/ Games / MMORPG: Blessed God Of War

MMORPG: Blessed God Of War

MMORPG: Blessed God Of War

Games -- 章/週 これは過去30日間の平均実現リリース率です。 翻訳者のスケジュールは--章/週です。 60 章 745.2K ビュー
作者: Jixia Academy's Half-Step Gentleman

3.95 (40 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


After losing his job, Liu Ming mistakenly enters the holographic online game ‘God Domain’ and acquires the one and only SSS-Grade Talent, the ‘Blessing of Lady Luck’. In addition to having the maximum points of Luck, he also gains an Active Skill that can multiply his Luck value. Since then, obtaining numerous equipment and items from drops becomes a piece of cake for him...

  1. FoundWolfieman
    FoundWolfieman 貢献した 147
  2. Aollin
    Aollin 貢献した 147
  3. Yodit_Ghide
    Yodit_Ghide 貢献した 147


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景


    LV 4 Badge

    Mmorpg blessed god of war - one and only SSS grade talent Doomsday online supreme blessing - one and only SSS grade talent Me - yeah definitely the same author

    3 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    Not sure what they use as a method of choosing these but I've read better SI fanfic's of Harry Potter on this site than 90% of the filth they keep adding on review. Candy crush has more complex gameplay and system than the game here. MC cheat is retarded. Item rarity and stats mean nothing just stuff randomly throw together with author pulling out numbers out of his áss that change between chapters. Combat is = random number, mob uses random skill that does something, mc uses random skill that does something, MC alive because avoiding damage not explained how, cheat activate random normal beginner mob drops 10 items that are perfect upgrade for MC including highest rank skills and weapons because it makes sense tutorial area gives endgame lvl stuff. Oh and almost forgot you buy in-game currency with real money so P2W is included just like all the other Chinese mobile games or clones of one game released in new skin again and again. There's no world building no character progress and overall it feels like a novel written by a 10 year for a school essay. Then again it has the MMORPG in the title so maybe they have like a template where you just write some random names and it generates yet another one of these novel copies with same plot as the rest of them. Now that I think of it its like a clone of China's game market same shít paddled with different name and microtransactions included...

    3 の返信を表示する

    First (will alter if needed) WordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcountWordcount

    2 の返信を表示する

    The novel looks good, I don't know how to write reviews, but I do know how to ask Questions. Does anyone know if this is an original novel or a translated one? If it's a translated one, please tell me the name. I beg you.

    13 の返信を表示する

    网游 之 天眷 战神 original name .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    0 の返信を表示する

    A classic but interesting novel. I haven't read much so I can't tell for sure but, there are two problems I'd like to criticize. First, it is a really serious problem. Author has a problem conveying information. There is almost no basic information and MC is knowing people or things he's never been in contact with. For example, we know amlost nothing about the game at all. We only get to know that mc's profession is a tanky melee type. We don't know any other information about the professions at all. And maybe because he think it may become annoying, author didn't show mc's status at the beginning. We don't know what status the game use, original status, or how much increase per lvl. Nothing. Nad when authir feels like it, he suddenly show the status and says mc's status is really incredible. We don't know how to compare at all. Although mc's status is not shown, almost every piece of equipment has their status explained. And mc started saying things like "Wow. This lvl5 blue equipment has tge status of a lvl10 equipment which noone has ever seen before." and "Wow, these monsters, even pro gamers may not be able to fight as well as me" when he's clearly not in the industry. In short, author hides all info and only says "Hey, my mc is really awesome." The second thing should be the balance. While I know that this novel is all about mc's picking up op equipment, he got a third lvl out of the five lvls of equipment currently known at lvl5 and that's not even a one time thing. He's destroying the game balance from the very start. Unless it is a solo mcvs guilds, there can be almost suspense at all with this kind if balance. Dispite the criticism, this is still a pretty interesting book. So, I still recommend trying out.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Ehh I like the concept and all but the character building and the plot is definitely lacking . The author didn't describe fully how the person looks thats a flaw for sure . But the plot isn't that good because its moving too fast and the reader can't imagine how the area looks like due to the lack of description . Also the author seems to be quite lazy to keep track of the protagonist level as when I read the protagonist suddenly become lv 30

