42.23% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1173: 23

章 1173: 23

Chapter 23: Level 23

There were three possible reasons for what had just happened.

Either someone or something had hijacked his quirk, unlikely considering how they only used it to give themselves a single room in a large house and were eating leftovers out of their fridge.

His quirk was protecting some creature it created but couldn't fully control, seemed equally unlikely because it had never done something like that before. And it wouldn't be trying so desperately to hide something like that it would just like he didn't know, delete it or just hide it somewhere less important. His quirk didn't really do things in advance. At least not like that.

It almost felt like it was just making shit up as it went a long.

Besides his quirk had been acting strange recently. It started when it created this place, when he got player housing by moving out. It acted strange almost like it was surprised. Then again, when they first explored this place and found one locked door. A locked door that was delayed in saying when it could be opened.

And now it was trying to distract them by saying that Momo was so horny she was seeing things. There was no way that she was that horny. Maybe. Probably. Why hadn't they had sex yet? Oh right, college sucks away free time and they'd all be busy with all the extra stuff.

All of that led him to a singular realization. "I think that was my quirk."

"Huh?" Nejire yawned from her spot on the counter top. She raised a periwinkle eyebrow at him and crossed her bare legs at him. If she didn't look so sleepy he might think she was trying to seduce him. Well she probably was doing that anyways. Why did Itsuka make her wait again? "That's silly Izuku, quirks aren't people."

"Quirks also don't make houses out of nowhere and give people animal ears for fun." Itsuka tugged on one of her orange cat ears, her tail straightening as a result. She looked down to the ground for a second, biting her lip before she looked towards the door. "Still, I know this sounds crazy, but I've been wondering if Izuku's quirk was at least kind of alive for a while. I mean it has a personality, and sometimes I even gained rep with someone who's name I couldn't read. So I think Izuku is right. That girl Momo saw, it has to be Izuku's quirk."



[Would you! Gah!]

A thud came from beyond the closed door.

Momo blinked her dog ears perking up at the sudden noise. "Well, I think that confirmed it. She sounds frustrated."

"Well, why don't we try asking it to come out?" Nejire hopped off the counter top, swinging her arms as she half fluttered over to the door. "Uhh, let's see here, what's a good name for her. Umm, little Ms. Quirk? Do you have a name? Oh I know! I'll just call you Menu-chan!"

"I like it." Itsuka muttered from his side. She placed a hand on his shoulder, her ears were flat and she kept her eyes locked onto his. "Look. I know that you have a lot of mixed feelings about your quirk, but."

He placed his hand on top of hers and sighed. Now that he thought about it his quirk having a physical form meant that he could do something he wanted to do since he was a kid. Punch it. "Relax, I'm not going to do anything mean to it."

[Liar. You want to punch me.]

"You didn't put something in that steak did you?" Momo asked placing a hand on her stomach. "This is actually happening?"

Nejire knocked on the door. "Menu-chan! Can you please come out? I want to see how cute you are! And I want to ask if you can give me some cool skins! Like one with ears and a tail! That'd be fun! Oh, what kind of ears do I want. But come out! I want to hug you!"

[I'm not cute, I'm not coming out and I'll think about it.]

"D'aww, but why? We know you're in there!" Nejire knocked on the door again. "I won't stop knocking until you open up! I can do this longer than you can."

"How is she so cute, beautiful, sexy, and annoying all at the same time?" Itsuka whined before shaking her head. "Probably not the time to be having a massive girl crush."

[No, you need to keep having them. Also, put more points in charisma.]

"I'm starting to wonder if my quirk actually likes boobs more than I do." Izuku scratched the back of his head now wondering what Itsuka would look like with Nejire sized breasts. It would be hot, but he liked Itsuka at her current size. They were just so nice. Wait, no, his quirk liked boobs just as much as he did.

With a sigh Izuku stepped forward and knocked on the door. He didn't know why. His quirk could easily hear them through the door if not here his every thought. "Look, uhh, Menu-chan, if you come out I won't hit you. I just want to talk."

[Yell. You want to yell at me. Unlike you, I'm not a dumbass.]

Right, saw that coming. It was already late, and he doubted his quirk was going to come out of the closet and that just sounded so wrong in his head. Why was his quirk like this? That was basically the story of his life wasn't it? Not only did his quirk make his life a living hell at times but it was also just so, so, sassy.

