra, both smiling.

Arya ran to her spot, and served herself some food, "Arya?" She heard her Father ask, she looked to him and saw a tiny smile, "Where were you and Jon?"

Arya looked to see if Jon was here, he wasn't. She looked to her father, "We went to the Wolf's Woods. He showed me some tricks with the sword." She lied.

Her father nodded and went back to his eating. Arya looked to her food and ate. When the doors opened, Arya looked up to see a servant was there. The servant quickly walked to her Father, and whispered something in his ear.

The doors opened again to show that Jon has entered the hall. He went and sat down at a servants table. Arya knew the reason why, but she still hates how he had to sit at a lower table.

"Jon," She looked to see that her father called him, "There has been a raven sent to you from Dorne."

Jon nodded and went to serve himself food. Arya looked around and noticed that the king was staring at Jon with hate in his eyes. She wasn't the only one that notices, her father, and siblings noticed this as well.

Arya went to finish her found, and when she was finished she looked to her father and noticed that he was finished. Arya looked to the king to notice he was still staring at Jon.

Arya looked to Jon and noticed that he was finished, and looked to be in thought. Jon then stood and walked to leave, Gendry followed after him. Then her father stood and asked to be excused, the king nodded and the rest of the family left. Arya noticed that her father left the same direction as Jon and Gendry.


Jon Snow


Jon walked down the hall to get to the rookery, 'Who could it be from?' Was going through his mind. The only two people who would send him a raven would be Doran and Ari. But the former rarely sends him anything. And the later knows he's too busy.

Jon was brought from his thoughts by Gendry, "Hey Jon, wait up." Jon walked a bit slower. When Gendry got to him he spoke, "So what are you and your sister doing early in the morning?"

Jon looked to Gendry, "We went to see my children."

Gendry looked to him with wide eyes, "Really? What was her reaction?"

Jon looked forward, "Better than I expected."

Gendry nodded, "Are we going to have that spar?"

Jon nodded, "Yes we will… but if the news from Dorne is major, and I have to leave, we will have our spar on the road."

Gendry nodded, "Who do you think sent it?"

Jon shook his head, "No clue."

Jon looked to see he was at the rookery. He entered to see that Maester Luwin was taking care of the ravens. The maester looked to him, and pointed to the corner. Where he found a raven.

Jon walked to the raven, and took the scroll, it had the Martell waxes on it still unbroken, he looked to the Maester, "Thank you for not opening the scroll, Maester Luwin."

The Maester smiled at him, "Your Welcome."

Jon took the scroll from the raven, and broke the seal. Jon opened the scroll and read the contents.

'Commander Jon Snow,

I have sent this raven because Princess Arianne has returned to Sunspear or the Water Gardens. When the ship docked, they said they found feathers and blac tear drops, I don't know what that means, but I believe you do. Please come to the Water Gardens, my brother would like to talk to you.

Prince Doran'

Jon dropped the scroll, and walked out of the room to find Gendry was there, he went to walk down the hall but then he noticed his father was there, "Gendry get everything ready to go." He looked to Gendry, "Princess Arianne is missing. Where going to Dorne to see Prince Doran. Tell Arthur, Gerion, and Malon to find me when they can."

Gendry nodded, "On it." He ran to pack his things.

Jon looked to his Father, "I need to go. I apologize that I can't stay for long."

His Father nodded, "Are you going to say goodbye to your siblings?"

Jon nodded, "I was going to do that." Ned nodded. Jon went and embrace him, "Thank you for everything, Father."

His father embraced him, "Remember, you will always be apart of this pack. Always remember our second saying."

Jon nodded saying it with his Father, "When the snow fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."

His father nodded, "Always remember them."

Jon backed out of the embrace, and turned to find his siblings. On his way there, he found Gerion and Arthur. They looked to him, "What has happened?" Gerion asked.

"Arianne didn't make it to Dorne. Arthur your staying here, I want you to protect my Father, Aerea, Jacaerys and my sisters." He motioned them to follow and they did, "I don't trust the Queen. If anything happens to Father, and the guards I want you to save my sisters, and my children send them to Dorne."

Jon looked to Arthur, who nodded, "Yes Jon."

Jon looked to Gerion, and went to speak but a servant holding a scroll came running to him, "Jon, a scroll from your company arrived when you left."

Jon grabbed the scroll and read it.


Joeanna, Val, and the kids have gone missing. I don't know when or how but there not here. When some of the spearwives went to wake them they found a feather, and black tear drops. Like the ones from Volantis.


"Fuck!" Jon yelled. Passing the scroll to Arthur, he looked to the servant, "Thank you for bringing this to me. You may go." He looked to Gerion, "You will be coming with me, and Gendry. We will go to Casterly Rock first. We leave by midday."

Gerion nodded, and went there separate ways. Jon going to find his siblings, Gerion going to pack his things, and Arthur going to find Lord Stark.

When Jon found his siblings they were all talking to each other. When he finally got to them he saw them looking at him in worry. He looked around to see that Arya wasn't there. He will tell her later.

Robb spoke first, "Jon, what has you worried?"

Jon looked to them, "My other son and daughter have been kidnapped, so has their mothers. I need to go south to Dorne." He saw some of them looking at him with wide eyes.

Robb spoke, "So you need to go see the Martells."

Jon nodded, "Aye, I had a child with the heiress, Princess Arianne. But I also need to go there because the Red Viper would like to see me." He looked to his feet, "I know I have only been here for a day, and I apologize for leaving so early."

No-one spoke, so Jon went and turned around but was stopped by Sansa, whom brought him into a hug, "Please be safe, Jon."

Jon hugged Sansa back, "I will try my best."