    0 の返信を表示する

    This novel is a typical example of unbalanced game play. Which makes it dreadfully boring, because after 10 chapters it is already clear, that the only way for the MC to face any setback at all is for him to make stupid mistakes. After reading 30+ chapters, I can only stop because it is stupidly boring. Comparing it to doomsday online is doing a disservice to doomsday online, because in this novel the MC becomes a God compared to everyone else in less than 10 chapters. And there are no side characters, side quests, interesting story twists or literally anything good about this novel to balance that flaw. You want proof? Author needs to use a timeskip of 7 days (compared to the 1 actually described) in the first few chapter. Literally 80% of the time is skipped before chapter 40(I didn't read more). The power progression, time line, cost-benefit ratio, level progression, admin behavior etc. makes absolutely no sense in this novel. Example: MC reaches level 10 in 1/2 day. Others need 5-7 days to reach level 10. Mc needs those 5-7 days to reach level 15, but many others who needed at least 5 days to reach 10 are already at level 12 on day 7. Mc has a monopoly on field bosses, areas, quests and literally anything else for at least 4 days, while possessing at least 2 times the stats of any other player and 3 times more and better skills(at least 6 purple skills) in addition to gaining perfekt loot every hour. But MC leveling in those skipped days, in which he did not leave his room and only played that one game, is worse than any other random noop from a guild. The MC is portrait as a random every day guy, but his first day he is literally the God of speed runs, who makes no mistakes, uses his environment for his advantage and hoards overpowering skills like no other. Then he is a noop during timeskip and returns to being a perfect arrogant gaming God right after. Of course, not because he is actually competent, no, the rest of the characters are just incompetent and brain dead. Giving a single coin, fast pass or wathever to this novel is simply a waste. Don't read this shit, it's an abomination.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Dear God this is so low effort it hurts For starters the writing, while not overly terrible. It uses alot of wrong terms and sentences that simply dosent make any sense not sure if it's the translation or source material The story starts out with some pretty basic mmo stuff, which I honestly quite like. But It pretty quickly because a low effort circle jerk. Everyone gets a grade B and up talent, yet the Mc only seem to use it, while everyone else is utterly incompetent. The Mc dosent even try to make an effort to befriend the 2 known guild leaders when approached the first time The npcs are said to act like real people, but that's not the case in the actual writing. I've read alot of si fanfics which are miles ahead of this garbage. You could probably still enjoy it if you are tired enough. But to me this just hurts to read Best of luck

    0 の返信を表示する

    petition to bring back the world of deities.........................................................................................................................

    0 の返信を表示する

    Generic and lacking character. Two advantages of game novels are the option for creative world design and the option to have characters fail or die with limited consequences. Instead we got a generic fantasy world where his "talent" (a system that would never work IRL due to the imbalance caused) removes any sense of tension by giving him a ridiculous equipment, levelling and skill advantage over any other player. It's really cringy to have the MC called a "great god" for winning a lottery and the antagonists obviously went to How to be an Arrogant Young Master 101. At least in the first 30 chapters, MC has no real character of note (no relationships, quirks, personality), instead just following the rather dull plot line no questions asked. Overall, story is readable but very generic.

    0 の返信を表示する

    petition to bring back the world of deities.........................................................................................................................

    0 の返信を表示する

    do you know what I hate,when the mc kills monsters above his level but it takes a hundred million enemies to level up,it does not make sense

    0 の返信を表示する

    The book feels very fast paced however this also feels kind of correct because it feels like how a person would remember things if it happened to them like they remember the really important things and that's what matters because it's what's interesting And that's good.

    0 の返信を表示する

    yo why does this have the same summary/premise as doomsday online: Supreme blessing. who is copy and pasting vroooooooooooooom vroom vroooom

    0 の返信を表示する

    you should not take this review seriously i am just righting this to get the daily reward for writing a review on a story. this book is great.

    0 の返信を表示する

    wonderful wording it's very detailed. Love everything about your book hope you have a great day and continue making stories such as this one. [img=update][img=recommend]

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 12 Badge

    This Is a pretty good one. I enjoyed reading it and had some fun. I think that it was overall pretty well developed, Though the characters could have used a little more work.

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 6 Badge

    Nice story, i like the plot and the environment, i hope it gets to get pick up so i can enjoy it. It reminds me one other the (Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God)

    0 の返信を表示する

    When I saw this book I wanted to read it and this book is good but I think it needs some pictures so we can see the characters and the monsters.

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    作者 Jixia Academy's Half-Step Gentleman