He looked down at the doorknob and blinked. What were the odds she forgot to lock it?

The door opened.

[Or maybe I am a fucking dumbass too.]

The room was dark, with its primary feature being a nest of pillows and blankets in the corner and an empty desk. The girl, his quirk, Menu-chan, stood in the center of the room wearing one of his larger shirts that covered her all the way to her knees. She was short, perhaps barely touching the five foot mark with messy purple hair that stuck out in random angles. Her mouth was formed into a frown that might as well be as much a feature on her face as her nose.

He stared at her for a moment, her dark grey eyes glaring right back up him.

There really only was one thing to say. "You're a bitch."

[And you're a whiny cunt.]

"Can you two please get along?" Itsuka asked, trying to step between them. "I know there's a lot of tension between you two, so can we please just talk about this?"

Man, why did his quirk have to be a girl? A short weak looking one at that? Even if she was a complete and utter bitch he couldn't hit someone that looked like they'd break if Itsuka looked at them the wrong way. He really did want to just punch her.

The girl jumped and darted to hide behind Itsuka, clutching at her Kimono like a child hiding behind its mother at the marketplace. It was almost cute.

[Itsuka! Save me! He wants to hit me.]

"Umm, well, you kind of deserve it you know." Itsuka laughed holding her hands out in front of her. "You do tend to be rather rude."

[It's not my fault! I'm just like that! Can I at least explain myself before I get my ass kicked?]

Well this should be good for a laugh if nothing else. "Fine. Why have you been tormenting me my whole life?"

The purple haired girl let go of Itsuka's kimono and straightened herself for a moment, her eyes squinting up at him. She let out a raspy cough and for once he thought he was going to hear her actual voice. But all she did was take a deep breath.

[Despite what you think. I don't hate you. Yes. I think you're a stupid, mean arrogant jerk-wad that doesn't deserve Itsuka, let alone Momo and Nejire too. But I've lived with you almost as much as Mama Inko has! You whine constantly! You complain constantly! There isn't a single day that doesn't go by where you don't call me useless, bitch, or something in your head! I hear those thoughts!]

"So? I'm only like that because you constantly called me a weakling! If you had a problem with that you could have just said something instead of just insulting me constantly." Izuku balled his fist and his quirk flinched preparing for a strike he really wanted to give her. It was different now that there was a person in front of him. "You called me a weakling, every time I looked at my stats you were being mean to me, you never helped me you never-"

[You never helped yourself!]

[You want to know why you were a weakling? Because you were! You were weak! You kept being weak because you didn't try! I can't make you strong!]

His quirk was breathing hard, her eyes going wide and the color was draining from her face. But she stood firm and gestured towards herself.

[And I haven't always been like this! This isn't even all of me. There's still so much more of me that's still asleep and locked away that I can't get into. Do you really think that I'd want to be a weak little girl like this? Do you really think that if I could choose things that you'd be such a weak whiny asshole? I'm still your fucking quirk, jackass!]

She pointed a shaky finger at him glaring up a storm.

[You don't remember it. When I woke up for the first time and you were a level 1 cry baby. You cried and cried and cried, but then you got mad at me for calling you a cry baby so you stopped crying for a whole week! Then you became a weakling!]

"But then why did you keep leveling up Kacchan? It seemed like every time I was supposed to level up he did." Izuku stepped forward glaring at her. "Why didn't you tell me all the things you tell me now? Like how to rank skills up? Actually let me grow strong? Huh? Why?"

[Why the fuck would I help Kacchan? He's a jackass! It was just a coincidence that everytime he bumped into you he was actually stronger. Maybe because he was actually applying himself? I know I'm not perfect, I'm still learning what I can do but you were zero help! It was only once Itsuka started to hang around you that I finally start did I finally start to learn what a video game was!]

Nejire stepped between them placing one hand on his quirk's shoulders and holding her softly. "It really does sound like you're both terrible people. But can you stop yelling at each other? It's not helping anyone. Besides, my head is starting to hurt. Menu-chan's thoughts are really really loud."

[Sorry! I've just been wanting to say this for a long time.]

Menu-chan looked down to the ground, she sniffled once her entire body shaking.

[I couldn't, until now.]