Arya Stark


Arya was watching as Ghost and Nymeria play fight. Arya knew Ghost was the biggest of the pack with Nymeria, and Grey Wind coming in a close second. But you would have to look closely if you wanted to see the difference.

Arya was currently in Jon's room, looking at the sword he brought with him. Knowing what sword was what. She looked to Dark Sister, she walked towards the sword and picked it up. It was longer than her, she really wanted to wield this sword but knew that she was to small for it, she would never admit to it, but she knew she was too small.

Arya heard someone opening the door, she looked back to see Jon walked in. She looked to his face and saw the sadness he wore, she leaned Dark Sister against the wall, and went to Jon, "What has you looking so sad?"

Jon looked to her, and stared, "I need to leave again."

She felt her heart break, "Why?" She asked with a tear going down her cheek.

"Because some of my loved ones were kidnapped." Jon spoke.

Arya ran to him and hugged him, "Let me come with you? Please? I can't live without you gone."

Jon hugged her back, "I'm not leaving right now. I still need to do something." Arya nodded, her hope growing in her.

No-one spoke, Arya then felt that Nymeria and Ghost we're moving around their legs, "Do you want to hear some stories, before I leave and say my goodbyes to everyone else?"

Arya nodded lightly, Jon lifted her up and walked her to the bed. They laid there, Jon telling her stories of his time in Essos and around the world. Arya lost herself in Jon's body heat, she slowly closed her eyes.

But before she fell asleep she heard Jon speak, "I won't be gone forever Little Sister, you might is me at the Tourney of the Hand. When the King holds it."

Arya nodded, and finally fell asleep in the arms of the brother she loved most.


Alys Karstark


"Are you sure my dear?" Her father asked her, "Are you sure you want to marry, Jon Snow?"

Alys has had the dream of marrying Jon, since he left Karhold four years ago. She nodded, "Yes father. I'm sure I want to marry Jon Snow."

Her father went and replied, but a knock came to the door, her father looked to the door and yelled, "What is it!" Alys watched as the man they were currently talking about, opened the door and entered. Her father's eyes widened, "Jon Snow… What can I do for you?"

Jon looked to her father, "Lord Karstark. I was wondering if I can borrow Lady Alys?"

Her father looked to her, and backed to Jon, "You may have her." He stood and walked to the door and left.

Alys looked to Jon, and saw that he was looking to her with a sad smile, "What is it Jon?" She asked.

Jon walked to stand in front of her, "I need to leave." She felt her heart in her throat, "I need to go to Dorne, and speak to Princes Doran and Oberyn."

Jon just returned to her, after four years and he is leaving already. She felt rage growing in her, "Why?" She didn't know how much heat she put into the question.

Jon took a step back, but answered, "My other boys and girls have been kidnapped. So has there mothers. I need to go to Dorne, because one of my lovers are from there, but she is also the heiress of Dorne."

Alys felt some of the heat melt away from inside her, she nodded, "Okay. When will be the next time I see you?"

Jon grabbed her chin and lifted it to make it so she looked him in the eyes, "I don't know. But why not make this moment a good memory." He kissed her.

She deepened the kiss, Alys backed away from the kiss to get some air, "Why don't we go to my room and continue." Jon nodded, she grabbed his hand and left the room and walked to her room.

When they got there, she opened the door and pushed Jon into the room. She locked the door, and moved towards him and kissed him, a very hot and heavy kiss. Alys brought her hands to his top and worked on the strings there. He did the same with her blouse. Jon picked her up and walked to the bed, when he got there he laid her down onto the bed and got on top of her.

Jon deepened the kiss, and finished with the knot to her blouse. Jon grabbed the bottom of the blouse and raised it take it off, she raised her arms and it was off, then it was thrown to the floor.

Jon broke the kiss and looked down to her tits. She continued with his top and when she was done she raised the shirt to take it off. When it was off Jon went and sucked her tit. She moaned, he raised his left hand and grabbed her other tit. Jon sucked, licked, and bite her nipple, and with his hand he squeeze, pulled, and twisted the nipple.

Alys felt thunder bolt when she felt Jon's other hand was in her small clothes, playing with her clit. Alys pulled Jon's hair, and threw her head back, "Jon!" She said as she had her climax.

Alys breathed heavily, but Jon didn't stop and pulled down her small clothes, and sat in between her legs, positioning his cock to her cunt, "If it hurts tell me."

She nodded and brought her hand to her mouth, so if she screamed it would be muffled by her hand. Jon pushed himself into her and her eyes widened, and she screamed into her hand. Jon stopped and moved her hand from her mouth and brought her to his chest.

Alys grew used to Jon's cock being inside her, and moved her hips telling Jon to continue. Jon nodded and started to move his hips. She moaned, and bite into Jon's shoulder. They continue, until Jon shot his seed into her.

Alys knew that she had to take moon tea, but she wasn't going to, she wanted to get with child, she wanted to carry Jon's child. So she promised herself to keep it a secret.

Alys was getting tired,and looked to Jon, "When do you plan on leaving?" Wanting more of this.

Jon smiled, "I still have about two hours until I leave." He kissed her, "I already have my things packed ready to go, so we can spend the rest of the hours together."

Alys grinned, and thought of the ways they could spend the rest of our time together. Then she got a naughty thought, mating. Alys bit his lip, he backed away, and she spoke, "Fuck me like a wolf does to it's bitch. Fuck me in the ass Jon."

Jon grinned and turned her over and got to knees, and pushing her onto her knees and hands, "Of course. Why would a wolf wanted to be fucked by dire wolf."

Perseus_Blackfyre Perseus_Blackfyre

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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C13
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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