LOTR: the awakening of the warrior LOTR: the awakening of the warrior original

LOTR: the awakening of the warrior

作者: Neisdark

© WebNovel


Several days had passed, and my body was wrapped in total darkness, I could feel my body failing me, the pain was long gone replaced by numbness, something I can be thankful for, the torture and hunger had left my nerves altered.

I notice how death held me in its arms, a feeling I had been seeking for a decade but because of my oaths to my deceased family I could not surrender to it, sweet was the thought of it being over and my consciousness extinguished into infinite non-existence.

"I feel sorry for all that has happened mortal, destiny although cruel and definitive always compensates those souls that suffer during their life fulfilling that to which it has been imposed. But for you I fear the peace you desire will not come, you will be taken to a world where you are needed, fulfill your task in your afterlife and you are promised complete freedom from existence, the true eradication of your mortal soul."

Those were the last prayers I heard before I died, warm words full of sincerity.


Second age, middle earth

Southlands, Hordern

A group of villagers gathered to witness the arrival of a child in the arms of the village matron, something uncommon in a village that houses a few hundred, but the strangeness of said child was its beauty, never had a more beautiful creature been seen sporting an almost glowing white skin and purple eyes, if not for the lack of sharpness in his ears you would believe it to be a creature that comes from the elves.

"Where did you find him, Rita?"

"A childhood friend couldn't have him, he was left to my care seeing no other possibility" in response to these words many changed their gaze from adoration to complete rejection.

"You should leave him, he sure is a freak that even elves are not willing to raise" hisses a man with malice.

"Bergil that your mom didn't teach you to mind your own business?" That was all the Old Woman said before she closed the door and left for home, and as if on cue the group dispersed to head for their homes.


six years later:

"I still can't believe that old woman is taking over that freak, I'm sure in a few years she'll bite his throat out" rant the man raising his mug to reduce what was left of his sobriety.

"I agree, even over the years his damn skin hasn't changed a bit, I bet my left leg that filth is a creation of those long ears to destroy us all" stated another man on the other side of the tavern.

"Gentlemen let's calm our heads and think if those guys wanted our destruction they would have easily done it many years ago, although I agree that the guy is weird and his look gives me the creeps, he hasn't presented any problems, so avoid messing with him, if we get to cause the elves anger, they could really rip us off" affirms the tavern keeper not willing to run the risk of this discussion going too far.

"Besides the old woman has grown fond of the creature, without her help many of us would die and you yourself must remember it, Jared, without her you couldn't have the luxury of betting your stupid leg."

"Hmmm...I wouldn't do anything to that thing, just getting close makes my skin crawl" he stated, concluding the heated impulse about the village freak.


Rita P.O.V:

It's been over 6 years since I had been given the greatest mission or so I saw it, it was what gave me the strength to continue raising the mysterious creature that did nothing but feed and shit, not even the slightest sound.

The first 6 months were terrifying, his lack of emotions such as crying and joy were chilling, and he showed no other change.

My oath and years of devoted servitude kept me steadfast in my mission helping me to overcome the most instinctive fear that his very look represented, I could not think of any name for him even though one was demanded.

But everything changed in the sixth month, I didn't know how to explain it but his empty eyes changed to eyes of curiosity and joy, it was as if he had suddenly filled that empty shell of his body, but he still didn't show crying or sadness but screamed when he felt the need to get attention.

It was a relief to these old bones to know that he was not raising a monster and was only getting better with each passing year, he was extraordinary, there was no other way to describe him, his intelligence and obedience were at a level I had not seen since I was in my younger days, his thirst for knowledge would have been hard to quench for anyone in this town besides me.

If it wasn't for my past continuous adventures his knowledge had already surpassed any adult in this town by the time he was 5, luckily I was able to request books in the monthly Elven deliveries, it wasn't until later that I discovered they were in the common tongue, but in Sindarin.

As I approached to ask him about how he learned the language he pointed me to a dictionary, then went on to talk about how it didn't have as many differences from the common tongue as thought and was more a matter of phonetics and cultural ramifications. I was proud of him, the initial feeling of fear turned to one of acceptance and without realizing it I was loving him wishing the best for him, it didn't help that he is always worrying about these old bones trying to do the heavy lifting and telling thousands of stories he pulled out of his innocent imagination, that's why I called him Dirhael, that enlightened one.


When I regained consciousness the first thing I noticed was my stupid appearance, a tiny body in front of what looked like a room for giants, I won't lie, it was the biggest shock of my life, or should I say of my two lives, after seeing my mother (grandmother?) I was able to understand that I was in the body of a baby, the initial impact faded little by little getting used to the idea of the madness I was living, but it happened again when I saw a screen emerge in front of my face.

[Congratulations Clark you have been entrusted by ###### to fulfill a mission in this world.


At that moment I remembered the words I heard before I died, I had no time to reflect when another new screen appeared. I have never been one to play video games but I was sure it was the greatest feature of gaming, a character screen.

Clark (Eälariend) (level 1)

Age: 7 months

Race: Mortal(elf 36.5%,???)


Vigor: 1

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 34

Wisdom: 18


I take a while to analyze the situation, not if it will be normal to see this thing, but it will be another secret I will have to keep until I know about my surroundings, it looked like the middle ages and I knew it was not a good time for freaks, any stupidity and I might as well be going to the stake.

After deciding how to keep the fact that I am an old man in a baby's body hidden, I checked the status screen noting my names, my name in the previous life was Clark, I don't think I was given the same name, But I never remember being called Elros and the woman who takes care of me calls me by "you", I don't know what the circumstances were before I occupied this body but it is obvious that she is not my mother.

I don't mind not having a name, I just hope my upbringing is one of indifference and not abuse, no matter the world I am sure no child can fend for themselves until after years, I will prepare plans in case I need premature independence.

I know that not having a name was the least of my problems, but I must keep my mind busy and on track to solve the little mysteries of this event and dump extreme information and then come up with the answers to the big ones.

First of all my situation at this moment, what should I do and how should I act to attract the least attention and danger to this short and stubby body that gave me little advantage in an unknown environment. Secondly, I was to discover all my advantages and possibilities with this damned nonsense of games and fantasies. Lastly, I had to know what mission they wanted from me.


I would be glad if you could write some criticism about the grammar or the writing of the story, I will not take advice about the story for the simple fact that it will be difficult to please everyone.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