Why did she have to look so pathetic?! Izuku sighed. He wasn't sure if he was holding onto his anger or letting it go. He still wasn't sure what to think about all of this. His quirk, the thing that he was convinced hated him for so long, was now standing in front of him as a little girl shaking and on the verge of crying. "I've been wanting to say a lot of stuff to you for a long time too."

[I know. You've pretty much already said it.]

She took in a deep shaky breath and pawed at the tears in her eyes.

"So." He scratched the back of his head and groaned. He was way too tired to properly deal with this right now. "I just have one question."

She looked up at him tilting her head to the side.

[Why didn't I let you take All Might's quirk?]

"Yeah." Right, she could technically read his mind. "You knew how much that meant to me. How much I wanted to become a hero. And how much work I put into getting it. But you took that away from me."

[I know. I know how much that meant to you. And I wasn't going to stop you. I might not have wanted you to use another quirk besides me. So. I'm sorry.]

He stepped forward, Nejire stepping to the side and Itsuka squeezing his hand lightly. "Then why?"

Menu-chan's eyes went up towards Itsuka, she choked once and tears fell from her grey eyes.

[That quirk. Isn't what you think it is. It's already eaten Itsuka's quirk.]

"Huh?" Itsuka asked making her hand grow to roughly the size of her own body before shrinking it back down. "But I can still use my quirk."

"What do you mean by 'it isn't what we think it is'." Izuku asked now raising an eyebrow. And eaten? What did that mean?

[That thing. It isn't just one quirk. It's not even two quirks. It's a bunch of quirks all fused together. All it cares about is getting more power so it can beat someone. When I saw what it was I got scared. I didn't want to lose myself to it. It wanted to eat me. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to fuse with it. I didn't know what would happen. So I put it in Itsuka. And now her quirk is a part of it.]

Menu-chan was actually crying now, her entire body shaking as she bit her lip looking up at Itsuka.

[I'm so sorry.]

"I don't really get it, well kind of." Itsuka muttered looking at her enlarged hand. "But I can understand why you would be so afraid of something like that. Looking at it from a quirk's point of view, that is. I mean, can you imagine a person like that Izuku?"

"It reminds me of a zombie or something." Momo admitted now standing by his side and grabbing his other hand. "Izuku, I won't tell you what to feel. But, just be calm. I think Menu-chan wants to help you. She just can't do it on her own. After all, She did help you save my life, right?"

She had a point. Izuku sighed. "I just have one more question."

[No you have two. But go ahead and ask them.]

Even when she was crying, his quirk still sounded like a bitch.

"Have you ever messed with how Itsuka, Momo, or Nejire have felt about me?" He asked looking at all three of the girls. Well four. Why were there four now? That was twice as many as he had hands. Not that he actually wanted to touch one of them.

[If I could control minds and free will like that, do you really think that you would still be such a bitch?]

"She has a point." Itsuka winced and held onto him tighter a wide smile appearing on her face.

Izuku rolled his eyes. "Fine, one last question. Do you think you can be nicer to me?"

Menu-chan just shrugged, smiling for the first time even as more tears poured down her face.

Right. He thought not.

"Okay!" Nejire pepped up and grabbed onto Menu-chan. "You three go to bed, I'm going to take Menu-chan and help her get cleaned, in some proper close and make her not look like a complete gremlin."

[I am not a gremlin!]

"You were caught eating steak out of the fridge with your bare hands in the middle of the night and growled at Momo. You are a level 1 Gremlin." Nejire hummed to herself pushing Menu-chan along towards the bath.

Izuku blinked and sighed. "I kind of hope that I wake up and realize tonight is all a dream."

"If it was a dream I think there would be more sex involved." Momo yawned and tugged on his arm, her tail swishing happily back and forth.

"She has a point," Itsuka hummed along side her, "But I guess we're technically adults and technically need to be responsible."

"Look, as impossibly sexy as you two are, I just found out that my quirk is like a person now or something for some reason, I don't think having sex right now is a good idea."

Momo looked at Itsuka, and the two girls nodded.

"We know." Itsuka said before kissing him on the cheek.

"But that doesn't mean we can't tease you about it." Momo joined in kissing him on the cheek.

Once again, Izuku was reminded that it was really hard to sleep when he had a boner.

AN: Wow... 23 chapters for that pay off

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1173
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


